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Nerds, Goths, Punks, The Popular Kids, etc... What do you fall in?
Ima replied to Shadow Blade's topic in General Discussion
Human categorization is one of the most foolish things that you can either do or think about. If you use any sortof commone sense you would see why, when you categorize people this leads to fights, kids being picked on, and just all out war. If you have ever read or saw anything on George Washington then you might understand why. When I did go to school I was quite blind but a very Intelligent kid, No not as in book smart I hate to say it kids but anyone can read a book and study hard and I have nothing against that but it dose not measure intelligence so. I was a Prep but I did not pick on kids I liked everyone I did not hate anyone but I did get in fights if you somone would mess with a close friend(Im not small kid and I like the martial arts). But in truth I really do not like goths I think its quite foolish and I think some of them are attention seeking fools but I like some goths, my reasoning for this is because when I went to school 5 goths brought knives and one a BB gun so I was quite pissed and one of my friends got stabbed(In the face did not hurt him or kill him nothing that would have killed him) I thought wow how foolish can you get and this kid was not being picked on and he was quite liked by everyone and then he just gose off and dose somthing stupid but as I said I do not categorize people be yourself and do what you want. When I went to school I had friends in every "Group" but I never categorized anyone and I saw everyone as being a Human and equal. -
[IMG]http://img155.echo.cx/img155/8571/boxboy2vl.gif[/IMG] ExperimentGoneWrong is amazing he is the king, he gose into battle with his plastic samurai sword of d00m that has a red Jing0juinjiu-kiniku aura around it. Only the strongest warriors can withstand the plastic sword in his hand and only the most worthy will be cut down by the Jing0juinjiu-kiniku aura. Powers: Plastic Samurai Sword With a red Jing0juinjiu-kiniku aura You can only see his eyes nose and mouth EDIT: [IMG]http://img37.echo.cx/img37/3857/boxboy0tm.gif[/IMG]
Thank you everyone all of the links helped quite a bit.
This is more of a request for decent quality pictures. Well if anyone knows where I could find some Samurai Champloo Images I would appreciate it. Thanks :D :p :cool:
Yes I do agree quite simple but I did do a few things you are hard to notice but I will not get into that since you are quite correct. But with my next banner it will be much more complex since all ive done as of now is quite simple. With my next one I am hoping to mix a few diffrent types of banners into one but it will look quite neat.
Atlast I have made a decent signature :) I made the signature a little long... There is alot of empty space so I might resize it.
Yes I was hoping I would get a reply from you since usually your replies help alot so thank you. Yes I do agree the sig is junk but it was more of a test and it turned out quite nice. My next sig will be much better and I will probably use it :P. By the way here is another sig I just made in maybe 30 minutes at most Ahh one last thing, well Im also trying to figure out color balance options so if anyone could help me with that I would be very appreciative. :D
Well this one is not as great as my first color's are better but the image did not blend as well and it just did not look right to me. But I will let you judge it. This was more of a test on some brushes I made and some color editing so.... Took me around 20 minutes to make.
Retribution always seems to beat me to the punch but still I have my ups and downs. Well I will for sure say very very nice job, Its quite amazing that somthing so simple can look so nice. I focus right on the girl and then I see the whole image after that which makes me quite happy. As for isadora image its nice but the lady seems to ruin it I just cannot see her in this sig. The colors do not seem to blend and Red and Blue have never really been a matching couple. But other than that nice and keep up the good work.
As I have said it is my opinion and my opinion stands that Jimi is the greatest. I could name over 15 guitarists that are so amazing that you cannot help but like them but the fact of the matter is that Jimi played in a style of his own and no one will ever be able to play like him, sure you can play his toons but do you feel the music? Every guitarist has there own style but not many will be considered "Great" Jimi has his own style, Dime had his, Eric has his and the list can just go on. But Jimi brought a new style to the game as I said it was "Lazy" he played with every part of his body his feet, hands, teeth and he plays behind the back, he even uses the mic stand. The fact of the matter is that Jimi Hendrix is a legend and will never always be there to influence those who play guitar. By the way I am refering to Dimebag Darell Abbott(Dime)1966-2004
It seems as if you are getting some low quality renders that that is always somthing that brings a sig down. But I like the sigs themselves there not half bad, they are starting to blend better. But as many have said I suggest a diffrent font. As far as brushes I would suggest you make your own, with my first sig I used five of my own made brushes and One that a friend had made. So if you do plan on going with Grunge And Abstract brushing then I do suggest you make your own. :P Overall quite nice and they are improving as time gose on. Keep up the good work.
I am going to have to go with Retribution on this(Very nice wrap up hard to follow) But the "Devil Guy" Sortof looks like Seperioth(Just my thoughts) the backround well it is horrible I mean any person can throw a pure grey backround together, put some text ect. The renders themself are cool but are not placed correctly and just look as if you threw them on there. It kinda looks like you tried to get the women to pet the wolf? Oh well its decent but its not my style.
Now early morning, and a sudden noise wakes up the samurai. And out of nowhere a blade comes down, and with a quick swift the samurai has blocked the initial attack. "So it is true, the legends you are so paranoid that you sleep with your hand on your sword?" The samurai studies the man closely he is an average size man but his movements are so fast that the samurai has a hard time keeping his eye on him. The man has very dark hair and he wears a strange robe it is a very dark color. Another thing he has noticed is the man dose not use a sword he uses two abnormally large blades. "So, Are you going to respond or just stand there like a fool?" As usual the samurai just stands there. And its now the time he is in striking distance one again, but this time his attack is blocked and he has left his whole back side open. The man strike and the samurai uses his sheath to block the attack. "You are sloppy your days of walking around fighting mere weaklings have made you soft." There is a long pause. "I cannot believe you do not remember me.... I was one of the men that you slaughtered senselessly, but you did not kill me and that will be your last mistake." Now both men are in ferce engagement but what the Assassin dose not relize is that his next step is his last. And as the assassin steps back his body splits in two. "How could this.... b....... e" "I'm sorry I had to use this attack on you, but you left me with no choice." "May you rest in peace, At last" It is now minutes into the future we can see the samurai standing over a grave, as we get a better shot of the samurai we notice his lips are moving and his head is bowed down. We are now at a different place. We see the tall dark figure surrounded by men. In a deep voice "I will give all of you one minute to run after that one minute I cannot guarantee you your life." "You expect one man to take on over ten of us?" "Mortal you do not know of my powers" The figures eyes open, the man that had just spoken is now in mid air his bones are in all the wrong places. "It Hurts stop. STOP!" "What is he doing to him?" "This is your last chance to run" Three men run the other six charge at the figure all of the men collapse but are not dead. "I want you all to watch your beloved friend die in the most painful way imaginable" We are now back with the samurai but it is a much younger samurai he is maybe 14 he is standing there with a sword drawn five men stand around him and with a flash we see the five men fall and collapse, arms, legs, heads, and various other parts now fall off the bodies. The samurai is standing there with his sword still drawn, we can see blood dripping from the sword. A man walk out of the dark. "Very nice, Very nice indeed you will be of value after all." With a grin on his face "Thank you." Spacing dose help quite alot. :D
Your first two are the ones that really stick out to me. Banner1: I like the "pURple Bumps" and it blends nice.... But the text just dose not seem to fit in my eyes. Banner2: Same as above really its nice and blends well, but the text is ruining it. Banner3: This is quite nice, I do like it not as much as the first two but the banner dose have a nice feel and look. Banner4: I just don't like it. It dose not blend and its just :(
Continued: It is now two weeks after the incident when we first met our Samurai friend and his buddy. The two have parted ways(For Now) And we now see the samurai. He is walking along a trail, the trail is very dark and the tree tops seem to be causing the lack of light, the forest is dense and we can hear branches break and bushes rattle every so often. We now see the past and a very large battle had taken place, there are many dead it looks like 100's if not 1000's of lifeless bodies. We now are back to the present and a noise has startled our friend there are 3 guards walking in his direction. And all of a sudden we hear "You, Halt" Our samurai friend stops and pokes his head up to see the position of the guards. We then hear "Where are you heading and why?" Our friend dose not responde but clutches his sword. The guard then says "Can you hear me boy? or are you retarded?" the guards are now only a few feet away from the samurai. One of the guards pulls out his gun and the other two, what looks like clubs. They get within striking distance and our friend as quick as a gunshot has cut all the guards across the chest. All the men fall, one of the guards is screaming the other two lifeless. And with another swing of his sword the guards head is no longer attached to his body. The samuri continues to walk in the direction he was heading. We are again in the past and we can see a faded picture of a young women, the picture fades and we see another picture, this time it is of a man his lips are moving but we cannot hear him. A young man is holding him crying, As we get a closer image of the young man he is covered in blood and has two diffrent colored eyes one Black and Red But as the young man calms down his eyes change once again now his eyes are now blue, The image fades and we come upon a town. There are people running around and people talking. People eating lunch and others just sitting infront of a Saloon. Our friend walks into the Saloon and and he asks for some saki the Bartender asks him his age but the samurai dose not respone the saloon gets quiet, people are now watching the samurai closely. We now see our tall black figure appears and the bartender hands over a drink to our samurai friend, Many are wondering why he has gotten a drink because of his age but then shrug and turn around. 8 guards walk into the saloon one man ordering everyone up agains the wall as everyone but our two friends get against the wall the guards grab ahold of the samurai but as quick as a flash the guards arm was chopped off and everyone had turned their attention to the Samurai and the bleeding guard. The other seven guards pulled out there pistols but two had been hit and killed by other men in the saloon the samurai then turned his attention to the guard behind him the man was cut across the chest and the stomach. There were five guards left but they all collapsed and as soon as he had appeared the tall figure was gone. The samurai ran out of the saloon. He ran for as long as he could and he collpsed in the woods. Umbra I will try to do what you had said in my next post since I am quite new to writing but It would improve my writing a bunch I bet. So the next Chapter or Continuation will have more details
Yes I will be continue and you are correct on the characters. I did this for a purpose I was not sure whether I would continue and the end just sortof ENDS and Ive always liked to add a new character to my writings. Ive never really been a writer or taken much interest in it but I indeed enjoy telling stories about what I enjoy. Really Its much harder to express myself by typing since words come more natural when I speak. But I do not read aloud when I type so. Grammar and Spelling is not the greatest and if and when I continue you will sure to know more about the New Chracter and the Samurai but if I were to ever write a story I would not give it away at the begining. And this was about a 15 minute piece of writing no spelling checks or word modifications. So it really isnt the most extensive piece of writing. And if you would notice the samurai character is really sortof a dead soul. If you noticed and I had added that he has many battle scars and also when he chopped of that guys legs then you would get a hint of what he was like. He feels no remorse for what he has done yet. And as and if you read my next part you will figure out why.
As you may notice I said in my opinion and even by the greatest guitar player in the world now days say Jimi Is the best. Is just amazing when he played you could tell he played for the love of the music and he is the first to ever bring a "Lazy" Type of guitar playing to the world and make it amazing. What I mean by "Lazy" is if you do listen to him in concert he gose off on his own and just starts to play never once have I heard a Hendrix song that was the same. Jimi changed the way the guitar was looked at forever. He sparked somthing that will always be around. And as time went on you could tell Jimi and the BOYS were getting better and I can almost bet if Jimi was around today many things would be diffrent. He is in the Online Dictionary and Websters has been debating whether to add him to the Printed Version that is how big he has influenced the world. Now there are so many other great guitar players and they are all the best at there own style, but none of them can add that touch like JImi could. But as you said "You never know what the future will bring" But it seems as if the great guitar players are getting old or getting shot... DimeBag Darell Abbott for instance. But as I have said there are still a handful of amazing guitarists around and I will continue to listen to them. I really do not listen to anything new. I hate All of those newer bands Simple Plan ect I really cannot say they have any "Great" Songs. And music is changing and I for one will continue to listen to Pink Floyd, The Clash, Ozzy, Metallica And all the others I have not named.
Who dose not know about him? A Man who needs no introduction. Jimi Hendrix dose not have a song I dislike. He is just amazing. You have to have respect for this man, Jimi was in my opinion the greatest Guitarist who ever lived and was only getting better. There isnt really much to say about him since Jimi is impossible to describe in words.
Rap is nothing I like and I will probably never like. But one rapper dose have my respect and this is tupac. Its obvious your looking at the younger tupac Because if youve ever listened to any decent song by tupac then you would understand what he is about. Listen to changes and tell me you cannot respect a man like Tupac. I hate it when people judge others on one song. There may be one artist who has not made a bad song and that man is of course Jimi Hendrix. Tupac is quite amazing and if you listen to songs I will list below then you will respect this man. Tupac sings about what he believes in and I do not believe he was killed by Biggie Smalls. Tupac Sparked somthing that will continue until end of history if youve ever heard him speak then you would rethink and what you have said about him. Tupac was changing the world for the good. I hate to say this but many people have been killed by none other than the Machine... Yes thats right to all of you nay sayers the goverment is corrupt and if you had half of a brain you would see this. Listen to anything by Rage Against the Machine and you might understand unless you of course cannot understand there lyrics. Tupac sparked somthing that could have very well turned a big majority of the people on the goverment. If you do not understand why MTV is trying to get young kids to vote then you are blind. I respect very few Rap Artists but if you listen very closely you will get there message. Rap is not only Swearing and Killing there are messages. Songs: Smile Changes Ghetto Gospel(Feat. None Other Than Elton John.) All Eyez On Me Hail Mary Keep Ya Head up(Or Your) Dear MaMa
I for one do like the image. Everything flows very well and it all seems to blend in well. I really don't care how people place text unless its over the render then it ruins it. Colors seem nice and it had a nice feel. Id also like to say that its not hard on my eyes which allows me to see the whole image instead of certain pieces. I really cannot comment on the head since I like it the way it is, It might stand out a little to much but then again it hasn't been tried. Very nice
Ahhhh, Yes Samurai Champloo. It is a great anime and I suggest everyone watch it. You can catch it on Adultswim on Saturdays I believe. Layout is quite nice and I like the name :P So how did you make it? Brushes/Filtering? I also do agree on your idea on the size of the layout. Everything blends well you caught the overall feel. I can see the whole layout and its not to hard on the eyes.
It was early morning, the sun just comming over the mountains on either side. Two men are standing over a dead wolfs body, both men are laughing. The first man starts to speak "We are rich this wolf's coat will be worth so much" the second man then says "We can turn the reward in and then take the coat and the money" Both men turn, but see nothing. The man pulls out his gun and keeps it close, the second man dose the same. Then out of Nowhere a person appears. The samurai built like a fighter, Tall and rough looking, he is covered with battle scars. Both men ask "What do you want?" The samurai says nothing. Both men are now pointing there guns at the samurai, he pulls out his sword swiftly. The two man start to laugh "What are you going to do with that?" You can hear them laugh, but before we can hear the end of the laughing both men lie dead on the ground one man cut into 4 pieces and the other with his head chopped off. The samurai acted so smooth and quick that the men had no time to react, The samurai smooth and quick with his sword the blade moved as if there was nothing in his hands, He was incredibly fast and light on his feet. The samurai looked down at the men and then turned to the wolf, he looked down at the wolf and turned his head. He then put his sword back in his sheath. And walked away. It is late night we see the samurai again, he is sitting in a bar. We can hear laughter in the backround but the samurai seems to ignore it. A man then comes and sits next to him, the man asks for a drink and starts to talk to the barkeep. He then said "Did you hear about those two men and that wolf?" The barkeep respondes as if he did not. The man said "Yes it was horrible, One man cut into four pieces and the other with his head chopped off." There is a pause "But this is the strange thing both of these men are some of the best shots in this part of the region." The man gets up and walked away. As we turn to the samurai we can see he has his hand on his sword, ready to strike. The samurai gets up and walks away. As he leaves the bar 5 men confront him. One of the men speaks "You are the only Guy around here with a sword that we've seen in awhile. The samurai respondes we finally get to hear his voice. Softly he says "I am a samurai please call me by my proper name." the man then says with a laugh in his voice "Haha, oh Im sorry Mr.Samurai" The samurai then walks past the five men and keep on going. But the samurai stops abruptly. We can hear five guns make a clicking noise. The samurai turns around and pulls his sword out elegantly. The five men laugh and you can hear "he's going to fight us with that?". The samurai charges and the men start to fire but nothing is hitting him he moves so quick and swiftly, two of the men seemed stunned and frozen in place. The samurai swiftly chops off the man who had spoken first at the begining of the confrontation. The men are empty, None of them try to reload, they all just stand there. Looking frightened one of the four men left drops his gun and makes a run for it. As soon as he had taken a step backwards the mans legs were gone. He sat there screaming, bleeding to death. The other three men just sat there. What seemed like an hour was less than a minute. Two men lie dead and three pleading for there life. A tall figure walked out of the darkness, the man had no weapons and it was obvious he was not armed. But as soon as we take our eyes off the three men and the samurai, the three men just collapse and are no longer breathing. The samurai puts his sword away. The tall dark figure speaks "Why do you waste your time on such...." But the samurai finished the sentence "They killed my wolf." The man then looked at the samurai and smiled. He started to laugh hysterically. Continued: It is now two weeks after the incident when we first met our Samurai friend and his buddy. The two have parted ways(For Now) And we now see the samurai. He is walking along a trail, the trail is very dark and the tree tops seem to be causing the lack of light, the forest is dense and we can hear branches break and bushes rattle every so often. We now see the past and a very large battle had taken place, there are many dead it looks like 100's if not 1000's of lifeless bodies. We now are back to the present and a noise has startled our friend there are 3 guards walking in his direction. And all of a sudden we hear "You, Halt" Our samurai friend stops and pokes his head up to see the position of the guards. We then hear "Where are you heading and why?" Our friend dose not responde but clutches his sword. The guard then says "Can you hear me boy? or are you retarded?" the guards are now only a few feet away from the samurai. One of the guards pulls out his gun and the other two, what looks like clubs. They get within striking distance and our friend as quick as a gunshot has cut all the guards across the chest. All the men fall, one of the guards is screaming the other two lifeless. And with another swing of his sword the guards head is no longer attached to his body. The samuri continues to walk in the direction he was heading. We are again in the past and we can see a faded picture of a young women, the picture fades and we see another picture, this time it is of a man his lips are moving but we cannot hear him. A young man is holding him crying, As we get a closer image of the young man he is covered in blood and has two diffrent colored eyes one Black and Red But as the young man calms down his eyes change once again now his eyes are now blue, The image fades and we come upon a town. There are people running around and people talking. People eating lunch and others just sitting infront of a Saloon. Our friend walks into the Saloon and and he asks for some saki the Bartender asks him his age but the samurai dose not respone the saloon gets quiet, people are now watching the samurai closely. We now see our tall black figure appears and the bartender hands over a drink to our samurai friend, Many are wondering why he has gotten a drink because of his age but then shrug and turn around. 8 guards walk into the saloon one man ordering everyone up agains the wall as everyone but our two friends get against the wall the guards grab ahold of the samurai but as quick as a flash the guards arm was chopped off and everyone had turned their attention to the Samurai and the bleeding guard. The other seven guards pulled out there pistols but two had been hit and killed by other men in the saloon the samurai then turned his attention to the guard behind him the man was cut across the chest and the stomach. There were five guards left but they all collapsed and as soon as he had appeared the tall figure was gone. The samurai ran out of the saloon. He ran for as long as he could and he collpsed in the woods. Grammar And Spelling is not the best.
Well I really just always wanted to write a short story about somthing that just came to me so here it gose... It was early moring, The wandering samurai has been walking in the desert for around 4 days with little food and water. When all of a sudden the samurai with no name heard a loud screech. This out of place screech caught the samurai's attention, he then ran as fast as possible toward this abrupt noise. When he reached the scene what he was was murder, five men lie dead on the ground while a pretty young women sat there watching her husband bleed to death. The samurai noticed six other men with swords drawn standing with there backs to the samurai. The samurai then withdrew his sword and called out a two words. The six men turned around suddenly and noticed the samurai, When a(n) abnormally large man turned and looked dead into the samurai's black eyes. As the man put away his sword three of the six men stepped up and charged, the three others turned there backs but before they could turn around and say a word the Samurai with black eyes had taken care of the three men and was charging toward the others. But before he reached the men he stopped. The men looked horrified and fear was in there eyes. These men know knew who they had messed with, he was the most feared samurai in the world. He was 5foot 11inchs tall and his eyes spoke for him. He was built like a figther and his body had battle wounds all over it, and if the legend was true he had killed 100's of men. The large man then withdrew his monster sword and charged but before he could act his body was split into 5 diffrent pieces. The samurai then said "If you wish to live I suggest you run now" and as these words were spoken the men had dropped there swords and ran as fast as possible the opposite direction of the samurai. The samurai then turned to the women and said I am sorry for your loss but you are safe now. And as soon as the samurai had appeared he was gone. Lots of run on sentences Not the greatest story and there are many miss pronounced words and words not used right punctuation in not the greatest. Short story but I don't have much time and this is more of a test. This is alot based of Kenshin Himura but it has its own twist. Please dont go soft and tell me how bad or good you thought it was since this is my first story and I was never really interested in writing.
If you could give us a little bit more information. for instance can we take pieces of that picture of do we have to edit that one picture?