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Everything posted by Ima

  1. [SIZE=1][B]November:[/B] I love how simple this image is and yet it gives a full view of what you wanted to happen. No BG I cannot comment on that. The colors are neutral and the image flows. Very well done my good friend :P [B]SUBPAR:[/B] Yet again another simple and yet effective image. The font placement is perfect and the image once again flows, it seems you always know where you want things to go :P EDIT: What does the font under the eight mean? Could you tell me by any chance? I had a basic view of what it might mean but im not sure :P [B]Satellite:[/B] Image is once again very basic and it flows I love the font and the colors the border is also pretty kick *** :P I love how the V just flows into the A [/SIZE]
  2. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2]Well it's been quite some time since i've been on OB but I will comment on this piece. Well as usual Retri the piece is quite nice. I dislike like girl since you have a black BG and she has a glare in her hair it does not fit. The image was rendered perfectly and it's simple yet sweet. I like the colors and the placing of the font. The colors blend well and give you that overall feel. I love the border :P The image is very simple and yet very effective and it catches the eye quite nicely Keep up the good work :P
  3. Anime Is not considered dorkish to those who watch it? Those who understand the concept of it... See you will find out later in life that either somone is 1. Ignorant 2. Unintelligent 3. Or Cool.... The fact of the matter is people categorize everything. See that is the downfall of the Human race... Once one turns into a Ignorant d*ck they are no longer in my eyes worthy of ME. Nor am I joking. So a basic answer is don't care what others think and be yourself... If you act how people want you to act you are just as foolish as them. Most follow a code or group, this group says what is and is not cool, but their is no real leader the group all thinks alike. So that should answer your question. And if you don't get what I just said... May your soul R.I.P. So as a final word of advice why care? Why care if they think it is geeky or nerdish? Its a stereotype... "All Blacks Are Skinny and Gangsters" "All Rich Kids Are Snobby" "All Fat Kids Like Pie" "All Geeks like computers" I mean its just basic common sense this race is ****** up man... Thats all I can say Excuse my language Im Glad I have found a false sense of security here at OB since most here are quite like myself. One last word of advice: Pick your friends with extreme caution.
  4. Well Its been quite some time since ive been around here.......*Sighs* Well I really like vision, I love the colors for some reason they catch my eye. In my opinion the image shows confusion but yet its also very calming, it is not out of control but it is how should I say this...... In control? :P Overall I love the piece it just shows how good you have become at "Free Art" Chocolate Riddles: Damn I cannot explain how much I love this piece. In a whole the image is amazing. I love the colors and I love the overall feel If I find words to describe it I will.
  5. Kitty I cannot agree with you more, I really cannot. My banner showed nothing at all. And I declare godess the winner. Beautiful Job, keep up the good work my "Friend"
  6. Well I cannot vote but I would like to comment on this. What can I say? I really like the overall image you went away from your normal style in a way. This shows alot I like the Bloody Knuckles And the upside down American Flag. Maybe the Rising Sun would have been kick *** in this but oh well. The overall image is really really kick *** I cannot really express myself since We already know what youve shown. You've stuck with the theme and I shows. Nice Nice job.
  7. Forget it I declare God the winner Since as Kitty has already summed this up perfectly.
  8. Dragon the image does not show up so I cannot start =P if you could redo that :P
  9. [SIZE=1][B]Geometry:[/B] The colors are amazing they are so beautiful and nice. They just look great. I get a good sense inside when I look at this image, blue is such a great and wonderful color. The overall image is so beautiful I really cannot explain how I feel about this piece :) 10/[b][I][U]10[/U][/I] [/B][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]Jin VS Mugen Same anime and both have had little duels before but nothing serious. Both figthers are probably the best sword figthers in anime history next to some characters from RK And Samurai-X But both of them make a perfect pair. Mugen is lazy and reckless, Jin is very calm and at peace, Both of them are diffrent and if it was a serious fight it would be amazing. As for Ed and Kuwabara.... Ed would wins hands down. Physical Strength? Ed has none? are you joking with me? have you ever watched him fight? He is very strong and he has alot of will power. Both of them are Hot Headed and Pig headed. They both are insane. Kuwabara has his sword and he gets much better over time but Ed has Alchemy. Its like saying Goku Would not beat Kenshin.... Its not fair. Ed can use long range attacks which isn't exactly fair. Kuwabara has his strenghts but nothing amazing he has to be at close range to attack or do anything. [B]xmystic_silverx:[/B] Metal? Please man if you have ever watched the show you would know that its very very light weight and if you watch his movements he is very very quick and as for strenght? He is insane for his size. He is very strong just because he dose not have huge muscles dose not mean that he is not powerful. ED wins hands down man its simple as Lostcause said he can make anything ANYTHING.[/SIZE]
  11. Ok Ok... Give me the Programm you are using. And how you are rendering the images? If you can tell me these Im sure I can fix your problem.
  12. [SIZE=1]Well since I've become your biggest fan it only makes sense that I post first.... I did not comment on Commando so [B]Commando:[/B] Damn man you are amazing and I will just bow down and keep it that way I cannot really express myself on this one. The colors are amazing and the overall image is ******* great man. The colors just FIT and the Filters you used are amazing the coloring is awsome damn man I wish I could do this.... [B]Dead Kennedys flyer:[/B] I love this one man I love all the layers, I love the whole image as one, and I love the colors. What else can I say but this is just amazing? [/SIZE]
  13. This is because the image was not rendered correctly or you are having a bug with Photoshop or whatever Prog. you are using so I suggest you take a look at it. Next it might be because of the way you are saving the image. I suggest PNG or maybe Gif? That might help. EDIT: I Rendered the image for you... Just save it as you know it should be trans so all you need to do it open it and paste it where you want it if this isnt the problem you are talking about give me a quick PM, Email me, Or just give me a quick Message on AIM EDIT: I've tested this so it should work A few parts are poorly taken out so you will have to go back and do that yourself but other than that your good
  14. [SIZE=1]This is wonderful it's very beautiful Im not much of an artist but I know that you have skill. (=P) This kindof reminds me of Rin From Inuyasha she has that sortof look to her. Very Very Nice Job keep up the good work. [B]Image:[/B] Well since I cannot see any color I cannot really say anything about that but I love the grey and black it looks amazing, damn I wish I could draw. I love the rain drops they are placed perfectly and give a nice touch to the overall image. I have nothing else to say I cannot see any problems with this drawing at all. Great Job, Very Very Nice.[/SIZE]
  15. Give me until about 8 tonight and I should have one made for you also since I have some stuff to do as of now.
  16. [SIZE=1][B]Banner1:[/B] This is nice but its also poor quality, not as in the whole image.... The pictures are poor quality and the text so it brings the overall feeling down. BG is decent and as you said you went for a "No BG" so I cannot really say anything about it. The image is very bland and its not light enough, I like bright colors they make people feel good and they make banners look very amazing. [B]Banner2:[/B] This is interesting since i've never put my eyes on somthing like this =P. Its very unique and I like the white lines, once again.... the BG is far to bland for my taste but its a great banner "thing" overall. :P The problems with these is that your making them bland and they are not sticking out to me. Well I would give you about a 7/10 because of what you have to work with. If you had PS 7.0 im sure some of your master pieces would be amazing =P Keep up the good work.[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Well its a nice job on the BG without brushes but the blur as I had said really dose not work and I suggest you tone it down :P As for the part about the render layer just forget it....[/SIZE]
  18. I will also make an attempt at this for the fun of it. FYI Her name is Faye Valentine =) =P
  19. Meggido you must have watched these in japanese? I assume since I do not believe the whole series has been dubbed and or released on DVD in english. DarkShigure: FMA is actually quite a long Anime since most are about 26 episodes or less.
  20. [SIZE=1]Shaman [B]Name:[/B] Kenji Saito [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] Tall around 6'3, Black Hair, MultiColored Eyes - One Black, One Light Blue, Built like a fighter. [B]Personality:[/B] Calm And Peaceful, Serious When the time comes. [B]Abilities:[/B] Telepathic, Manipulate peoples minds, And Control There Movements. [B]Motive:[/B] Fight, Prove Myself, Become All Power [B]Country:[/B] Japan [B]Weapon(s):[/B] A Samurai Sword Made of unbreakable Metal, His Fists - He is A Martial Artist And A Boxer Spirit Guide [B]Name:[/B] Unknown [B]Age:[/B] Unknown [B]Gender:[/B] Unknown [B]Appearance:[/B] Evil Looking He is hidden behind a cloak all you can see are his Eyes. He dose not walk he hovers [B]Personality:[/B] Evil Very Anti-Social, Bugged Easily [B]Abilities:[/B] Can Control The Darkness Flame, And Other Various Dark Attacks. [B]Species:[/B] You cannot tell, He is hidden He looks Human[/SIZE]
  21. Well that is a good idea but you could also think of it in this sense.... Well if you believe in god you could think of it this way, God is pissed so he sends the Angels to remove the humans from the earth. The demons who we power because of out evil deeds want us here. So they fight the angels and try to keep us here, while the angels try to take us away. This also plays out as being the Angels are neither good nor bad. But following orders. And as a human we could not even think somthing of this size could ever take place so we side with the demons who are protecting us but only for there own needs.
  22. [Size=1] I Do remind you that Double posting is against the rules. But now onto the "WallPaper" This is not large enough in my opinion to be a "wallpaper" it looks more like a splash. You over did the motion blur or "blur" in the BG and I really cannot see anything special because of the "Blur" Effect,Its ruining the whole image. The text is out of place and just seems like you put it anywhere on the image just to put it there. The character might be better if he did not blend with the BG. Maybe make him come out. I also suggest you Duplicate the Render and Then mess with the filters to make the character look cool. Also, I suggest you mess with the blending options. Other than that I really do like this piece of work. It is a 6/10 until you fix the pure blur in the BG EDIT: As Retribution once told me "STOP USING PREMADE BRUSHES" these brushes look premade and it really dose not take much to make your own. From my second banner on I've never used Premade Brushes. And my work is much better. [/Size]
  23. So your are a Artist if you could... Could you draw me a picture of Jin from Samurai Champloo?
  24. [SIZE=1]Dogtown: Yes I will agree, the colors are nice but a little bland you did not make them clash as well. I love the overall banner alot it's great but its a little bland for my taste. Fly The Flag: I agree with Beta it was put exactly how I wanted so I cannot say much. The little box ruins the overall image as ive said on a few of your pieces remove it.... :P Much Love [Remake] Running at the edge of the wall: This is amazing my feeling stays the same. Im not sure if he wanted the "A" to mean Anarchy(Im probably wrong but oh well....) The little bloch you removed makes the image much much better. 10/10 as well Bushido: Now this is even better than Running at the edge of the wall this is amazing I really am at a loss of words, this is stunning the overall feel is amazing. And Samurai Champloo is probably one of the best anime around so. And Mugen Is my second favorite next to Jin. But he fits the image and I really cannot explain it. It just gives me a feeling inside that I love Its such a great image. NICE JOB man this is a 20/10 nice. EDIT: If I find a way to express myself with this image I will. EDIT: Bushido fits this image "The Way of the Warrior" if that would've been added even in small text it would look cool. But don't give it away make them search for this text it has to be hidden. Most will not agree here but I bet it will be amazing if you do this.[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]YaY Well here is my piece [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23808[/IMG] [B]EDIT:[/B] With the sudden departure of my "good" friend sun I MUST SAY, Good luck and I will be sure to win it for you :P Thats if I even get past the first round with so many great pieces of work. [/SIZE]
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