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Everything posted by Andrew
Andrew:*thinks* I wouldn't like to be in Craig's place right now Andrew continous his fight and starts to get the upper hand Andrew: Is this suppose to be a challenge? Pearl: I'm just getting warmed up
This is what you need: Name: Age: Race: Weapon: Occupation: Starting hp: (has to be below 500) special Skill: (just 1) Starting materia: (just one) Starting summon: (a weak one) Descrition: Bio: I'll give a story line when a few people join.......or don't
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B] [b][color=indigo][size=1] Um that didn't happen newbie! If u would of read i flew off as a seagull....[/b][/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] No! If you read, in your last post you said your were going to your room to watch T.V And were do you get off callin me a newbie? Just because I don't spend every moment on the internet like some people
I haven't been on this RPG for a while but know I'm back. Someone fill me in what happened ----------------------------------------- Terra: You pathetic jedi are all alike
The temperature in the room begins to drop and Ryan looks around Ryan: Damn this is florida why is it so cold? Suddenly the door turns to ice and Andrew smashes through it. He quickly freezes Ryan Andrew*thinks* Proffesser, I've got him! Xavier: Well done! Watch him until I can get all the others and myself there Andrew:*thinks* will do! Andrew throws a snow ball around while he waits!
Andrew looks at his aponent and laughs ???: My name is... Andrew: I don't give a sh.it! Whoever you are, you're no match for a saiyan Andrew flies at the guy and knocks him to the ground Andrew: Get up! Pearl (the guys name) get's up and powers up slightly Andrew: Well, you're more powerful than I first gave you credit for Pearl: Don't under estimate me Andrew: Yeah yeah Andrew goes SSJ and they begin to fight
well everybody knows the Kamehameha these days! ---------------------------------------------------------- Andrew: *thinks* He is leting his anger get the best of him........... Still a child! The explosions over the horizon come more frequent and bigger Andrew: On with the tournement! If he starts to lose we'll help but until then let's get on with it! Announcer: Would Kai and Craig come to the ring Both fighters step up to the ring Andrew: Well Aster looks as though we're gonna fight, as I predicted Aster: You won't beat me! Andrew: Save your comments for the ring *walks off* Aster: Why I oughta.........
You've forgotten me:( ---------------------------------------- Andrew just watches the aliens get their asses kicked! Andrew: *does victory dance* Go Sabir, Go Craig:D
Andrew smashes the Ki blast away asif it were nothing and flies up above Ken Andrew: This ends know! Andrew's hands begin to glow and he puts them at his side. An energy ball forms between his hands with electricity flowing into them. His muscles begin to bulge once more and electricity begins to flow around him Ken: What's he doing? Andrew: GET READY! Ken: Ready for what? Andrew focuses on Ken and begins to laugh to himself Andrew: KAAAAAAAAAAAAA Ken: Wha...? Andrew: MEEEEEEEEEEE Ken: What the ****? Andrew: HAAAAAAAAAAAAA Ken: OH ****! Andrew: MEEEEEEEEEEEEE Ken: SH.IT!!! Andrew: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The huge beam flies swiftly and quickly at Ken and he has nowhere to go..... The beam hits him full force in the chest and he falls into the centre of the ring and causes a huge crater. Andrew looks down at him Announcer: I'll start the count........1..........2..........3 Ken stumbles to his feet and............falls flat on his face The announcer counts to 10 and Andrew is declared the winner Andrew: Well it was a good match. *thinks* now I get to test my true power against Aster
Sean: Great idea...............and when are we gonna finish our match? Andrew: Thanks I'm glad I thought of it. and we finish our match when I'm done eating!
Andrew: Now we're talking! Andrew starts to power up. His aura glows intensly and his muscles bulge. his chest sticks out and his arms bulge. the floor trembles and the stadium shakes. blue bolts of electricity fly around him and he smirks Andrew: SHOWTIME!
I pick...................... hades!
Count me in! I'm in Craig's band Name: Andrew 'crazy F***er' Curtis! Age: 18 Insrument: Drumer! Descrition: crazy looking bloonde guy with jeans, vest and trainers
So what's happening here? I missed a bit!
Andrew: This fight is far from over! Andrew flies back into the sky and fires a beam at Ken. Ken disappears and where he reappears Andrew is waiting and he punches Ken in the face and he falls to the ground Andrew: *Does Vegeta laugh* Come on Ken I was expecting a challenge from you!
Neil: So what do we do? Sabir: Fight I guess! Andrew: So wheres our challenge? Craig: Right there *points*
Andrew: What?..........45 F***ing minutes! I could go out, buy my own pizza, cook it and F***ing eat it!
The fight continues for a while with both warriors at SSJ2. The are evenly matched Andrew: Your good Ken but I'm just getting warmed up Ken: Same here Andrew fires a huge blast at Ken but he counters it with a similar beam and there is an explosion. The ring is covered in dust and the Announcer starts to talk a load of crap. They both appear from the dust completly unharmed. Andrew: Now we speed things up! Andrew flies at Ken and they start fighting DBZ style. Andrew speeds up and Ken can bearly block Andrew: My Speed can't be Ken, so why bother Ken powers up some more and Flies at Andrew ---------------------------------- Deathknight, This fight is gonna last a while, so don't end it in like 3 posts
Andrew: I think we should just get a Pizza! All: For breakfast? Andrew: Why the hell not?
I think Tyratitar rules! Here's mine: (all LV 100) I can't ba assed with moves for now Tyranitar Heracross Electrode Snorlax Vaporeon Mew They have good moves but I can't remember what they are!
Andrew: *gasping* If we............eat here..............I think...........I'll melt! Craig: Mabye it was a bad idea to come to florida...........for you! Andrew: *dieing* It's not funny
All of them re group to discuss where they'll go for breakfast. Andrew is sweating his balls off Sean: What's with you? Andrew: *gasping and sweating* I am Iceman you know! Sean: Oh yeah! I forgot! Andrew: *still gasping* Where are we going for Food?
Andrew is wearing jeans, shirt and his good shoes Andrew: It may be 5am but if I hurry up I might still be able to make the night clubs, Gotta go Andrew runs off and in to the first club he finds Andrew: There's no-one here *sigh* Andrew goes back to his room changes into some swim shorts and joins the others on the beach Andrew: How can you sun bathe at 5am in the morning? Moon: Good point! Andrew dives into the water and just floats on his back Andrew: This is the life!
Sorry Seph! but my Speed has always been second my highest stat. I'll change it right here but when I go to the next level it'll be back up again Andrew's new stats: Strength: 1,000,000 Speed: 1,500,000 Dexterity: 1,000,000 Spirit: 1,000,000 KI: 2,000,000 Andrew's new stats as SSJ: Strength: 3,500,000 Speed: 4,000,000 Dexterity: 3,500,000 Spirit: 3,500,000 KI: 4,500,000 Andrew's new stats as USSJ: Strength: 5,000,000 Speed: 3,000,000 Dexterity: 5,000,000 Spirit: 5,000,000 KI: 5,500,000 How's that? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Andrew appears behind the others in constant SSJ (like Goku and Gohen where) Andrew: Hey guys, I followed your power levels All: Hi
Andrew carries on driving behind them