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Sere Tuscumbia

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Everything posted by Sere Tuscumbia

  1. Someone might have banned you from posting there . . . Or. Or. Or. maybe there's something wrong with either your computer or that thread. Are you sure it isn't closed?
  2. There's a possiblity that OB has signed you out, erm, you've changed your E-Mail and they want a confirmation, um. Um. Oh dear. Other than that, I can't help you.
  3. New. New[I]er[/I]. New[I]est[/I]. NoodleZ: Can't believe I forgot you! The man with the penguins, if I'm not mistaken? DGoD: For noticing me in all my wackiness. "Twist on life". Geez. And for warning me about the rubber duckies. Kevin: Got some interesting views on life. He's different than most guys I know. TN: One of the boldest guys I know. Gotta respect TN. Zidane: For starting this thread. Anyone I've RPGed with: You guys taught me all I know. Anti: Just because. Cera: Yet another one of the bunch I first met. You guys were oh-so-nice to the poor newbie! ^_^ Everyone I've forgotten: I'll remember you guys whenever my memory kicks back in. Until then, you're in this part! Mana Goddess: Even though she's a chatter, she really wanted to be on a list. So she's on a list now. Hope she's happy.
  4. What they did in the music scene? They created hordes of screaming, fainting women who had nothing better to do than obsess about fu-- ok, I'm not going there. That tradition is still carried on today by many boy and girl bands. Or do you mean the type of music they did? Yeah, they made way for a newer type of music, and something involving something else that I forgot becuase I only watched five minutes of the program on the Beatles, but the fan clubs they had . . . yeech.
  5. Your weeks are bi-polar, I swear Kevin. First it goes all crappy, and now you're in the green. Good luck on your move BTW. Hope you get through any hard times through your move (if you have any!)
  6. Oo;; Spellchecker? Automatic? Where?! It would be nice to have one of those. Even though I can normally find my mistakes, some slip through and it drives me insane. Simple, common things, such as hte, or nda. Drives me completely batty. *shrugs* oh well. I can live without one, because most people wouldn't use one even if their life depended on it.
  7. Interesting poem. Nice imagery there. And MDE, try to clean up the way you write. Looks like you either can't spell, or am misplacing where your fingers rest on the keyboard. Let's see some more poetry Mnemolth! ^-^
  8. OOC: Er. Ok. It think I got what you're saying there. I'll try to back off on ya guys a little. It's just that I put a lot of effort into Season One to be great, and am putting that same effort into Season Two for it to be the best. And that means that I'm picky. Gomen. *~*~~`` [I]Michela backed up a step and scowled slightly.[/I] "Hey! I think I have the right-of-way here mister!" [I]Matthias looked slightly surprised at the appearance of the twentish short blonde woman who was now standing in front of him. Michela rolled her eyes, her hands resting on her hips. She gave Matthias the look-over, and the smirked slightly.[/I] "So, the tall, dark, silent type eh? Don't see very many of those around. Where'd you come from, stranger?" [I]Matthias returned the smirk.[/I] "The alley way." "Ooo. Tall, dark, and not-so silent now. I can get used to you. By the way, what's with the fetish with black?" "Michela [I]Tomasi[/I]! Stop your flirting and get your arse over here [I]right now[/I]!" [I]Tasya stood near the entrance of the Boston, an extremely displeased look on her face. Michela rolled her eyes in Tasya's direction, started walking, but then turned back to Matthias.[/I] "See you around stranger." [I]Mock saluting, Michela turned, and then ran across the street to join Tasya.[/I] *~*~~`` I write short stuff now. [I]Dang[/I] that's short . . . Note to Self: Write longer posts.
  9. Ah. The Beatles. You just can't beat the classics. "Can't Buy Me Love" is one of the best. God. I've listened to at least 10 Beatles . . . and sung 5. Oo;; "I like the band, it's the fan club I hate!"
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Circéus [/i] [B]1. Where are you from? (country, city, locate it if it's not known) 2. Tell us something we should know about it 3. no "it's boring" or "never comes here" 4. discuss about it![/B][/QUOTE] 1. Tulsa, Oklahoma. 2. Oklahoma has the most shoreline. Tulsa's in the middle of the USA (or darn close!) 3. It's BORING. Ok, yeah, we have a lot of malls and stuff, but traffic sucks. All drivers are morons. 4. What's there to discuss? I'M THE ONLY PERSON FROM OKLAHOMA!!! I feel so lonely. T-T;;
  11. I applaud you. Great work. Seems like it's something different at first, and the end makes you go back and read it again. Love it.
  12. OOC: Er. Rei? Did you read my post? Vampires=gone. And Baku, I'm going to give you the same advice as I did Rei. Try to write in more of a story type post. I understand that you aren't used to RPGing with such a picky person, but I'm trying to get everyone on the same track w/ this thing. Makes life a lot easier. Vampires is not capitalized when it is in just a regular sentence. It isn't the name of a place, or in other words, a proper noun. And Arikel, now's my rant for you. Try to keep it in past tense. I know, that's extrememly wierd, but it really drives me insane if we have past tense, past tense, and then present tense. Ok, now you guys can hate me. *~*~~``
  13. OOC: Hey ya Sarsy-chan! Good to see ya! And Rei, I'd be much obliged if you'd try to write in more of a story line. If you need examples, see what Arikel, or I, or Liam, or Sarsy are doing. And back off on the smilies a little. Please. Tasya has always been a witch. Seeing as she's at least a couple centuries old, I'd say she's a good witch too. I'll most likely be posting the whole story in Season One (even if I have to double and triple post to get it up on its feet. Yes, Sarsy, that means that I'm keeping it going. There's nothing you can do about it. So there.) *is smiling when she says that* And if anyone wants any info on Season One, or where we MIGHT be going on Season Two, feel free to PM me. *~*~~`` "Ok. You know the whole 'pick on someone your own strength' thing? It might be time to start thinking about that." [I]The vampires whipped around, and were greeted by a smiling Summer, one hand on her hip, and the other twirling a stake. The stake stopped, and Summer looked from it to the group of vampires.[/I] "I thought we had talked 'bout this. You're trespassing on my area. Again. Now either get out or go to hell." [I]The vampire snarled in Summmer's direction, and then lunged for her throat. Bad mistake. Summer grabbed his shoulder, flipped over his head, and landed to thrust the stake through his back.[/I] "Now," [I]she said, with the same cold smile she had earlier, and the stake once again twirling in her hand,[/I] "are we going to do this the easy way, or the hard one?" [I]The vampires took off running. Summer turned and faced the girl.[/I] "Don't meddle in things you're not supposed to, got it? Leave this job for the people who actually know how to do it." [I]She turned and walked off, leaving the girl alone.[/I] *** "Oi, Auntie Margo! You here?" "No. She isn't, but I am!" [I]Alpha stood in the doorway, a small, bright coloured box in her arms, and a smile on her face.[/I] "What's up with you?" "That Asian (A/N: No offense. It's a somewhat Buffy joke.) vampire group just lost a new leader. Trying to feed off some chick." "Hey, no worries chick!" [I]Michela appeared, a sub sandwich in hand, and a large book underneath her arm.[/I] "You're the Slayer." "Which reminds me, body-snatcher. We're scheduled to make a guest appearance at the Boston." [I]Michela grinned wickedly.[/I] "Are we meeting a special someone there?" [I]Summer threw the messenger bag full of weapons into it's corner in frustration.[/I] "No, Michela. Don't be getting any ideas." [I]Alpha rolled her eyes in Michela's direction.[/I] "She can't help it. I think it's something in that food she eats." [I]Summer laughed, and left the girls to quabble downstairs while she changed.[/I] *~*~~`` Whee. StVS is back in business.
  14. Erm. I have lots of secrets. And none that I'm going to mention to any of YOU. Except I have depression, a result of my ADHD, and I can't get any medis for it because my parents think I'm trying to be like my sister. I've tried to kill myself at least twice. I have a boyfriend (my parents would freak. Seriously.) And, my not-so secret: I sleep with a teddy bear named Mr. Snuggle-Wuggle. Oh yeah, I hear voices, I have ghosts in my room, and -- well, I'm not saying that. You know what's weird? None of those were actually secrets. Just stuff you never knew about me . . .
  15. Well, for me, it's I'll sign up, thinking I might get a good RPG outta this, and then everyone will post, and seeing as I'm the nit-picky type, I'll say "screw it. I'm not going to waste my creativeness on this when people say they want to post with the better RPers to get better and they never change!" So I don't post. I'm not saying that a lot of RPG's die becuase I don't post in them, but some just never get started because everyone gives up on them. Sometimes it's just not worth it.
  16. Mmm. I can see how you feel. Had one of those days myself. Friend got shipped off to Maine when it wasn't her fault, had a nervous breakdown, burnt my hand to a crispy little pancake on an iron, and got called a dyke, a ho, and several other things by a 10 year old. Oh yeah, cut my hand open on a fence, and I'm coming down sick. You're not alone in the world of suck.
  17. Soundtracks. Well, ok. Shrek. Harry Potter. Buffy the Vampire Slayer musical eppie. Cats. (my sister) Some really old Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast ones. (the family) The Breakfast Club and one other. (my dad) Yeah, I can say I listen to soundtracks. Oh yeah, Star Trek: First Contact (my sister) I personally don't own any, even though I DID steal the Cats CD(s) from my sister and am currently teaching myself to hit a D two octaves up. (Do you know how high that is?) ~!*Sere*!~
  18. I see. I'm not loved. --;; That's no big deal . . . My listie: Kool: Well, one of the first people I met. I'm on her friend list, and she's a fan of Deedlit. Gotta love Deedlit. Liam: Another one of the people I met early on. Always one for a laugh, and he's trustworthy. I guess I can forgive him for stealing the Frying Pan of Justice. And he's Australian. Siren: Come on, you've got to add Siren. That woman knows how to liven up a RPG. She's cool. Raiha: Also a wonder RPGer. She's cool too. I guess she isn't afraid to speak her mind, and well, she's just cool! Squashed Snail: Always good for a laugh. Amphion: That Matrix picture. James and Adam: Duh. Babygirl: that should also be a duh. Everyone loves Babygirl. Ginny: Everyone also loves Ginny. Raven & Co.: You keep life interesting. Keep going for it. Frankly, most all of the people on these boards. You guys, even though you've never known it, are the light at the end of the tunnel for me. I luv ya'll. ^-^ *edit* Ohgod, ohgod, ohgod. Listen to me. I'm getting all sappy . . . [SIZE=1]man, having a b/f does things to people . . .[/SIZE]
  19. Once again, you amaze me with your twisted, but wonderful writings. Lovely.
  20. Ok. Just in case. If we get any more sign-up, I'm begging you: NO MORE WITCHES!! We've already got three. (Yep. Three. Tasya, Piper (am I seeing a Charmed fan here or something?), and Riko. Three.) Enough. And oi, Sarsy-chan, [I]where are you[/I]?!
  21. OOC: You know what would be REALLY fun? Keep both of them going until the first one catches up to the second, THEN cut it off. I'm still not done having fun with this one . . . *insert mildly scary music* *~*~`` "I thought I was going back. Dang stupid--if you show your lazy arse around me again Whistler, I'm kicking it to the 3rd dimension, you hear me?!" "Loud and clear, baby." Summer spun around in disgust. "Where am I [I]now[/I]?!" Whistler stood against what appeared to be a wall in the white . . . place she was in. "Well, you're out there," he gestured vaguely out in a random direction, "but you're in here too. Somewhere the Powers That Be became the Powers That Screw You Over." "That's just a little bit more than bloody obvious! Now [I]where am I[/I]?!" "Somewhere in-between the Ghost Roads," Whistler suppressed a shudder, "and your inner self. A limbo of sorts." "How do I get back? He stepped away from the wall and started to walk toward Summer. "Dunno. You pulled me an image of me in here. I know what you know. However, much longer and you're going to start gettin' unfriendlies in your living area." In one swift motion, Summer laid a hand on Whistler's chest and slammed him against the wall. "You know what? I'm having a bad day, and if you're going to crack jokes, I'm going to pull out your ribcage and wear it as a hat, got it?" Whistler looked slightly uneasy, but then cracked a grin. "Deja vu . . . again. Wouldn't that be deja vu? Deja vu deja vued. Huh." Summer pulled her hand away and turned, disgusted. "Just tell me how I'm supposed to get outta here!" Whistler suddenly cocked his head, as if listening to some invisible person standing right next to him. "Um . . . problem. You gave your powers as a Slayer up so you'd die human, yeah?" Summer nodded, peeved. "So . . ?" "If I tell you this, you won't try to hurt me? Wait, I'm a hallucination, you [I]can't[/I] hurt me. Well, in a nutshell, your body doesn't recognize you as well . . . [I]you[/I] anymore." Summer swore loudly. "What a [I]mouth[/I]! Which side of the family did ya get [I]that[/I] from?" "Just tell me how I get out of here before I kick your hallucinatory *** back where it came from!" Another cock of the head, and then Whistler broke into a slow grin. "Well, according to some higher power that's decided to bestow a blessing upon you, all I have to do is [I]this[/I]," he snapped his fingers, "then--" Summer heard one word before her world went black: "[I]Cool[/I]." *** Her eyes fluttered open, and she looked around her again. Blackness, but it wasn't sinister . . . much like the river of her dreams. In fact, as she looked around once more, it [I]was[/I] the river . . . [I]I am [/I]really[I] getting tired of being transported places against my will,[/I] she thought, as she looked out on the horizon. The familiar numb feeling wasn't there this time, instead a slight itching replaced it. The purple cord of energy was there, and Summer had a feeling she knew where it started and where it ended. There was no need to gaze down; she already knew what was down there . . . [I]God's in his heaven, all's right with the world . . . *** Saethi sat, staring down at Summer, trying his hardest to think of something, [/I]anything[I] to do. So far the situation was looking bleak. Hold up a moment. Saethi looked at Summer's hand in surprise. Was it just his imagination or was her hand [/I]twitching[I] . . ? Summer's eyes snapped open, to have a pair of bright blue ones meeting her line of vision.[/I] "Hey!" [I]Saethi smiled playfully.[/I] "Look who decided to wake up!" [I]Summer smiled weakly back.[/I] "Two questions: One-am I dreaming, and two-can I get a blanket?" [I]Tasya walked up, a blanket in hand, and a broad smile on her face.[/I] "Ask and we deliver. Welcome back, Summer." "Good to [I]be[/I] back," [I]Summer said, as she accepted the blanket gratefully. She wrapped it tightly around herself, and then took Saethi's hand again.[/I] "Is Allenii okay?" [I]Tasya gave Summer a weird look.[/I] "Yeah . . . she was a bit unstable earlier--how'd you know about that?" "A little bird showed me." *~*~~`` And for the lack of nothing better to do, I'm going to cut this off.
  22. Just for a little bit of malicious fun, I'm posting all of my toher character (If ya want Summer's stuff, then go look in the old sign-up!) Name: Michela Age: Older than you. Race: A lesser Vengence Demon Bio: Uh . . . I'll get back to you on that. *** Name: Tasya Age: Still working on the bio part of that . . . appears 20+ Race: Human/Vampire/Ghostie thingie. Long and complicated story. Bio: As much as I'm going to tell you is she's Summer's third Watcher. *** And that's all . . . before I get bored and decide I need a little more fun. ~!*Sere & Co.*!~ *edit*Just a bit of editing. Going along with BtVS, the whole "season a year" thing, Summer would be 17. (There's this whole wierd thing about the day Tasya arriving in the other RPG is Summer's birthday but you're not supposed to know that so shhhhh!)
  23. Does this thread have a point? If you really wanted to get this out, you should have put it in your siggie and then had people PM you with the answer. Or made a website, and said something about it in your siggie. I don't think you needed to post this . . . Sere
  24. You know, it takes absolutely NO intellegence to cuss. So you just proved to us, the teachers, and the other kids in your class that you are a total idiot. How ya feel 'bout that? And yeah, if you don't understand the methods, no need to get your panties in a bunch becuase the teacher told you to shut up. She could have been having a bad day, for all you know. I kinda hope she fails you for doing that . . . ^^;;
  25. I am SO still the Slayer. And that's all you neeed to know. 'Cause ya'll should know me by now . . . ^_^
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