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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Andrew: Dammit woman calm down! Sabir: Did you just call me woman? Seph: Now he's done it! Andrew: *slips out of sight* Yoink! In the shadows of his hiding place Andrew thinks to himself. Andrew: He's still got more power! How is it possible? The other world*grins evily:devil:*If I can get there. This requires more thought.
  2. Ever since his defeat Andrew has gone back to the Palace to train in his new Gravity room. Andrew:*turns gravity up to 15,000* This is more like! Andrew begins to fly round getting used to the immense gravity. Andrew: Now the real training begins! He equips him self with weights on each limb that weight 10,000 tonnes. Andrew: Good damn this is heavy! Bu tI can take it. He begins to punch and kick insanely while doing flips across the floor with other assorted excercises. Andrew:*thinks* He doesn't stand a chance. I felt her true power briefly before I lost. How did she get so much power?
  3. Andrew just stands there thinking while the others fight. Andrew:*thinking* How do they get so powerful? I can't take it anymore! I must know! Andrew's anger grows and His power grows with it. Andrew: AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! He power's up to his max. His power then increases. It goes higher and higher and then his spikes up more. his power increases greatly. Andrew:*Thinks* Excellent! --------------------------------------------- Andrew's new stats: Strength: 5,000,000 Speed: 5,500,000 Dexterity: 5,000,000 Spirit: 5,000,000 KI: 6,000,000 Andrew's new stats as SSJ2: Strength: 10,000,000 Speed: 11,000,000 Dexterity: 10,000,000 Spirit: 10,000,000 KI: 11,500,000
  4. Andrew: I don't think I lost. Craig: And why is that? Andrew: In my opinion I still won! 1st reason: I almost beat her 2nd reason: I got to the final form. 3rd reason: Since I lost the fight I have become even stronger. 4th reason: I tested my full power and learned of her full potenial. Aster: good reasons! Andrew: Good luck Craig! Although you don't stand a chance. *walks off*
  5. Andrew raises to his feet and starts rubbing his neck. Andrew: *clicks neck* Grrrrrrr. Now you're going down! Andrew powers up to his complete maximum and flies at Aster. Still a bit groggy from the loss of blood Andrew misses quite alot. He does get in a few punches but Aster is still strong. Andrew: Now to finish this..........I hope! Aster: What have ya got? Andrew flies up a little ways. His hands fill with energy. He clapses them together by his side. Andrew: KAAAAAAAAAAAA Aster: Predicible Andrew: MEEEEEEEEEEE Aster too begins too power up a beam Andrew: HAAAAAAAAAAA Announcer: This looks like the end. Who will win? Only time will tell Andrew: MEEEEEEEEEEEEE Aster fires her beam from her mouth and it heads straight for Andrew Andrew: HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The beams Collide in the middle of the ring. They both release a great amount of power and what's left of the statues next to ring crumble. Andrew: Super Kaioken! Andrew's beam starts to push Aster's back. But Aster powers up to her maximum and the beamgoes back Andrew's way. Right where the beams have hit each other there is an Explosion. Dust and smoke fills the entire arena. Nobody can see anything of Andrew and Aster. Announcer: Wow that was a big explosion! The dust starts to clear and Aster is seen laying unconcious near the side of the ring. Craig: She's floored! Ken: I didn't see that one comin! Kai: Wow Siren: ................ More dust begins to clear and Andrew is seen laying unconcious .............................outside the ring! Announcer: A superb end to a great fight. Aster goes to the final round against General Craig. Andrew briefly wakes up to see himself outside the ring Andrew: Ah Crap! *falls unconcious*
  6. GG: With our joined powers you are no match! and with Venom on his way you 3 will be begging to join us. Venom swings up and the bad guys commence their attack
  7. Shoelaces? Saiyans don't even have Shoe laces *starts to cry* You've hurt my feelings! Anyway on with RPG! --------------------------------------- Andrew and Aster stare each other down. They walk around in circles as they keep their eyes locked. Andrew: This is my most powerful form. You don't stand a chance!
  8. Uknown wakes up inside a Container and looks around to see lots of humans looking at him. He breaks out of the container and starts gutting left, right and centre! Uknown: pityfull humans! Once all the humans are dead he collects his mask from the wall and puts it on. carefully reconnecting each pipe and then he exits the building and runs out into the jungle
  9. That is complete bollocks. Ignore this post because it's talking so much BS
  10. You're missing the point Deathknight! I was in space and saw the full moon up there. If there was a full moon I'd have a stadium full of angry Oozaru. Incase you forgot everybody on the planet is a saiyan except the odd 1 or 2 --------------------------------------------- They carry on a bit more until aster raises her power a bit more. She becomes faster and begins to hit Andrew around the stadium. He ends up on the floor in the middle of the stadium. Andrew: *thinks* Not even in my highest form can I beat her! GRRRRRRRRRRRR. Aster: What's wrong big guy? You're getting beaten by a girl Andrew: Not for long though Andrew gets back up and begins to Power up again Andrew: *thinks* I hope this works! His auro becomes bright and almost blinding. most of the audience turn away. The planet begins to rumble and the statues around the arena begin to crumble. (hey I just made a ryme:D) The auro intensifies and every one looks away because it's so bright. Andrew's muscles tighten and his fur begins to turn red. His hair begins to grow longer as he shrinks down back to his normal size. The intense glow begins to dissappear and when everyone looks back Andrew is standing proudly as a SSJ4. Andrew: Let's continue!
  11. Andrew looks at Craig Andrew: What's happening to her? Craig: It's hard to explain. Andrew: Go ahead!
  12. Let's pretend Andrew is still in space and he fired the Kamehameha from space. -------------------------------------------- Andrew reverts back to SSJ2 and starts to think. Andrew:*thinks* How can she be this powerful? It doesn't make sense! How am I going to beat her? Andrew looks up and sees the full moon of a nearby planet Andrew: That's it! He keeps looking at the moon and beguns to grow and get hairy --------- Back on Vegeta --------- Aster: What's taking so long? I didn't hit him that hard! Just then Andrew flies down as a golden oozaru(monkey thing) Andrew: *growly voice* Let's continue! Although he's big Andrew hasn't lost any speed! (Vegeta didn't!) Andrew swings his big fists at Aster and she flies around them. After some time of this Andrew grips Aster in his hand begins to crush her Andrew: Give up and I'll let you go Aster: Never..............I......Won't...let...........you..........beat me Andrew: Have it your way He commences with crushing her. She starts to glow and breaks out of his grasp. She is slightly winded. Andrew: Come on! get up!
  13. Wait for me! Name: Uknown Species: Predator Weapons: Same as average predator Age: 547 Starting location: A miltary base in africa. Uknown was captured after being drugged and is being tested on Bio: Your average predator who is especially skilled in killing. Description: Normal predator.
  14. Andrew:*thinks* This isn't gonna work. I can't keep this up and she isn't even powered up yet Aster begins to power up some(I'll leave the details of that to Raiha) Andrew: Here we go!
  15. Andrew gets up from the floor (partly on fire) Andrew: grrrrrrrrr. Better not take her too lightly. Electricity starts to form around Anndrew's body as he powers up more. there is another shockwave only bigger than last time. Andrew's muscles increase in size again and he flies srtaight at Aster. They fight for a while throwing punches left, right and center but all miss or are blocked. Andrew: This is getting boring! You're not using your full potenial Aster: And you aren't either. Andrew: I want to see the full extent of your power and what I'm up against. Aster: With time! Andrew: Patience isn't one of my strong points! I guess I'll take up a notch and see how you fair! Andrew starts to yell and his auro intensifies. He gets bigger again. His hair grows to the ground and his eyebrows disappear. Andrew: *turns to Craig* Your not the only one who can do this! Andrew once again commences his attack on Aster. A few of the punches connect and it seems as if Andrew is getting the upper hand. Andrew: Now you have no choice but to power up or you'll lose. Aster: Fine
  16. Andrew stands with his arms folded looking at Sephiroth Andrew:*Thinks* I must discover the full extent of his training!*out loud* Once again I'm left doing nothing Meanwhile... Thor: There's something about that one!
  17. Transformers was the first Anime I ever saw! The old series were amazing and the movie...........need I say more? In fact.....I think I'll watch it right now.........if I can find it. The beast wars and the thing on FOX are a big let down for me. In my own opinion I think Transformers is the best Anime I've seen!
  18. Andrew:Grrrr Andrew flips back into stanch and fires a medium KI blast Aster. She once again side steps but as she does Andrew is right there and he kicks her in the gut. Craig: Now he's done it! Ken: I wouldn't like to be in his place right now! Aster raises her head and looks really pissed Aster: Now I'm pi.... She is cut short by a punch to the face from Andrew Andrew: *laughs* I told you I wasn't gonna go easy on ya
  19. I don't know how many times I've done FF7. I've changed their names so many times............ I recently started playing again and Named after DBZ Characters. So far I got Cloud as Vegeta Barret as Krillen Tifa as Bulma and Aeris as Chi-Chi On FF8 I always leave the names the same
  20. Here's the story. This has nothing to do with the FF games. It's totally different. Different planet, different places. The world is a harsh one! No-one cares about anything but themselves. Manchines, wealth and power consume most. Andrew is after a rare item which will make him and his weapon powerful. He doesn't care about the planet or anything else except himself. As he has been hired to kill many people he is wanted in many places for many murders. Some people are trying to help the planet become a paradise like it once was by forming an underground resistence. The leader of this resistence has Hired Craig to kill Andrew for a very handsome price. You guys bring yourselves in wherever and you can be in the resistence or form a group of your own it doesn't bother me.
  21. Pearl: Come on boy! fight me! Andrew: Watch who your callin boy! Andrew powers up and fires a huge beam at pearl and he falls to the ground Andrew: Come on Neil, let's get up there Neil: Where's that power comin from? Andrew: It's Sephiroth! Andrew goes down to level 2
  22. Dammit why do you have to spoil eveyhting? I was planning on going SSJ3 during this fight! It took me an hour to think it up! ----------------------------------------------------------- Andrew steps into the ring and is eye to eye with Aster. He takes off his shoulder pads and cape and throws them outside. they are weighted and cause a huge crater in the floor. Andrew removes his armour and top. He looks at Aster Andrew: Let's go! Andrew takes stance. His yellow auro comes up and he begins to scream. His muscles tighten and get bigger. A huge shockwave is emitted from him which shakes the entire planet. Andrew: And I'm just getting warmed up. Aster: Let's go!
  23. GG and Ryu catch up with the Black Cat GG: Did you decide to join us? because your little boyfriend did! Black Cat: What? Ryu: Come on Cat! join us!
  24. WOW! You'd take off your robe! Naked Raiha! COOL!:D -------------------------------------------------------------- Andrew:*Thinks* This is gonna be a good fight and I'm gonna need everything I got to beat her. I hope I can win!
  25. Well I guess I better reply myself Name: Andrew Age: 23 Race: Human vampire hybrib (think blade) Weapon: Gunblade(revolver) Occupation: Theif and assasin Starting hp: 500 special Skill: is a vampire Starting materia: Bolt Starting summon: Shiva Descrition: Spikey blonde hair, blue jeans, white vest, black boots, black trench coat(like blades) Bio: Mother was human, father was Vampire, Andrew was produced. Just odd jobs to get by.
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