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[size=1]If I was in any other kind of mood I'd hurl all sorts of graphic and colourful abuse at this mockery, but right now all I can do is laugh. I simply do not care about this film anymore and it'll be a cold day in hell before I watch it. As I'm sure I've mentioned to someone before, I'm more looking forward to the new animated DBZ movie that's coming out sometime soon. Don't know much about it yet but hey, it's DB animation, so it can't go far wrong. ¬_¬ I'm tempted to find the wikipedia page relating to Oozaru and add this image if someone with a lot of freetime on their hands hasn't already. ...Words have lost all meaning. ¬_¬[/size]
[size=1]If Kakashi dies, I'll stop reading. If he escapes with an I-wasn't-really-there-jutsu after that pointless nail scene, I'll stop reading. Basically, I think I'm gonna stop reading.[/size]
[size=1]All I have to ask is: Why are there cars? Aside from Bulma's bike there should be no other vehicle on land! >_< Here's to seconding Gav's "Epic Fail".[/size]
[size=1]I agree wholely with everything silpheed just said. And probably everything else that would have been listed. It haunts me how that crappy, people-centric film has a Transformers label on it. ¬_¬ EDIT: Especially at the Micheal Bay comment. That man is a tool! He turned down Frank Welker as Megatron because it didn't sound manical enough... Has he not heard the man speak?! I swear![/size]
[size=1]I'm more than likely gonna get hanged for this post, but hell, what the hey right? To quote CHW, "Live and let live." So, after a conversation in work today I got really curious. When a guy decides he's gay/bi/whatever, is it a conscious decision to start talking/walking like a woman or something that develops naturally? Seriously. I'm all for gays and lesbinans, so long as they respect the fact that I'm straight and really not ever gonna be different and don't get all gay up in my face.[/size]
[size=1]I'm not gonna make a big, long speech or go into detail about my thoughts about this game because, generally, words cannot describe the experience of playing and completing this game. I'll just say a few quicks things instead. First of all, I bought my PS3 solely to play this game (of course, later titles like Res 5 amongst others also encouraged me), and it didn't disappoint. And I really didn't have a problem with the cutscences. Most were enjoyable, informative and funny. Especially when you have interactive options of playing with the Mk. II or pushing buttons at times to be reminded of previous events. I enjoy them so much so that I'm watching them all again on my second play through. And yes, I cried man-tears. Not really crying or blubbering, just leaky eyes at two points during the game. [spoiler]When Naomi was teaching Sunny how to cook eggs properly and when Sunny was asking Otacon about Snake after it is presumed he's capped himself.[/spoiler] Notice both involve [spoiler]Sunny?[/spoiler] Pretty much, of all the great story lines, genius gaming concepts and all-round awesomeness of this game/series, it's Sunny that ultimately made this for me! She is like the most cute, adorable and awesome character I think I've ever seen! If it's possible to be in love with a fictional, seven-year-old girl while not having any weird intentions, that's what I have for Sunny! EDIT: I find MGO to be fun because of the online aspect but severely frustrating. Much like others who've already commented, I have trouble killing people while they seem to be able to cap me in like 1 - 2 shots and usually from great distances. Enjoyable none the less and I'll probably be spending a lot more time on it once I've played through a few more times, gotten more used to the game and unlocked some things. Maybe take another crack at Big Boss. I was doing damn well on Twin Snakes on Extreme until my memory card formated! Stupid Gamecube! >_
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]...And yet you cling to it out of a sense of nostalgia, so meh...[/FONT][/QUOTE] I cling to Dragonball because I genuinely enjoy reading it and it's actually good, thank you Mr. Morph. ¬_¬ And I still say the Manga is far superior to the Anime.[/size]
[size=1]I really don't get why all you guys are getting so pissed with Naruto lately. As far as I'm concerned, Kishi has always had characters pull random super-power moves out of nowhere to get themselves out of trouble/obtain a cheap and quick victory. Just so happens that now it's a character you don't like doing it, get over it. If anything though, his new characters are just getting worse. I really do hope that KillerBee gets his beast stolen and his body is raped, dismembered and all other manner of nasty delights. Anyone who quotes Ali and wants to be taken seriously should be shot now. ¬_¬[/size]
[size=1]Seriously, to whoever said that [I]I Am Legend[/I] was well done... That film just sucked so terribly it made me cringe. And for such a big-budget movie, the CG in it was píss-poor! They must have spent most of the budget on Smith (And he isn't half the uber-awesome actor that everyone makes him out to be). One of the most hyped-up films recently and it ended up being a big-bufget B-Movie. To sum up, [I]I Am Legend[/I] = Epic Fail. ¬_¬ A recent one for me is [I]The Godfather[/I]. I started watching and it bored me to sleep. Seriously, considering this film is legendary and supposedly the greatest Mob/Ganster film ever made (or some **** like that), it was pretty tame. I mean it had old women singing and dancing in some language I don't know for the first 20 minutes. ¬_¬ And just because no-one's mentioned them yet, pretty much any straight-to-video/DVD/TV film made by Disney.[/size]
[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]...I definitely want Morgan Freeman as King Kai though, that'd be awesome. ^_^[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [size=1]As much as I generally tend to value you're opinion, I really don't see how that could work my crazy Irish friend![/size]
[size=1]Basically, this film sucks at life. There's not a lot else to be said about it.[/size]
[size=1]Following Vicky's lead, mine is my real name. The only other name I've used (the one I've used since I signed up with 7 years ago) was MajinVegeta. It's fairly obviously taken from my favourite character from the Dragonball Z Manga/anime (which was my favourite at the time), Vegeta. Probably still one of my all-time favourite characters.[/size]
[size=1]All I really know aside from what's already mentioned above is that the project manager/head scientist (or something like that) is from Aberdare, which is a small town about 7 miles up the road from me. Small world after all. I'm not really sure what it'll do for us. I'm just trying not to concern myself with it really. It's just another thing we're never going to see in real life and just have facts, figures, half-truths and lies shoved in our faces like with everything else and then say what we've heard like it's our own opinion. ¬_¬[/size]
[size=1]Well, the [I]Open Door[/I] is a pretty good album anyways. At least as far as Evanescence goes. I'm currently listening to some songs from Metallica's latest album, [I]Death Magnetic[/I]! It's due for worldwide release this Friday but if you're signed up for the fanclub or a special site you get various freebies and certain songs from the album to download. Although I didn't mind the previous album, [I]St. Anger[/I], it really wasn't up to being called a Metallica album. [I]Death Magnetic[/I] is an excellent return to form for Metallica and of the 6 songs I've heard so far (and the various snippets of the other 4) they're highly addictive and sonically excellent! I'd recommend it to anyone and everyone, although I'm remarkably biased. I'm also going to see them next Monday! Can't wait! ^_^[/size]
[size=1]I just started Korean Kickboxing a month ago and, although it's quite a shock to my body after not having done much physical recently, I think it's great! It's basically a combination of Tae Kwon Doe and Boxing. We practice the standard TKD patterns while mixing it up with boxing training techniques and it really takes it outta me. Gonna be going for a grading in October to get my first belt (I are teh n00b) which is already getting me nervous. I really hate doing things in front of people, which is one of the reasons I took it up I guess.[/size]
[size=1]Well alrighty, here?s my team of misfits ready to take on the world! Thanks again for inviting me to participate and help with this RP Vick. Just remember it?s always a pleasure and never a chore! ^_^ And sorry about the delay! [B]Name/Alias:[/B] Creed [B]Age:[/B] Undisclosed [B]Occupation:[/B] Restaurant Owner/Criminal Syndicate Overlord/Anti-Hero ? Although a legitimate restaurant at which ?Creed? is also the head chef, it merely serves as a front for the fact he is the mastermind behind one of the fastest growing crime syndicates in Zeitgeist and possibly Earth?s History. [B]Weaponary/Skills:[/B] Creed?s first and foremost method of offence is the use of one of his many martial arts. Trained in several ancient Chinese, Japanese and Korean forms Creed is a deadly weapon himself although he rarely engages in the dirty day-to-day running of a criminal empire. It is argued however that Creed?s biggest weapon (and asset) is his incredible karma/luck/charisma and his ability to be able to bullshit his way out of almost any situation. Any he is not able to talk his way out of, he normally employs his three loyal, deadly and beautiful assassins (more on them below), more commonly known as The Zeitgeist Blue. The ZB is made up of three of Creed?s childhood friends, although the nature of their relationship at present remains on a need-to-know basis. Should the fancy take him to use weapons, Creed also carries a knife hidden in a harness on his right leg, a modified Glock 9mm handgun (normally hidden in his suit jacket) and a set of grenades (also hidden in his jacket) rigged to a pull-string to intimidate those who won?t be talked down. [B]Description:[/B] [URL=http://www.geocities.com/~talotta/Batman/ret4.jpg][U]Creed[/U][/URL] is almost always seen in the confinements of a fine, black business suit. It is genuinely for this reason (when coupled with his occasionally regal attitude and the fact he is usually only seen at night) that many believe Creed to be some kind of vampire. Although completely false, Creed does nothing to deny this rumour and has been known to exploit it for his own ends. Standing at a very average height of 5?10? and a weight of 170 lbs, Creed is hardly a man who stands out. The only noticeable feature about him is his bottomless blue eyes. Despite is small stature, Creed still manages to preserve and air of intimidation and most people are smart enough not to challenge it. [B]Personality:[/B] There isn?t a simple way to define the personality of Creed. He has gone through more persona?s then even the most well out there case of multiple-personality disorder. Generally he carries a wicked smile with a jovial attitude towards anything and anyone. It adds to his charm and furthers his ability to talk over the heads of most people, even if it?s on a topic he has absolutely no clue about. Creed occasionally has episodes of volatile and (rarely) violent mood swings when stressed or pushed. Very few people see this side of Creed however as his social circle is limited to his three beautiful lady-friends and a few other acquaintances. Although a very likeable person when in a light-hearted mood, Creed is a force to be reckoned with when angry. Employing his destructive strength and mastery of many martial arts, any one brave (or stupid) enough to face off against him should effectively be prepared for the fight of their life if they intend to survive, let alone beat him. Unpredictable, extreme and an all around insane guy, Creed?s mental stability (and therefore personality) is constantly changing and usually a focal point for Police forces and rival Crime Lords alike. [B]Biography:[/B] Very little is known about Creed before he arrived in Central City 7 years ago and started building a small gang before eventually moving towards The City of Dis. In Dis he started his own restaurant, The Black, and formed one of the most rapidly grown, successful crime syndicates in Zeitgeist history, Acta Sanctorum (Deeds of the Saints). Despite the fact it only has 5 official members (one of which is a retired widow); it has become one of the most well-known, feared and unpredictable of the dozen or so large syndicates in the Dis area. Bringing with him only the suit on his back, a small cache of weapons and The Zeitgeist Blue, Creed has managed to live through many an unbelievable story and amassed a surprising wealth. Exactly when or where Creed managed to become a master of so many varied fighting forms and techniques (while appearing no older than 30) is a well-kept secret, even from those closest to him. --- [B]Carly ?Cal? Harrow, Kimberly James and Katherine ?K-Cat? Allen AKA The Zeitgeist Blue[/B] [B]Name/Alias:[/B] Carly ?Cal? Harrow [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Occupation:[/B] Zeitgeist Blue Member/Waitress and Hostess at The Black [B]Weaponary/Skills:[/B] Learning directly from Creed, Cal is highly trained in the Korean martial art of Tae Kwon Doe. While all three girls are trained for extracting information, Cal is the lead interrogator of the group, favouring all sorts of sordid, sexy and painful techniques of breaking her victims. [B]Description:[/B] [URL=http://bp3.blogger.com/_Ink_wSsKtVQ/Riipkfn0mDI/AAAAAAAAAew/DMmJc7c5hTA/s1600-h/elisha-cuthbert2.jpg][U]Cal[/U][/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Generally the centre of attention, Cal is a very typical girlie-girl. Obsessed with the latest fashion (and wearing it sexily), crazy about make-up and worrying about spots, she seems a very simple girl, but there is an unseen depth to Cal. She treasures the friendship between her ?sisters? and Creed more than anything else in the world and takes no shame in showing her affection in all its forms. [B]Name/Alias:[/B] Kimberly James [B]Age:[/B] 22 [B]Occupation:[/B] Zeitgeist Blue Member/Waitress at The Black [B]Weaponary/Skills:[/B] More or less a seasoned master in the Chinese art of Northern Shaolin (again learned from Creed himself), Kim is an aggressive and fierce opponent, possibly the most skillful fighter of the three members of Zeitgeist Blue. Despite this, Kim is easily the smallest of the group and is the lightest on her feet so is almost always the ninja-like spy when one is required. She also has great skill with throwing weapons. [B]Description:[/B] [URL=http://caranita.blogs.friendster.com/photos/uncategorized/lindsaylohan5.jpg][U]Kim[/U][/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] As aggressive and angry as Kim gets during combat, she?s a fairly hapless, laid-back girl under normal circumstances. Witty and with a brutal, dry-cut sense of humour, she normally ends up teasing Cal about her appearance and the girly things she?s always engaged in. Kim is the closest to Creed in terms of personality and similar tastes, occasionally much to the chagrin of the other two girls. [B]Name/Alias:[/B] Katherine ?K-Cat? Allen [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Occupation:[/B] Zeitgeist Blue Leader/Head Waitress of The Black [B]Weaponary/Skills:[/B] K-Cat (sometimes just Kat) is a competent master of the Japanese martial art of Jujutsu. Kat has no end of patience and can easily sit and watch, listen and learn anything about anyone. It is this skill that also makes her the team?s sniper/sharp-shooter. [B]Description:[/B] [URL=http://www.calgarysun.com/photos/120375a.jpg][U]Kat[/U][/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] K-Cat?s strong personality makes her the ideal choice to lead the team in Creed?s eyes. When on the job Kat is strictly business, very little laughing or joking and always with a scowl on her face. When acting as Creed?s direct link to his restaurant customers she is the very image of a refined and high-class lady. This is more a part of Kat?s regular personality than any act put on to impress customers and she is usually the one to frown upon the antics of Creed and the other two members of Zeitgeist Blue. Kat has also been known to get a little over zealous with her booze and becomes quite the opposite when highly inebriated. Despite this, she argues profusely that she is not an alcoholic. --- Where as most people would be wondering how they had come to find themselves in such a predicament and looking back on their life wondering if these were the last few seconds, Creed smirked at the large group surrounding him, already having run through at least 18 possible escape scenario?s. Stood before him were the two heads of now opposing criminal syndicates who had once been allies. Oh, and the several dozen men from each of them all with fully automatic weapons trained on him and itchy trigger fingers. Apparently, they?d finally figured out that after long months of sabotage, under-handed tactics and some blackmail for good measure that Creed was responsible for their alliance ending. However, they had not yet figured out that Creed had purposely allowed himself to be caught so that he could get all of the main members of these two troublesome syndicates in one spot. Also cleverly schemed, was the fact that officially, Creed was enjoying some kind of crappy opera uptown with a female friend if anybody should be stupid enough to ask about his location. [B]?What the fuck made you think you could get away with it? Do you really think we?re THAT stupid??[/B] spat the one, getting right up in Creed?s face. The continued smirk did nothing to improve this mans temper and Creed was very much tempted to ask him if he knew about the fact he?d also been screwing this man?s wife at regular intervals. [B]?Ease up man, he ain?t gonna talk. Not this one,?[/B] the other leader reasoned, apparently very well informed on Creed?s personality, [B]?Just be happy we?ve got ?im here now where we can be rid of ?im. So much fer the biggest growing syndicate eh friend??[/B] he asked wryly, this time directed at Creed. [B]?Ya know boyos, I?m real fuckin? glad ya took th?time to introduce yaselves t?me personally, but if ya want?d t?ask ?bout boning yer wives, ya shoulda asked eachother??[/B] Creed spoke casually not really addressing either of them, more concerned with eying random pieces of junk around the closed factory. At this the two sparked into an even more fierce argument than they had done when Creed had first been brought in. He was absently rolling his eyes wondering when they?d get to focusing so much on each other that he could make his exit. After all, it wasn?t good to be kneeling on the floor for this long; his suit would get some major creases. Soon enough, the argument spread out to the lackeys for each syndicate. As every second went by one less gun was pointed in Creed?s direction. His smirk grew to Grinch-like proportions before he slowly eased himself to his feet and casually backed his way to the fire exit he?d been ushered in by. When outside in the alley he easily began untying the binds around his arms and made a series of intricate whistles. When nothing happened, he grumbled something resembling nonsense under his breath before raising his voice [B]?Ladies! I really fuckin? ?ope you ain?t gonna be keepin? me waitin? here fu?long??[/B] As soon as his angry outburst had finished three women clad in black dropped from the shadows above the alley, each of them giggling under their breath, the brunette amongst them mumbling something of an apology and blaming the red-haired girl before all three drew their machine guns and quickly entered the building. [B]?I?ll be waitin? in car??[/B] Creed grumbled again, now a full scowl plastered across his face as he walked through another side-street to find his car, the warehouse factory now erupting with men screaming like women and rapid bursts of precise gunfire. At that, Creed?s face slowly spread to a small smile again. [I]So ?ard t?stay mad at those girls?[/I] he thought warmly.[/size]
[size=1]With regards to all those Joker scenes when people didn't know whether to laugh or be disturbed... I think I was the only one at my screening who laughed hysterically at all of them! I even laughed when he was [spoiler]telling the story about how he got his scars and then changed it the next time he told it[/spoiler], just awesome! And as for the [spoiler]pencil[/spoiler], by God that was awesome! The combined force of Ledger and Bale owned this movie! No question. Couldn't stand Harvey Dent though. A really unlikeable character in my opinion. So much so that I didn't take the time to remember the actors name. ¬_¬ [spoiler]The effects of Two-Face was amazing though.[/spoiler] My only real gripe (and technically it's not even about the movie), is the fact that Ledger was signed on to do a sequel, but alas. Really does sadden me.[/size]
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Andrew replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[size=1]Nowt wrong with Tesco anyways, it's good for buying cheap booze! *takes sip of said cheap booze ^_^* Haven't really done anything recently or if I have nobody's been brandishing camera's in my face so I haven't got any new photo's to show. Shame really, I'm getting into getting my picture taken lately for some reason.[/size] -
[size=1]With any luck, I'll hope to meet the Boosh Boys soon too! I was given tickets to an October show here in Cardiff for my birthday. Just seeing them live would be cool enough for me but to actually meet them too, that'd be real classy! @ Vicky: I find it strangely odd that you'd turn straight for a man who is so much like a woman. I still really don't get why girls like guys who looks like girls. On a funny side note, I told a girl she looked like Noel the weekend before last. She took it surprisingly well because I left with both my face and my balls intact! EDIT: Oh, and I suppose I should mention that, aside from seeing the members of Metallica, Rammstein and Nickelback at gigs, I haven't really had any celebrity sightings. Not many of them choose to come to the Valleys of South Wales, believe it or not.[/size]
[size=1]It sucks that you Yanks get to see the final part of Book 3 all this week while I wallow in despair! Although, it's not gonna be long despair, because many of you are kind enough to upload the episodes online for me to see! Really cannot wait for that finalé! It's gonna be great! @ Phenom: The voice of Zuko (The Fire Guy) is provided by Dante Basco. And yes, he was Ruffio in Hook, good spotting! You'd definately get into it! Like I tell everyone about Avatar, it has a very interesting story, an amazing cast of characters and it's level of detail is flawless! So far it's one of the only shows I've seen where pretty much everything that goes on has some significant meaning for later chapters and they always seem to tie things up well. It's really not a kid show to be scoffed at in any way! [/rant][/size]
[size=1]Ooo! Vampires! Always fun to read about those. This intended to carry on or is just this short piece here in front of me? Either way, it's cool (pun intended I guess ¬_¬) so kudos to you as usual.[/size]
[size=1]Ok, so it was my 21st on Wednesday. To celebrate the occasion, the boys in work beat the **** outta me, taped up my arms and legs, threw me into a large container filled with freezing water, sprayed me with the hose and then threw all sorts of delightful things over. Mostly flour, really, really, REALLY sour milk, old fish, cat food and all sorts of other wonderful stuff. They also put enormous amounts of grease in my hair. Took a good few washes to get out and I can still smell something on me even though I've pretty much scrubbed my skin off my flesh. ¬_¬ This is a regular occurence in work. Tends to get done to people for important birthday Milestones, Apprentices when they finish their apprenticeship, people getting married etc. So, my question to you guys is, do you have any strange (or in this case, just plain twisted) tradations at school, where you work or at home?[/size]
[size=1]I'm really reading much of anything right now, and that's a bit of a shame. When I do read things, I get really engrossed and I sit and read for hours at a time and I really enjoy it. Must be something I get from my mother. So, maybe it's a little off topic (but whatever), but maybe somebody could give me some suggestions on something to read. I'm really partial to anything that has maybe Vampires, magic or some kind of fantasy setting. Never hurts to have a little horror/scares in there either![/size]
[size=1]If OB didn't have a 10 character minimum, this post would just simply say: Nerd.[/size]
[size=1]At the risk of sounding like my Grampy (or some other old person), you people don't know your born. ¬_¬ I would quote a price but here in good ole' Wales (that's in the United Kingdom for those not in the know), petrol prices go up daily by at least 1p (although usually more). Just to give you a nice idea of what we face over here though, I'll use Knuckles' Girl as a comparison. You say $80 (£40 roughly) can last you two weeks in what I imagine is a large engine Jeep. My tiny little Corsa uses up at least £30-£40 a week JUST getting to and from work. Nevermind if I decide I want the leisure of a quiet drive somewhere or I don't wanna walk.[/size]