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Sere Tuscumbia

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Everything posted by Sere Tuscumbia

  1. OOC: Whee, my turn. *~*~~`` [I]Elysian walked along, porcelain doll clutched in her arms, and humming happily to herself. Her peace was soon disturbed by the mind-whispers running through the night air.[/I] "Hmm . . . a little fun before the night ends, Miss Edith?" [I]She held up the porcelain doll, blindfolded, and slightly burned, to her ear, listening to words only she could hear. She giggled insanely.[/I] "What fun! Miss Edith will get a treat when we get home." [I]She made her way toward the group, but stopped 5 feet away from them and frowned for a moment. [/I]He[I] was here . . .[/I] "Aahh, a newcomer." [I]The vampire smiled in the dim light of a streetlamp. Elysian bristled at the tone in Kain?s voice.[/I] "Mummy told me about you . . . do you remember the songs Mummy used to sing to me?" [I]Kain grinned again, and Elysian felt a small shiver run down her back.[/I] "Should I have forgotten?" [I]Elysian trailed a hand over the streetlamp?s post, and twirled around.[/I] "Run and catch. Run and catch. The lamb is caught in the blackberry patch. She had the loveliest voice . . . before you came and ripped her throat out. Are you going to do the same to me, eh?" [I]Kain just smiled; the vampire visage within revealing itself in his grin. Elysian turned away from him, as a small snort of frustration reached her ears. She grinned insanely.[/I] "Seven stars shining among the dying suns . . . I am on errantry and I greet you, old one." "Geez. I?m not [I]that[/I] old, am I?" [I]Elysian chuckled, and turned away from them both.[/I] "The moon screams as she falls . . . such a pretty fire you'd make when the sun shines . . ." [I]Then she smiled and said no more.[/I]
  2. Yeah, funny enough to make me wanna kick your azz, buddy. No, it's just plain funny enough. ~!*Sere*!~
  3. You are SO evil . . . Oh well, now I can get revenge on my friend for sending me that evil link . . . muhahahaha . . . REVENGE!!!! *cough, cough* Yeah . . . cute site . . . real cute . . .
  4. No one word posts Cutter. Try to get at least two sentences, with more then three words each. And ok, if the music wasn't about the message, then what was it about? Getting up on screen and having an orgy?! Yeah, right. I'll believe that when hell freezes over and pigs rain down from heaven. And if the music isn't about the message it carries, then why sing? Why not just go up on screen and have an orgy? I'm sure the perverted few would enjoy that. *shrugs* Oh well, shows how low today's youth has sunk . . . ~!*Sere*!~
  5. And now I rant insanely at you all . . . again. Who gives a flying flip about her image?! Yeah, she says she's punk, yeah, she doesn't play her own instrument, yeah, she doesn't write her own songs, BUT WHO CARES?! Wasn't music about the message, instead of the image?! Frankly, I can beef about Slipknot, or Christina A., or some other God-awful band, but NO, it's Avril! How many bands do you think write their own songs?! How many actually know how to play an instrument?! Why don't you get onto them for once? I just can't see why you care so freaking much that Avril says that she's punk! You know, if Eminem said he was classical, I could care less! That doesn't mean I'm going to get my panties into a bunch, and start raving that I hate Eminem because he says he's classical! Grit your teeth and bear it already!! Spank your inner moppet, embrace the pain, whatever, but [I]get over it[/I]. I think ya'll are grown up enough to stop acting like babies. Or am I going to have to get pacifers and dipers for you all?! ~!*Sere*!~
  6. And now I get to put my extremely weird thoughts into this matter. Maybe we don't exist. 'Cause, if you think about it, the only reason my fingers (just a bunch of cells) aren't melding with the keyboard keys (more cells) is because the cells don't configure. And the only reason my cat's eyes are green is because the light refracting off of them is the color green and not any other color. So do we exist? If I close my eyes, will everything disappear except for the things that I'm touching? And is touch really real? Our cells, molecules, whatever you want to think of them as, cells don't configure with other things cells, which tell us if it is hot, or cold, or soft, or hard. Does it really exist? To pull in a religious theory: Is there really a Heaven? A Hell? We haven't been able to prove the Garden of Eden, if Heaven/Hell really existed because we haven't been there. So does California not exist because I haven't seen it yet? We've never thought of the fact that existance might be based solely on the individual being. I exist, looking the way I do, because I see myself this way. But however the person sitting next to me might see me a different way then I see myself. They might see the world differently then I see it. Existance might be based on how people's minds break down the information given to them by light, or cells, or whatever's out there! Does our main power center (the brain) really exist? Well, to me it does. I've held a brain (from a dead person of course). It exists in my physical realm. My conscience, though? Well, my brain (if it's even there) thought "Hey, that's me. Or one of me . . ." and so my body reacted in a "Ewwwww . . ." manner. If you think about it, pain is what our minds believe it to be. Mind over matter. If someone hauls off and socks me a good one, and I say "That doesn't hurt." will it not hurt? If I believe that it does not hurt, will it? Who's to say we exist?
  7. You threw me off with the Pike reference. Sis (the almighty Buffy guru. All hail my sister.) cleared it up for me. Pike = Ford. Well, in that sense, they wouldn't be able to bring Pike/Ford back. "Lie to Me" (2nd Season) Ford is transferred to Sunnydale. Buffy's thrilled. After Buffy stakes a vampire and Ford sees, Ford reveals he knew about her being the Slayer the whole time. Buffy's even happier. Then,(dun dun dun) we find that Ford is "le vampire wannabe" Traps Buffy in with himself (Ford), other vampire wannabes, and Spike, but doesn't win in the end. Buffy and the others get out, and Ford is changed into a vampire. Buffy stakes Ford as he rises out of the grave . . . So, yeah, Ford's pretty much outta the picture. And if Sis is correct (I'm hoping she is) then Pike most likely wouldn't be able to make an appearance. Who else thought that the BtVS movie sucked?
  8. To set another thing straight: the quotations? From TwoP (Television Without Pity, the episode "Villians" recapped oh-so-graciously by Ace. And unless I have a multiple personality disorder, and can recap while sleep-walking, I don't think I'm Ace. Ok, yeah, I know a whole freaking lot about Buffy. However, that's only becuase I (my sister) have/has the Season 1 & 2 Buffy the Vampire Slayer DVD's. I've watched each episode at least 10 times. My sister also has TWG for Seasons 1 & 2, and I have TWG for Seasons 3 & 4. So yeah, I think I have rights to know a lot about BtVS. *shudders* Maybe if they put Riley on his own show, he'd loosen up and have some personality, and *shudders* have a relationship with Faith *dies of horror* (personality: that's what happened w/ Angel. Come on, he was a prick when he was on Buffy (although cool when he was evil) and then he suddenly goes off to his own show, has a kid, and loosens up. However, they could've done without Cordie . . .) Amen, Endymion. Buffy didn't need Riley. And that's all he ever deserves from me. Ok, he rescued Oz, so I'll give him points for that. Pike . . . Pike . . . Pike . . . what season?! For once, my mind is pulling a total blank . . . T-T;; And you know what character they should bring back? Whistler. God I loved his character. "Raiding an Englishman's fridge is like datin' a nun. You never get the good stuff." He was perfect. BRING HIM BACK!!! And also Ethan Rayne. He shoulda escaped from Area 51 by now . . . and, with Ripper not in Sunnydale (No! Bring Giles back! We all love Giles!), Ethan could wreak some major havoc. God that would be fun.
  9. Buffy DID die from the bullet you idiot. I've watched the episode, and I'll provide a little something from Television Without Pity to help what brain cells you have get workin'. "In the operating room, a doctor is working on Buffy's left ventricle, despite the fact that her chest isn't opened for surgery and she is in fact still wearing her damn tank top. Yeah, sure. Why cut off her shirt to operate on her heart when you live in a city where the medical profession is so advanced that it can remove a brain tumor through a pore? Buffy is not hooked up to any machines or IVs; nor is she wearing an oxygen mask, and nor is there any tape or even a sterile drape over the incision they've supposedly cut into her chest. The doctor twiddles two fingertips on Buffy's chest, which signifies operating, I guess. It's like a fourth grade play in here. An assistant stands near a bank of machines and claims that Buffy's "BP is down to 80/palp," despite the fact that there are no electrodes or sensors of any sort attached to Buffy. I may not know what "80/palp" means, but I do know that heart monitors don't take readings with freakin' telepathy. All the lights in the room flash, and the machines beep frantically as we see that Willow has entered. She's taken the time to change into all-black clothes, but in a nice touch from Wardrobe, her severe black jacket is one we've seen her wear before. She tells the operating staff to leave. And why not, since all they were doing to help was waving gauze over Buffy's throat? Everyone stares for a second; then the medical staff files out. Buffy's heart-monitor flat-lines, which is the first thing in this scene that makes sense, because it wasn't ****in' attached to anything in the first place. Xander hurries in behind Willow and frets that Buffy is going to die, but Willow blandly says she won't. Where's the Willow that Rack said was running on pure fury? I was totally looking forward to her, but instead we got gypped; all we got was Willow running on pure zombie. Willow then performs a little faith healing of her own. The bullet levitates out of Buffy's chest. Zombie Willow stares at it and zombies, "It's so small." She closes the bullet in her fist, and when she opens her hand, it's gone. On the table, Buffy stirs and slowly sits up. She's confused as to where she is, and Xander embraces her, telling her she has to stop dying. Buffy stares at black-haired Willow, who smiles and says, "Buffy. Hey." Where's the fury? I want the fury! Willow walks out, droning that it's time to find Warren." She dies. Just deal with the fact that I'm right. And since Buffy died in Seasons 1, 5, and 6, then she has died THREE times. Yep. THREE. And *coughcough*[SIZE=1]theymightkillBuffyoffforawholenewSlayerseries[/SIZE]*coughcough* And Riley was a jackazz. He was funny in the beginning, but then just turned into a real idiot later on. With the whole "vampire wh*re-house" thing too. Although the Watcher's Guide has a really hot picture of him and Xander . . . ^_^ He deserved to leave.
  10. I feel so useful. ^_____^ Ok. Buffy first dies when she fights the Master. He has her in a hyptonotic thrall, and she is unable to move. He feeds on her, then leaves her to drown in a pool of water. She is legally dead for at least a few minutes, then Xander revives her. Thus brings on Kendra. Poor Kendra. She only got 3 episodes before she was killed by Drusilla. Thus brings on Faith. So far as we know, Faith is still alive. Buffy dies the second time when Glory used Dawn's blood to open the portal that would damn all humankind. Summer's blood would open it, and Summer's blood would close it. Buffy sacrifices herself to save the world. Stays dead for three months. Willow brings her back, thinking she's in some hell dimension (she was in heaven), and Buffy hates life. Starts boinking Spike to make her feel alive. Which leads to the whole Xander hating Anya for boinking Spike/ hating Buffy for boinking Spike. Xander and Buffy have a make-up session in her backyard, when Warren arrives on the scene. Rants about how Buffy did him wrong, and then shoots the gun. Buffy pushes Xander outta the way, and then we see Warren slipping on the grass. An upper window breaks, and Tara dies (sorry for disrespecting the dead but YAY! SHE'S DEAD!!!). Willow gets all pissed, and goes all evil. In my opinion, she needs to spank her inner moppet. We see Xander in the hospital. He's in the operating room, and the doctors are trying to save Buffy. Willow storms in, all evil (spank your inner moppet, imbrace the pain already woman!) and orders all the doctors out. Xander says that Buffy will die without help, but Willow's all-out cockiness takes the scene and claims that Buffy won't. Well, doctors leave, and what happens? Buffy has a flat line. That's the third time she dies. Willow reverses time, the bullet comes out, and whoop (there it is), the Buffster is alive again. And Willow still needed to spank her inner moppet. The only reason she wanted revenge was because she couldn't boink Tara anymore . . . Help any?
  11. I agree with Noodle Z on this one. Who gives if she says she's punk? Really, the image doesn't matter. I can understand how you might find her annoying (I find most of the black rappers annoying, erm . . . Cibo Matto annoying, other random bands I have no idea what the names are annoying. You find Avril annoying.) In all honesty, I like Avril. Her songs have at least a little meaning (as in, it's not all about getting in a large group and having an orgy while singing about screwing your girlfriend/boyfriend (which is what most black rappers do (and Christina A. and Britney S.))), and she doesn't dress [I]that[/I] bad. I still like Michelle Branch better, however. You know, your style is your style. We all like different things. And no more Avril obsessings/bashings. It's just like saying that one of someone elses favourite bands sucks. Why get onto Avril?
  12. Jesus Lord Almighty. I now believe I am the only female Buffy watcher. And why do I watch Buffy, you ask? Not for the sex appeal, I can tell you that. (Ok, James Marsters is HOTTTTTT, but we won't go into that.) Most likely because it has the right amount of humor, seriousness, and drama to make it enjoyable. And the fact that only women can be Slayers, which makes it even more fun. And from the fact that it was always the [I]blonde[/I] girl that got mauled in the dark alley ways, and Buffy is blonde but still kicks butt, makes the show fun. Ok. Just to clear some things up. (Prepare yourself for a long lecture, due to the fact that I own the Watcher's Guide for Seasons 3 & 4) Oz, as we all know, a werewolf, found out that the lead singer of the band "Shy" (Veruca, who, by Willow's standards, is a "twenty-dollar ho") is a werewolf, and was mauling poor blonde girls in dark alleyways. Full moon comes, and Oz locks himself in. Breaks out, and mates with Veruca. Next full moon day. Oz invites Veruca, and he traps them in the cage. They mate, and Willow finds them. Willow is about to work some Black Majik, when Veruca comes in, ready to kill Willow. Oz arrives, and faces off with V. The sun sets, and Oz kills Veruca, and then turns to kill Willow. Buffy shoots him with a tranq. Oz, horrified with his actions, leaves Sunnydale, and goes off to find "spiritual peace". Fast foward several months. Willow is in love with Tara, and Tara is likewise smitten. But something that Willow has been wishing for happens: Oz is back. But Will's in love with Tara. Oz, who can now control his transformations, doesn't know about the smitten-ness of Willow and Tara. Once he finds out, he loses control and transforms. The Government captures him. Riley, seeing that Oz can stop his transformations each and every time they experiment on him, breaks him out. Willow chooses Tara, and Oz leaves Sunnydale again. Maybe forever. Told you it'd be long. And I think that I will cut this off, before I get into my views on what happens on BtVS. ~!*Sere*!~
  13. Um. Er. We already had Spirit week, long time ago. God, let's see if I can remember. 1-Oh god. I can only remember I participated. (Um. I think it was . . . dangit.) 2-Cowboy day. I so did NOT participate. 3-College shirt day. I think. Wore my 7th grade team shirt. Yale. 4-Red, white, and blue. I know at least it was one of the five days. Rememberence for September 11th (which was that day) 5-Black-Out Day. Match against Jenks. I wore all white, and recieved weird stares from almost everyone I met in the hallways. Yeah. I have so much school spirit.
  14. And once again, I go on a long Buffy rant. Hey, I'm a geek Willow supporter all the way! I'm just saying once she got with Tara, the second word in every sentence was "baby". Drove me nuts. And she dressed bad. And like, every shot was them in bed. Um, sorry, but ew? I'm fine knowing that they're a couple, but everything is not about sex. And no, I am not an Anya and Xander couple supporter. Anya and her hair drive me insane. I was hoping that she'd go away once she became a vengence demon again. We need a Xander and Willow couple. (Um, "When She Was Bad", and "Lover's Walk" are two eppies that feature Willow/Xander) And ok, since everyone can't seem to get what's going on, I'll explain the chip in Spike's head. Ok, 4th season (if you haven't seen the 4th season, and want to be surprised when the DVD comes out (in about 2-3 years), then DON'T READ!) Spike gets captured by le evil government operation (You know, Riley and the gang) and is "neutered" A.K.A. he gets a chip in his head so he can't harm any humans. That's why he always grabs his head when he smacks/snacks on a human. He can hit Buffy though, becuase, as we all know, Buffy died for the second time to save the world from Glory, and when she got pulled from Heaven, the chip in Spike's head didn't register her as human. Thus, he can beat her up any time he wants. And we aren't supposed to know who the person that was all the season's villians was. Might have been just that episode villian (considering that only Spike can see him/her/it, but only when he's insane-ish) or it might have been a season villian. But the season villian might be those guys in hoods (the Sons of Entropy!) And yes, Dawn was only useful for one season. The 5th. She was the Key, and that's all. Can't they kill her off already?
  15. >>;; *stares evily at the Buffy haters and starts sharpening knives* Ok, true, I hated Buffy there for a while (thought it was evil), but then my sister (all hail the Buffy guru) sat me down and made me watch and episode. I fell in love. Been watching it since. And yes, Endymion, you're right. It has been confirmed. They might have more, but . . . it all depends on Sarah Michelle. And the world has (almost ended) um . . . every season? 1st: Master (sucked. I hated him.) 2nd: Angel, Spike, Dru (ok, mainly it was Angel. Liked him better when he was evil.) 3rd: The Mayor, Faith (Faith was in a coma, came back, went to jail *cough, cough*shecomingback*cough,cough*, Mayor was snake jerky from the start.) 4th: Adam (Too cocky.) 5th: Glory (Giles did the right thing killing Ben. Glory was too "me, me, me. It's all about me." Oh well, BuffyBot was funny . . .) 6th: Willow, Nerd Trio (liked Willow better when she was evil too. She was just pathetic when she was with Tara. And the Nerd Trio . . . they don't deserve anything.) 7th: Um . . . well, we're on the 7th season. I can tell you it isn't going to be Spike. Possibly the evil guy in hoods . . . (Sons of Entropy!) And now my rant is done. On topic, I don't think this season is going to be as good as the rest. Get rid of Dawn and Anya, and get Willow back to her geeky self, and MAYBE we'll have a good season . . .
  16. Tsunami . . . Great. I kill people with water. Aren't I just the greatest. "Water at its worst." Geez . . . :rolleyes:
  17. You know, with NSync or without it, Justin sucks. The song for the MTV Video Music Awards (GO MICHELLE BRANCH!!!) was stupid. All about Justin and how great he is. Gag me with a gym sock, will ya?
  18. *sigh* Another boo-boo, I guess. She's supposed to be . . . un-balanced like that. That's why I call it doodling. If I had really wanted to put any effort into it, I would have made her straight, and worked on it a little. I'm also showing that she's supposed to be comical . . . =/ ~!*Sere*!~
  19. For some of you, I'll clarify the expression. For God-knows-what-reason, it's an anime pout. If I was any good at drawing eyebrows (which I'm not)it'd be more clear. Gomen! And Ginny-chan, you know the skirts with the slits all the way up? It's just an exaggeration of that. I pretty much exaggerated everything. There's a first time for everything . . . ~!*Sere*!~
  20. OOC: Um . . . [I]technically[/I], Miranda is a new character, but if you go with the history of my character, Miranda is an old character . . . and Gilheim wouldn't know that she can interlink . . . she's only done it once . . . 0o;; *~*~~`` [I]Miranda lounged lazily in Suzuka's old spot. Seems that she had decided to go back into the assasination business . . .[/I] "I was actually getting used to life, and now this again?" [I]Miranda rolled her eyes.[/I] "Why do I stick with you all?" "We're your main source of income?" [I]Jim countered, as he hopped into the seat in front of Gene.[/I] "Sure. Dream on Jim." "It never hurts . . ." "Are we ready yet?" [I]Gilheim interrupted, annoyed.[/I] "Take it easy Gil, before you snap a wire!" [I]Miranda laughed.[/I] "We'll be ready when we're ready." *~*~~`` Whee. Attack of the filler posts.
  21. Got bored during one of Ms. Loper's lectures (again), so I just drew. And ended up with this . .. 0o;; If it's blurry (or doesn't show up at all), sorry! ~!*Sere*!~
  22. [SIZE=1]Summer stood in the blackness, looking around with her hands on her hips. "Ok, what do you want?" A small woman walked out of the shadows. Pale blonde hair fell to her shoulders, and bright blue eyes winked underneath her bangs. She echoed Summer's pose, saying, "I want the Slayer back. You see," a part of the blackness dissipated at the wave of the woman?s hand, "your world is falling apart without you." [I]It was her . . . or her twenty-two year old body. Tasya and several other operatives were vainly trying to hold her body down, which was convulsing wildly. After several minutes, the convulsions slowed . . . slowed . . . stopped. Alpha ran into the room, and upon seeing Summer?s limp body, stopped and dropped the item she was carrying. She fell to her knees, her head buried in her hands, and her shoulders heaving wildly. Tasya walked over, and put her arms around Alpha?s shoulders, saying words that Summer couldn?t hear . . . or could she? "There was nothing we could do . . . I?m sorry Alpha." "What about Saethi? Is he gone too?" Mangus stood just inside the door, his face twisted into a grim expression. "Surprisingly enough, his pulse and temperature are normal, if not [/I]better[I] than they have been for a while. Seems that something Summer did when she . . . retired . . . helped him out . . . " "I understand that you would want to give Summer a proper burial, but it is entirely possible that Summer?s soul has been transferred to Saethi. Keep her linked, just in case. Keep her warm, we don?t want a Slayer with a cold . . . if she comes back . . ." Several more images flashed past. A sheet being laid over Summer?s body; a frantic Allenii with a gun to her head, screaming insanely about responsibilities; the Council sitting in the room, discussing new battle plans . . .[/I] "They need you. What are you doing here?" "I?ve got nothing to live for. They?re all going to leave me . . . " The woman laughed. "Looks like Gachnar got hold of you. What happened wasn?t your fault you know." [I]More images flashed across the blank space in the darkness. Summer lounging boredly in one of those stiff-backed library chairs that everyone hates, as Ethan paced back and forth, mumbling to himself about the large book he was holding in his hands. He occasionally gestured in Summer?s direction, but she wasn?t listening, instead working on the homework that was due the next hour.[/I] Ah, her at fourteen. Summer smiled wistfully in nostalgia. [I]"No, side, side, back, under, top, under, Summer! You can?t go too fast when you?re doing this! You rush, get ahead, get sloppy! Precision is everything! One false shot, and everyone around you is a crispy little pancake, you got that?" Rhea, strawberry blonde hair pulled up into a ponytail, stood with her hands on her hips, looking in disdain in Summer?s direction. "Now, try again." Summer repeated the exercise. Once, twice, each time getting faster and faster, until Rhea clapped her hands. "Ok! Now, the quarter-staff. Same exercise, but now pretend I?m a vampire, and you?ve got to slay me. Ok?" Rhea picked up two staves, and threw one to Summer. "Ready?" Rhea took a battle stance, and Summer did the same. They went at it, Rhea having the advantage at first, but then slowly, as Summer got used to her battle weapon, losing as Summer gained ground. "Ok! Up, up, down, side, around, back, side, under, top, sweep!" Rhea?s back hit the ground. "Ok, good. But you?re going to have to be quick if you want--" Rhea somersaulted back and pulled something from her belt, "if you want to beat a vampire!" She shot something, and Summer dived to the ground, rolling sideways to avoid another shot. Up on her feet, she flipped backward, grabbed something from the wall, and threw. The stake thunked firmly into Rhea?s safety vest. "Good! Now . . . "[/I] Fifteen to sixteen. One of Rhea?s training procedures. God she was sore after those. "You don?t need to carry those scars forever. You have people who need you. The Grim Reaper isn?t allowed to take you just yet. Your time will come later. Why stay?" "It?s nice. There?s nothing to fight." "So? Roll with the punches. Give what you get. You?re letting yourself be defeated by your own selfish ambitions. What happened with not breaking the first rule of Slaying, eh?" "Another immortal demon?" "What?d ya think I was? A human-eating guinea pig?" "Well, tell you what. Why don?t [I]you[/I] get your immortal azz down here and help me out sometime?! I?m tired of fighting by myself!" "You don?t have to. You?ve got friends, but you push them away. You can?t protect everyone from the world all the time. Step back, breathe, and then kick vampire tushie. Stop being afraid to live." "You call what I do [I]living[/I]? This whole Clark Kent thing is [I]not[/I] working for me. It?s the same damn thing, day by day!" "Well, hate to tell ya, but if you really hate your life [I]now[/I], things are just going to get worse." "So why bother living?" "Don?t give me this Me-Against-The-World attitude, Slayer. The blackness is deceiving you, isn?t it?" Suddenly, the world flashed blinding white, and Summer threw her arm over her eyes. When it died down, she opened her eyes, dots flashing in front of her eyes. She was standing on a long gray road . . . everything was gray . . . "This is a Ghost Road. Only the cursed and the dead can walk here. This is where all the souls that have lost their way end up. Not a pretty place." Summer looked around, as gray shapes came into focus. A young woman with sad eyes came up to Summer, and reached for her. She went through, but Summer was left with a chill that penetrated to her bones. [I]"Cursed,"[/I] the woman muttered, and retreated away. "This is being dead, Slayer. This is death. Do you like it as much now?" Summer looked around. Everything seemed like mist, but occasionally a figure would appear, look in her direction, and then disappear into the mist again. "No . . . " Summer?s voice croaked out, as a familiar figure departed from the mist, and smiled in Summer?s direction. Summer reached in Rhea?s direction, and was met with the same bone-chilling cold. Tears streamed down Summer?s cheeks, and she turned to the blonde woman. "When?" "Your 17th Birthday. Same day that Tasya arrives. It will have already happened when you get back, I?m afraid that there will be no way to save her." "When I get back? You mean that I won?t be in the future forever?" The woman waved, and the blackness surrounded them again. "Yes. You will be able to get back, but it seems that the Powers That Be have a job for you to do before you?re allowed to go back." "And what?s that?" "Saving Saethi . . ." "And? Everything has a catch." "Destroying Rhea?s lair, and killing Rhea." "If I fail?" "Then this future will come to be, and you will be damned to the Ghost Roads until judgement." "Which is when . . ?" "A very long time." "Someone?s speaking from experience." "Let?s just say I was one of the lucky ones. Some never get to judgement." "Fine. I?m convinced." "Well then. You were easy. Some take much more convincing." "There?s [I]more[/I]?!" "There?s worse things than the Ghost Roads, Slayer. Damnation goes a long way when you?re dead." "More experience?" "No comment. Now then, you ready?" Summer nodded, and stood facing the woman. "Ok. Close your eyes. You?ll feel like you?re falling, but don?t be alarmed. And it?ll take a while; your body will need to find itself." Summer closed her eyes, and let her breathing go slow and deep. A tap on her forehead, and then she was falling again . . .[/SIZE]
  23. Drag me out on a dance floor, and the best I can do is bob my head. Maybe (if I feel like being weird) I'll put a little effort into it, and then yeah, I dance . . . but however, I dance to my own inner drum . . . in other words, I dance extrememly weird . . . yeah. I don't dance. I work out, but I don't dance. ~!*Sere*!~
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash [/i] [B]He's losing his hearing? I didn't know that. He'll have to rely on his Grissy-Sense. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, I think it was the episode where the ex-model was found under her own advertisment, and it was found that she killed herself because she has some disease that was they cataloged how many calories they consumed and stuff . . . It was either that or the season finale (can't even remember if they were the same thing or not!) but the episode ends where Grissom is walking along, and all of a sudden the sound dims . . . dims . . . fades all of the way out. Grissom looks around, and then we realize: Grissom's going deaf. Also was the season premiere where Warrick (the black dude) approached Grissom when Grissom was listening for a certain chord. "It makes the players happy." "Except when they lose, because they don't hear anything at all." ~!*Sere & Co.*!~
  25. It's not bad, really, just I can see where you kinda . . . stopped. Her face isn't really complete, and her hair's missing those clips, but all-in-all, it's really good!
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