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Everything posted by Dale_Valley
Your MATURE opinions on homosexuality
Dale_Valley replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=renayiiq]You must have been brainwashed with this bull since you were a kid. There's no way someone could be so ignorant. I hate people like you. You only feed off of this biblical CRAP because you were brainwashed when you were a child. Homosexuality is NOT a desire. Are you that stupid, Mr. High Priest man? Or are you stoned? I cannot figure what is wrong with you. the Lord? Your Lord? He screwed me over, thanks. I think I can live without believing in a god that allows incest, but condemns people for being homosexual and bisexual. Hey, I had homosexual dwarf hamsters. I'm serious about that, too. There was a female, but they didn't want much to do with her. Who says that your god even exists? You who go by simple texts, interpreted by man. You who seem to present this being as all powerful and infinitely good. What is all powerful could never be infinitely good. Power is corrupt. What defines evil? It's just another analogy, good/evil, black/white, day/night, satan/judeo-christian god, etc. It's all the same. You don't love thy neighbor. You live to convert and make everyone perfect in your sense of the word. Grow up and realize that your little "values" are now being forsaken, because people are waking up and realizing that you're all a bunch of hypocrites. Have a nice day, while you twist the words of your "good" book. Oh, and ChibiHorseWoman, you're right. I live here in El Paso (*ahem* El Pisshole). I once read under Texas laws that a man and a woman are the only ones allowed to have sex. I read some article about a couple of homosexual guys, too. They had a little apartment, and the neighbors heard some...well, noises. They called the police, and the police busted in the door. They arrested the two men for same-sex sexual activity. There was a lawsuit, too.[/QUOTE] all i have to say is that for one, "my" god doesnt really go for incest, thank you very much. there isnt really anything that he doesnt allow. we can do anytihng that we chose. he simpy sets standerds for us to follow, but we dont have to follow them. and my friend that posted didnt really know this stuff until he was around thirty, from my understanding. and as for believing, well, that is your own choosing. i will admit that i have always been raised in this religion. but i didnt give a crap about any of it. i only did wat i had to. until i went through a "special experiance". i have a special feeling presence taht testifies to me. im sorry if you dislike people like. i have no problem with you, only with some of your practices. i hope that with time you can come to accept people like me, as people like me have excepted people like you. and before you say that i havent excepted you because i dont like what you do, what i refer to as acceptance is not disliking a person for who they are. -
The new year! whats the first thing you did or are gonna do?
Dale_Valley replied to orbindo's topic in General Discussion
me the first thing i did was fire of 23 12gauge rounds from my shot gun, 18 rounds of .22 from my pistol, and 7 rounds from my .243. :animesmil FIREWORKS!!!!!!!!!! REDNECK STYLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:excited: ..............my ears are still ringing! :animestun -
now i would like to ask everyones opinions between on how stron gun control should be and whether or not citizens should have the right to carry concealed weapons with a permit. for my personal belief, i think that we should be able to have the right to carry concealed guns on our persons as long as we have recieved a permit; which means taking a full course and haveing a background check. i also beileve that we have the right to own firearms to a certain reasonability, meaning no grenade launchers or tanks. and no other weaopns that can be considered assult weapons, at least not without a very fine and complete test and bouchground check. i also have other beliefs on the subject but will not post them at this time. please post and tell the world your veiws on this subject. and also i would like to ask that all post here are mature, nonadusive, and as proffesional as you can managa. :animesmil
Your MATURE opinions on homosexuality
Dale_Valley replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet][font=lucida calligraphy] I would like to know how exactly Texas has managed to outlaw homosexuality. It's not that I doubt they'd [b] try[/b] to outlaw it. It's just that I wonder [b]how[/b] What do they do? Go into people's bedrooms and see who's screwing who? Seriously. It's like the military having their rule (I'm serious) about only having sex in the missionary position... how do you enforce something like that? Do you make all the homosexuals relocate? Who pays for that? Sorry, I know I said that this thread was for mature discussions about people's opinions on homosexuality, but this was too good to pass up. Seriously Texas WTF? Oh and about the military's don't ask don't tell policy- I'd like to quote Fallen Angels: A man beside me in Nam is a man beside me in Nam, what he does in his bed is his own business. Keep the politics out of people's bedrooms please![/color][/font][/QUOTE] plez read one of my last posts, i corrected myself. -
Your MATURE opinions on homosexuality
Dale_Valley replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
Nobody seems to get it. Evreybody has evil desires as soon as they are old enogh to wish they could kill their teacher or their parents or the bully at school who beats them up. ALL OF US whether we are willing to admit it or not, have evil, or just innappropriate desires from time to time. We just don't act on them because we know they are wrong and we don't want to suffer the consequences or because of other reasons. The prisons are full of people who just don't stop with the desire. T hey act on them. Homosexuals are no different. They simply act on an evil desire that most others suppress. Then they try to justify their actions by saying that they were born that way. It is a big lie. God simply has no tolerance for evil. He cannot. Try finding homosexuality in nature. Other than that which happens by accident, there simply is none. That is because man is the only creature evil enough to disobey natural law. Gender is an imporatant factor in our creation. The relationship between man and woman is fundamental to Gods plan of happiness. Read 1Cor11:11. Nether the man without the woman nor the woman without the man in the Lord. Note here; I am not the actual Dale Valley. I am a freind of his, and a High Priest in the same church of which he is a member.But all the other posts on this thread and site are his. -
Your MATURE opinions on homosexuality
Dale_Valley replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=The Newfie][COLOR=SeaGreen] Religion and politics do not mix. I don't mind Christians themselves, but Christianity (Any religiion, really) is terrible in the government. Look at the Middle Ages. Complete shithole in Europe. Why? Because the Catholic Church was in power. Conversly, the Mid East was prospering. Why? Because they, although Muslim themselves, ruled a modestly secular government. Not a coincidence that the now-Muslim-ruled Mid East isn't exactly a paradise, while the secular west is prospering. Gay marriage has been legal in Canada for some time, and I don't see meteors falling from the sky or any of that what-not, so it's safe to say that there won't be any repeat of Soddom and Gamorrah - now that we've tested the water, why not jump on in? Whatever happened to 'Love Thy Neighbor' anyways? Anyways, I personally have no problem with homosexuality. It's a life choice, why should I redicule somone for it? They can do whatever they want, as long as they don't try and drag me into it. I have a saying. I'm Pro-Anything-That-Makes-You-Happy-But-Doesn't-Effect-Me-In-a-Negative-Way. As for marriage? Seems to be working out in Canada. Can gay people make good parents? Why not. I mean, there will always be lousy parents and there will always be great ones, why does it matter who they're lovin'? Oh, and for the person who said homosexuality is outlawed in Texas, that isn't possible. It isn't legal. It isn't possible. It couldn't be allowed. It's ********. 'Da Newf Oowatanite[/COLOR][/QUOTE] i apologize, i meant gay marriages, please forgive my mistake, i wasnt paying attention. -
Your MATURE opinions on homosexuality
Dale_Valley replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
by the way, i would like to remind every one that this thread is meant for MATURE posting. so if you could, plez try to keep down on the sacasim and extrem critisism. also, i would like to add that some of my last post is meant for a christian point of view. and i would also like to point out that in some states, homosexuality has been outlawed. for instance my Texas. im not sure which others have. -
Your MATURE opinions on homosexuality
Dale_Valley replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
Well, looks like I?m outnumbered, it?s just you and me, orbindo and Chabichou, I think. I'm a christian from a church i dont really feel like nameing due to fear of flames. Like orbindo said, I like to look at the past facts; Sodom and Gomorra were both destroyed mainly because of there being so much homosexuality there. Now some1 said that you need to pay more attention to the NT than the OT. Now I am sorry, but the old and New Testaments are equal in importance. They also said that by doing this, you are becoming a Pharisee because you follow the letter of the law. Now yes, we are all human, we will all make mistakes at some point or other; but isn?t that part of the purpose of life, to overcome the natural man (or woman) in ourselves? It has also been said that the USA doesn?t have a national religion, but lets look back to the forefathers of our the US. now I don?t have any solid proof off the top of my head at the moment, but if I recall, when you look through their history, there are several instances that it is quite evident that what they had in mind for the future of the marvelous nation they had created, was based on Christian standerds. Have you heard the story of Washington's prayer in Valley Forge? Also, you say that we are pushing "our Christian beliefs" on other people that don?t share our religion. Now I am not sure, but from my understanding, there aren?t really all that many religions out there, like with Chabichou's, that accept homosexuality save atheism and or Satanism etc. so it?s not really just a Christian thing. You have said that we are living in the past, let?s look to the future. But really, if it was wrong back then, it really still is wrong now. God's standards don?t change because the world doesn?t think that it?s cool anymore. Back on the Sodom and Gomorra, yah, the homosexuality was a part of why they were destroyed. Have you ever heard the synonym word for homosexuality, "sodomy"? Yah, its base word is from Sodom. Now, I really don?t believe that you are born heterosexual, a man can be born more famine or a woman more masculine, but that?s all. They have a choice to be straight or not. Also, I personally know several lesbians that say that if they could find the right man, they would change, and I am sure the same goes with many gays. The truth is that countless gays and lesbians become gay because they experienced bad relation ship with the opposite sex, and are therefore afraid of trying again. also, without even looking at religoin, you can look at simple biology. if it was meant, the pieces would fit together a little bit better. Oh yah, and from the biblical poit of view, it was adam and eve, not adam and steve or madam and eve. and if you cant prove that no one is born gay, can you prove that anyone is born homosexual? I may have lest something else out, if you want to run any thing else by me, feel free to ask me. I have no shame or problem with answering your questions. PS there u can pick on me instead of poor orbindo and Chabichou -
[quote name='kitsunekami']huh, well, that sounds like a VERY VERY clean story... no nothing... well, it seems like plenty of people are helping you, so i only have a little advise: why do you send to a publisher? why don't you make it a doujinshi?[/quote] ok, up until now i have been pretending to know, but i give up. WHAT THE HECK IS A DOUJINSHI? and actually, the only real help im getting is for the art. and so fat thats only form 1 person. the other people do thier own thing
ok, here is some more stuff to go with my story. for one major thing ive changed, you never know that Strife was the Dark Angel (the bad guys super warrior) but over time you come to believe that he is the profecied "Protector" that will put an end to the Dark Angle and his followers. you find out much later into the story, when it gets really deep. also, during the ceremony where he loses his memory, strife doesnt just pass out , he is pulled into a tomb, there he sits for 7 years before the squad guys find him. then just before he gets part of his soul back, strife was sent on several missions that led to 1st Killing the lover of Fellis, that kept him good, sending him on a rampage witch got him captured by special sages; who then forced him to do good stuff to live. then 2nd he captured Dialen so he could be turned into a cat. 3rd he destroyed the largest settlement of Enji's people, the Senka. she then , believeing herself to be the last of the great senka, set an oath to bring honor to the name of the senka again. 4th Strife did pretty much the same thing to Sonja when he destoyed her families massive shrine palace (ooh, shrine PALACE !) and she was told told by her dieing mother to fullfill the legacy of her family and discover the Lost Profecies (those arent detailed yet) and help fullfill them. and 5th and finally, he destoyed the largest and most major city of the time. doing so he killed most of katani's familly while she and her older brother were away. so they are all friends with Strife, and never know that he is the reason so much bad stuff has happend to them. all of the characters that suffered were really young escpecailly katani, (excpet Fellis, he's really old but doesnt age a whole lot, like strife, because he's a werewolf, and Dialen, after the transformation, he went into kitty coma for 6 years and was like 20 to begin with)when the stuff happened, so when the story actually starts everybodys bodies ages are from 14-21. except for Dialen, hes a cat, i dont know how that will really work. so, while the story goes on, they all have the kinda side objectives to discover and destroy the Dark Angel, recover lost "Blue Light" from evil doers, and discover Strifes lost past/ get his soul and memory back. also as you can guess, when Strife finally discovers that he is the Dark Angle (ive been doing that the whole time, i figured id let it be "angle" this time just for kicks.) he is devastaded. he remembers all that he has stolen, plundered, killed, raped (yes that too), and especially how he did so much to his now best friends, especially the city he destroyed! . tell me what you think of this stuff.
wow, i havent read that thing since i posted it the first time (this site needs a spell check) and there is a whole lot ive changed since i first posted it. for one major thing ive changed (and this goes with your unexpecked thing.) you never know that Strife was the Dark Angel (the bad guys super warrior) but over time you come to believe that he is the profecied "Protector" that will put an end to the Dark Angle and his followers. you find out much later into the story, when it gets really deep. also, during the ceremony where he loses his memory, strife doesnt just pass out , he is pulled into a tomb, there he sits for 7 years before the squad guys find him. then just before he gets part of his soul back, strife was sent on several missions that led to 1st Killing the lover of Fellis, that kept him good, sending him on a rampage witch got him captured by special sages; who then forced him to do good stuff to live. then 2nd he captured Dialen so he could be turned into a cat. 3rd he destroyed the largest settlement of Enji's people, the Senka. she then , believeing herself to be the last of the great senka, set an oath to bring honor to the name of the senka again. 4th Strife did pretty much the same thing to Sonja when he destoyed her families massive shine palace (ooh, shine [I]PALACE[/I] !) and she was told told by her dieing mother to fullfill the legacy of her family and discover the Lost Profecies (those arent detailed yet) and help fullfill them. and 5th and finally, he destoyed the largest and most major city of the time. doing so he killed most of katani's familly while she and her older brother were away. so they are all friends with Strife, and never know that he is the reason so much bad stuff has happend to them. all of the characters that suffered were really young escpecailly katani, (excpet Fellis, he's really old but doesnt age a whole lot, like strife, because he's a werewolf, and Dialen, after the transformation, he went into kitty coma for 6 years and was like 20 to begin with)when the stuff happened, so when the story actually starts everybodys bodies ages are from 14-21. except for Dialen, hes a cat, i dont know how that will really work. so, while the story goes on, they all have the kinda side objectives to discover and destroy the Dark Angel, recover lost "Blue Light" from evil doers, and discover Strifes lost past/ get his soul and memory back. also as you can guess, when Strife finally discovers that he is the Dark Angle (ive been doing that the whole time, i figured id let it be "angle" this time just for kicks.) he is devastaded. he remembers all that he has stolen, plundered, killed, raped (yes that too), and especially how he did so much to his now best friends, especially the city he destroyed! thanks for the advice youve given me so far, ill keep that in mind. tell mw what you think of this stuff.
Manga Recruiting manga drawers and writers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dale_Valley replied to cyborg715's topic in Otaku Central
just to let you know, when the moderator (lady katana) sees this, shell probably lock it down. they got a special thread up top of this forum to use for this, just giving you a heads up. -
Manga how do other dojinshi writers get ideas
Dale_Valley replied to ichibanotakubak's topic in Otaku Central
im kinda like hug monster there. my mind is constanly over flowing with ideas. at random points i just get inspiration, in the shower, after watching an action flick, in the shower, seeing a really funy comericial , in the shower, while looking at a military magizine and in the shower are just a few of my favorite times to be inspired,. the most incredible jaw dropping make yiouo wanna drool stuff. but i can draw worth a @#@$#$@$#%^$%@^$&@%. yah its that bad. but any way thats not the point. when you get insprired there is a key. the three R's REMEMBER REMEMBER REMEMBER REMEMBER. (yes thats 4) like good ol lady katana said, write it down. my personal suggestion is to always have a Handy Dany Notebook and a good qauality Squiggly Diggly Pen on you at all times so that you can write stuff down. Even in the shower, i keep a norebook sitting on the toilet. (wait, thats why theres water stains all over it!) -
plez ignore this i accidentally submitted mylast post twice. sorry
ok fireknife, let me toss this at you, i want your proffesional englich major opinion as well as any advice that you can give me Saga of Strife (working title): Setting: a wierd some wierd funky cosmic corupt nast dirty world of tomarrow, but with demons and magic and all that good stuff (real original right?, but hey, wat setting other hasent been used already? huh?HUh? punk.) in this funky world, the main character Striferave (hence the title) recieved special powers . which are curently bing called "Blue Light" (dont say anything) anyway. he was born during some kind of alignement, making him a fullfiler of a prophacy, (again, "real" original.) anyway. a bunch'a mean demaons didnt want him to completely fulfill the prohpacy, cause they would probably die if it did. so they went, and they like so totaly stolel his soul (no i am not gay.) afet that, to further his pain. they split it into several peieces. striferaven then became pretty much a body that did what ever peolple with his soul, told him to do. he went on like this being the ultimate evil warrior. and because of his "Blue light" powers, and the loss of his soul, he was able to live (this isnt in concrete) 200 years in servatuide without ageing a day. so he basically is like 19 or somthing. anyway. by mere fluke he regains part of his soul, and regains his consiuos, but after doing so he went into shock, and was ther fore, still pretty much just a body under others control. when the demon guys found out, they started a ritual that would take the small part of his souls he had reagained, back from him. (man that suks) but befoer it could be finished he reawoke completely, and unleashed major woopazz. but part of the ritual happend, so he kindo lost his memory, and all of his knowledge about his powers. and became half dead. he was found later that day by a sqaud of humans that were part of an evil fighting government, SPAWN (i forget wat it stands 4, but it does stand for somthing.) any way. they nursed him back to health, and he became one of thier special agents. he did this for 2 years, and was the best agent SPAWN ever had, because Striveraven still had knowledge of how to fight, and shoot people and that good stuff. the reall story opens, with Strife trying to leave SPAWN, so he can seek out to find about his past. (he doesnt remember anything.) but this is denied. the leaders of SPAWN do however agree to let him become a mercenary, with legal attchments to SPAWN. he is orderd to then assemble a team out of people chosen by SPAWN. he choses and the team becomes this Striferaven-leader, main guy. clumsey (u always have 2 have slumsy people in mangas) because of loss of soul. and not entirely secure about himself. Dialen- Strife's best friend, an ex demon slayer that had his mind transfered to that of a cats as a form of punishment, pervert of group. (always have to have one of those pervert guys) Fellis- werewolf, out to repay the evil he had caused wiht good. Sonja Jenai- a young sorceress that must fullfill a promise made made to her dyeing mother, mortaly wounded by a superior dark being. usually underestimated, but has powerful amount of untapped energy. ( does she seek after the heart of Strife?) Engi-ninga girl, also has oath to fulfill. (or does she seek after Strife?) anyway, the group goes along and does random mercenary things, ocasionally finding information about what Strife's past is realy about.(and that paragraph is said just to keep it short) this thing is really seriuous at times, and really stupid and silly at times. has lots of accidental" things and funny awkward stuff as well as romance.(its all pretty broad on genre. ) i have a whole lot of other stuff, jingles and jingles of things that happen as well as more characters than you can shake a fiddle stick at (im from texas). but of course i have kind of "tried" to keep it short. but yah there is a whole bunch of other stuff, if you want to see it, i can take a stab at trying to type out some more. not all of this stuff is up to date since i originaly wrote it some time ago. now if this looks familiar to anybody its because i have copied and pasted this thing about 4 times on Otakuboards.
[QUOTE=kitsunekami]ok, first questions first: how good does your artist need to be and how experianced? why are you doing this? i mean what are you plans with the final work? how experianced are the rest of the writers? wat is the rating on this?[/QUOTE] 0k first off, the artist is going to have to be pretty good. right now im partially working with 1 artist right now that is just a step away from being proffesionaly good. but can only work with me litmitedly because she's still in school and is busy with other things. i can show you some of her work if you really want it. 2nd. to be absolutley honst, im not sure, what exacly im going to do wiht it. i am hoping to find an oppertunity to send it in to VIZ, or Tokyopop, or sombody. if i can get my stuuf published, i imagine this will become my main carrer plan. 3rd hehe, there were only 3 of us when we started, now 1 became "cool" and left the "nerdy group" so now theres only 2 of us. the other guy is really there for resources, hes never even tried to write. and i myself am an amuture writer. and when i say amuter, i mean amuter, as in very young blood, as in virgin writer. lol 4th. when you say rating, im thinking you mean age restriction right? well if thats it, it should probably be kinda between "teen 13+" and "older teen 16+". 1 of my main goals in this is for it to be pretty darn clean. no nudity, no bad language, limited blood (has to be violence with this type of stuff) no sex scenes. and the main guy is kinda goody goody, (ithink i wrote that, i forgot) real clean, no smokes, no booze, no tatoos, no sex, no porn (AAH THE CLAMITY OF THE THOUGHT!), you get the point. [QUOTE=Xy GGu]Do you have links to where you can be found, such as a journal or forum? It would be best to bring deep conversation there. PM me links if you get the chance. You probably remember, but just in case I was that guy who said that I would give you a sample of my work. I could PM the link to my gallery if you want it.[/QUOTE] hey again man, hey uh actually at the moment i dont have anything like that , but i might in the near future, ok now i remember what your stuf was last time, and ill be honest with you, those couple of drawings arent the best ive seen, but i would like to see your gallery and see if you are cabable of better. i dont mean to be harsh, i just wnat to be able to find the best quality artist i can. [color=darkblue][size=1][b]In the future, please use the Edit button to add to your post, as double-posting is against the rules. Thanks. -Lady K[/color][/size][/b]
Saga of Strife (working title): Setting: some weird funky cosmic corrupt nasty dirty world of tomorrow, but with demons and magic and all that good stuff (real original right?, but hey, what other setting hasn?t been used already? huh?HUh? punk.) in this funky world, the main character Striferaven (hence the title) received special powers . Which are currently being called "Blue Light" (don?t say anything) anyway. He was born during some kind of alignment, making him a fulfiller of a prophecy, (again, real original.) anyway. A bunch? a mean demons didn?t want him to completely fulfill the prophecy, because they would probably die if it did. So they went, and they like so totally stole his soul (no I am not gay.) after that, to further his pain. They split it into several pieces. Striferaven then became pretty much a body that did what ever people with his soul, told him to do. He went on like this being the ultimate evil warrior. And because of his "Blue light" powers, and the loss of his soul, he was able to live (this time isn?t in concrete) 200 years in servitude without ageing a day. So he basically is like 19 or something. Anyway. By mere fluke he regains part of his soul, and regains his conscious, but after doing so he went into shock, and was there fore, still pretty much just a body under others control. When the demon guys found out, they started a ritual that would take the small part of his souls he had regained, back from him. (Man that sucks) but before it could be finished he reawakens completely, and unleashes major woopazz. But part of the ritual happened, so he kinda lost his memory, and all of his knowledge about his powers. And became half dead. He was found later that day by a sqaud of humans that were part of an evil fighting government, SPAWN (i forget wat it stands 4, but it does stand for somthing.) any way. they nursed him back to health, and he became one of thier special agents. he did this for 2 years, and was the best agent SPAWN ever had, because Striveraven still had knowledge of how to fight, and shoot people and that good stuff. the reall story opens, with Strife trying to leave SPAWN, so he can seek out to find about his past. (he doesnt remember anything.) but this is denied. the leaders of SPAWN do however agree to let him become a mercenary, with legal attachments to SPAWN. he is ordered to then assemble a team out of people chosen by SPAWN. he choses and the team becomes this Striferaven-leader, main guy. clumsy (u always have 2 have clumsy people in mangas) because of loss of soul. and not entirely secure about himself. Dialen- Strife's best friend, an ex demon slayer that had his mind transfered to that of a cats as a form of punishment, pervert of group. (have 2 have 1 of those 2,) Fellis- werewolf, out to repay the evil he had caused wiht good. Jenai- a young sorceress that must fullfill a promise made. usually underestimated, but has powerful amount of untapped energy. ( does she seek after the heart of Strife?) Engi-ninga girl, also has oath to fulfill. (or does she seek after Strife?) Katani-a sort of side character that serves as a major comic relief. super smart mechanic. was saved by Strife in his 2 years of service, she now is willing to follow Strife to the ends of the earth and really really anoy him! (Based off of one of my friends.) anyway, the group goes along and does random mercenary things, occasionally finding information about what Strife's past is really about. this thing is really serious at times, and really stupid and silly at times. has lots of "tension" and "accidental" things. Anyway. I?m not sure about what the other writers have in store. but that?s all I can really put in this type of environment, I mean come on this thing is really seriuous at times, and really stupid and silly at times. has lots of accidental" things and funny awkward stuff as well as romance.(its all pretty broad on genre. ) i have a whole lot of other stuff, jingles and jingles of things that happen as well as more characters than you can shake a fiddle stick at (im from texas). but of course i have kind of "tried" to keep it short. but yah there is a whole bunch of other stuff, if you want to see it, i can take a stab at trying to type out some more. not all of this stuff is up to date since i originaly wrote it some time ago. now if this looks familiar to anybody its because i have copied and pasted this thing about 4 times on Otakuboards.
Manga my manga master peice in process. (ur thoughts)
Dale_Valley replied to Dale_Valley's topic in Otaku Central
Striferaven. Personality: Suffering from the loss of most of his soul, Striferaven, at times, doesn?t seem to be all there. He has an occasional tendency to forget fairly important things. Also, Strife is a tad bit clumsy from his loss, which of course, gets him into several awkward and tension causing situations. Not only with the opposite sex, but with many people that it?s not good to get on the wrong side with. Though in the heated situations and battles he gets in, he is usually able to pull himself together in time. Also, Striferaven is kind of what most people would call a goodie good. Ever since reawakening, he has set his self strong morals, rules and limits. No smokes, booze, sex, porn, all that stuff. This kinda sets him apart from some of the members of his team on certain levels. This serves as several points of comedy in the story, as Strife continuously tries to get the rest of the team to do so as well at times. Oh, and another fairly important part of Strife, is that, once again because of his lack of soul, his mood will occasionally swing, and he kinda acts like some chick PMSing Short history of Striferaven: (since his reawakening) Two years before the start of the main part of the story, Striferaven was found, in a demonic ceremonial chamber in a demon temple, by a group a commandos looking for demon activities. He was completely naked with nothing but a pendant around his neck and an odd knife in his hands. Strife was next to dead, and barely conscious. When he was taken back to their headquarters by the commandos, he was nursed back to full life. It was found that Strife had no recollection of his past whatsoever with the exception of his name. However, oddly, he could function and normally, and it was later found that he knew certain things, like combat skills, knowledge about demons, and such the like. (I HAD THIS STUFF IN MY HEAD BEFORE I EVER SAW THE BOURNE IDENTY!!!) Soon after recovering fully, Strife discovered that the people he had been rescued by were SPAWN, a secret underground government that fought against forces of evil. Striferaven made a deal with the Spawn leaders. He would use his known skills to work as an agent of SPAWN, in return they would help him discover his past, his true self. Two years later, at the beginning of the story. Strife appeals to the leaders of SPAWN, to try and leave, so that he may search out to find his past himself, since SPAWN had had no luck. His request is denied, but he is given the opportunity to become a mercenary, leased out by SPAWN. Realizing that this is as much freedom to search as he will get, he accepts, and receives his first order as a mercenary; find and recruit a team -
Manga Looking for an innovative manga that will suprise me
Dale_Valley replied to Roflocopter's topic in Otaku Central
woa, hasnt anybody thought of inuyasha yet? its like the coolest thing of them all. the characters are really developed, and the storyline is awsome. though personaly, i like the anime better than the manga. its pretty much just as good. -
KAISHA, man, thaks thats a sweet site u put there. anyway, does anybody else have any other sites with any Inuyasha music videos or just inuyasha clips? please, PLEASE, give me some! MORE! AAHH!
actually, u dont need to understand any spainish or italian, just scroll to about the middle of the page, and click on the picture looking things, the stuff should play on itslef, no forgien langauge skills required, though japanese might help.
hey, i dont know if any of u, like me, have been looking for some music videos, or videos of the opening and closing theme songs, but i have found some. thier really cool, though in japanese. its [url]http://groups.msn.com/fansdeinu/videos1.msnw[/url]
Manga What is the funniest manga that you have read so far?
Dale_Valley replied to WhiteAoiFox's topic in Otaku Central
i havent read to many funnies, but i really think the funniest stuff would have to be, Love Hina and Excel Saga. -
hey, for a while now i have been working on this manga, unfortuantly, i dont have an artist so i havent really gotten any real work done. (so if the stroy elightens any artist, u could pm me if u want) any way. i want some serious oppiniuons. here it goes, this is the simple layout. Saga of Strife (working title): Setting: a wierd some wierd funky cosmic corupt nast dirty world of tomarrow, but with demons and magic and all that good stuff (real original right?, but hey, wat setting other hasent been used already? huh?HUh? punk.) in this funky world, the main character Striferave (hence the title) recieved special powers . which are curently bing called "Blue Light" (dont say anything) anyway. he was born during some kind of alignement, making him a fullfiler of a prophacy, (again, eral original.) anyway. a bunch'a mean demaons didnt want him to completely fulfill the prohpacy, cause they would probably die if it did. so they went, and they like so totaly stolel his soul (no i am not gay.) afet that, to further his pain. they split it into several peieces. striferaven then became pretty much a body that did what ever peolple with his soul, told him to do. he went on like this being the ultimate evil warrior. and because of his "Blue light" powers, and the loss of his soul, he was able to live (this isnt in concrete) 200 years in servatuide without ageing a day. so he basically is like 19 or somthing. anyway. by mere fluke he regains part of his soul, and regains his consiuos, but after doing so he went into shock, and was ther fore, still pretty much just a body under others control. when the demon guys found out, they started a ritual that would take the small part of his souls he had reagained, back from him. (man that suks) but befoer it could be finished he reawoke completely, and unleashed major woopazz. but part of the ritual happend, so he kindo lost his memory, and all of his knowledge about his powers. and became half dead. he was found later that day by a sqaud of humans that were part of an evil fighting government, SPAWN (i forget wat it stands 4, but it does stand for somthing.) any way. they nursed him back to health, and he became one of thier special agents. he did this for 2 years, and was the best agent SPAWN ever had, because Striveraven still had knowledge of how to fight, and shoot people and that good stuff. the reall story opens, with Strife trying to leave SPAWN, so he can seek out to find about his past. (he doesnt remember anything.) but this is denied. the leaders of SPAWN do however agree to let him become a mercenary, with legal attchments to SPAWN. he is orderd to then assemble a team out of people chosen by SPAWN. he choses and the team becomes this Striferaven-leader, main guy. clumsey (u always have 2 have slumsy people in mangas) because of loss of soul. and not entirely secure about himself. Dialen- Strife's best friend, an ex demon slayer that had his mind transfered to that of a cats as a form of punishment, pervert of group. (have 2 have 1 of those 2,) Fellis- werewolf, out to repay the evil he had caused wiht good. Jenai- a young sorceress that must fullfill a promise made. usually underestimated, but has powerful amount of untapped energy. ( does she seek after the heart of Strife?) Engi-ninga girl, also has oath to fulfill. (or does she seek after Strife?) Katani-a sort of side character that serves as a major comic relief. super smart mechanic. wsa saved by Strife in ihs 2 years of servive, she now is willing to follow Strife to the ends of the earth and really really anoy him! (Based off of one of my friends.) anyway, the group goes along and does random mercenary things, ocasionally finding information about what Strife's past is realy about. this thing is really seriuous at times, and really stupid and silly at times. has lots of "temsion" and "accidental" things. anyway. im not sure about what the other writers have in store. but thats all i can really put in this type of enviroment, i mean come on, wat all can u put in these dinky little squares? hey, if u want 2 see more, just post so. i got a lot more thats a lot better.
hello, a group of friends and i have a group of amature manga and anime creators. unfortunatly, we have no skilled artist, just one that (though he is getting better) can only create fair consepts. we are in desparate need, especially me, for a good anime/manga artist that is undiscoverd, and/or isnt currentl working. the writers of or group, especially me, are very capable to write, and pretty much only need help on character design ideas, clothing ideas, and of course the actual artwork. we are Storm Productions. we're still in high school, as i suspect most undiscovered artist are. we could really use some help. let me know if u wish to help and want a chance to get discoverd.