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Everything posted by Dale_Valley
Well 1st of all, for 16, i wound up presenting chikins at a livestock show. i dont recomend doing so. (though i did get some major money) . but, um, i would sugest simply getting a couple of friens, eating at a casual restarant, seeing a movie, then go to some place, an overlook, a beach, somplace semi-secluded. take some CDs some drinks, (preferably non-alcohlic) and just sit out there with your best buds atlking and hanging out.
Ah, here we have it; I always knew a thread would start like this. Alas, here am I, probably the only active Mormon on OB. Yes, I openly admit, we are very much of a different breed of worshipers, Christians, religionist, whatever. And I have taken fair amount of ridicule from others of a different faith. 8 times out of 10, when I say I?m Mormon, the 1st thing the person asks is "um, do you like have a bunch of wives or moms?" at 1st it was funny, now it gets on my nerves a tinsy bit ( and it is really hard to actually bother me). It has gotten to the point that i despise the very word Aztec (don?t ask, long story). Our entire history is filled with a whole lot ridicule and hatred, and even the simple "making fun of". In the beginnings of the church, members were sometimes mobbed, leaders were tarred-and-feathered. Why, a main reason was that Mormons were abolitionist, or against slavery. And in some areas of the US where slavery was allowed, people didn?t want any abolitionist votes being cast. it got to the point where at one point, the governor of (I?m pretty sure it was this state.) Missouri initiated an Extermination Act. Declaring that all Mormons were to be out of Missouri by a certain date or face consequences. This is only one a many horrendous acts done Since then, things have become less violent, but are still, as I see it, pretty much nasty and dishonest. Anti-Mormons have created storms of people tossing out pamphlets of Anti-Mormon literature at large Mormon assemblies. My favorite act to quote is how they have gone as far as to rent billboards on major highways in major cities, and then discredit the Mormon Church with scripture taken out of context. As with the older days of the church, there is too much to list here. As for the making fun of stuff, ah, it?s not to bad, as long as the audience isn't full of not so bright people who may take what is said to literally. oh and by the way, yah, Mormons are the best at making fun of Mormons. Me and my buddies love to sit up at night and come up with Mormon jokes. I Have to admit, I don?t think that the Mormon Church is the most made fun of. The Catholics surely get more rap than us. I usually don't even try to make fun of other religions, not even the Jehovah?s Witnesses. I feel that unless you have actually tried to study that religion, from a member?s point of view, you really have no right to make fun of what you don?t understand. I think that I will end this here. I may post more later I may not. I?m just curious to see what others have to say that are non-member, members, and even the couple of ex-members I know of. -Endure to the End
Now, Im sure most of us have at least seen Trigun to some extent, and ive heard about a couple of other cowboy/western/shootum up on a horse type of magna/anime. But from what i understand, they arent all that realistic/good. i wanna know 2 things from my favorite people in the world (the OB gang). 1) what good, more realitic/slightly historically accurate western/cowboy anime/manga are out there. 2) Do you think the idea of a slightly histoically accurate western/cowboy anime/manga is a good idea?
What do you do when the power goes out?
Dale_Valley replied to CyberPandaLove's topic in General Discussion
when ever the power goes out, i enjoy going to houses in the neighboorhood (QUESTION NOT MY SPEILIN) and run from window to window it a candle while wearing my goofy ninja suit, tapping on windows, and screaming at little kids in thier rooms..........i need a life....... :animecry: -
oh, i dont recomend using this, i have a few friends who are constantly aroused, its funny to see them walk away with a drink in thier lap. Excuse me, ma'am, I'm with the police. I'm going to need to to remove most of your cloths, lay on your back and spread your legs, i asure you this is only a routine pat down.
Hey, i want to get a good poll from my favorite people here in OB. Im gonna list some genres of manga as well as thier descriptions (in case u dont actualy know what they are..... :animeswea ) plez tell me what you SINGLE ONE UNO genre is your absolute fav. give me what you think in both a post response and in the actual poll. 1.Action - A story that indulges a reader's penchant for physical exertion, through the depiction of combat, sport, chase, or a confluence of these. 2.Drama - A story in which the conflict rests in the personality of its characters in an environment that is typically more a natural setting. 7.3.Sci-Fi - A story that uses projections of science into the future for purposes of illuminating core themes of our modern age. 4.Romance - A story that focuses on love as the key motivating factor for human behavior. 5.Mystery - A story that is propelled by the revelation of information in increments that culminates in an uncovering of larger scheme. 6.Comedy - A story for which humor is the central conceit. Horror - A story in which the induction of fear is the primary goal, either through the introduction of the unknown, the supernatural or the macabre to its main characters. 8.Fantasy - A story that involves magical or fantastical elements as part of its established world, whether this be more traditional fantasy such as that involving warriors and dragons, or the mystical realms of angels, devils and mer-people.
i think i ust peed my pants, that was really flipping funny. like the other preson there, i thikn the pikachu anger issues was the best. keep up the good work partner!
when i look out on all of these so called "demonstations" and "protests" i fell yet another empty black hole open up in my stomache. yes, i am urked by people who demand money, welfare, and what not from a government that they have (for teh most part) done nothing for. very very few, if any at all have paid taxes. most havent contributed a single dime to our economy, with the exception of theyre actuall jobs. Im urked that people not of this land want us to change for them. like those other guys said; if emmigrate go to Russia or where ever, are they all supposed to learn english. HEck no, i have to go though the massive greulling procces of learning russian. If we can fix our immaigration problems, and cut the illigal immigration, then that poor starving family in Mexico won't have to wait 20 years to become citizens. our government wont be so preoccupied with fighting illigels. But you know the one thing that has totally urked me the most, the fact that these people want to become citizens SO SO BAD in the USA, they want help from the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT; and yet, what are they doing as they march around the streets demanding what they havent earned? They are waving the flag of the very nation they are trying to leave. i do belive that it was Theodore Rosevelt who said something to the effect of: In America, there is room for but one language, and taht language is english. And in America there is room for but one flag, and taht is the American flag. When you come into this nation and adopt it as your home, you adopt its flag and its language along with it. PS i know thi stuff isnt really all that organized, but oh well.
Do You Think About Your Generation's Future?
Dale_Valley replied to Touchstone's topic in General Discussion
i dotn really quite see our future laying the hands of present leaders, quite so much as i do see it laying in our own. as far as that goes, i see our future in a bitter-sweet type of way. Yes the economy isnt doing so hot right now, heck, it could take another heavy plunge soon. But it wont last. Soon, i just know that our economy is gonna be back up and runnig smoothly. yah, war is taking its tolls on it, and will continue for a while even after the fighting is over. The political system wil change little. it will probably still be a little corrupt, and not as effective as it should be. but still "kinda" get the job done. i see a the government/economy as a whole doing fairly well by 2020. However, as far as the society goes, thats where i see the bad stuff. i see morality, family values, family life, value of life, and every thing related, all taking a nosedive. thats all im gonna say, thats all i can say with out having other guys come flaming down on me. -
my confesion, well, one major thing is that i think that a whole buncha peoples on the site are hardheaded and ignorant brats. :animeangr
i have been watching the news lately, and all these riots and massive assamblies about all the illigals and the ways for mexicans, cubans, and other hispanics to gain legal citizenship. i am unsure of my own opinion. i simply want to know others opinopns and what they think should be done. now, if you have any plans on bashing anybody severly, get out, i dont want any big flames in here. lets all act like big boys and girls and not throw around senseless crap.
What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?
Dale_Valley replied to NekoSama101's topic in General Discussion
i also learned the hard way what happens when you grab a porcenlin plate that has been in the microwave for 4 minutes with you bare hands. -
What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?
Dale_Valley replied to NekoSama101's topic in General Discussion
yah, i uh, kinda have very bad days every once in a while. :animeswea . lol yah um for instance after recieving an incredible amount of dares from friends, i was convinced to do the following: 1) stand up in the back of a pickup going 50mph while holding a 9loaded) 12gauge shotgun 2) jump off back of truck going 50mph (holding loaded gun) 3)attempt to land on a large bale of hay beside road. (holding loaded gun) 4) shoot can sitting on fence 10ft away with gun. 5)whoop in victory and become farm hero. :animesigh heres what happend: 1)Stood in back of pickup going 50mph, was pretty steady, jsut before jump, slipped and tripped. 2)only on half balance, still tried to make jump (with gun in hand) 3)half missed hay, hit edge then flew into pig mud pen (with loaded gun) 4)upon hitting hard ground (underneath the mud and pig crap) gun was jolsted in hy hands, and went off, instead of hitting can, hit large tree limb, hanging over pig pen. Limb broke off, fell on me, fell on pig, fell on my dignity and pride. 5)moaned in misery and pain, became loser of farm. my uncle doesn't let me come to his farm in the summer anymore. went to hospital with twisted leg. :animecry: and ive done worse :animeswea -
Manga What's the weirdest manga that you've read so far?
Dale_Valley replied to darkartic's topic in Otaku Central
i have to say the wierdest manga/anime would definatly be Excel Sage. i mean really, thats like pycotic. you have people dying the being revived every 5 minutes, asceded being sleeping with dead mexicans, off the wall politcal racial and religous jokes, and not to mention petafile scientist! -
hey i have a friend that will be drawing up some of my characters for me. would anybody who likes my manga idea also like to see what my friend has cooked up?
Ok here, i organized my thoughts a little bit and explained some stuff, yah give me sum more feedback: There have always been demons and other ?paranormal? type objects around the world, however, most of them have been living low in population, and kept under cover by most of the world?s governments. 1. However, sometime after 2030, a new world war began, and all of earth became evolved in battle, death, and destruction, blah blah blah, you know the WWIII drill. 2. The demons and other ?paranormal? beings took advantage of this time when the governments were preoccupied, and stepped out into the knowledge of the world; they began repopulate more, and became active in society. And BAM there you go, you got demons and other kooky stuff in the world. 3. Anyway, amongst all the Chaos, time is basically lost track of. This period of time is called ?the Newer Dark Age? 4. Prophecies are made and spread to the knowledge of the world. They pertain to different things. 5. Divine and higher beings delegate to the Earth and give a power called ?Blue light? (still working on the name) to selected righteous and good people and warriors to help bring betterment to the world. 6. Eventually, after a few hundred years, order is brought again, to a degree. The world isn?t like it was to begin with just yet. 7. A new degree of year is created (degrees=B.C. A.D.) it?s called FY Final Years. 8. Almost a hundred more years go by. 9. The true righteous people who hold the ?blue lights? are becoming more scare. 10. Striferaven lives with his family within a smallish village of Rangers. He too became a Ranger. 11. While still young (around 18 or so) and a Ranger, he received a blue light from a dieing previous holder of it. Soon afterward, he was tracked down by a demonic brotherhood, he was then captured and his village was destroyed, and his whole family murdered. 12. Striferaven has his soul taken, and is forced into soulless servitude of the brotherhood. 13. After around 200 years of service, he gets part of his soul back, and is released but is put into a sleep like stasis for 7 year. But just before he is free, 14. {about here is where the story actually starts} Striferaven is found a revived by the underground government/military SPAWN 15. Strife serves SPAWN for 2 years, then is allowed to create a mercenary team with financial and legal ties to SPAWN. 16. Strife builds the team. 17. The rest isn?t quite defined yet, but it?s just basically the tales of all the missions the team does, and all the stuff they discover. At the same time, they are in search of the Dark Angle, unaware that it is Strife. And they discover the brotherhood that had enslaved Strife. Eventually, at some point, they also find out the truth about Strife. 18. Yah, rest isn?t defined enough to bother posting it. PS if any body has a good name for the "Blue Light" stuff, plez pm me or some other stuff.
Ok how about this, as simple timeline/order of events list of how the story works: There have always been demons and other ?paranormal? type objects around the world, however, most of them have been living low in population, and kept under cover by most of the world?s governments. 1. However, sometime after 2030, a new world war began, and all of earth became evolved in battle, death, and destruction, blah blah blah, you know the WWIII drill. 2. The demons and other ?paranormal? beings took advantage of this time when the governments were preoccupied, and stepped out into the knowledge of the world; they began repopulate more, and became active in society. And BAM there you go, you got demons and other kooky stuff in the world. 3. Anyway, amongst all the Chaos, time is basically lost track of. This period of time is called ?the Newer Dark Age? 4. Prophecies are made and spread to the knowledge of the world. They pertain to different things. 5. Divine and higher beings delegate to the Earth and give a power called ?Blue light? (still working on the name) to selected righteous and good people and warriors to help bring betterment to the world. 6. Eventually, after a few hundred years, order is brought again, to a degree. The world isn?t like it was to begin with just yet. 7. A new degree of year is created (degrees=B.C. A.D.) it?s called FY Final Years. 8. Almost a hundred more years go by. 9. The true righteous people who hold the ?blue lights? are becoming more scare. 10. Striferaven lives with his family within a smallish village of Rangers. He too became a Ranger. 11. While still young (around 18 or so) and a Ranger, he received a blue light from a dieing previous holder of it. Soon afterward, he was tracked down by a demonic brotherhood, he was then captured and his village was destroyed, and his whole family murdered. 12. Striferaven has his soul taken, and is forced into soulless servitude of the brotherhood. 13. After around 200 years of service, he gets part of his soul back, and is released but is put into a sleep like stasis for 7 year. But just before he is free, 14. {about here is where the story actually starts} Striferaven is found a revived by the underground government/military SPAWN 15. Strife serves SPAWN for 2 years, then is allowed to create a mercenary team with financial and legal ties to SPAWN. 16. Strife builds the team. 17. The rest isn?t quite defined yet, but it?s just basically the tales of all the missions the team does, and all the stuff they discover. At the same time, they are in search of the Dark Angle, unaware that it is Strife. And they discover the brotherhood that had enslaved Strife. Eventually, at some point, they also find out the truth about Strife. 18. Yah, rest isn?t defined enough to bother posting it. anyway, thats wat i far fire, is this kindas liek wat you meant? PS if any body has a good name for the "Blue Light" stuff, plez pm me or some other stuff.
alright, now this is fairly rough, but from my understanding, the sumed up Christian/Mormon version of the meaning of life is: 1. To live this life to its RIGHTOUS fullness. Meaning not doing anything that suits our fancy, but doing as much as we can to better the our lives, as well as the lives of others. 2. To be tested of our worthyness to live through eternity. 3. To gain knowledge.
um. before i post the thoughts of a chirstian/mormon, i want to know if i will be making to many people real mad. i imagine i will, but if not ill post my honest opinion.
(mature???)Random question! What turns you on?
Dale_Valley replied to orbindo's topic in General Discussion
i think that the girl that gets me going is one taht can take care of herself, but inst selfish, shares most of the principals i do, and is wierd. they have to be a wierd girl. nto to freakish ley wierd. but has that litte "zip" to them. also, have to make sure that they dont take advantage of me, thats happend to much to me. i ahve found that i am way to much of a nice guy. oh and, they have to be patient. i have a tendancy to be very shy, as well as the nice thing. -
Your MATURE opinions on homosexuality
Dale_Valley replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
i would just like to semi-publically anouce my complete apology, for having gone off subject. im sorry if i helped to decrease the value of this thread. i dont however beleive that what i did was "hijack the thread". again i apologize for my actions, i was caught up in the moment. --PS, i hope that this isnt considered SPAMing Raiyuu. i just wanted to make sure that others recieved my apology. and i would also like to point out a scripture, i believe its in Romans 1. i dont have it with me, but it, and other verses throughtout the new testemant, (especially in the episltes of Paul) conserning homosexuality. -
opinions on gun control/right-to-carry concealed weapons
Dale_Valley replied to Dale_Valley's topic in General Discussion
ok, i wrote a fairly rough report on the right-to-carry for a school project. now it may be missing a couple of things, but i garauntee, that i didnt make any of this up, i did my research. and i stress the need to visit the site that i have a link to. PS i hope it isnt to long. The Right Imagine this: your home alone late one night, trying to sleep. The house is dark and still. You hear not but silence, until; ?rattle, rattle, rattle? What was that? Silence. There it is again! It?s coming from the back door. Somebody is trying to get into the house. Questions race through your mind faster than your mind can register them. ?Who is it? What do they want? What should I do? What can I do?? Suddenly you hear the door burst open, followed by the sound of the perpetrator coming inside and rifling through the kitchen. You?re frozen in your bed, unable to move. Then realizing, you must act; defend your home, your valuables, and most importantly, yourself. Immediately you get out of bed search desperately for something to defend yourself with; but come up with only a small blunt object. Then, yet another noise reaches your ears. Footsteps on the other side of your closed bedroom door. You freeze in place, petrified in fear. Again another sound comes from beyond your door, the worst sound you could possibly hear. So faint, yet still very noticeable. Almost unrecognizable, yet you would know that sound anywhere; you?ve heard it so many times in countless movies. The sound of a gun being cocked. You?re at a loss for what to do, uncertain if you can protect yourself with your unknown club. Once more, a sound comes to you; the door handle is being turned, the person is coming in. Every year, thousands of people are left defenseless in the face of crimes, such as robbery, breaking and entering, assault, murder, and rape, and become ?victims. At the same time, though, there are others who refuse to become victims, and are the cause of crimes being stopped by the use of firearms. Thorough studies and investigations have proven it over and over again. In states, and countries, where there are right-to-carry laws and lesser gun control, crime rates are extremely lower than those with no right-to-carry laws and greater gun control. For example: In 1987, Florida was one of the first states to issue a true right-to-carry law, allowing citizens to carry concealed hand guns. People everywhere expected crime rates to skyrocket, however, the crime rate dropped quite drastically. The homicide rate fell 36%, firearm homicide rate-37%, and handgun homicide rate fell 41%. In Washington D.C., a virtual ban on handguns was enacted in 1976.Between 1976 and 1991, Washington D.C.'s homicide rate rose 200%, while the U.S. rate rose 12%. (Just the facts) And since then, D.C. has earned the title of the murder capitol, 19 years running; having more homicides in its boundaries than any other city in the US. (AFF). Similar laws have resulted in such statistics all around the US and the world. There are many people who say that by giving citizens the right to carry concealed weapons; they will misuse the right. However, less than .02% of people with concealed carry permits have been convicted of violent crimes. And even further studies show that citizens with concealed carry permits are far less likely to commit any crime than the average citizen. (Just the facts) When people in certain are given the right to own firearms and conceal carry, it provokes two thoughts. One, it jolts the average citizens to realize the responsibility, if they decide to carry, and become more law abiding. Two, (happening the most) it jolts the mind of criminals. Telling them that their jobs just got a bit more dangerous, and many times, it is enough to pull the criminal straight all together. Most criminals with any intelligence at all think twice about robbing the Kwik-E-Mart, when there is a chance that Farmer John on isle 3 with the pickles just might be carrying a concealed gun in his dirty overalls. So, lets all put a little logic to this. With both statistics and common sense in mind, does it really and truly make sense to install large scale gun control, and with it the massive potential for disaster. Just the facts. [URL=http://www.justfacts.com/gun_control.htm ]http://www.justfacts.com/gun_control.htm [/URL] Gun control -
Your MATURE opinions on homosexuality
Dale_Valley replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
Christmas was placed on the day it was because, that day was a Pagan holiday. they just replaced it with the birth of christ. -
Your MATURE opinions on homosexuality
Dale_Valley replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=The Newfie][COLOR=SeaGreen] I'm sorry, but... that has to be one of the funniest things I've ever read... If the Bible is EVER cited as a historical source, it is cited in error. There is absolutly no backing historical evidence of any credit whatsoever that supports any of the Bibles claims... All of the so-called evidence is merely speculation - not a single shred of evidence has ever been discovered prooving that any of the stories of the Bible are true. Perhaps based on historical fact, but exagerated to some rediculously lame level. Even Christmas has been proven rediculous - it supposedly took place in December, but December is the rainy season in the area where Jesus was supposedly born. There would have been no shepards tending their flocks. There is also no record of a Roman emporer ordering a census of the whole Roman people - such an undertaking is rediculous and unnessary. The only Emperor foolhardy enough to undertake it would have been Nero, but he wasn't around then. The sheer resources... It boggles the mind. Exactly where is this proof of Jesus' existence? The Bible doesn't count, as it in itself has no proof whatsoever to back it. The Bible is, if you actually read it in depth, such a rediculous tome that I often find myself crusing it's pages in search of a good laugh. Want some examples of things in the Bible that are just rediculous? [url]http://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com/abs/long.htm[/url] It's too funny to resist. 'Da Newf Oowatanite[/COLOR][/QUOTE] im sorry, to burst ur bubble, but there is a lot o recoreds everywhere that prove that jesus existed. his existance is no longer a question, the question is about his divinity. and yes i admit i dont know any records that have his existance. but can u prove taht budda or muhamad existed with ur theory? -
Your MATURE opinions on homosexuality
Dale_Valley replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=The Newfie][COLOR=SeaGreen] I'm going to explain somthing to you, mate. And it is a very slow process, but try and keep up. Basically, there is the Old Testement. It is a book, and it was written concerning the period of time before the birth of Jesus Christ. This is when all the when all the anti-homosexual and other ignorant **** went down - this is when Soddom and Gomorahh burned, and this is when God was smiteing people for masturbating. Some wierd **** was going on. [URL=http://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com/int/long.html]Here[/URL] is a link to a page full of some examples of this crazy stuff. The whole Bible is filled with some pretty insulting stuff (Ex: Every non-Christian is liar and an antichrist. 2:22, 4:2-3, False Jews are members of "the synagogue of Satan." 2:9). Some sick ****. God also appears to have a very twisted view of 'righteousness', as Lot offers his very own daughters up to a crowd of, get this, rapist... angles. Sound a little nutty? That's what I thought too. He followed that up by turning his wife into a pillar of... salt :animestun Than we get to the New Testement. Enter 'Jesus Chirst, Superstar'. See, Jesus came here more or less because he felt his dad was being too rough on his people. Things like Soddom and Gomorrah really got to Jesus. So he came to earth - purpose? Well, basically, to moot the Old Testement. Which he did. He made the 'Mean God' into the 'Nice God', so we're all fine and happy and life is good. Understand? The Old Testement, where all this anti-homosexual whatnot is written, isn't the Word of the 'Nice God', but of the old, frogotton 'Mean God'. Come off it, eh? 'Da Newf Oowatanite[/COLOR][/QUOTE] ok a little wrong here, the crowd wasnt rapist angels, it was gays from the city trying to "Know" the angles visiting Lot. and his wife turned to salt because she turned to look back at the city, directly disobing and order from God.