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Everything posted by Kitana23

  1. Ok I know about 85% of the naruto watching population think Naruto and Hinata should hook up but drop the favoratism. I love hinata but Naruto just does not see her in that light. where he has liked sakura from the start, and even though she is one of the most annoying characters in the series thier personallities match very well. just to me naruto and sakura. Oh and what ever other character pairning you believe are good too don't take any personal offense Hinata x Naruto fanss . :animesigh [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][INDENT]I've merged your thread with the already existing Naruto thread. Next time be sure to check the offical thread directory before starting an anime specific thread. If this is unclear, a quick re-read of the rules of the Anime Lounge will clear things up. ~indifference[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. If you had choice to change a relationship between two anime characters what characters would you change. For me I would have to say Kagome and Inuyasha I know they may not be considerd a reel relationship but the oviously like each other :animeblus :animesigh it cant't be helped but come on he is still in love with his half dead ex Kikiyo. It is not entierly fair to Kagome who does look like Kikyo alot. It's not fair to Inuyasha beacuse she has a miny fling going on with that boy :animeangr :animesigh oh well what can you :animeswea.
  3. I can't stand [COLOR=DarkRed][COLOR=DarkRed]Opps I did it again[/COLOR][/COLOR] by britany spears no body really cares what you did keep it to you self. Alicia Keys-[B][B]Pages of your diaries[/B][/B] The song was good until they started playing it like hundred times a day the radio stations need to start geeting sued when they do that they ruin music so much it makes me so mad when they play it over and over :animecry: :animeangr :animesigh One mor would be Milk shake by Kelise
  4. Fruits Basket is a great series to me it has everything you need in a great book.The characters are really grea.My favorite would have to be Kyo-Kun .......I love him soo much he has a hot temper but when you get to know him he is a great guy. :love: 2nd Hatsuharu 3rd Hatori
  5. I Resently read a book called Alchino-At first I questined reading it because the art work was a little unusual for me it was a little more serious than other books I have no spoilers but the book was great. Only problem is unless you can read Japaneese the books sem to take for ever to come out. I got the first one in March and the next one doesnt come out until next month in June but I plan to get it any way.[COLOR=Navy][COLOR=Navy]Ill get used to it [/COLOR][/COLOR]
  6. I would have to choose Magna. In the real world you can't escape an ordinary day and things get to you alot more esier ..........I am not asking for the easy way out I just want a more peaceful yet fun life. :sweat:
  7. Now we know their is a vast sea of anime all just waiting to befound but what show would you choose? Would you choose the ususall not taking a chance at a new one or venture out into the sea of Anime. :animestun
  8. :animesigh Sango all the way Cogome is way to dependant on the others Sango is more independant. No ofense to Cagome but I don't think their is anyway she can win.
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