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About blou

  • Birthday 03/03/1991

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  • Biography
    I love anime! It rules! I'm crazy, fun, outgoing, and..and...oh yeah....I'm 14 yrs old! *smiles*
  • Occupation
    high school student in..um....2 months!! *jumps up & down* YAAY!!

blou's Achievements

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  1. [quote name='benakittie][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Just wondering if anyone out there knows of Foamy: Lord and Master? He's an internet cartoon squirrel who cusses a lot, but still remains honest and true to the fact. He cracks me up every time. :animesmil [/COLOR][/FONT'][/SIZE][/quote] ....Know of!!???? Do I know of Foamy:the lord and master??!!? OMG.....he's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo awesome!!! I love him!!!! He's great!.....oh, to answer your question there.....yes I've heard of Foamy :D
  2. The first manga I ever read was Ceres;Celestial Legend. Ever since then, I couldn't put those books down!! I totally recommend that series!! It's soooooooo cool :animesmil !!!!!
  3. :animeangr The whole idea of robots walking the Earth gets me very mad :mad: . It gets me mad 'casue the topic interests me...but I don't think we'll be able to get to talking robots and stuff like that in my generation :animecry: !!! Which is waaaaaaaay unfair! :animecry:
  4. [quote name='shinji172']Your definatly not the only one. I am made to suffer by my little sister who does anything to get her way as well as make my life (no one elses) hell. Other than her I get on well with my family.[/quote] Same goes for me!!! Aiy.....little sisters are soooooooooo annoying....the always wanna ruin your life, copy everything, and i mean [U]everything[/U] you do!!!....oh.....and they make your life hell :animesmil but.....amazingly...I [B]DO[/B] get along with her!! They're cute, in a non-cute way!!
  5. I'm glad this question was asked! My dream.....is to move to Japan sometime after college. Once I work some after college....Japan...here I come!!! :animesigh OH! How I wish that dream comes true....usually, my dreams [B]DO[/B] come true...it's freaky.... :p :animeswea
  6. Thanx.... :animesmil I'll keep that in mind!! :D :p
  7. Ummmm....My school is random! The students make the skool....There are mainly goths, punks, skaters, and anime fanatics....(that's me!!) I go to an arts skool...so ppl are broken into what they go for...so there're labels, and sub-labels.....? For example.....I'm a dancer(thats wut i go to the skool 4), and then i'm an anime fanatic....I wouldn't call myself popular....but I do have many friends.......[B]true[/B] friends! ah.....I love my skool.... :rolleyes: :animesmil ...............another example........people could be "band".........and then......goth, or punk...... :D IT'S SOOOO COOL!!! It's like a second home....I usually hate skool....but now..with all these different individuals, whom speak their own minds......my skool is random...and there are many ppl who are nice! Except for the stinkn' 7th graders :animeangr !!! GOD! DIE SEVENTH GRADERS!!! :mad: .......(no offense to those seventh graders on this site ^^).......kk...gotta go....driftn' off topic....
  8. I understand the otaku has had problems with introductoins in the past, but that was in the past, and I think you should move on. I know that there are many people on this site who would like to get themselves noticed and introduced so that they have people to talk to and chat. I think this would improve The Otaku socially, and in general. If this is not possible, what are people doing to make themselves noticed or what can us Otaku members do?? I'm just confused, concerned, and would like to know how that can be improved....:confused:
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