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Everything posted by Sere Tuscumbia
What OtakuBoards member are you? Take the test and find out!
Sere Tuscumbia replied to Mnemolth's topic in General Discussion
Oo;; Just what did you put in there to get me? You MUST be on crack. I swear. And who says I'm stuck being like YOU? YOU'RE stuck pleading insanity! Heheheheheheh. I did like that little bit. I plead insanity! Heheheheheh. And that still doesn't mean that you can steal my job. However, I seemed to get AJeh, so I feel sorry for him . . . because that means that he's stuck with my insaneness for the rest of time. *takes the test again and gets . . .* Harlequin ( WHAT?! ), AJeh ( again ), Mitch ( scary ), Anna ( er. ) Huh. Man, this means I'll have to retreat into the evil identity crisis again, if I answer truthfully and don't even get myself. -
O_O;; And we're supposed to pronounce that HOW?! Lettsee . . . any other names I can provide explanations for that are actually interesting? *starts going through her names* Ah. Aisha Karnchanakaphan. Try pronouncing THAT. Well, this one isn't really that hard, I just like trying to get people to spell that. Maybe I should change my name to that . . . heheheheh. No. I'm not. Well, le story is: Aisha--made this name off of a picture of a cat girl, and immediatly thought of Aisha ClanClan from Outlaw Star. Karnchanakaphan--had a Summer Arts (its a little program that runs in the summer. That's all I'm going to divulge about that) intern/teacher named Tisha Karnchanakaphan and I thought that that was just the coolest last name in the world. So I decided to use her last name, thus Aisha Karnchanakaphan was born. Aisha-- Ai (a) sha (shuh) Karnchanakaphan-- Karn (carn) cha (chuh) naka (naka) phan (fawn) Aisha Karnchanakaphan.
What OtakuBoards member are you? Take the test and find out!
Sere Tuscumbia replied to Mnemolth's topic in General Discussion
HAH! I found myself! I don't agree with the answers to find myself but I FOUND MYSELF! And Bryan, if you EVER try to take over my job, I will first beat you over the head with my Mod Rod, and then send my rabid, killer dustbunnies after you to kill you in your sleep, got it? -
just to help ya out Sarsy-chan. Character Sheet: Slave Name: Sene Hasyu Age: ageless Species: Technomage Description: Humanoid appearing, but underneath that long cloak lies another story. Her hair is black and braided into cornrows, and her ears are slightly pointed. And her eyes are a chilling ice blue. Wears: A long black cloak with a short skirt and a no-sleeved shirt underneath . . . sometimes. Bio: Er. Er. Er . . . one moment. Occupation aboard ship: She is the local mage, and can read minds, emotions, I'm thinking about what I want to say and am coming up blank . . . one moment. Anything else about character: one moment.
Another thing that might, or might not, be a "sixth sense" is occasionally I'll lose all hearing, and a strange high pitched whine will just be there instead. Every once in a while, I can swear that I hear voices faintly in that time, but I can't be sure. And my ghost encounters freak people out? Man, I feel funny now. I've just gotten so used to them, that I didn't think that people would have a problem with them . . . And, as I can see how someone reading this thread could be thinking that I'm a crackpot for saying things, I can describe, in detail, what happened to me one time. I was spending the night with someone I know, and she kept on wanting to turn the lights off and jump out at me from random places. I don't do good with the whole "jump out and scare the living daylights outta me" thing, so when she had gone off and hid, I went upstairs. There was no room that I hadn't gone into except for one, so I went in there, ignoring that little voice in the back of my mind that was warning me not to go in there. So I sat, in the dark, and waited. And waited. All the while, there was a feeling of fear growing in the back of my mind, and I couldn't breathe. But there's no reason for me to be scared. You know, it's a room full of rugs and gym equipment. Nothing harmless, but that feeling grows. I could swear that there was something in there . . . the feeling grew uncontrollable, so I jumped up and ran out of that room. I stand two feet from the doorway, looking into the room, and then look down at my hands. Their shaking like leaves. So I ran downstairs and stayed downstairs for the rest of the night. Whee. I haven't gone upstairs in that house since. There was also something else that happened to me, but it's a bit more personal than that . . . I might describe it, eventually.
Heh. When I signed on, the first thing I did was stare at the front page for two minutes. Then I remembered that Christmas (or at least winter) was coming. Then it all made sense. I'm slow today . . . ^^;; All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth! No, really, a space heater for my room. It gets SO cold in my room, so I need something to warm it up. I would steal the one in the garage, but one, it doesn't work, and two, it's there for the cats. That and a cellphone. I really need a cellphone. And clothes for winter. I am tired of freezing at the bus stop, but that might be a mere memory by sophmore year. (Hopefully) during the summer I'll be taking Driver's Ed, and then once the year starts (Aug something) I'll be riding the bus for a little bit before I'll be able to get a driver's license. Oooo I want a driver's license . . .
What OtakuBoards member are you? Take the test and find out!
Sere Tuscumbia replied to Mnemolth's topic in General Discussion
ACK! You changed the answers, and now I can't find myself again! I'M LOST AGAIN! I hate you people. -
I'm not planning on changing my name, because Sere Tuscumbia is who I am. Ok, true, my real name is Annie Bradley (once again, break out into anything from the Annie musical and I will hurt you), but since I've been going by Sere Tuscumbia for at least 4 years now, Sere's now more than just one of my faces. Sere thinks the way I think, no matter what. And plus, I like making fun of the way people try to spell Tuscumbia.
Sorry. Been busy and unable to figure out where I'm going with this. Trust me, I'm thinking, but due to the fact that I missed three days of school last week, I'm having to make all of it up and its getting really hectic. I'm afraid that I'm supposed to be doing my work but am not, so I'm unable to be online for long. Gomen nasai minna.
What OtakuBoards member are you? Take the test and find out!
Sere Tuscumbia replied to Mnemolth's topic in General Discussion
I still can't find myself. And someone got Mist. I'm not sure where it mentions her, but it's how I pulled up the list of all the people on the quiz. And I haven't found anyone who's had you. I think you're lying . . . >>;; And I still can't find myself. -
What OtakuBoards member are you? Take the test and find out!
Sere Tuscumbia replied to Mnemolth's topic in General Discussion
AAAHHH!! I am the only person who can't get ME!!! X_X;; I shall now retreat into the depths of an identity crisis. *takes the test one . . . more . . . time . . .* It says I'm confused about who I am. X_X;; I'm afraid I'm lost . . . -
What OtakuBoards member are you? Take the test and find out!
Sere Tuscumbia replied to Mnemolth's topic in General Discussion
I'm The Harlequin?! WHAT IN THE HELL?! We are SO not the same! X_X;; Are we . . ? *locks herself in an insane asylum* And you're kidding me. I'm in there? *does the quiz over and over and over until she can find herself* Argh. Must . . . find . . . myself! I must! Can't . . . find . . . self. I AM in there, right? -
Mine's just in my room. Ok, when I was little (about 8 or so, I had just moved into the house) I would always hear a woman call my name, but it wouldn't be my mother or my sister, because they were either outside or not at home. Don't hear her anymore though . . . And my computer really IS possessed. When I'm supposed to be doing my homework, but am on the computer instead, the screen blanks out and will NOT come back on until my homework is finished. And, when I'm up too late on the computer, it blanks out then. Eats my CDs and won't give them back sometimes too. I think it's because my sister (who had the computer before me) beat on it alot, because one time my sister was trying to get it to do something (me being the computer flunkie I am) and it wouldn't work for her. I sit down in the chair and take the reins, and it starts working. And my ghosts know that I know about them, because they'll get the blind rods going (the little strings that enable you to pull it up) and then I'll yell at my ghosts and it'll stop. And whenever someone's over, nothing happens. Zilch. Nada. It's warm in my room, my computer works fine, everything's a-ok. So strange . . . The only thing that happens in my bathroom is that I can't close the door when the lights are off. I'm not sure if it's just a fear of mine or not, but I'm just so afraid to sit in that bathroom in the dark, because I keep on feeling that there's someone in the mirror, and they'll be able to get out if the lights are off. And every once in a while, writing appears in the steam on the mirror. Considering I've lived in this house since I was eight, I'm used to it by now.
I have deja vu. Lots. Mainly, it's I'm sleeping (I think), and I guess I don't remember it. But then I'm sitting somewhere, when I realize I've said that before, or I've seen that before, or I've done that before. Creeps me out a little. And it's not really an ability, but I have ghosts in my room. Which is why it's always cold in my room. I hear voices. And it's only by a certain window though. Sometimes I'll have a necklace hanging off of my lamp, and it just starts swinging, even though there's no air going to it. Oh yeah. I have a possessed computer. That thing KNOWS. And I can read cards. No, I don't do tarot or anything, it's just that I have a certain deck of cards that if I tell someone to pick a card, memorize a card, and then put it back in the deck, I can pick out the card from a strong tingling in my pinkie and ring fingers of my right hand. Works everytime too. And occasionally there's an aura, or a ghost in my vision. I can sense "evil ghosts". Call them ghosts, call them demons, call them whatever you want, but I KNOW they're there. Scares the living daylights outta me. I'll shut up now before ya'll think I'm overly weird.
Oooo . . . THAT'S the people who did those books. I didn't like His Dark Materials. It ended badly. The plot line was wonderfully thought out, and wonderfully written, but the end sucked. Badly. Too many questions that I'll never get answered. I read Ruby in the Smoke, but have not been able to get my hands on the sequel (Er. Tiger in the North, I do believe) or the one after that (The title eludes me). Ruby in the Smoke confused me, but then again, I was sitting in a very uncomfortable seat, and didn't have the patience to read it twice. I'll find a post-it note and read the book once again. And the other two. However, I do believe I read both series in seventh grade (two years ago. God I feel so young compared to the rest of you people.) so they're not fresh on my mind. Ok, His Dark Materials kinda is, but Ruby in the Smoke and its sequels (never read them, so why should they be in my mind at all?) are way long gone. Just my two cents on the matter.
Once again, I'm bothering you all, but is there any way you could make the Banner/Avatar Request Forum an all request forum? I've noticed that sometimes people need to request pictures, or sprite sheets (ok, I haven't looked, but I'm sure there's someone out there who would request one) or some other thing and it ends up in the Art Forum and such, even when it's not art. It might help if the Banner/Avatar was an all request forum, so we won't get the Art Forum clogged with requests for pictures . . . Just a suggestion.
And Bri looks better than Bry. So I call you Bri for short and Bryan when I'm mad at you. And the reason I know you Bri, is because I've talked to you before. When I was just a itty-bitty newbie, and had no idea what in the hell I was doing on these boards. Now I'm a member, and have an idea. Even though I don't deserve member status . . . but that's only post counts so I don't worry. And plus, Juu-chan talks about you. Us poor lonely Otakuboardians in the chat have to talk. So we mention friends, so on and so forth. It'd be insane for me not to know your name. Anyway--onto my work for the new and improved name thing. Oh well, I could always use one of my other names. Some of those are kinda interesting . . . I think.
You posted twice. Twice. Now, I advise you to delete one of those Bri . . . And why does everyone have such interesting stories behind their names? Geez, mine is your every-day-got-it-from-a-show story . . . T-T;; Bah. I'll have to make up something new and exciting . . . *edit* Thank you and have a good day! ^_^
Because I'm your friend (*cough hack* You'repayingmebackforthis *cough wheeze*), I'll work on this but I'm not saying it'll get done. And I think that this might be better suited for the P/FF forum.
Ok. I've noticed that when I look in my profile, it says that I joined 9-19-2001, which would have me joining after the Sept. 11th attacks, but I seem to remember joining in 2000. Is this just a flub with the system, or am I losing my memory? Help would be helpful.
And now I get mad. We had to do science poems and I did six Haikus. I am the Haiku goddess. But, Mr. Bond (evil rubber duckie he is) didn't give us our poems back, and now I only remember 2. One really, and part of one other. Edit. The minute after I was forced off the internet, I remembered the whole haiku. ^^;; Anthropomorphic Human from to non-live things New words every day! Organic compounds Chains and rings and many things Carbon skeletons *~*~~`` And just an improv one: Posting a reply. Why does a poem go quick? Only the few know.
Natural human behavior. What if you mess up, what will people think about you, is your costume going to rip, are you going to slip and break something, (in a musical case) are you going to mess up a note, worrying is something everyone does. Thus arrives the terror, as worry gets shoved over. However, even though you get me up on stage for acting and I faint (well, ok, I haven't (yet), but keep me up there long enough and I think I will), I can sing on stage. Which is why I'd love to do a musical. Especially Cats, but the costumes (and plot line, and number of characters) are way to complicated for a dinky (or not so dinky) high school to pull off in the time alloted. Why Cats? Because it's more singing than actual speaking. And I just love Grizabella's parts. But I will try out for a musical when I become a junior. I will TEACH myself to get over my fright. I WILL. I get the same feeling of impending doom every time anything singing related happens. Ish natural.
Heh. Truthfully, mine came from Sailor Moon. Made it up a long time ago. Got bored, and started thinking about if Naoko (the creator) had ever thought of doing something where Queen Serenity was a teenager. Started an idea. Shortened down "Serenity" (which is Usagi, and Rini's name too) to "Serene" and added on "Tuscumbia" as a variation to "Tsukino", and thus Serene Tuscumbia was born. Then, one day, I was logging into a chat, and misspelled Serene as Sere. Thus, I became Sere Tuscumbia, and it's stuck for me. Plus, I love the look on people's faces when they try to spell/pronounce "Tuscumbia". It's priceless. To clear a few things up: Sere Tuscumbia -- Ser (think "hair" with an s instead of a h) e (long e. you know, ee sounding) Sere. Tus (think "tusk" without the k) cum (don't be getting ideas where I came up with this name, you sick minded rubber duckies. Think "come") b (think "bee") ia (think "uh") Tuscumbia. Good for you. Now you know how to pronounce my name properly. (Not my real name mind you. If you want to know that, look in that secrets thread. It should be near the end) If you didn't get that, then I can't do anything for you but find a way to meet you and say it verbally. Good luck and have fun staring at the insane way I do things. *edit* Cera has a good point. I've had a lot of questions for my AIM name (LaraC1147) Well, here goes. LaraC=Lara Croft. I'm a big Tomb Raider fan. Always will be. 11=I was eleven when I created the screen name. Now it just fits with 47. Which reminds me . . . 47=An inside joke if you've watched Star Trek Voyager. There's a 47 somewhere in each episode. So I just had to add 47.
Christina Aguilera:Slut or expressing her Talent?
Sere Tuscumbia replied to Rancid's topic in Noosphere
Endymion, I'm sorry, but I think you read me wrong. I didn't say that because UN has different views than me, but because I was judged wrongly because of something I said. So, if you would kindly back off. I also believe that I pointed out before I started responding back that I was in a pissed off mood. That would explain some things. -
OOC: For once I'm stuck without an idea of where to go. Give me a while, and then I'll think of something. Dammit Liam, I hate you. Whee. I'll be thinking, and edit this when I'm done. *~*~~``