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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Andrew stands tall and firm with the new B on his head (Bajin Muu).:flaming: and so does Neil. The both start fireing KI blast at the gang. Neil begins to fight with Craig. Whenever Craig tries to punch Neil He is sent flying back by an invisiable sheild. Andrew takes on Sabir. Like with Craig she can't hit him because of the sheild. B.Andrew: You fools! Thor's power is endless! you won't be able to beat us!
  2. Andrew is being drawn to the north by the mysterious power level. He suddenly stops. Andrew:*thinks* Strange! I sense another power level back at the palace. A strong one at that! Andrew flies to the palace and in to his chamber where the power is coming from. He sees a strange cloaked figure with his backed turned. Andrew: What are you doing? The figure turns around holding Andrew's safe ???: I want something of yours! Andrew: Get out of there! Andrew flies at the figure but it dissappears with the safe. Andrew: I can still sense it's power level. The mountains! Andrew flies through the wall and directly where the power can be sensed. He sees Ken on the floor looking around.
  3. Andrew Is kinda ****ed up pretty good after the fight Andrew: Don't we have any senzu beans? Craig hands him a senzu bean and he swallows it whole Andrew: That was good! *power increases* Onward! Sabir: Let's go! They all go down to floor 5 Thor sends minions against all the fighters except Andrew Andrew: So where's my fight eh? Thor: *speaks to him through his mind* come to me! A small door opens and Andrew goes through it. It closes behind him and he walks up to Thor. Andrew: What do you want from me? Thor: I sense the evil within you. Join me and I will give you great power Andrew: Really? :devil: ---------------------------------------------------------- Andrew's new stats: Strength: 9,000,000 Speed: 9,500,000 Dexterity: 9,000,000 Spirit: 9,000,000 KI: 10,000,000 Andrew's new stats as SSJ2: Strength: 19,000,000 Speed: 20,000,000 Dexterity: 19,000,000 Spirit: 19,000,000 KI: 20,500,000
  4. Andrew looks at the blast and fires a small blast of his own. He is pushed back and jumps out of the way. Neil: Can't escape that easily. Neil moves the beam back towards Andrew. Andrew: ****! the beam flies at Andrew and he catches it. He is pushed back and smashed against the wall. Andrew: AAAAhhhhhhhhhhh F**K! The beam hits him in the chest and then he falls to the floor. Neil: Who's next? Andrew slowly gets up Andrew: *coughs up more blood* We're not....... done yet! Neil: you want more? Andrew:.........hell yeah
  5. Andrew continues to search for the power. Andrew: I'm getting close. Suddenly he can't sense the power. Then it comes back........ a few miles the other way. Andrew: what the f**k?
  6. The flames head for Andrew but with all his power he jumps out of the way. He gets up to his feet still dripping blood from his mouth. He wipes it away and looks at Neil. Andrew: No way is this my full power. He gets on his feet and begins to yell. His muscles tighten and his hair sticks up more. There is a lot of force coming from him and the ship starts to shake. Andrew: Now we will continue. With lightning fast speed Andrew sweeps Neil and then puts his foot on his chest and begins to crush his lungs. Neil:*gasping* Uuugggghh Andrew: Do you give up? --------------------------------------------- Andrew's new stats: Strength: 7,000,000 Speed: 7,500,000 Dexterity: 7,000,000 Spirit: 7,000,000 KI: 8,000,000 Andrew's new stats as SSJ2: Strength: 14,000,000 Speed: 15,000,000 Dexterity: 14,000,000 Spirit: 14,000,000 KI: 15,500,000
  7. Andrew launces a punch directly at Neil's face. Neil blocks with his own and punches Andrew in the face. Andrew gets up and stares Neil down. Andrew tenses his right arm and with immense speed he smashes Neil in the face. He is sent across the room and through the wall. Neil lies on the floor motionless Andrew: I know you can take more than that. Neil get's up quickly and kicks Andrew in the face. He flies across the room and stops before hitting the wall. He flies back at Neil and they begin fighting
  8. Andrew

    X-men RPG (play)

    Bishop has the ability to absord any attack and use the power to fire a blast from his hands. In his time there is the technology to travel through time ------------------------------------------------------ Andrew enters the war room dressed only in a towel. Andrew: I was in the shower! of all times to call!
  9. Andrew: If they do get through to him what will it mean for us? Sabir: It's gonna be bad, put it that way. Andrew: How bad?
  10. Andrew stands behind Craig looking out for guards. 3 walk past and spot them. Andrew spins round Matrix style and pulls out his guns at the same time and blasts them to pieces. Andrew: Let's get workin on that door. Andrew walks up to the door and hooks up his computer. The code is gained easily. Andrew: I would have thought that would have been more difficult.
  11. Andrew sits in the gravity room meditating. He concentrates immensly and his power level increases greatly. Andrew: *think*I sense a strange presence. This is a truly powerful presence. I must discover where it comes from. Andrew leaves the Palace and in to the night air. high above in the mountains someone watches ???: That power will distract him for a while and I can do what I came to do.
  12. You wish Craig! -------------------------------------- Andrew continues intense rainning with increased weight and gravity
  13. Andrew finishes his 23rd plate of chicken and goes back to the Palace to train until the fight gets good
  14. I'll join! Name: Andrew Age: 26 Stars Position: Reconisance and sharp shooter Weapons & Items: 2 Desert Eagles, colt, pump action and an uzi. Bullets a plenty for all and a small first aid kit Bio: A natural born killer. His aim is next to perfect and always liked playing with guns as a child. Went through the ranks of the army with easeand recently joined the gamma team. Description: Black jeans, black vest and black trench coat
  15. Andrew

    X-men RPG (play)

    Matt begins running round Andrew insanely fast! Matt: Ya can't hit me if ya can't catch me! Andrew I wouldn't count on it! Andrew fires some ice spikes where Matt is running and he stops just before he is impaled! Andrew quickly punches him in the face while he is distracted and he fles across the room and hits the wall. Matt: *grunts*What a right!
  16. Fine! we shall all post a our childhood. ------------------------------------------------------ Andrew's mother died giving birth to him. She was a powerful woman on the verge of SSJ before she died. but she also held a secret which Andrew and his father have kept to themselves for so long. but that secret will soon be known. Andrew had a regular childhood of a prince, getting everything whether he wanted it or not! He trained alot as a young boy encouraged by his father to become a great and powerful warrior like the great saiyans Goku and Vegeta. Not as harsh as Raiha's but it's the best I could come up with On with the story! Andrew stuffs so much food down his face it's unbelievible! BTW just out a curiousity what's everybodyies AIM name?
  17. To SS Trunks Fill me in with what's happened and mabye I'll join!
  18. Andrew

    X-men RPG (play)

    Matt walks into the danger room to find Andrew already in there training. Andrew: Hey what power did you get? Matt: Super speed, You? Andrew: Watch this! Andrew pumps up and gets really big and muscular. Andrew: How's that for cool! Matt: It doesn't make a difference! you can't hit me! Andrew: We'll see! Andrew and Matt begin to spar
  19. Andrew: This fight isn't gonna get good for a while. Gohan: What do ya mean? Andrew: Because both of them are holding back most of their power. I'll take this opputunity to get that snack*walks away*
  20. Andrew: Food can wait until later! We must go now! Gohan: Where? Andrew: To watch the final. Andrew races of flying tremedously fast. Gohan can bearly keep up. Andrew drops into the arena next to Ken and looks at Craig and Aster
  21. By the way you left off a 0 on the end of a few of those. And you gotta post your SSJ Stats ------------------------------------------------ Andrew continues his training increasing the gravity and weight again Andrew: This is getting easier all the time
  22. If you wanna join fill out this form Name: Age: Height: Weight: Race: Bio: Description: Stats: You have 250,000 to spread around Strength: Speed: Agility: Dexterity: Ki: And sign here: And try to skim over the previous pages to find out what's goin on ----------------------------------------------------- Andrew Continues His training With increased gravity and weight
  23. Andrew: I guess that makes 2 of us! I could eat several large houses right know! Everyone except Andrew does a anime faint! Andrew: What'd I say?
  24. Back in the wilderness of the dense African Jungles Uknown dives through the thick under growth back to his ship. Uknown: I must get some more weapons.
  25. Andrew

    X-men RPG (play)

    Welcome! I'n the IceMan og this RPG..............SO GET YOUR OWN POWER. j/k Hope you enjoy your time! --------------------------------------------------------- Andrew has been standing on the beach for a very long time watching and thinking. He turns round and approaches the machine. Andrew: Let's do this thing! He walks, blinding flash you know the rest. He steps out in his Iceform looking especially muscalur with many Ice spikes comin from his back Andrew: SWEET! He reverts to normal and looks at himself. Andrew: I wonder if there's anything else All of a sudden he get's really big and his muscles get really big (for anyone who doesn't know I gots Collosus's power)
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