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Everything posted by Andrew
Andrew: Come on, come on I don't have all day here! Aster: Kai's fighting next Andrew: He's fighting one of my low elite soldiers Aster: What are you saying? Andrew: Kai is gonna win easily Andrew flies down to Craig and slaps him in the face a few times until he comes to Andrew: Get up Craig: Ugh... Andrew: You won
Andrew runs out in a leather biker suit with his suitcase Andrew: Dammit why am I always last? Andrew walks up to his harly! puts the suitcase in a handy compartment under the seat and speeds of after the others Andrew: Let's go!!
Darth Terra Sits next to the Emporer(sp) in his throne Darth Terra: My master. Emporer: What is it my friend? Darth Terra: The rebels are trying to find a weakness in the death Star Emporer: I know Darth Terra: Let me and Ice destroy them and the Jedi Emporer: All in due time, my friend
Andrew: Is there something in the sky you don't like? Aster: *spins round suprised* No Andrew: So what are you doing? Aster: Just training Andrew: If I fight you I want you to know that I'm not going easy on you Aster: Me neither
The door to the ROST opens and Andrew steps out Andrew; Hi guys no time to talk gotta go help the others! -------------------------------------------------- Andrew's new stats: Strength: 1,000,000 Speed: 1,500,000 Dexterity: 1,000,000 Spirit: 1,000,000 KI: 2,000,000 Andrew's new stats as USSJ: Strength: 4,000,000 Speed: 5,000,000 Dexterity: 4,000,000 Spirit: 4,000,000 KI: 5,500,000 Are they ok?
Sean and Siren continue dancing until they see Andrew in the Corner completly wasted and Surrounded by girls. They walk over towards him Sean: Hi Andrew! Andrew Wakes up suprised and looks at them Andrew: Oh hi guys........fancy seeing you here. So what are you doing? Siren: I decided I'd help Ken out by getting him drunk! Andrew: Why didn't you tell me? I could have signed him up with some great girls like my pretty's here*points to girls* Sean: Just curious but but are you Drunk? Andrew: *sarcastically* Just a tad! Enjoy yourselves while you can. See ya Andrew gets up and walks to the dance floor followed by his gang of girls and starts to dance with all of them
Darth Terra: I'm getting board Ice, finish them now Darth Ice speeds up and knocks both Jedi to the ground and they run in fear of their lives Darth Ice: I don't see why we have to waste our time with these fools Darth Terra: Let's get out of here
Andrew sits in the co-pilot seat with his feet up on the control panel throwing a snowball up and down Andrew: Damn this is boring! Moon: We leave in a few minutes so get ready Andrew: Sure Andrew walks up to Craig Andrew: What's the big idea teaming us up with the 2 who are fighting? Craig looks at him blankly
Andrew stops training briefly Andrew: Something big is happening outside. Mabye I should help ................................Nah! Andrew continues his intense training!
Andrew: I guess I'm late All turn round to see Andrew in SSJ3 form Andrew: You could have left me some ships
Andrew walzes in sits leans against the wall with his arms crossed Andrew: What's up chief? Craig: What is your problem? Andrew: Actually that was my next question. You need to lighten up. Craig: GGRRRR Andrew: What was that? No need to get angry Just then Xavier rolls in Andrew: So what's this about Proffesser? Xavier: Wait until Siren and Moon get back
Darth Terra reveals his light sabre and as he turns it on there is a blinding flash and it glows evily Darth Terra: Come on fools!
Terra and Ice step out of their ship and on to Alderan Pilot: My lords the Jedi are that way (points in a westerly direction) Darth Terra: Let's go Jedi smashing
Andrew: Let me deal with this! Andrew flies a few feet from Duba and smashes him in the teeth and he flies to the ground! Ken: Nice! Andrew: Come on! get up you pu.ssy and face me Andrew is not greated by Duba but a huge energy beam. he quicky powers up and sends a bigger beam right back going through Duba's and straight at Duba Duba: *coughing up blood* Stupid......Saiyan! Duba powers up and flies at Andrew Andrew: Don't tell me thats your max! It's pitiful Andrew holds his two fingers against his head then points them at Duba Andrew: SPECIAL BEAM CANNON!! The thin beam goes right through Duba and sends him to the floor Andrew: Any volunters to clean up the trash! ---------------------------------------------- Andrew's new stats: Strength: 2,500,000 Speed: 3,000,000 Agility: 2,750,000 Dexterity: 2,500,000 KI: 3,000,000 Andrew's new stats as SSJ2: Strength: 18,000,000 Speed: 20,000,000 Agility: 19,000,000 Dexterity: 18,000,000 KI: 20,000,000
The teacher carries on with the boring lecture when the door knocks. Siren and Sean both look up. Andrew: Excuse me! I've got a message here from the principil(sp) Which asks that he see Siren and Sean Siren and Sean look Suprised Teacher: Excused They walk out of the classroom Siren: What's this about? Andrew: There is no note I just want you to have some fun! Sean: but Craig... Andrew: Nevermind what he said. He's a tight ***(no offence) Siren: Let's go have some fun Andrew: You 2 go on I've got to get the others out!
Andrew has made his training more intense after feeling the the great power coming from Craig Andrew: Gotta get more powerful! Andrew's auro intensifise and is brighter and he starts blasting the area to pieces
Andrew walks up to Ken and looks at him with the Vegeta eye brow, arms crossed etc Andrew: I hope you don't take it personal when I beat you Ken: Not likely! Andrew: We'll see! Aster: Boys boys! save your energy for the ring and whichever one of you wins I'll have the honour of beating Andrew: Oh really Aster: Yeah relly Ken: Man she showed you!:D Aster: SHE HAS A NAME!! Ken falls over from shock Andrew::laugh: :mrt:
Andrew has become very hungry and is the only one who isn't being serious Andrew: Quitting time! Andrew flies to the entrance to get some quality food and within minutes the plates are stacking up! Andrew: Back to training! Andrew flies back to his training area and starts to meditate! There is only one day left (ROST time)
Ken: I'll end this now! He smacks Logan in the face and Logan is out cold Announcer: next match is Andrew vs Krim. Andrew and Krim step into the ring. Announcer: Let the match begin! Andrew steps towards Krim and kicks him in the gut, sending him crashing into the wall. He falls to the floor. Announcer: And our King proceeds into the next round where he will face Ken. Now, would Aster and Jagar step into the ring please.
Andrew couldn't care less that the club is being attacked and is more interested in the girl he recently met!
Name: Kazuya/Darth terra Age: 19 Race: Sith Weapon: Blood red light sabre(single bladed) Other skill: Is a great mechanic Bio: Kazuya is exceptionally fast and agile and is very intelligent. He has almost mastered the Sith art and is Evil beyond your imagination! He comes from a distant planet called defrav. He was anxious to join the sith and had no trouble turning to the dark side. Description: Wears a black cloak and wears traditioal sith robes. Looks human!
Andrew has already drunk several pints........................... Several thousand that is! he is amusing himself by icing up the floor and making people slip. Andrew: Ha this is so cool!!
I may not be in trouble but I did sleep the whole day Andrew wakes up and looks at the clock Andrew: 6:34! I slept late again Xavier talks to him through his mind Xavier: I wouldn't say late! Andrew: Proffesser? Xavier: Yes Andrew. Get up and get dressed Andrew: But I'm still tired! Xavier: The others are going out. You don't want to miss it do you? Andrew: Why didn't you say so! Andrew flips out of bed and walks straight to the Bathroom to see everybody outside it waiting for their turn Andrew: Mabye I should go back to bed!
Andrew: *thinks* He's more powerful again!! this can't be happening even Saber is stronger than me. I must do something Andrew: Hi dende I'm using your new ROST. If any wnats they can come in when they're ready Andrew walks through the door and into the light Andrew starts to meditate and think Andrew: *thinks* How did they do it? HOW? I must know! Andrew gets up and starts to train very intensly! -------------------------------------------------- Andrew's new stats: Strength: 300,250 Speed: 300,500 Dexterity: 300,000 Spirit: 300,000 Ki: 300,500 New stats as SSJ: Strength: 600,250 Speed: 600,500 Dexterity: 600,000 Spirit: 600,000 Ki: 600,500
GG: Where are you going Cat? Black Cat: Not you again, I don't have time to deal with you GG: If you refuse to join me I'll destroy you and the block head. And while I'm doing that I'll have Venom take care of Your little boyfriend Black Cat: What are you taking about? GG: That's right. I know all your little secrets............including you and Ryu Black Cat: You wouldn't? GG: If I push this button (points to a button on his glove) A message will be sent to Venom telling him to destroy him. But ofcourse konwing Venom He's probably already killed him anyway Black Cat: You're bluffing! GG: The Green Goblin doesn't bluff. I'll give you a day to think about it, be at the empire state building tomorrow and come alone Green Goblin flies away on his usual business of stealing things!