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Everything posted by hailvane

  1. if i knew this would turn out so good then i wouldnt have drawn it on lined paper. but i was just sitting there in science class, bored as hell, and i just started drawing this evil lookin thingie thats on my wrist band. so heres the halfway finished product. the shadowing i started around it is supposted to be all the way around but i didnt kno if it would look rite, so here i am asking you guys, should i continue with the shading around the evil lookin thingie?? ~hv :catgirl: [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] ok then... can i get comments please? like sometime soon!? i put this on here so people can give me their opinions... so dont look at this if ur not gonna reply!
  2. i drew this like 3 weeks ago, i really like vanships n stuff like that on last exile. it's my favorite of all time!!! so do u all like the ship? :D
  3. me and my bf both have weird last names. well it's not really weird its just that we both get a bunch of stupid jokes abt them. my bf's last name is Ney, ya kno like the horse noise. he always gets the horse whinny and jokes abt horses n stuff. my last name is Paynter, like painter only spelled with a y. people always ask me if i paint, and why i dont when i say no. sum people are just retarted ya kno
  4. i was just watching samurai champloo the other day and was admiring jin's moves. and i started to ponder onto all of the samurai shows i love so much. this brought on the question of who would win in a fight to the death; Jin or Kenshin?
  5. i drew this last year. i just wanted to post it here to see what sum peeps thought. comments please! :catgirl:
  6. i drew this awile back, i forgot when but its on the pic. its Kite!!!!!! wheeeee! n e ways, tell me what u think. :catgirl:
  7. [quote name='ArunueShekamari][font=Garamond][color=silver]Well, this is the first time I've heard of something like this too. Did you try contacting administration to see if it was reset for a reason? Read over the regulations for myotaku and see if you violated anything. I'm not sure how easily myotaku accounts can be hacked. My best bet would be that It was reset because of a violation.[/color'][/font][/quote] i really dont think so. if i did violate n e thing then maybe they shoulda pm me and tell me instead of erasing all of my hard work... im just saying. ill sent an email to administration.
  8. [QUOTE=Goddess][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][size=2][color=navy]Are you talking about MyOtaku.com blog? Or a personal blog? If it's about MyOtaku, this is the first time I've ever heard of anyone's page being hacked into and reset. But if it's your own private blog, then I don't think this is quite the place to be discussing this situation. The Suggestions & Feedback forum is mainly for OtakubBoards, and related sites (ie, MyOtaku.com and theOtaku.com). Maybe you could try the subforum, Technical Support, for help on how to figure out what's going on with your personal blog site, and how to protect it.[/font][/size][/color][/QUOTE] this is abt a myotaku blog. and its happened to me and my boyfriend a few times now. my friends friend had this happen too. idk if it was a hacker bent on destroying peoples blogs, but i kno it was reset by someone. and i kno that i dont sleepwalk... :animeswea
  9. i am demon of the sky! :D and i need help rebuilding my guestbook!!! some creep came in and hacked into my account and reset everything! AGAIN!!! so for all of you who kno me or has signed my gb b4, please come and resign it. i thank all who actually read this. :bow:
  10. :animecry: this is the second time my blog has been reset by some mean hacker person!! by the way i am Demon of the sky. for all that knows who i am would you please do me a big favor? pm me for details. :crying: :help: im just really upset abt this... i have to do it all over again!!! :animecry:
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