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Everything posted by ChibiGoddess

  1. I love the anime, I'm addicted to it as I am with my coffee!!! >.<
  2. Card Captor Sakura or Chobits both by CLAMP..because it's overly simple plots and it's cute characters make these too one of my favorites.
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I don't know much but i'm really looking forward to the Deathnote movies that are bound to get released in Japan..and the hopefully an Anime for it too, because it's such a good Manga. Can't wait for the next volumes to be realesed![/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I would say Himeno because she's pure awesomeness and she has help all around her whenever she gets into trouble. Which most unfortunately I get myself into trouble all the time, with no help from others. *tear* Well Himeno has awesome powers meaning she can fuse with the leafe knights. And Plus she's a Pretear. ^^.[/COLOR]
  5. CLAMP is one of my fav. Their art style and their characters and story lines are just way to adorable to ignore. I love CLAMP. It's one of the best. Also the CHOBITS series is so good. Depressing, but it captured my heart.
  6. Orange, Because it's an overly powerful color with it's brightness to make anyone a bit uneasy and happy. Odd don't you think?
  7. Song: Ten Speed (Of God's Blood & Burial) By: Coheed and Cambria ^_^
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