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Everything posted by elementangel

  1. I not sure where i fall in, but i think that maybe my frineds would say that i'm goth ..but really it all depends with what i feel like wearing that day!! But to tell you the turth i like black and Hot pink more than any other colors, but i'll still wear light colors IF the it called for it!! SO i think i am more goth that any thing else!! :all:
  2. [SIZE=3]Some of my fav. bands are :[/SIZE] :drool: :rotflmao: System of a down Blink 182 Green day American HI-Fi Three doors down Vertical Horizen The Offspring Union Underground
  3. :love: will it's hard to chose but if i had to chose my tops guys that i would date: Sesshomaru form Inuyasha Kurama form Yu Yu Hakuasho Edward form FullMetal Alchemist Kira or Athrun form Gundam Seed Shido from NightWalker Midnight Detective :catgirl: :D :rolleyes:
  4. Dont even joke!! that is like a scary thought! i would cry :animecry: They will never do somthing like that ever:nope: ... and besides those you took it off or did it shall get a little gift form me!! :blowup: I feel much better now!! :animesigh :D
  5. [B]The very first anime (as far back as i can remeber) was when i was like maybe 5 or 6 and it was Salior Moon!! I just loved it and i watch it like everyday!! And that was what got me into anime!! Than i started watching other animes and fell on love with![/B] :love:
  6. I would want to be Lina form Slayers!!Ii think we are the same when we get mad....I'll just hit them with a fireball!! ^_^
  7. [QUOTE=Jake of Bodom]I'm curious as to who everybody's favorite and least favorite vocalists are. [B]Favorite: Mikael Ã…kerfeldt[/B] Mikael hails from the band Opeth. He's my favorite vocalist because not only does he have the most incredible Death-growl EVER, he can also sing beautifully! Something about his singing is just hypnotic, and his growls are deep and passionate. Plus, he writes the lyrics for Opeth, and the lyrics are just so eloquent... it's true poetry. [I]Spiralling to the ground below Like Autumn leaves left in the wake to fade away Waking up to your sound again And lapse into the ways of misery[/I] [B]Least Favorite: Fred Durst[/B] Fred Durst of Lim Bizkit is my choice for "least favorite" for a few reasons. First off, he's just plain whiny. Seriously, undeniably whiny. I'm talking about his voice here, not the lyrics (which are [I]also[/I] whiny). It's just annoying. He sounds like a 4-year-old who didn't get his ice cream and is throwing a tantrum because of it. Second of all, his lyrics are immature and just plain stupid. Here's an example of his amazing lyrical prowess (an excerpt from the song "I'm Broke"): [I]Cause now it's time to pay the piper Bums are the type of sh!t that's in a diaper Don't make me have to call a sniper[/I] Wow. And finally claimed that Limp Bizkit was a mixture of Hip/Hop and Thrash. Obviously he has no idea whatsoever about what Thrash is. ARGH![/QUOTE] I don't know if i have a least fav. song or whatever but my favortive would have to Be Chop Suey! by System of a Down or All of This by Blink 182! :animesmil I guess It just somthing i like to compare my like to, it's somthing i can relax to! :animesigh
  8. [QUOTE=haruno_sakura]I watch Full Metal Alchemist!!! I haven't had the chance to watch episode 7 yet because of all the film papers that I've got to write, but thanks for the tearjerker warning ^_^ I'll be prepared with a box of tissues beside me! ^_^ From what I've seen so far, I don't see a connection with Full Metal Panic, but I could be wrong. The only reason it's called Full Metal Alchemist is because [spoiler]the protagonist is an alchemist who has gone beyond the laws of alchemy to attempt in reviving his dead mother, but because this is forbidden, he's doomed living his life with a metal arm and leg, and his brother, who was his accomplice, was only able to survive through the project when his brother trapped his soul into a suit of metal armor. [/spoiler] Confused yet? LOL. My apologies if I didn't explain it very well, but it's a great anime, and well worth watching!!! ^_^[/QUOTE] [CENTER]Yeah, I knew that Ed had a metal arm but i didn't know that he had a METAL LEG! Ed gets all mad just cause people make fun of him cause he's all short[/CENTER] ;)
  9. [QUOTE=Goku's_equal]Hiei is the best character on Yu Yu Hakusho. He's awesome. He's so small, and yet so powerful. It's the coolest thing ever. [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Welcome to OtakuBoards, Goku's_equal. Bear in mind that OtakuBoards we try and encourage really decent post quality, which includes long, nicely-detailed posts. So try and include as much as possible when writing a reply in future. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b][/QUOTE] Yeah i guess Hiei is okay but kurama is the [SIZE=3]BEST EVER!!!![/SIZE]
  10. isn't kingdom Hearts 2 coming out in late spring? [SIZE=3]Who is the best Kingdom Hearts Charcter?[/SIZE] :D
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