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Everything posted by Ima
System of a Down is no doubt a good ban but they are not the "Best" ever in my opinion since they really do not seem to be going in a good direction. When they first came out I had a liking for their music but its been on a decline and now they have changed and are singing like all the rest. What makes a band unique and great is that they sing their own style and do not change with the times because of popular demand. This is what makes Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd, Rush, The Clash and Many Many others so great they stuck with what they set out to do that is play for the love of the music. Being the best band ever is all opinion, my opinion is that Jimi Hendrix Experience is the best band ever and Jimi Hendrix was the greatest guitarists who ever lived. Jimi Played his own style and he did not change because of the times and or what people told him. Jimi was only getting better and music would be diffrent today if he hadent died at such a young age. RIP Jimi EDIT: The Problem with your poll is that is dose not give Decent And or bad I guess people do not have to vote but..
Yup sounds like a retarded idea and it will be like most other reality shows fake and horrible. I really don't care what people are doing or how they feel in truth. People are attention seekers and its quite funny how false and insecure our society is.
Both are great and at Reti said they stalemated both are quite equal and both have pros and cons both have amazing characters that are unforgetable. How could you say that people cannot name five DC and five Marvel you are not a big fan of comics if you cannot name atleast five from each in a flash. I will read what I like and that is how I see it.
I love fourteen year olds who try to make themselves sound like they are intelligent :) Well thats was the joke in truth Alchemy is quite fake its a fantasy -- A medieval chemical philosophy having as its asserted aims the transmutation of base metals into gold, the discovery of the panacea, and the preparation of the elixir of longevity. Now if you take in Chemistry The science of the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter, especially of atomic and molecular systems. They are not one in the same but quite close when Chemistry and Alchemy have somthing in common they both break down substances and then rearrange the molecules. But the diffrence comes in Fantasy and Reality, Chemistry Is real and if you look at any definition of Alchemy you can almost tell that it was a fantasy. But this is dealing with the CHEM part. So your are actually quite incorrect and I love how you try to get definitions off of [url]HttP://www.Dictionary.com[/url] To make yourself look intelligent. And I will Finish with Alchemy -- A seemingly magical power or process of transmuting: ?He wondered by what alchemy it was changed, so that what sickened him one hour, maddened him with hunger the next? (Marjorie K. Rawlings). Tyler Koregaten's Biography Biography: Some regard me as a genious.I am a Statte Alchemist(yes,they are real) stationed at Gorresfinn Furrte in southern Germany.I'm also a geographer. Your Biography also is a littel incorrect you spelled [B]State[/B] wrong and you forgot to put a space after the period's But who am I to correct a "Genious" When my grammar and puncuation is horrible? And its also Genius Sorry Buddy :) Next time you challange a big boy to a duel I suggest you get all the facts straight. I love fourteen year olds...... [url]http://img189.echo.cx/img189/3411/genius0pi.jpg[/url] Im Sure he was just trying to be sarcastic but I love getting in a good E-Thug Fight every once in a while :P
Welcome to the boards this Really is not my job and I will probably get in trouble for saying this but I suggest you read the rules before making posts like this. If you would have read the rules you would know threads like this are against the rules and this is the "Anime Lounge" Not General Chat. The Rules can be found [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]Here[/URL] Please read them and follow them. Have a nice stay here at OB :P
Yes I agree you are not being forced to listen to them and I never did, I cannot appreciate people who get their voices altered by a machine and don't even use orignial Guitar and Drums. Everything now days is Drum Machines and Fake Guitars What happened to people like Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, and Chuck Berry? Really I mean it seems like music has taken a turn for the worst.... Or even some decent rappers I mean im not a big fan but what happened to music that was actually real like when Tupac was big? Damn well I Guess I will just continue to listent to my music and ignore this "new stuff" :P Dont Forget Metallica, Pink Floyd, The Clash, Rush, Ozzy, Rolling Stones, Jimi, Bob Marley, Eric Clapton And so so many more but all of them are back in the old era so I cannot really put them in this time period. But their music is still the best :P EDIT: Our Lady Peace, Smashing Pumpkins Ill give you a few more later :P EDIT: Rage Against The Machine, Damage Plan(RIP DIME) Pantera(RIP DIME) Dont forget Radio Head Hmm man I can name so many but I cannot think of all the bands I like at the moment.
Youve done quite a fine job I would say, the first one I like quite alot the har has the nice shine on it which it a nice effect and It is just overall done well I have nothing to say that is bad about it really its just really great, but maybe a diffrent hair color next time or a darker or lighter color that dark red dosent really seem to fir the overall feel blue hair actually might look cool or black or even a blondish/yellow color. The second one is nice but and the glow effect was overdid in distance if you pulled that closer to his body but had the same fading effect it would be nice. The body and jacket colors are nice and blend quite well good shadow effect where it would be darker ect. Well actually what I meant by the outline is that some parts seem a little overdone. But I would really really say that you did a very nice job. But then again this is my first time reviewing drawn images colored with PS.
Well I made this banner because Tupac is probably the only rapper I have respect for. He was the man the myth and the legend but this one is dedicated to him. I really Am still annoyed by this I wanted this to turn out darker but I dident play with the settings enough. But if you could see what I had in my head then it would have turned out better. EDIT: This is also my first attempt at rendering a picture from a backround also :P [IMG]http://img230.echo.cx/img230/8576/tupac4ri.jpg[/IMG]
Haha that is quite the funny post Im sure he is joking around of he had a little to much Coca Cola today :P And as you had said Alchemy was really based on our modern day chemistry but with herbs and other various items.
I Like the image banner whatever you want to call it but you over did the blood effect and almost took away from the wonderful backround. Some parts of the render seems a poorly removed there are white spots that should be touched up but I love it other than that. Im not really feeling this piece and Ive seen much better from you. Thats a harsh post trust me their are also many many many good things about this. SO here I go, I like the Girl she is quite cool the mouse sortof takes away from her "BadAss" Feel but what can you do? I really like that green backround you had but that brush you used for the blood is atroshis, You overdid the stamp and you did not feel. The blur effect is cool and the part at the left bottom the light spot is nice bring that out a bit and I would give you 2 more stars just for that. But Im telling you that blood or red effect is just not working it is taking away from the banner and Its making everything messy in my eyes..... If you just lightened that part up then it would be fantastic. Id Give it a 6/10 Not bad Edit: Now I feel bad for saying all those mean nasty things :( Damn now I wont sleep well tonight sorry I hope you don't hate me :) :P ^_^
If everyone cared for eveyone then we would be just as messed up as everyone else. MJ case is big because MJ is a star yes its called a diversion from what really happens and goes on in life.... Take wars for instant when a soldier dies its not big news its a flash on the bottom of the screen. Their are over 60 attacks a day in iraq and how many do we hear about? Exactly that is why this case is being talked about. r2vq your right in some points but if you would read above then you would understand why. It all comes down to one thing worry about yourself people don't care but they do like to discuss why not or why Jackson should be accused. This is not about caring. And as Albert Einstein once said "Curiosity has its own reason for existing" :P
Hmmm well Im at a loss of words since these banners/images are just so great. I mean the images flow so well I cannot say anything bad about these since it all just seems to be so perfect. Apart: This gives me a sortof weird feeling when I look at it but its a good feeling. The colors are very cool and I really like how there are some lighted spots on this it captures the feeling that I get when I look at it perfectly the colors don't clash and it blends well. The text is placed perfectly and Font you used fits the image. Ink: I liked this to an extent don't get me wrong its amazing but I really do not like pink and black in the same picture it just doesnt appeal to me. The image itself is made with great skill and If it werent for the colors I would love this SAC: This is amazing I cannot believe I am seeing this with my own eyes. This is one of if not the best pieces of work I have ever been able to lay my eyes on. This is by far my favorite of all your work and It really shows how great you are as a artist. The colors are Simply amazing and they catch the eye. This piece is awsome This really dose deserve a *Bow* EDIT: I will finish the review once I get back sorry :P I am just getting out of traffic and im almost home so. EDIT: Im at home and I finished. :P
Well Ive got around 5-7 banners ive made now and I think ive reached noobie status so I will start to show off my daily creations. All Images go in order from my first banner to my latest. First: [IMG] http://img240.echo.cx/img240/6173/ima7yp.jpg[/IMG] Second: [IMG] http://img15.echo.cx/img15/9780/ima22in.jpg[/IMG] Third: [IMG] http://img15.echo.cx/img15/572/ima30cs.jpg[/IMG] Fourth: [IMG] http://img15.echo.cx/img15/6044/ima48el.jpg[/IMG] Lastest: [IMG]http://img55.echo.cx/img55/3329/ima52pd.jpg[/IMG] Thanks to ImageShack for [URL=http://www.imageshack.us]Free Image Hosting[/URL]
All your banners are quite nice and are very simple and effective. I like aoran2 the best but it seems as if you did not do much.... It looks like a default backround that was with the render at the time. But then again like I said I could be wrong. Your lastest work is nice I don't like the colors all that much but I like the banner as a whole. Keep up the good work :) :P EDIT: The one above syaoran1 is very nice and I love this. The backround is beautiful and it all flows :P
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][color=darkred]I respect Jackson as a Artist kinda but I do not believe that he is innocent and the truth is our justice system is pretty messed up so. Just because they rule "Not Guilty" Dose not mean that he really did not commit the crime. Jackson is "Not Guity" Because of in truth lack of evidence but how many times have people gone to prison for murder or rape on little to no evidence? Yes my point. Jackson is guilty in my mind that man is a weirdo and I think he should be chucked away. I really think Jackson is lucky that he has not been shot yet since he gives the black community a bad name... Wait wait I mean he makes the human race look like ****. [/FONT][/size][/color]
Well this is my latest piece of work :P EDIT: Yes Retribution all the brushes were made by myself. :P :) :D [IMG]http://img205.echo.cx/img205/7844/ima47se.jpg[/IMG]
I will have to agree with Goddess the images are very clean and just look great. They are so simple and yet they are so effective. The characters are great quality and it really adds to the overall effect. *Bows*
Well first off I will start with, DAMN THESE BANNERS pWn all th0se n00b13 b4/\//\/3rs I can make :P Ok so here I go Retribution: Banner is simply stunning. Everything just seems to *Slow Motion* FLOW its stunning and it blends so damn well. As Goddess had said purple dose well in banners and it really looks amazing. But what really sticks out to me is that as you had told me many times "Do Not over brush" and you in fact did not over brush :P, it almost feels and my eyes seem to be able to see every stroke you took and that makes this banner very very unique and thats what makes this banner amazing. Rising Sun: I really dig this banner in truth if it were not for the theme I might, keyword is might pick your banner. Your other work is so amazing that I really cannot seem to judge you well on this(its far better than I can do) but as somone had said it almost had a stillness like the banner just STOPS and it dose not move that is what takes away from this banner I cannot put a finger on it but oh well. The border seems a little out of place for my taste like it dose not fit the banner that it holds. I really cannot say anthing bad about either of these banners since I would put either one of these in my signature anyday. Sorry but I must give my vote to Retribution because of the "Theme" One last thing Rising Sun did you get your name from The Rolling Stones - House of the Rising Sun :P Great song. Retribution you must teach me how to make brushes as well as you make yours :animesmil
Quite hard to explain. They are so wonderful and I love them so much that words cannot explain :P Ok so here we go *Sigh* Extravagence Set: Amazing Everything blends so well and it really just F...L...O...W...S I can see the whole banner and its not hard on the eyes at all. 9/10 Great job Pointless: I like it to an extent I mean its very simple and everything flows, the colors go great but it almost seems a little bland for my taste. But dont get me wrong its simply amazing but bland for my taste :P 8/10 Advanced Set: Banner: *Bows* Everything is just great I cannot really explain this banner set since if you just look at it you know that its great. Everything flows and the colors are simply amazing and the render it fits so well I wish I was of your skill level that is all I have to say. Avatar: Really it is the same as above it flows well and I can see the image as a whole its not messy and you can tell that you know what you want and how you want it to look. 9.4/10
No No sorry I did not mean to say anything like that, and if I did im sorry. And I do like your advice quite alot since it helps out alot and I can notice the diffrence Im just saying that it looks decent Im not saying its great or cannot be fixed. "I do believe this is my best work by far at this point in time" what I was saying here is that compared to the rest of my banners that I started making 2 weeks ago this is by far the best. "I would say ive done a decent job and I like it." And this was just saying that its decent I was never saying anything about "I think it looks good in my eyes," and when I did I never meant it that way I meant that it looks good not that I do not appreciate your help. And ive noticed a improvement with each comment you make on all of my banners. My next banner I wanted to make animated. It would be tech like with Vash and Knives, a weird line would come out and then a circle would go up and there faces would appear and then very small text that you cannot see or just little brush spots would go crazy fast like its giving information on them. :P That paragraph was a handful.
I do agree but I do believe this is my best work by far at this point in time. Yes a few spots I do agree are a little off but I could go back and fix all of that, Im also going to fix the "render". I used 1 brush from stalemateisgod on this banner but the rest are ones ive been using that Ive made. I really need to learn how to make better abstract brushes. But other than that I would say ive done a decent job and I like it. EDIT: FIxed the render, yes I did not even notice that I had double posted all fixed. [IMG]http://img226.echo.cx/img226/5020/new9gf.jpg[/IMG]
It may not look like it but I did this to test out a new blending style. The colors turned out quite nice and I obviously I did this to test out a new style of blending(You may all know it but I do not :P) but the banner itself actually turned out quite nice. The banner is a little hard on the eyes, but what can you do. [IMG]http://img204.echo.cx/img204/3256/ima12vw.jpg[/IMG]
Somone told me to try to attempt to make a banner without brushes so here it is.