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Everything posted by Acerbitas

  1. My favorite manga are absolutely Fruits Basket and Gravitation. After that, I like Land of the Blindfolded, Neon Genesis, Ceres and Alice 19th.
  2. Almost all my freinds are madly in love with Kyo. Why, I don't know. I like Hatori and Shigure, and my one freind likes Hatsuharu, and another of my freinds likes Yuki. But almost all of them are obsessed with Kyo!
  3. Yes, there are so many anime stereotypes. 1) Little annoying kids in high school or college, or otherwise geniusified. I.E. Fushigi Yugi: Chihiro - "I am smart. Sometimes. The end." 2) 'Amazing boyfreind' with perfect looks and a dark past. Usually boring. I.E. Alice 19th: Kyo - "I love you. My dad hit me. I'm angry. That is the extent of my personality." 3) The annoyed, pissed off person who is really sweet inside. Usually agrevating as crap. I.E. Fruits Basket: Kyo - "Shut up! Grr!" 4) The stupid heroine who is constantly saved by her boyfreind. I.E. Fushigi Yugi: Miaka - "Help me Tamahome! Someone is trying to rape me! Again!" I guess those are more from girl's animes. Oh well.
  4. My school doesn't really care about anime that much. They were thinking about baning Yu-gi-oh, but they didn't. :rolleyes: That wouldn't have been that bad of a loss anyway. The funny thing is, my school is a mennonite school, and the teachers don't care! My freinds and I read manga all the time! I have nothing to do in Advanced Computer App., because I'm done with everything, so I just sit there and read manga. All my freinds pass manga around between them, haha. I'm on the webteam at my school, and I can have any background I want, in reason. I almost always have Fruits Basket, but for a day I had Ryuichi and Shuichi from Gravitation. But then I got embarassed, and I changed it. All the other people on webteam are men! Haha! One time I had a FFX background with a guy and a girl hugging, and the webmaster was like "I think that's against school policy, but I really don't care." It was funny.
  5. I would change the relationship between Haru and Rin in Fruits Basket. Haru is supposed to like Yuki! :animeangr
  6. I agree, I was so sad! :animecry: He must have a reason for doing what he did though...hopefully they will explain it. Mr. Sakano did ask him why! Ryuichi is my second favorite character, only after Tohma (a god). Do you know what her new book is? She has one out now, but it's about video games and I don't think it's about gay men. (=not cool) Is that the one you are thinking about? I love your avatar!
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