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  1. Thanks for the heads up. Problem solved. :D
  2. I found this image on Google, messed with it in PhotoShop, and decided to submit it to OB. There are two versions. I couldn't decide which one I liked more, so you get to choose. Tell me what you think. Later. [URL=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b364/Kiowanman21/Evabackground0blackcopy1copy.jpg]Version 1[/URL] [URL=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b364/Kiowanman21/Evabackground0photocopy.jpg]Version 2[/URL]
  3. Okay, most comics/manga have about 3 rows (horizontal), Then the columns will depend on how much detail and area you need to get the point of the shot across. Below I included a comic I made a few week ago. It should help you with the point. Oh, and make sure your lines are straight. That's a big deal. [IMG]http://kiowanman21.250free.com/malcolmxboxweb.jpg[/IMG] Hope it helps. Later.
  4. I could go on and on about which commercials I hate, but I don't feel like it. I will say however, that I love the New Jetta commercial. The one where the couple are dancing in the apartment and then the landlord yells at them. They got to the store and buy these huge speakers and their own house and blast music through the house. I don't really like the commercial as much as I do the song. It's "Molly's Chambers" by the Kings of Leon. Love the song. Anyways... yeah, maybe I'll post some dislikes later, but seeing as it's late, not tonight.
  5. [IMG]http://kiowanman21.250free.com/mycharacterandtheface2.jpg[/IMG]
  6. [IMG]http://kiowanman21.250free.com/mycharacterandtheface.jpg[/IMG] I think this is pretty self explanatory.
  7. I know I already have Plague Boy, and you are only allowed to have one character at once, but he's the the thread moderator, so I'm allowed to have another. Anyways here he is. Taladh Chriosda, my character, is a master of Kendo. He weilds his Kendo staff with amazing speed and accuracy. Along with that, his abilities are so honed in, he is able to use some telekenetic powers. He has a special connection with his staff because it has been with him in the deepest and lowest places of his life. Some believe the staff holds the spirit of his dead father, who was a master swordsman. Although Taladh seems to look like an evil character he is just very anti-social and keeps to himself most of the time. Unfortunately the solitude that his life is intwined with leads him to look and seem evil. There is a possibility that if someone were to show him kindness and trust, he would open up and release the hidden anger and sadness that he holds within him. This would lead to an amazing partnership in the MS Paint Wars Battles. Well, that's my character. [IMG]http://kiowanman21.250free.com/mycharacter.jpg[/IMG]
  8. Hey guys. I have a file on Sen's account, but I only get to play it when I go to his house... Which is almost every day. XD It sucks though... I want to get the game, but I have Dial-up. My parents are going to get DSL soon, but until then, I have to settle for playing on Senny's account. My name is Kim Dealie in GW. If anyone cares, I stole the "Pixies" bassist's name. Yeah, I know, sneaky ninja. Give me a whisper if any of you ever catch me online. Just wondering though... If I were to get GW now, would it even function on Dial-up? I can't wait much longer, so if there is some chance of it working on Dial-up, please tell me.
  9. If any of you out there frequent the PennyArcade forums, then you should recognize this. MS Paint Wars is basically an entire forum where you create characters, using MS Paint (and only MS Paint!), and fight. I know to some of you, it might sound stupid, but trust me, it gets very strange and funny once a few people join in. The rule are as follows: - Your character can be created using ONLY MS Paint, hence MS Paint Wars. -When you create your character, tell a little about it. -Your character cannot be completely invincible. So if your gonna try to do that, think again. -You cannot kill other peoples characters, cause it's total n00b behavior. -Don't post senseless posts. This is only gonna fog up the thread. -Along with the last rule, don't post unless you have a character, and each post must include your character. -Once your character is dead, which again, only you have the power to order, you can't bring it back. -Be fair. If someone, or a group of someones attacks your character, and the damage would be enough to kill your character, make it so. -If there's a chance people won't understand what's happening in your post, explain it. Other than that, your pretty much free to do whatever you want. So create a character and join in. Note: Any violations of the rules above will result in the termination of your character by the thread Moderator, Plague Boy (shown below), which will be the overseer of the MS Paint Wars Challenge. [IMG]http://kiowanman21.250free.com/plagueboy.bmp[/IMG] Note #2: I realize that posting the pictures of your characters graphically ripping other players to shreds, or whatever your sick little minds cook up, won't be terribly easy, so I suggest creating a username on [url]http://www.250free.com[/url] (you can upload pictures for internet use for free here) and use the "Insert Image" option at the top of your reply box (the yellow box with the mountain, for those of you who don't know that) to insert them directly into your post. Steps: -Once you have uploaded your picture to this site, click on the file and open the picture. -There will be a URL at the top of the screen. -Copy and Pate it into the "Insert Image" application box. -Submit your Reply. Sorry for the inconvience. Have Fun.
  10. You too, huh? Yeah, I'm just pissed I don't know how it ended. That was probably one of my favorite games ever... Thanks anyways.
  11. I know it's an old game, but if anyone remembers the end of the storyline, could you please leave a post? I bought the game about 4 years ago, played it up until [spoiler]Dart finds out his dad is... damn I forgot![/spoiler] After that, I sold my PS1 without realizing I hadn't finished the game. I then bought a Gamecube and an Xbox, but not a PS2. Anyways, anyone who remembers, please tell me. Thanks!
  12. I would suggest The Legend of Dragoon. That's probably the longest game I've ever played. Truth be told, I never finished it. :animeshy: To anyone who has: Please tell me how the story ends? Anyways, the games story is really awesome. Along with the great gameplay and the cool, challenging bosses, it's probably my favorite older game. (It's for PS1) And it has 4 disks, so you know it's long. I would definitely suggest this game. The only downside is the graphics in the game are bad in some places. (when you're traveling) But the pros totally make up for it.
  13. Yeah, I agree with you all. PS3 sounds like it definitely has some advantages over Xbox 360, but what is with that controller? God the thing sickens me. If they were to fix that, which they are talking about, I'll buy it... If I can get enough money, that is.
  14. Ok, I haven't owned that many consoles, but of the ones I have... _PS1_ Spyro. Hands down. All of the game titles were horrible. The story was non-existant and the enemies were pushovers. When I was little, I used to be in love with those Spyro games, but one day I woke up and saw the light. I got my GCN! Not more than a week later I traded in my PS1 for $18, and was on the road to salvation. :D _Gamecube_ Gotta be Simpson: Hit and Run/Roadrage. The entire game sucked... They ripped off every possible thing from the show... in a bad way. The story line, well there was no story line. And the controls, don't even get me started. The textures and graphics were total crap too. That makes me sad to bash the Simpsons, but it had to be done. : ( _Xbox_ Sorry, fans of it, but I must. Doom 3. It would be a good game except for the part where there's no friggin' map! Call me stupid, but I couldn't find my way out of the first level. I don't get how something can be so confusing. Oh, and the flashlight, god the flashlight. What cerebral palsy stricken moron can't weild a pistol and a flashlight at the same time!? I would understand about the Rocket Launcher, but what's wrong with the pistol? *pant, pant* _Super Nintendo_ Batman. No doubt. It was the worst game ever. Watching that horribly gay, black, leather-suited freak prance about the roof-tops was the most horrible experience of my childhood. It even blocked out that memory of my dad beating the crap out of my mom. J/K But seriously folks, was it just me? The controls... wait, what controls? You dould jump and punch from what I remember. *breaks down and sobs* _Unfortunately I haven't owned any other consoles, so I can't bash any other games. This make me cry. :' ( The really bad part is that I'm not sure if I'll ever own another game console. With the PS3 looking to go for $400, I'm not gonna be able to buy one! Stupid greedy game companies. >:O
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