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Sere Tuscumbia

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Everything posted by Sere Tuscumbia

  1. I wasn't going to post in this again, just for the fact that I didn't want any more people hating me than I had to have hate me, but due to the fact that I am severly pissed off right at the moment, I think I'm going to stick up for myself in this matter. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by User Name [/i] [B]Now , now, no need for name calling.[/B][/QUOTE] If you think that I was calling you names, then you're stupider than I thought. [QUOTE][B]The point of videos like that is to . . SHOCK HORROR ! turn guys on, which means more guys want to see it, which means it gets more air play, sending it shooting up the charts, and selling millions of records in the process, so they can, guess what? Come on, somebody? What is it the music business is built on these days? Talent? No, that's not right, guess again. There we go, it's MONEY ! They make lots and lots of money.[/B][/QUOTE] Well, shock horror, another thing that gets guys horny is seeing girls kiss. Yep, guys get all hot and bothered over that. You don't see us women folk getting all steamy when guys kiss . . . and yes, I know that the music business is made off of money. I'm not stupid. Everything is based off of money these days. Clothes, music, books, food, most anything is a money-making thing. We wouldn?t have prostitutes if it weren?t for the money. But some people don?t need to dance around in outfits with their breasts halfway showing. Take Michelle Branch for example. Goes out to concerts, plays her own instrument, sings her own songs, no crackwhore costumes, no half-naked people dancing in the background, and still she manages to have thousands of fans. She even has her own website, where she replies to viewer?s posts, posts pictures, and even had a "Dress Michelle Branch For The MTV Video Music Awards" area once! Talent goes a long way when you?ve got it. [QUOTE][B]Hypothetical situation, you're trapped in the jungle, with an eight year old, and you're cornered by a hungry lion. You're naturally strong and know how to kill the animal. Do you A - Save yours and the kids life ? B - Die, because you might encourage the kid to kill pretty little kitties ?[/B][/QUOTE] One, your analogy sucks. It has nothing to do with the rest of the post. Two, it would be a tiger, not a lion. Lions live in the savanna. Tigers live in the jungle. Three, you wouldn?t be taking a child into the jungle if they weren?t old enough to know that "hungry large kitty=bad" and "small hungry but not man-eating kitty=good". Even eight years olds know better. [QUOTE][B]Now, I could continue to totally obliterate every single argument you throw at me, and fight your views of innocence and purity with the of gritty realism, and then retort to name calling, as you yourself have done, or I could just calm down and think that everybody has their own opinion, and just because it doesn't match mine, I shouldn't think of them as [i]"sad, sad people"[/i].[/B][/QUOTE] The term "sad, sad people" was meant to be a joke of sorts. You do know what humour is, don?t you? And it?s innocence; the only reason that it?s spelled right is I went in and corrected all your misspelled words. And I know what gritty realism is. I wouldn't even be posting this if I thought the world was fluffy bunnies and rainbows! Yes, I think that parents should monitor what their kids are watching, but then again, parents wouldn't NEED to monitor what their kids are watching if it wasn't even on TV! [QUOTE][B]Ranting done. [/B][/QUOTE] That was MY term. I coined it first, used it first, and I don't appreciate you making fun of me by doing that. Back off.
  2. Edit on Deus's post: Moderators: the people who own the rightful Mod Rods. The rest of just have stolen one. Admins: The Otakuboards Big Brothers.
  3. OOC: Nice to have ya back for a bit Sarsy-chan, but it's Tasya. No n's involved. *~*~~`` [I]Summer was awakened quite grouchily by the muted sound of her cellphone ringing. Fishing around in her pockets, she found it, flipped up the top, and stared at the caller ID. It was Alpha. Wasn't everyone just oh-so-considerate tonight. Summer growled, stood, and threw the cellphone at the wall with the grace of a professional baseball player. She relished the cracking sound it made as it hit. *** Alpha stared at her phone as the automated woman at the other end repeated her "phone-out-of-service" message again and again. Then, her face determined, Alpha clicked her phone shut and strode back to the building.[/I] "She?s not at her aunt?s, she?s not at the Boston, and she?s not in that one place in the park she likes so well. She?s nowhere in my ranges, Tasya," [I]Alpha said, as she flopped herself down into one of the chairs near Tasya. Tasya sighed, and let her head fall to the table, staring frustratedly at it for a moment. Then, as if a light bulb had popped on over her head, Tasya?s face brightened.[/I] "Na Machmæl," [I]she muttered, and then knocked softly on the table. Michela popped into sight, wincing slightly, and then yawning.[/I] "Oi, Tasya. Do you think you could change the perimeters of that spell? My ears pop every time you do that." [I]Tasya just raised her head up, nodded, then let it fall back down to the table.[/I] "She, Saethi, and Summer got into an argument," [I]Alpha said, jerking a thumb in Tasya?s direction.[/I] "She?s sitting there moping--" "I?m [I]not[/I] moping. I?m frustrated that I have such a stubborn-minded Slayer." "She?s sitting there moping, Saethi?s somewhere doing what he needs to do, and Summer?s missing." "Called?" "Her phone is out of service." [I]Michela threw up her hands.[/I] "How many phones is that now? And, due to the fact that I can teleport and you losers can?t?" "And, since you just so [I]happened[/I] to steal Summer?s body, you have a little tracker in your brain somewhere," [I]Tasya mumbled from the table. Michela rolled her eyes and continued,[/I] "you want me to go find the Slayer." "That?s about it." [I]Alpha looked at Michela, a weird expression crossing her face. Michela waved off Alpha?s look.[/I] "Hey, D?Hoffryn likes me. I?m his pet. He won?t get mad, trust me. And now, if you all will excuse me--" [I]Michela disappeared. *** Summer was laying there, throwing a ball up into the air and catching it, when there was a knock at the door. Joy. She slipped the stake out of a pocket, and then, finding no eyehole, just decided to open the door. She could take assassins any day . . . Michela stood outside looking slightly peeved.[/I] "You know that it?s going to do no good to shut the door in my face, so don?t even try." [I]Summer frowned for a moment, then stepped aside to let Michela in. Michela looked around, then held up a plastic sack.[/I] "One: munchies. Two: you?re going to tell me everything about this little ?argument? of yours." [I]Summer sighed and looked up at the ceiling.[/I] "Is there [I]anyone[/I] who respects my privacy?" "No. Now, sit and spill the beans." [I]Summer did.[/I] *** "So," [I]Michela said, as she eyed the two miniature figures, Summer and a random vampire, fighting on the table,[/I] "what you're saying is you're on Slayer probation." "Yep," [I]Summer replied, wincing while she saw her figurine take a hard blow,[/I] "and the thing that really confuses me is [I]Saethi[/I] gave the order. Saethi. Mr. I-Don't-Give-A-Crap-About-The-Rules." [I]Michela popped a marshmellow into her mouth and chewed for a moment, waving her hand through the two figures to clear the battle. She had pulled them up purely for her own amusement, and Summer thought they were battles from Michela's own mind. It was all and well that she just believed that, and never learned the truth.[/I] "Just don't go wishing for his heart to be ripped out or what-not." "I'm not scorned or anything. Just shocked and pissed off." [I]Michela just sat and watched the little mini-Summer pull a sneak attack on a vampire for a moment. Summer watched Michela, then turned her attention to the figures, and threw a stolen marshmellow in their direction. It went sailing through them both, and then bounced off the table and onto the floor. Michela sighed at the loss of a perfectly good marshmellow, but then visibly paled when two familiar figures began fighting. She quickly waved a hand over them, and they dissipated into smoke. Summer looked at Michela.[/I] "You're pale." [I]Michela popped a marshmellow into her mouth and chewed, trying to find time to make up an excuse. The real reason, and Michela would have had an extremely pissed off Slayer on her hands.[/I] "Something didn't go down right." [I]Summer nodded, but still eyed Michela warily. Something just wasn't right.[/I] *~*~~`` Two posties in one day. I'm mildly proud.
  4. Days like this I wish I was a Mod. If there's one thing you should have done before even thinking about posting this was read the rules. Anyone with half a brain would have figured out that this is total spam. Want to get the message out? Then ask in your signature. Do something other than [I]this[/I]. Thank you and have a nice life.
  5. Hey! Gunn on Angel is bald and he looks GOOD! Bald isn't bad, but then again, shaving your head must be a real pain. As I have no intention of shaving my head (I'm a girl. Shaving my head would be insane.) I really shouldn't have any say on the matter. ^^;; ~!*Sere*!~
  6. You are a sad, sad person, you know that? Who should care if they're able to drink, or smoke, or wear clothes that make them look like a one-cent crackwhore, the thing is [I]they shouldn't[/I]. What kind of role model are they? That gives off a "it's ok to have sex when you're not married" and a "it's ok to walk around prostituting yourself to thousands of strangers" kind of idea to kids nowdays. I don't care if they're old enough, if they had any brains in their head, they wouldn't do it anyway! Ranting done.
  7. Last year and the year before last, we kept having snow and then having it thaw out, to just have more snow dumped on us. We're [I]still[/I] trying to fix the pot caverns in the road. And, if last year (and the year before that), are going to be repeated this year, than I hope we stock up on the sand/salt mixture. Last year we ran out of the mixture . . . and we drop in temperature. Lots. Enough to have me sick (or at least snuffly) for two months straight. However, one summer we got up to 115 degrees so . . . we never stay the same way. I'll just have to see what it's like.
  8. Ugh. Cristina has--and always will be a slut. However--one of my friends is completely convinced that C.A. isn't all that bad. "Genie in a Bottle" is very blatantly about sex, but my friend tried to "convince" me that it's about a girl talking to her boyfriend, saying she needs to be treated right. Pfff. And I have another friend (she's thinks I like her but I hate her guts. She tried to shove a dog toy in my mouth. Eugh. She disgusts me.) who is absolutely in love with Britney Spears. In my opinion, both of them suck. Badly. And unless they go back and start over with doing something different, and going somewhere different (Ok, I'll admit, Britney's starting videos weren't that bad. But then she turned into Christina. *shudder* Still gives me nightmares) then my opinion will never change of them. Done ranting.
  9. See the thing with me was none of those were [I]secrets[/I]. Just things that my IRL friends already knew but not you guys. (In that case, another one of my "secrets" would have to be my name. Well guess what? It's as simple as Annie Bradley. Big whoop. However, if any of you break out into anything from the "Annie" musical, I will find you and kick your arse. Be warned.)
  10. Ugh. Snow. Can't enjoy the backyard snow due to the fact that the dog's toilet is the outside, and I DON'T relish the fact of walking HOME in snow. Or waiting for the bus. Or sleeping in my room, due to the fact that my ghosts don't allow any hot air to seep into my room (*realization* No [I]wonder[/I] I have so many blankets . . . OO;;), but there IS Christmas to look foward too. And All Hallow's Eve isn't fun, because it's an Oklahoman tradition to have it snow on All Hallow's Eve and rain on Friday the 13th. (So there was that one year where it rained AND snowed on the same day.) And actually, Oklahoma doesn't get that GOOD snow, the type that makes perfect snowballs. We get powder (dusty and it sticks like--yeah), or slush (squishy). Not cool.
  11. OOC: Argh. Throw a monkey wrench in there for me, will ya. *glares darkly in Liam?s direction* You aggravate me. *~*~~`` [I]Summer stared at the wall, stunned, for a moment, but then it wore off and she was left . . . . . . well, [/I]pissed.[I] The door slammed open as Summer strode in, grabbing her overcoat and throwing it on, before turning to leave. She was stopped by Tasya?s words.[/I] "He?s right you know. You know that we all care about you Summer. I have decided, as your Watcher, to put you under official guard. A guard or two--" [I]Summer swivelled and kicked the back of a chair. It rebounded off of the wall hard enough skid several feet before bouncing to an unsteady stop, and then promptly falling over. "Dammit[/I] Tasya, I?m the [I]Slayer[/I]! I shouldn?t need any bloody protection!" [I]She turned back towards the door and walked toward it, but Tasya spoke one more time.[/I] "Summer--" "Don?t try to stop me Tasya." [I]She didn?t turn toward Tasya, but still Tasya could see (and hear) the iciness of the pure venom in Summer?s voice and eyes. A squeak of a chair, and Summer knew that Tasya had leaned back in frustration.[/I] "I?m [I]not[/I] Summer Elizabeth St.Claire. I [I]am[/I] however going to tell you if what Saethi said was true, then Mazine?s going to want to get you out of the way, and she?ll want to get you out of the way [I]fast[/I]. I?ll skip the shop talk for you. Just [I]be careful[/I]. I want you to promise me that you?ll go home [I]immediately[/I] and stay with your aunt. Take a day off from school if you have to. You promise me?" [I]Summer just walked through the doorway, not bothering to stop. She calmed her steps as she neared the front, and smiled and waved when she walked through the doorway. However, once she was out of sight, the fury returned, and Summer turned to go across the empty street. They had no lights. No horns, and possibly no brakes. Only the engine tipped Summer off. She turned, and started running towards the car. Once she was in reach, she jumped on the hood, ran up the front, and then flipped and twisted in mid-air, skidding slightly on the pavement when she landed. The car screeched to a halt, and then the driver door opened, and Mazine stepped out, grinning somewhat wickedly. Summer stood, and took a somewhat defensive posture.[/I] "Well lookie. Of all the people I didn?t want to see. Hello, Mazine. How?s your life?" "Ah. The Slayer. Just the person [I]I wanted[/I] to see. My life?s fine; how?s yours?" "Enough with the niceties. Let?s say we get this over with, hmm?" "Actually, Slayer, since I?m not really in the mood to ?get this over with?, I?ve ?invited? a few friends to play with you instead." [I]The other doors opened, and three figures stepped out of the car and stood beside Maz. Two women and one man.[/I] "Well, Slayer, say hello to the Order of Taraka. They?ll be playing with you from now on. Have fun!" [I]Maz smiled and leaned against the boot of the car. One of the women stepped forward. Well, Summer assumed it was a woman. Her skin was that colour of blue that you only see on a cloudless day, and her hair, brunette and shiny, flowed down her back, restricted in some way, but still loose. She was a beautiful, awing sight, but Summer shook her head to clear her mind. Pale blue, peaceful eyes stared at Summer, but the woman?s long fingers were clenched in determination, and a frown passed over the slender face. The woman was tall, Summer knew that, and the way that lithe body was tensed, Summer knew she didn?t have a ghost of a chance. So she did something she didn?t do often: She ran. Self-preservation, fear, Summer didn?t know what had caused her to flee; she just did. Once turn after turn, and a couple roof-to-roof jumps were over, Summer stopped. Luckily, she was in the part of town she knew well . . . *** Summer stared at the solid oak door for a long moment, but then restricted a small sob and turned away. She wasn?t going to put her aunt and the others in any more danger than they already were. From then on, as far as Summer was concerned, the words ?safe house? didn?t exist. Summer wandered a bit mindlessly for a while, when a conversation from somewhere deep in her mind surfaced. From the future, when Saethi had finally revealed exactly what Whistler had meant when he had described Saethi?s friend as a "krispy kritter". A name. Even in her daze, Summer managed to find a phonebook, and flipped through the names. A name, an address . . . *** Once again, Summer found herself staring at a door, but this time there was police tape over it. She raised up a slightly quivering hand, and pulled the tape down before opening the door, and letting herself in. A slight smell of burnt flesh accosted Summer?s nose, but it quickly dissipated through the open doorway and out into the hall. Summer walked in and looked blearily around. Not much in the way of habitable surroundings, but it was enough. She sat herself down on a random couch, and as she stretched out, staring ruefully at a spot on the ceiling where it looked like someone had thrown a wad of Silly Putty too high, a single thought went through her mind before her surroundings faded to black. [/I]?Run, run, run, just as fast as you can. You can?t catch me, I?m the Gingerbread Man!? *~*~~`` This doesn?t deserve any ending comments. Not the best thing I?ve written in a while, but hey! I have an excuse. I?m sick, and drugged, and [I]still[/I] running a 99.1 fever. I?m allowed to be crappy, right?
  12. [I]Summer groaned.[/I] "Why am I [I]friends[/I] with you people?" "Because of our dashing good looks?" "In your dreams Saethi." "Which reminds me . . . " "If he gets hungry and decides to kick some arse, you're all on your own. I am NOT going through 'kick me around Saethi's mind' again." "I wasn't going to ask about that. I was actually wondering if you had any idea why Rhea was up and about in my dream?" [I]Summer went silent for moment, then shook her head.[/I] "No reason. Unless she was one of those sublimal messages that people put on CDs . . ." "Sure. Only in your dreams Summer." "Don't get me started." "Yes Mother." "Shut up." "I might die tomorrow; might as well live today." [I]Summer rolled her eyes, a small smile playing on her lips.[/I] "Ok, so now it's inflated ego, annoying freak, and paranoid. Got anything else to add on there?" "I can sing the national anthem while juggling knives." "Cute. Real cute." [I]Saethi grinned at Summer.[/I] "Do you really think that Maz would think about putting a bounty on my poor head?" "Either you or me." "Or both of us." "What joy. I'd be surrounded by insane vampires on all sides." "Hey, I take offense at that!" "You deserved it, admit it." "You'd have to torture it out of me." [I]Summer grinned devilishly and poked Saethi in the ribs.[/I] "That could be arranged." *~*~~`` Three in the morning. Yeah, it's time to get off.
  13. Ooooo . . . that is awsome. All from the colour red. Red. And you got it to rhyme. I applaud you. I can't rhyme even if my life depends on it! ("Why don't you just rip her lungs out?!" "I don't know. Lacks poetry." "It doesn't have to. What rhymes with 'lungs'?")
  14. OOC: Yep, that's a useless fact. Oo;; And I think I've scared everyone from posting in this thing . . . was wondering when you'd show up. Just one thing. How in the bloody hell did you get my character so close to how I actually act? [SIZE=1]You're stalking me, aren't you?[/SIZE] *cough* Anyway-- *~*~~`` "I'm seriously thinking about dragging you with me to see Tasya . . . she'll deflate [I]anyone's[/I] ego in two seconds." [I]Summer looked sidelong at Saethi as they started walking again. Saethi glanced over at her and grinned.[/I] "I have the feeling you're supposed to be there right now." [I]Summer rolled her eyes.[/I] "If I say you're right, does that mean your ego is going to swell even more?" [I]Saethi just grinned, so Summer just sighed and stole his sunglasses, despite his sputtering protests.[/I] "It's night, and we're inside, Ego-Boy. You keep reminding me of that song 'I Only Wear Sunglasses at Night'." [I]Summer slid the sunglasses into her hair, and then looked in one of the random cubicle's windows to check her hair. One reflection stared back at her. Wait a minute . . .[/I] "Saethi? How come you don't have a reflection?" "It happens," [I]he responded with a shrug, as to show it was old news.[/I] "Happens? How do you check what you're wearing?" "Trust a woman to ask that question. I have eyes you know." "Really. One would have never know, considering you wear these damned sunglasses twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week." [I]Saethi stuck his tongue out at Summer mockingly. Summer just rolled her eyes.[/I] "Anyway, if you come to school looking like you just came out of a blender (oh God, just now noticed that was a pun) I'll know what happened." "And what would that be?" "You couldn't see your reflection, and the evil faerie stole your sunglasses, so you had to walk around with your eyes closed, banging off of walls . . . " "Remind me never to open my window at night. What are you doing here anyway?" [I]Summer pointed at the black dress Michela had forced her into wearing.[/I] "It should be obvious. I'm pissing Tasya off." "Again?" "Yes." "You're evil." "You're a demon." "5'11" demon mind you. You're a Slayer." "Remind me to stake you one day." "We went over this too. Staking doesn't work." "Heart of a redwood does. Fine then, I'll be-head you." "Sorry, but carrying around my head doesn't sound like a peachy keen idea." [I]Summer groaned and slapped Saethi up-side the head.[/I] "You just shut up." "Yes, mother." *~*~~`` A completely random post written at 1:00 in the morning. God I'm crazy. Ok. I can write dialog at 1:00 in the morning, but my grammar's shot to hell.
  15. Ok, we'll hand out warnings for you James. More people: Rae: For making me even more of an insane person than I already am. Queen Asuka: Hey. She's Queen of the Plushies. No more needs to be said. Darkmoon: I'm putting you in here even though I don't really know you. I know what it feels like to be underappreciated. (right now I'm on three lists. I feel oh-so-loved.)
  16. Yeah, I'd go back and kill Osama Bin-Stupid after the FIRST time he tried to blow up the WTC towers. And I'd go back and take back some of the hateful things I've said, and say some hateful (or funny, or sarcastic, you get the idea) things when they were needed. And I'd make sure that I wouldn't have such a horrible life . . . there's a lot of things I would just want to go back and watch from a different point of view . . .
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai_yyh [/i] [B]the more peaceful swastika is the one in buddhism, but in that, the "arm" things are facing a different direction.[/B][/QUOTE] Erm. Having gone to the Holocaust museum, I believe that it is actually one of the Native American symbols FOR peace. And yes, the arm things point the different direction in the "peace 'swastika'". Once I went to the Holocaust museum, I now shudder slightly when I see a swastika, considering I was bawling like a baby when I walked out of the museum. (They have this candle room that's lit with all these candles that people have donated money for, and I just got all snuffly on that. More snuffly than I already was.) Yeah, WWII was a horrible thing, and thousands of Jews died, whether in slave labor or in concentration camps, and everyone knows the story of Anne Frank (if you don't know the AF story, then you live a very ignorant life), but the swastika isn't a bad thing. The Nazi's just twisted (literally) a symbol to be used for the wrong purpose. It isn't the [I]symbol[/I] that's bad, it was the [I]man behind it all[/I]. I shall stop ranting now.
  18. Girls don't intimidate girls. They just scare the snot out of them. And what's wrong with striped socks? I happen to like striped socks . . . don't take that in the wrong way . . . Oo;;
  19. Yay! I'm now on TWO lists! TWO! I feel so loved. ^_^ And I'd have to add Lauren to my list, as seeing the fact that I gave her a Leggy plushie, complete with bow, arrows, and a voice box with your favorite quotes! *beats her head against a wall* Bad . . . salesperson . . . @_@
  20. Different areas have different school systems Princess. Australians only go to school until their 17 (according to one of my friends) and the English, well, since I don't have very many English friends I can't say anything, now can I? And "Sex-Ed" won't be until junior year for us. Yeah, I've had the videos since 4th Grade, but acutal "Sex-Ed" is still to come. God. What's sad is 6th Graders are smokin' pot and having sex now. And yeah, the message "Drugs Are Bad" was pounded into us at a very early age. No one listens to it anymore . . . V.V;;
  21. It's uh . . . made by the Japanese? *shrugs* I dunno. Gaming could work because they've made games from the series, but I think that would just be a thread, not a forum . . .
  22. Oooo. Good idea. I give my support for your suggestion! And would it be ALL NGE, or just ANIME NGE? Because I've watched the show, but am currently collecting the mangas . . . and the mangas are different than the animes. (most likely because the mangas are written after the show)
  23. This thing is still going on? Wow. *now tempted to read through all . . . NINE pages and find quotes* Lettsee . . . mine? `Bite me. (used frequently on the more annoying students at my school) `Back off. (sometimes used with very . . . colourful . . . words) `Jesus Lord Almighty! (I tend to pop my knees. Both. At. Once. Much pain is involved.) `Right . . . (used, again, on the more annoying students) `Wha? (used just after getting up) `Narcissistic garbage-brain. (one of my more unique insults) `Beware the penquins. (Used in the Introduction lounge) `You done [I]good[/I] girl! Now get your bony arse outta there! And you keep in touch, yeah? Maybe we gonna be "pen friends". (Always quote that when it plays on TR:Cron.) `Bloody. Shagging. Bullocks. Pillocks. Bloody God, I'm British too! (Most people won't get that . . . ^^;; I just like saying that quote, it freaks people out. (they seem to think I'm British, becuase I can pull off a darn close British accent. *claps her hands* Thank you BBC!!!)) I'm sure I have more, but a 4 day weekend has rotted my brain.
  24. I'm boring. REALLY boring. Being an Oklahoman, I've known English all of my life (ok, I can say I know "Hick" but still) Just recently (bout one or two years ago), I started to get an interest in Japanese, and know like, 112 words but that's all. I've been trying to find a course that teaches Japanese, but no can do. The closest thing that we had was a Chinese course, and that was before I was in school! The courses now are: Spanish, French, German, and Latin. The only one that really appeals to me is Latin . . . Oo;; Rokas, your banner is too big (599 x 143). Size it down to 500 x 100 (or smaller), please.
  25. OOC: Sorry to make you an example (again) but here's what your post looks like after I've corrected most of it: (And you do know that this is set in London, don't you?) [I]Inside the local[/I] (In London, bar=pub, and London has a lot of pubs)[I] pub known as Bradley's Tavern, Baku sat at a table, drink held moodily in his hand, until he was pushed around by some young, but not too young men, obviously drunk.[/I] "Hey, you! This is here our table! (They're drunk, remember? Make it covincing!) Move, and nothing happens." [I]Baku looked at the head drunk and his friends. Chuckling to himself, he said, [/I]" Just try it. I dare you." [I]The head drunk swung blindly in at Baku, but Baku slapped it away and connected his fist with the drunk's face. He went down hard, scattering tables. Baku turned toward the rest of the group, where one of head's drinking partners was rushing at him. [/I](Now here's where I found a lot of fault. Most normal humans (which Baku is) can't pick up some dude and throw him through a table. That's Hollywood. So Baku can hunt vampires. [I]Anyone[/I] can hunt vampires. [I]Slaying[/I] a vampire is different. Try to get your character more to the fact of a normal human, and not the Slayer.) [I]Baku rolled as the drunk man dived for him, and smirked when the man's own clumsiness caused him to careen into a nearby table head-first.[/I] "Who else wants a piece of me?!" [I]As Baku turned towards them, the group's sense of survival kicked in and they backed away slowly. Baku pushed the door of Bradley's open and strode out, feeling quite high-and-mighty of himself. [/I]" Nothing like drunks to make the night,"(Yeah. Keeping with what Alpha said in the very beginning, it's nighttime. Early nighttime. You're not going to be hunting vampires in daylight. Have you even watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer before? That is what Summer the Vampire Slayer is based upon. Learn some vampiric lore for God's sake!) [I]Baku thought, as a wide grin passed over his face.[/I] *~*~~`` The stuff in parentheses is my notes to you. A tip for you would be to use a spell checker before you post. Or, better yet, write your posts [I]in[/I] a program that spell checks. I'm sure you have something along the lines of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Word Perfect, Corel Word Perfect, or something like that! You don't have to take my advice, but I'd advise finding a textbook somewhere and working on your grammer. Your skill level (grammer and spelling) is that of a third grader. And if you ARE a third grader, then what in the heck are you doing on Otakuboards?! If I sound harsh, if I sound like a b*tch, it's because I'm sick and tired of people saying they want in with experienced writers to get better, and then do the same thing they've always been doing! How do you think I learned everything I know now? Before I came to OB, I didn't even [I]know[/I] what RPG meant! I copied what other people did in [I]their[/I] posts, and applied what they did to what [I]I[/I] did! Try it sometime, you might get better! (And Galv, in case you're having trouble finding it, the code for italics is [ I ] (without the spaces)) Another tip: try using the "Preview Reply" down at the bottom of the reply screen. Don't use the quick-reply for an RPG. That way you can see what you're posting before you actually submit it, and you won't have to go back and edit it forever.
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