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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Andrew


    So is this just the sign up or is it the play?
  2. Andrew is being beaten like hell!! Guard: You will soon learn to respect us Andrew spits at the guard and reeplies Andrew: F*** YOU!! Guard: Still not learning are we? Shock him again! Andrew: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.........You b*****D's you'll pay for this, I swear! Guard: Oh no whatever are we gonna do?, take him back to his cell The door is opened and Andrew is thrown in. Forte: whoh, You're in bad shape Andrew: Never mind that I got a way of escape, but only one person can go....... and that person is gonna be you Forte: How? Andrew: When they brought me back I looked out the window and saw that it's nearly a full moon! and when it is I'm gonna look right at it and cause a distraction, then you escape and find the rebels and with your knowledge of the prison they should be able to get the rest of us!
  3. Andrew


    I pick the dark side:devil: :demon: :naughty:
  4. Vegeta is by far the greatest char DBZ/GT has seen!!! Because He's ruthless and cunning!:devil: He is afterall the second strongest next to Goku He looks cool He is deternmined to be really powerful If I come up with any other reasons I'll let you know VEGETA ROCKS!!!
  5. Andrew

    Resident Evil RP

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forte [/i] [B]Name: Komo Forte Age: 16 Weapon: Insivible Katana ( its only invisible to his enemies.. and others only unless Komo says that they can see it he enables it.. He is a Black Mage....) [/B][/QUOTE] Invisable katana?........Black mage?...........This is Resident Evil and incase you didn't know They tend to use Guns
  6. Andrew: You're fools, All fools!! What makes you think any of you stand a chance against the guards and if this Hizoki Guy is gonna come back Guard1: Shut up scum Andrew: F**K YOU!! Guard: I told before!! Let's get him The 2 guards come into the cell and beat the **** into Andrew and take him away! Neil: I hope He's okay Craig: Yeah Kaiyu: He'll probably be back in an hour
  7. Blade: What do you guys thing your doing? All: Wha...? Blade: Why did you have to interfere, I could have taken them! With that Blade turns and walks of to his car in the street Neil: Whothe hell does he thing he is? Forte: Why you asking me?
  8. Andrew


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i] [B] Very original today arent we? Not only do you copy an existing mutants power, but you copy the copy the STRONGEST existing mutants power. [/B][/QUOTE] That coming from someone who just made an RPG claiming they made it but it's basically a carbon copy of final fantsay So it's okay for practically everybody else to have Xaivier's power but when one person uses magneto's power you go insane!!
  9. Andrew

    Pokemon RPG play!

    Oh good God!! Grow up and get on with the RPG!!
  10. Time to start! if anyone else wants to join in you may so whenever. Blade is in the ring. He's beaten every oppenent that has challenged him and is collecting the monney he's bet. He walks outside into an alley to be confronted by all of his opponents. Opponent1: I want my money back punk, You cheated Blade: I can't help it that you're all so crap and I'm so good. Opponent2: You'll pay for that runt! The guy runs at Blade with a knife but Blade round house kicks him right in the mouth!! All Opponents: Get Him!! All of them approach Blade and are about to attack!
  11. Okay I'll join Name: Ash (hail to the king baby!!) Age:16 Mage: father was Metamorphiser, mother was Necromancer City: Lives on his own on a mountain at his grandfather's old house Starting spell: Transform into small animals LV: 1 Weapon: Gunblade Bio: spent all his life with his grandfather until he died now he perfects his skills and is about to start travelling around the world
  12. Andrew

    Pokemon RPG play!

    Let's clear up this mindless argueing Let me Explain the training. I pay to fight higher level pokemon I also pay for lots of potions, revives etc I use laryitar in the fights The fights consist of 2 rounds I struggle at first but heal larvitar alot I win first round, Larvitar evolves and I get an unoffical badge I win second round, pupitar evolves and I get another badge And that's not cheating Craig::eek: :bawl: Andrew::mrt: :mrt: :naughty: :demon:
  13. The creature draws closer to Josh but is stopped by a bullet to the head Josh: What the?!?! Ash: Hurry up He's gonna get back up!! Josh runs over to Ash and they both dash to a nearby building
  14. Andrew


    SINCE WHEN DID MUTANTS HAVE POWER LEVEL'S??!! Name: Blade Age: 14 Looks like: Tall, Brown hair, blue jeans, trainers and vest Mutant ability: The ability to control metals(magneto's power)
  15. Name: Andrew Age: 24 Race: Saiyin The door to Forte's cell opens and a man in his early twenties is thrown in. Forte: Who are you? Andrew: My name is Andrew, During your little break one of you destroyed my Cell so They moved me here until it's rebuilt Forte: We going to try again soon! Andrew: Are you boys stupid? We're severly out numbered and they are much more powerful than us! Forte: but this time it's gonna be Andrew: Just leave me out of it
  16. Andrew

    Pokemon RPG play!

    I explained why I have Tyranitar and I have Electrode because it evolved just like nidarino, charmeleon and ivysaur. Pokemon can't evolve now can't they? anyway can we get on with the RPG I'm getting tired Craig::bawl: Andrew::mrt:
  17. Andrew

    Resident Evil RP

    Name: Ash (Hail to the king baby!!!!!!!!!!) Age: 23 Weapons: Magnum( from RE1), western custom, Knife, taser and plenty o ammo for my guns.............BABY!!
  18. Andrew

    Pokemon RPG play!

    Who's cheating punk? You caught one of the rarest pokemon ever as soon as the story opened. and anyway Ash and pikachu have taken loads of intensive training and so has cyndiquil so BACKOFF!! Craig::nervous: Andrew::mrt:
  19. Andrew

    Pokemon RPG play!

    Andrew: by the way what makes you think I'm crap? Jealous of my Tyranitar are you? Craig: Well I...ah yeah!! Andrew: Anyway I payed to use some equipment but I still trained it myself so it doesn't mean I'm crap! Jackie: Yeah he's got a point! Andrew: Thank you!!
  20. Hi guys do you mind if I join?
  21. Andrew

    Pokemon RPG play!

    Andrew: Say Sandra did you miss me *Wink Wink*. And what;s this a new member to the group, and apretty one too, so what's your name Jackie: Jackie Craig: Stop the flirting, How the hell have you got Tyranitar? Andrew: Well I spent a lot of my money taking a lesson in intensive training and it ended with a big success. So Sandra will you be in a wet T-shirt compatition to raise me some money? You to Jackie.
  22. Andrew

    Pokemon RPG play!

    Just then the doors to the gym burst open and Andrew stands proud and tall!! Andrew: Hi guys!!! do you mind if I battle first? Zero: Go ahead!! Craig: Why did you do that? Zero: I was curious about his pokemon Andrew steps up Meryl: Well your a cute one aren't you, but it doesn't mean I'll go easy on ya! Andrew: Well, how many pokemon? Meryl: 2 pokemon each, Go starmie! Andrew: Electrode, GO!, This is gonna be easy! Meryl: Psychic The huge psychic wave comes from starmie but Electrode dodges it Andrew: Paralys it then use thundebolt Electrode uses t/wave but misses, and then uses t/bolt Starmie is near to fainting and becomes parilised anyway Andrew: tackle it Electrode tackles starmie and it faints Meryl: Starmie return, go tentucruel Andrew: Return Electrode, Go Tyranitar, crunch Tyranitar dives at tenticruel without giving it a chance and uses crunch and faints tentucruel in one( sorry guys I got board of all the typing so I ended it quickly Andrew: Well done Tyranitar return Meryl: return tentucruel. Good battle, here is the cascade badge Andrew: Execellent, that makes 4 badges All: WHAT? Andrew: I made a stop in a couple of other towns on my way home and beat the Gym leaders
  23. Ok I just got back from my holidays and to celebrate I thought I'd start an RPG. O and by the way I don't wanna see 3 milloin copies Ryu and Ken! This is what you need: Name: Blade Age: 23 Fighting style: His own style of martial arts Description: Wears blue jeans, trainers and has The gloves of Ryu. tall and has brown hair Bio: Not much is known about himself because of so much alcohol and drug abuse he can't remember much
  24. Andrew

    Pokemon RPG play!

    Suddenly Andrew's phone starts to ring Andrew: Hello? Andrew's Father: Andrew I need you to come home immedeatly Andrew: OK Andrew: Sorry guys count me out 'a' this one I'll catch you up in a couple of weeks Craig: we'll see you soon then All: Bye Andrew walks back in the opposite direction and waves as he dissappears.
  25. Andrew

    sparring here!

    Let's see what you got punk!!!!
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