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  1. Hmmm, I was baptized a christian but I'm really not. My mother always hated the church, thought it was too changed and modernized, so we never ever went. Dad never went either, but I don't really know why. The both claim to be strong christians though, which I think is a load of crap. Another thing is that I don't think Jesus was the son of god and blah blah blah. I thought about converting to Judaism since I do beleive in god, but I realized that I really wouldn't be a good Jew either because I still wouldn't go to temple or follow the "rules". I realized what does interesting me in religion is ritual and symbols, so it would make perfect sense that I would start to follow a beleif system with little to no ritual and only one well known symbol. Taoism. A lot of my friends told me that a lot of what I would be saying reminded them of that. So, I checked it out and realized that it pretty much was what I beleived in already. I'd always liked the Yin Yang anyway :animesmil
  2. I kinda had imaginary friends I guess. I was always teased in gradeschool, no one my own age in the neighborhood, father worked and mom kept the house going. No brothers or sisters so it was really just me all the time. I never came up with my own imaginary friends. They were always characters from TV shows, be it a cartoon or live action or anything. Star Trek was the biggest one, though. I guess you could say I was coming up with self-insertion fan fics, but I wasn't writing them, I was living them in my head (and in real life), kinda like the other guys said, as hallucinations to a certain extend. I took it all very seriously too. If things were going well in that world, I would be feelin good. If something went bad (which it did too often) it would effect me too. Time moved just the same too, so if I said it would take a week to get someplace, I would wait a week before I would imagine we were there. This all probably hurt my grades, as I was distracted a lot in class. Lasted till highschool too. I seriously think I'm looney.
  3. Actually, here's my take on things: [spoiler]At the end of the series, Third Impact was succesful, you can kinda tell that everyone is "merged" because they all say "I am me, and I am also the me that exists inside your head". At the end of the series, everyone is "dead". At the end of the movie, third impact fails. The souls are returned to earth (that red thing in the sky at the end). Its just that Shinji and Asuka are already there for some reason (b/c they were in their evas maybe). The movies were a redo of the final episodes. They were done because fans didn't like the series ending. I've heard, but am not sure, that the movie is the ending the way he originally wanted it. [/spoiler] The creator did not kill himself. However, he was going through a lot when making Eva and that's really what eva is all about, the problems in his head.
  4. *looks around suspiciously* I...might like it. Someone might have lent me theirs and I might have read all of them and enjoyed them. Maybe... :animeshy:
  5. Interesting replies. Haven't seen one from my position yet, though. What position would that be? Well, 19 year old virgin and I really don't mind. Hell, I crack jokes about it sometimes. The difference? I want to flippin lose it! :mad: Its not that I'm a loser or ugly either. Lol, the two main problems are that I'm shy and I want to lose it to someone I'm really in love with. Unfortunately, all this comes together to make and unhappy combination.
  6. I pretty much went with the artist not deciding on the design yet.
  7. Haha, Deathnote is a great series! I was up to current with it about 2 weeks after being introduced with it (about 50ish chapters). While I feel the current story line is lacking some of the spunk the first one had, the most recent chapter (69) might be the start of some interesting stuff. [spoiler]As for Ryuuzaki, I was completely convinced he wasn't L until that countdown timer on the computer hit zero. At first I was thinking that L wouldn't make the mistake of showing himself to anyone. Latter on I was thinking that it seemed Ryuuzaki wasn't particularly used to the lifestyle he was "leading" with all that money he seemed to have and that, although he *was* pretty damn smart, about 50% of thes tuff he "came up with" was actually from the real L, still behind the scenes. Another thing that made me think Ryuuzaki wasn't L was that in the first chapters with scenes of L, he looks similar, but also very different with hair color/style and the way he moved too. When Ryuuzaki died and it showed the countdown thing, I was thinking that the real L had gone into hiding or something (just in case) and that the comp was counting down until it released a message to the world revealing Raito as Kira. [/spoiler] Oh, and Misa is so cute! Her style is great too. Though, in the beggining with her, I was thinking she was like, just 13 or something.
  8. Bebop made me want to smoke :rolleyes: And then I got a brain
  9. You know, that zebra thing is really weird. One time, on a drive home from NC (to FL) I saw 2 zebra's just out in the middle of nowhere, probably someplace in SC. Weird huh?
  10. Wow, seems like there's no contest here. Asuka 14, Lina 0. No love for poor Lina!
  11. Well, as much as I hate to admit it, I probably relate the most to Shinji from NGE. Similar problems, different reasons. I do things without knowing why, I apologize a lot, definately NOT a socializer, and not very good at hiding emotions.
  12. I graduated a year ago. I'm home for summer vacation now after my first year of college. Graduation wasn't a big deal for me, not many people to miss, and those I did I knew I'd see again. Besides, you make a lot of new friends in college. Ah, college. I liked what one of the dudes up there said about it being a more mature place and a better place to learn...NOT! Now, I'm going to a private university, so maybe that has some effect on it. The guys here are NOT more mature than the people I know in highschool. A lot of them are idiots. There's always something being vandalized, and repairs get charged to everyone in the building/class when that stuff happens. A better place to learn, eh, maybe. Its a lot easier to slack off, there's more distractions, and the material is harder. Other than that, its a kick *** experience, except for freshman dorms...*cringe*
  13. Well, we're talking about moments that make you say "holy ****", right? I'd say the biggest one of those would be the [spoiler]end of the whole freaking world in EoE. I mean, it was just so amazing and well done. The giant lilith, the crosses, the second moon, all of it.[/spoiler] It was just so absolutely amazing that I truly did just say "Holy ****" to it when i saw it.
  14. Hmmm, some funny moments: 1. Eva - When Asuka first arrives and she and Shinji are going to get into unit 2. Shinji has to put on her other plug-suit and its obvious from the pose Shinji is in after puting it on that it was made for HER and not him. Another one is in the episode where they have to be synchronized and Shinji and the penguin are waiting to use the bathroom. Asuka opens the door (quickly) and smacks Shinji and the penguin runs in in front of him. 2. Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu - This whole show is just freaking hilarious from start to finish! I'd have to say, the part that had me (and the entire anime club at my university) laughing the entire night was the final episode where [spoiler]Sousuke gets the package with the hazardous material it and it gets out. Everyone thinks that its some sort of biological weapon and that they're all going to die. At the end, though, it turns out that it was something that ate all their clothes instead. So, at the end of the series, EVERYONE in the school is freaking naked!! I can't think of a better way to end a show beyond that.[/spoiler]
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