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Everything posted by Umbra II
Something weird I noticed (I own the movie, as well) is that the scenes where Kagome recollects things that appeared on the series was made independently. Example: the scene where the shikon jewel shatters had the clouds circling the lace where it shattered. That isn't plausible, as the shattering of the Jewel was very sudden, whereas, in my experience, clouds don't act like that in an anime unless a) its AFTER a huge burst of energy (aka Trigun"s angel arms or b) when a gathering of power is a gradual thing. Lastly, when talking about hte animation they used, it was meant to UP-grade the show, and seeing how its only used in the movie, it must be expensive and/or impracticle. Although I was uncomfertable with it at first, it doesn't take to much geting used to. If it really anonys you, just try not to think about it. Thats my advice, anyway, and, if you choose, you don't have to follow it. HTats all I can think of at any rate, except Sesshomaru looked slightly different.
MistressRoxie, You stated that otaku can't trully be defined. Tthats exactly what I said, but I also listed a reason, which is because of its varying definition. So you don't need to apologize for anything. We are both in agreement. Now that it's been cleared that "otaku" could mean different things, I believe this branch of the subject, which is the argument over the definition of "otaku", is at a close. I suggest, (and it's merely a suggestion), that from now on, people who posts should also explain how they interpret the word "otaku". Also, I realized how helpful it would be to quote some one in this message, but couldn't figure it out. Could someone explain?
This summer, I plan to take a week off and relax in Destin, Florida, where the sand is white, the sun is shining, and you can be up to your waist in water and still see your toes. I'm not exaggerating. After that, probably be a bum and, if I'm not watching anime, then I'll be posting on the otaku boards. Not too much for a summer, but I've been stressed and need to relax. ( I do feel some envy for those of you who are going to the anime exposiition, though. Oh, well, have a good time and make sure you tell us about it)
It seems plausible enough to like a person for somethings, but dislike them for others. I suppose the answer is yes. As to who, I once had a music teacher who, as it was her first time teaching, she had very little experience. She had us practice the same peice of music for half a year for one concert, then only gave us a week for another. Her incompetence and inexperience got to me many times. However, even though she had little control over the classroom, she kept trying and was determined to do her best, and was even able to except her follies and except advice from us. So yes, it must be possible, as there are already two instances, but whethere or not its common remains to be seen...
Anime If you could be in one anime show which one would it be?
Umbra II replied to IceRose's topic in Otaku Central
If I could live in any Anime, I would choose to live in Outlaw Star. There's the adventure of searching for the Galactic Leyline to fufill any wish (though what I would wish for when I got there elludes me). To soar through space, living a life as an outlaw and doing whatever I want... That sounds like an entertaining way to spend life, and if it seems a little dangerous, what's life without a little danger to shake things up? -
Touma, I did read. And I found no dates, merely speculations and one "should of" But no times at all. I type this now simply to show the OtakuBoards that I am still in the dark, and that I am still needing enlightenment. Thanks for the information anyway. As for Hiei and Kuwabara being more than just deep freinds, that thought never occured to me as I was watching it. I understood that their friendship was based on insults, and this became apparant to me whe they where attacking the Saint Beasts in the beging and almost died under the ceiling. If you are considering the option of them being gay, think about these two things. a) Hiei isn't the kind to go out with anyone, let alone some one of the same sex. b) Kuwabara is in love with Hiei's sister c) They were showing it on cartoon Network. They would't allow something like that on the kid's programming.
During my school years, I typically isolated myself for the first few months, then, as I obsereved who to make friends with and who not to, I was probably labeled an outsider or an outcast, except I wasn't cast out by anyone but myself. Let me see if I can remeber the stereotypse... Of course, there where goths, but it seemed to me many goths were the attitude, rebelers, so matbe these two were fused at my school. Then there were the jocks, but al the ones I know seemed friendly.However, I could NOT stand the popular people. Ever. The moment I identified them, I immediatly avoided them, and some had even become bitter enemies with me. They are incredibly shallow, and if you happen to meet them, just smile and nod your head. Before I offend anyone, remeber these are stereotypse, and not nessecairly you if you fell or fall under one. The other one I can think of is the class clown, who, no matter what they did, I just couldn't seem to befriend them. Thats my take on it, anyway.
Hmm... This argument has gone in a direction I had not expected. Now the very meaning of the word "n00b" has been called into question. Dagger, I think there is a call to distingiush between n00b and newbie. The definitions posted by others seems to fit the bill, so I'll go on that. Also, I must correct myself. I stated before that I was reluctant to join because of the n00bs. But in reality, the quality was much better then other anime forums that I've visited that this seemed the premium choice. There comes a time in any persons life to eat their words, and this must be mine. One last thing before I go. Has no one considered the possibility o fnewbies who types well, like myself? Or am I just fooling myself? I try to do my best. But thats not the point. If there is a group of educated newbies, but its to small to stand for itself, I thik we should include them. If I'm simply an anomoly, or dillusiona, then go right ahead and ignore me. Now I need to give an apology to Baron Samedi. Like I've said, and what you can read, I have not been here to long, and I didn't know you were joking.
I' have not been here very long, so I may have missed the answer to this, so I'll ask anyway. What happened to Yu Yu Hakusho on Cartoon Network? Is that what you where talking about, IceRose, that its was banned? Or has there just not been enough people watching it? I don't own the DVD's, so whatever I watch, it has to be on Cartoon Network, and, to tell the truth, the fact that they took it out before I could see the final showdown bites. Was it moved to some late-night time, like Gundam Seed or Lupin the 3rd (on Adult Swim)? Basically, I just want to know where I can find it agian. as for the show itself, it was one of the first few I watched, aside from Dragon Ball Z (which I thought, although it had some good fight scenes, that there was not enogh charactor development. Really, I don't see how Vegeta made the jump from evil to husband of Bulma). In many ways, Yu Yu Hakusho is much more believable than DBZ, because the charactors seem more real, ( Yuske had at least one layer in his personality) and the power levels much more in a forseeable scope. Add to that the depiction of demons, the two demons who help him (and his rival, the clumsy but good-hearted Kuwabara) and you've put together a pretty good anime, fight-wise and charactor-wise.
Pumpkin, thank you for clearing that up for me. I had wondered why a member and not a newbie had posted that. In that case, yes, the otaku boards are getting completely bogged down in n00bs. Even in the anti-n00bs thread, no less! Baron Samedi, Like pumpkin, I am speachless
Abstinence only programs Yay or nay?
Umbra II replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I think that the problem is that there are more people out there now willing, and wanting, to have sex willy-nilly for the moments gratification, and do not stop to think about the repercusions. True, it is the same story for all teen-agers at all generations, but there is a rise now and not as much before is because, mostly, that there are more people in the world now then there were then. Pluss, the way htat it is represented in America puts it in a light of pervertedness, which makes those who really want to do something wild are more inclined to take that course of action. Take Europe, for example. To them, its not perverse, but a part of life. If you've seen "Monty Python's Flying Circus" you'll probably remember the paper cut outs of naked women. To them, its simply humorus, but here it may be considered disgusting. Also, I beleive that, for those who will do anything for thrills, sex ed. will make no difference whatsoever. It is those who may be talked into it, those sussecptable to peer presure, who should be educated and make descisions for themselves. I don't think sex ed. can hurt. -
Although it says on my tittle that I am a new member, I am not new to the otakuboards at all. For a very long time I've been reading the scripts without actually participating. And I agree. sometimes the lack of quality can be disturbing. (As for the time last June, that was when I first started looking at it, and what at first kept me from joining in). However, not all newbies are grammaticaly deprived. But you are right in the respect of which, with the rise of newer people, there has been a decline in quality. and most of it stems from new members. So I agree completely with you.
What Does your sig, avi and username say about you.
Umbra II replied to shinji172's topic in General Discussion
I am no psycologist, but here goes nothing Unborn Lord Xion You must like or have plated Bloody Roar, which to me says you like video games, particularly fighting games. Perhaps yo are agressive, or are not really but whish to take it out on that penguin dude who, no matter how hard you try, kicks the snot out of you and causes you to storm off raging... oh, thats me, sorry. Your titele suggests to me that, while you honor darkness (mock honor, not seriously) you don't want to waste your time wrighting ot all out. As for your comments, are they different charactors to that game. Silver sadists tells me a) you like the color silver (Xion's hair colorl) and , once agian, you honor darkness agian, but this time of the heart. My guess, you pretend to be evil around your friends, but really aren't a bad person. If I get this right, maybe I SHOULD consider a degree in phsyciology. Then agian, my applicability may be even greater if I got it wrong(phycologists rate low in my opinion) -
Anime What two characters would make the best opponents for a fight?
Umbra II replied to a topic in Otaku Central
For the above, you can't rule out Vash so quickly. He HAS, after all,been in hopless situations and HAS found a course of action where, not only is his enemy unable to fight back, but in which no lives are lost. Although, from the other side of it, Alucard IS an incredibly powerful being, even for a Vampire, (though, truly, I don't know the extent of his powers, having only read the first two manga). Which makes me think... how would Vash react to coming face to face with a being who feeds off humans. But I'm off topic Susuka from Outlaw Star vs. Kenshin Both have speed and power, and both wield usually non-lethal weapons. Unlike Kenshin, though, susuka has no qualms about killing. Naraku from Inu-Yasha vs. Lust, from Full Metal Alchemist Both are incredibly evil, and can manipulate the flesh. Both have allies(naraku and his incarnations and Lust with her other 6 deadly sins) actually, they'd make a nice, bloodchilling couple. -
From what I've read from replies, speculations, and a definition, I gather that "otaku" has varied meanings. If its an "obsessive fan" then no. I may be a fan, but I do not obsess. Its just another thing I enjoy in life ( truth be told, I enjoy this more than alot of other things, but I digress.) If its definition is just a fan, or even a casual watcher, then yes, I could consider myself an otaku. Clearly, the transfering of the word "otaku", the same as "anime", has differed from its original. To be brief, when you ask if I consider myself "otaku", I'm answering you with a question. "Define 'otaku'". I apologize for the non-specific answer, but, to be fair, it has been proven now that the question itself is unclear.
Maybe not the wisest choice, but it would be interesting to see "The Chronicles of Riddikk" an an Anime movie. Not that the story could be changed, but the fight scenes would be a bit more believe-able, not to mention that Ridikk's eyes could be made to look alot less human. Then there is the part where he twirls the dagger around his hand in a fashion that looks as if it moves on its own. (Sorry, not believable) I don't know if the prison planet could be improved graghically, though. The rising sun was pretty stunning. Sorry if I go on and on for those of you who haven't seen the movie and don't know what I'm talking about.