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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Andrew; Let's go doomtrain The tracks appear under The Dragon and Doomtrain comes flying towards the dragon and hits him full force. The dragon becomes confused, paralysed, poisined, sleep and any other status change you can think of! Andrew: Now if all of us attack him he's finished All of the gang prepare to attack!
  2. Andrew: Well my work here is done I'm gonna go back to the CC and train some more in the Gravity room Andrew blasts off and gets to the CC in no time Andrew: Gravity.........550and as for weights............I think I'll try 200 tonnes on each limb Even in SSJ form Andrew struggles for some time but after some streches and deep meditation he is able to fly with ease He goes back to his training incresing the weights when he is completly used to the force ---------------------------------------------------- Andrew's new stats: Strength: 90,000 Speed: 91,500 Dexterity: 89,000 Spirit: 88,500 Ki: 91,000 New stats as SSJ: Strength: 205,000 Speed: 206,500 Dexterity: 204,000 Spirit: 203,500 Ki: 206,000
  3. Well that's not quite what I was expecting but I'll let it happen ------------------------------------------------------ Andrew: (thinks)..........The lengendary Super Saiyan...........It hasn't been attained in.........................over 200 years! Duba: You may have become more powerful boy.......but I'm still not fighting to my maximum power Craig: And neither am I! Duba: But that's the difference between you and me, I'm only using 1 percent of my power Craig: Impossible!! Andrew: He's BSing!! Duba: Afraid not! and now it's time to take you down Duba powers up some, still nowhere near his maximum and launces at Craig firinf beams and smashing FU.CK out of Craig! Andrew: That's impossible! No-one can be that strong, The Super Saiyans were an invincable warrior race! Duba continues beating on Craig when Andrew's Father comes out of the rubble and joins Andrew Andrew: Father, You're hurt Andrew's father: It's not bad. we must do something to help Craig..........................but what can we do? Andrew: I have an idea! wait here! Andrew flies just below where Craig and Duba are fighting Andrew: This move is so powerful he won't be able to withstand it and with his back turned he won't stand a chance Craig notices Andrew powering up and preparing to attack Andrew: Now you die, SUPER FINAL FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The huge beam hurtles towards the two and Craig darts out of the way and it hits Duba right in the spine and creates a huge explosion! Andrew: (breathing hard) Take that fu.cker Another huge explosion follows and Duba flies up unharmed Duba: Which one of you did that!! Before Andrew can answer and give a load of abuse his father interupts Andrew's Father: It was me...........did you like it? Andrew: Father, what are you doing? Duba: Well since your so keen to join the fight how about this Duba fires a thin beam right through Andrew's father's heart and he falls to the floor Andrew: father......Father.......FATHER......FATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Andrew flies to his father's side and see's he is bleeding badly Andrew: Why did you do that? Andrew's father: (coughing up blood)......I..was...going...to....die...soon...anyway......you.....son...have......your....whole...life....ahead......of.....you Duba: Well it's a nice speech but I will end this now Duba fires another beam going through Andrew's father's head leaving him dead! Andrew: What have you done? You killed him.........You won't get away with this............I'll show you what's what! Andrew Goes insane with rage and bursts with a yellow auro surrounding him Andrew: Now you die ---------------------------------------------- Andrew's new stats: Strength: 44,500 Speed: 45,000 Agility: 44,750 Dexterity: 43,500 Ki: 44,250 New stats as SSJ: Strength: 104,500 Speed: 105,000 Agility: 104,750 Dexterity: 103,500 Ki: 104,250
  4. Andrew flies straight at Craig and starts smashing FU.CK out of him Andrew: I'll FU.CKING kill you!!!!! Craig is sent flying to the ground and then Andrew shots thousands of Ki blasts at him Andrew: FINAL FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The beam hits Craig dead on! Craig: Ugh!! Andrew: Get your own senzu bean Craig Takes a senzu bean and then Craig: (thinking) One lasy try Craig puts his hands together and fires a huge beam at Andrew's guts, But Andrew counters with a Galit Gun Andrew: As you can see I have become more powerful and you are weakened by my blasts more easily! Craig flies from the floor with remarkable speed and starts beating lumps out of Andrew! Andrew: You ****ing Bastard Craig hits him to the floor and fires KI blasts everywhere and creates a dust cloud. Craig looks at the cloud for a few minutes regaining his strength. Craig: (thinks) He must be a Super Saiyan by now Craig stands lookinng at the cloud some more when the whole place starts to rumble and and a huge explosion comes from within the cloud sending Craig Flying backwards. Andrew: YES!!!! I'VE DONE IT Andrew looks proud with his golden hair on end and a golden auro around him! --------------------------------------------- Andrew's new stats: Strength: 50,000 Speed: 51,500 Dexterity: 49,000 Spirit: 48,500 Ki: 51,000 New stats as SSJ: Strength: 135,000 Speed: 136,500 Dexterity: 134,000 Spirit: 133,500 Ki: 136,000
  5. Andrew: I wanna check out the materia shop round here to see what I can steal! Ken: Steal! Andrew: There's nobody around!
  6. Andrew: Dammit know your pissing me off!! Craig: What do you intend to do about it? Andrew:............I don't know Craig: (laughing insanely) You don't even know what your gonna do Andrew attacks Craig with the Super Muneska again while he is distracted by laughing, This time it pierces is chest and goes right through him Andrew: That'll teach ya!! Craig slowly floats to the ground spitting up blood, Andrew throws him a senzu bean Craig: Know I'm angry!! KAA MEE Andrew: O SH.IT!!!
  7. Duba rises up starts to concetrate and the hole in him regenerates Duba: Come on I was expecting a challenge from you saiyan's! Andrew: Oh you'll get a challenge alright, from someone stronger than all 3 of us Duba: And who's that? Andrew: My father! Andrew's father appears infront of Andrew, Craig and Ken Andrew's father: Step back boys, I'll show him Andrew's father flies at Duba and they start fighting DBZ style!
  8. Green Goblin and Venom enter GG's HQ GG: Sit down make yourselves at home! Venom: What's that? GG: That's my computer Venom: Your computer for crime and so on? GG: NO! I just play on games and surf the web!:D That's my crime com (points to a huge thing in the middle of the room!) Venom: We see!
  9. Duba falls to the floor... Andrew: Attack him know!! All 3 once again fire their best attacks at the rubble on the floor which Duba lies in.
  10. Andrew: (coughs and spits blood) You didn't have to do that Craig: and why not? Andrew: I wind you slighty and you nearly kill me! Craig: Next time it won't be nearly! Andrew: Fine! Andrew contioues to train ------------------------------------------ Andrew's stats Strength: 35,000 Speed: 36,500 Dexterity: 34,000 Spirit: 33,500 Ki: 36,000 New stats Strength: 42,000 Speed: 43,500 Dexterity: 41,000 Spirit: 40,500 Ki: 43,000
  11. Andrew: Don't take him lightly Ken Ken: Got it Andrew: If all 3 of us hit him with all we got it might weaken him The 3 warriors fire many of their strongest blasts at Duba and all of them hit and a cloud of smoke covers the strange character Duba: Is that all you got? The 3 warriors can't unnderstand how all of their blasts together did nothing to Duba
  12. Craig contiues training until... Andrew: FINAL FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The beam hits Craig in the back and he turns around not looking to happy Andrew: I'm not gonna get stronger fighting myself! Train with me Craig: I'll train with alright Craig flies at Andrew and smashes FU.CK into him and throws him to the floor Andrew: Damn man that hurt Craig: It was meant too! Andrew: If you think your so strong let this one hit you Craig: Go ahead!! Andrew's hands start to glow and he emits a green aura Andrew: Super muneska A huge beam of energy hits Craig in the chest and knocks the wind out of him Craig: "Cough" That was a good attack!! "cough" ------------------------------------------------------ Andrew's stats Strength: 31,000 Speed: 32,500 Dexterity: 30,000 Spirit: 29,500 Ki: 32,000 New stats Strength: 35,000 Speed: 36,500 Dexterity: 34,000 Spirit: 33,500 Ki: 36,000
  13. Andrew Goes on with his training Andrew: There's alot of outsiders recently, mabye I should be sucpicous? NeverMind, Focus, And once again I'm talking to myself! Andrew continues training for some time and then senses something strange. Andrew: What is that? Andrew Exits the gravity room and flies to where the strange power level is coming from. He says a strange man Andrew: Who are you? ???: What's it to you boy? Andrew: Watch your mouth when talking to the King ???: So you're King Andrew Andrew: That's right. ???: Then allow me to introduce myself, I am Duba Andrew: Should I be impressed? I've never heard of you, what do you want? Duba: Nothing but your life! Duba fires a huge beam at Andrew but he quickly dodges the beam Andrew: (thinks)If that had hit me I might have died Andrew: If it's a fight you want let's go!! BIG BANG ATTACK!!! A huge ball of energy flies towards Duba and he hits it away with ease Andrew: Wha...? Duba: You are no match for me! give now or die Andrew: Never!! Andrew telepathicaly calls everyone and tells them to get the fu.ck up here now!!! ----------------------------------------------------- Andrew's stats Strength: 24,500 Speed: 25,000 Agility: 24,750 Dexterity: 23,500 Ki: 24,250 New stats Strength: 30,500 Speed: 31,000 Agility: 30,750 Dexterity: 29,500 Ki: 30,250
  14. Andrew: This is perfect! It's all I need! AJ: What do you mean? Andrew: It's perfect for turning Super Saiyan! It's just a matter of time! Andrew Flies out into the white and kicks and punches while firing Ki blasts Andrew: Are you gonna train or what?
  15. Andrew: Like I said you're both welcome to stay at the Palace and if you need help just ask and I'll do the best I can Ken: Thanks man! Aster: thank you! Andrew: Anytime!
  16. GreenGoblin: You took your time! Why didn't you finish him? Venom: We may be able to use him if he joins us GG: Can you convince? Venom: Mabye GG: Well if you can't I'll see to it They carry on towards GG's secret HQ
  17. Andrew continues to train, ignoring everything around him, concentrating on one thing......becoming Super Saiyan Andrew: This machine has got to go higher than this!! Andrew makes the weights on his limbs up to 40 tonnes and struggles for the next few hours Andrew: Come on you PU.SSY!! You can do it! Andrew shots some Ki blasts and flies across the room and smacks them back the other way and flies to the other side and does the same thing for a few more hours! ---------------------------------------------------- Andrew's stats Strength: 27,000 Speed: 28,500 Dexterity: 26,000 Spirit: 25,500 Ki: 28,000 New stats Strength: 31,000 Speed: 32,500 Dexterity: 30,000 Spirit: 29,500 Ki: 32,000
  18. While Craig or Venom sits on the statue of Liberty A strange shadow comes over him Venom: Who are you? The masked Goblin looks evilly at the boy Green Goblin: I am the Green Goblin and I have proposition for you Venom: And that is? GG: It has come to my attention that you are evil.....just as I am Venom: What are you getting at? GG: Would you like to join me in taking comtrol of the city? Venom: Hm, keep going. GG: With our joint intelligence, power and my wealth and resources we could be unstoppable Venom: What wealth and resources? GG: Under this mask I am the wealthy buisnessman Andrew Curtis Venom: I see GG: So what do say?
  19. Andrew carries on his training with gravity on 400 Andrew: yeah this is easy! Andrew puts some 5 tonne weights on his limbs and carries on stopping briefly every now and again to meditate. then he starts on the bench press Andrew: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,.... Some time later Andrew: 99,999,998, 99,999,999, 10,000,000. Andrew gets up does some streches and concentrates intensly. Andrew: Wait a minute, something's happenin outside Andrew leaves the area forgeting to remove his weights and flies off to where Ken and Aster are Fighting Andrew: There they are, Hey why are you fighting? Both stop and look at Andrew ---------------------------------------------------- Andrew's stats Strength: 20,000 Speed: 20,500 Agility: 20,250 Dexterity: 19,500 Ki: 19,750 New stats Strength: 24,500 Speed: 25,000 Agility: 24,750 Dexterity: 23,500 Ki: 24,250
  20. Andrew lies on his weight bench... Andrew: 9,999,997, 9,999,998, 9,999,999, 10,000,000! I'm done Andrew's stomach starts to rumble Andrew: I guess I need food, It can wait for a bit Andrew meditates for a further 3 hours and then leaves to get some food. Andrew: This chicken is good! :D Andrew finishes his food and goes outside and flies high into the sky and meditates. Suddenly he feels the familiar feeling that someone is watching him Andrew: I've got to get to the bottom of this With that he flies back to the palace and takes a short rest and back to his training --------------------------------------------------------- Andrew's stats Strength: 16,000 Speed: 16,500 Agility: 16,250 Dexterity: 15,500 Ki: 15,750 New stats Strength: 20,000 Speed: 20,500 Agility: 20,250 Dexterity: 19,000 Ki: 19,750
  21. I can remeber seeing little bits of it while changing the channel last year. It was were Vegeta went oozaru while fighting Goku. I didn't like it at first but since my friends liked I gave in eventually and now I can'y live without it. Vegeta is the best character on it by far and I would love to see him beat the **** into Goku until he died
  22. Why is this RPG turning into FF9? ------------------------------------------------------ Andrew: I say we do both........DOOMTRAIN!! A light comes up the tunnel and a track comes out of nowhere Andrew jumps on and starts fireing...uh...fire at the creatures Andrew: Quick get on Zero jumps onn and doomtrain drives away with Andrew still casting fire on the little Bastards Zero: That was close Andrew: Too close! Thanks Doomtrain Doomtrain: No problem
  23. Andrew continues his trainig on 500 gravity and with 20 tonnes on each limb. Andrew struggles to stand but starts to meditate. His power level increases and he can take the strain of the gravity and weights so he adds another 10 tonnes to each limb and does his usual excercises of sit-ups, press-ups and bench press Andrew: Now Let's see what I can do Andrew fully powers up and flies round insanely fast punching and kicking. Andrew: Yeah this is good! Andrew makes a clone of himself and both fire Ki blasts at each other After a few hours Andrew rejoins with the clone and carries on training -------------------------------------------------- Andrew's stats Strength: 22,000 Speed: 23,500 Dexterity: 21,000 Spirit: 20,500 Ki: 23,000 New stats Strength: 27,000 Speed: 28,500 Dexterity: 26,000 Spirit: 25,500 Ki: 28,000
  24. In Andrew's Gravity room he has been continueing his royal training. The gravity is on 250 and Andrew has been doing his usual routine Andrew: (brething heavily) I have been sensing weird things from outside.........but what are they? Nevermind! Andrew goes into deep meditation and increases his power level ------------------------------------------------------- Andrew's stats Strength: 10,000 Speed: 10,500 Agility: 10,250 Dexterity: 9500 Ki: 9750 New stats Strength: 16,000 Speed: 16,500 Agility: 16,250 Dexterity: 15,000 Ki: 15,750
  25. Yes deathknight that is an acceptable gain carrying on! And SS Trunks if you read one of my first posts it says I was in charge of the army but I made you my general! ---------------------------------------------------- Andrew continues to train for hours more...........and then stops Andrew: I can sense a strange presence around my planet......But where is it coming from? ---------------------------------------------------- Andrew's stats Strength: 8500 Speed: 9000 Agility: 8750 Dexterity: 8000 Ki: 8250 New stats Strength: 10,000 Speed: 10,500 Agility: 10,250 Dexterity: 9500 Ki: 9750
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