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Everything posted by Sere Tuscumbia
Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmyGOD, you brought it BACK!!!! I love you forever! Now if we can just get the original crew back . . . Name: Levyn Cecylon (yeah, it's different . . .) Age: Er. I'm looking, I'm looking! My original says 16 . . . Race: a mix between human, and an unknown type . . . or two. Description: Mid-thigh silvery-white hair that she pulls up into a tightly braided ponytail. Silver tank top and long pants, coupled with a dark blue skirt. Some sort of cloak and a sheath that holds her sword. Icy blue eyes and she seems to frown all the time. ~~>Yeah, I'll stick w/ that. Equipment: An exquisite silver sword that was crafted by her father to be used just for her. Runes down the side, and an identical staff crafted by her mother. And heck, let's throw Nani in there too. ^_^ Yay, ish back! *does a happy dance*
I think this might've been done before, but......OtakuFound.
Sere Tuscumbia replied to Genkai's topic in General Discussion
Er. My story is boring. Friend, who is no longer even going to the boards, bugged me for weeks to sign on, even once threatening to beat me with a frying pan if I didn't sign on so . . . here I am? *sweatdrop* Yeah, told you I was boring. ~!*Sere-chan*!~ -
Ah, He-Man is nothing without She-Woman! Um . . . erm . . . yeah. Dad has a lot of those old comics . . . I got bored. And thus ends [I]this[/I] post. But yeah, the show looks good, and I might, [I]might[/I] become something of a faithful watcher . . . ~!*Sere-chan*!~
Hey, who here goes to the otaku chat?
Sere Tuscumbia replied to DaRicanRhyno's topic in General Discussion
I uh . . . [I]went[/I] to the chat. Ran into some . . . complications . . . and left. Now I'm back on one of my old chats . . . ^^;; Yeah. Maybe you guy's knew "Katanga" . . . I'm sure Apocalypes_Weapon did ^_~ ~!*Sere chan*!~ -
This might be against the rules, but I do believe that this is a perfectly legal question. *shudder* I've always hated that story. Creeps me out. And I have a mixed theory about destiny. Yes, I do believe that God creates our destiny, because we are made from him, and he knows us even before we are created, but we can also change our destiny. Things are made to happen, but that's just it, they're made to happen. We can choose one road or another, and the outcome might be different depending on which road we choose, but all in all, we'll end up in the same place eventually. Er, I've almost confused myself, so I'll shut up now. ~!*Sere*!~
Sign Up Outlaw Star: Past, Present, and the Kei Pirates!
Sere Tuscumbia replied to Talon's topic in Theater
Once again, boredom drives me to become a member of an RPG. I'll introduce my character (however, is it ok if she is part of the Outlaw Star group? My main plot line revolves around that . . .) Name: Miranda Silver-Wind (I changed my character's name to provide a little bit of fun for me) Age: 24 Occupation: No one really knows . . . it has been rumored that she was once a Kei Pirate . . . Appearance: it's temporary until I am able to transfer files from me computer to the main one (the one with the internet attached) Bio: An unknown part of Outlaw Gang. She could be machine, human, or a combination of both, but one only knows that in times of crisis, she can interface with the Outlaw Star ship, and that her secret has been shared with only Melfina. It has been rumored that she was connected with the Kei Pirates. -
Had that happen. Oh god, I looked horrible. My hair poofed out, and made me look all funny. That's why I'm growing it out (finally). However . . . my sister is getting her's cut today . . . Oo;; My life is full of strange things. Why didn't strange things happen YESTERDAY?! Oo;; I'll have to find a picture of my poofy-hairness . . . ~!*Sere*!~
OOC: Yeah, I'm still here, my postie is just going REALLY SLOW! BTW--I'm gettin' your character introduced into the story in this story postie (which will come along shortly just not in this postie here) and then you will be able to resume responsiblity of your character. Mind you, that I DO have SOME idea of what I'm doing here . . . it's just that being a freshman (oh god, only three more years of high school and then I graduate!) demands ever more work than ever! X-X;; High school . . . evilness . . . ok, no more ranting. I'll try to get my post up as soon as I can, k? ~!*Sere & Co.*!~
Well. Once again, I'm back here and posting (for the 3rd time I believe) another one of my stories. I'm a glutton for punishment. Aaaannnndddd, once again, I own no rights to anything but my own characters (all 10 or so of them), so yeah, you can't sue me. This is Chapter One BTW. *~*~~`` The Mediator Chapter 1 I live in the middle of nowhere. Most wouldn't consider Washington, D.C. to be the middle of nowhere, so let me rephrase myself: I live in the middle of nowhere in Washington, D.C. But although I live in the middle of nowhere, I keep surprisingly busy. Why? Because this little "gift" I?d rather not have. Which is why I was sneaking into someone's apartment at twelve thirty in the morning. It became obvious to me that this couple wasn't doing the job that I had told them to do, and I had to go do the job myself. Cause that's my job. Let's just say I went home in the back of a good 'ole black and white; and got the bawling out of a lifetime when I was dumped ungraciously back at the apartment my mother and I shared. One of the side effects of my job. "You said that the therapist had let you go with the notion that you would stop doing things like this!" My mother's auburn bun had come loose, and wisps of hair were floating around her head like some bizarre halo. You can see why I'd rather be a normal sixteen year old. I feel sorry for my mother, really I do, but my "gift" is one that can't be ignored. Especially when it wakes you up screaming in your ear. "I guess it came back to haunt me Mom--" "Oh don't joke about that!" You see, ever since Grandpa died, Mom's been a little bit [I]touchy[/I] when it comes to the subject of ghosts. Even though she doesn't believe in them. My poor, deluded mother . . . I think it's because my more than unusual experiences when I was a child. Another side effect of my job. Well, Mother finally finished chewing me out, so she went to go soak for a while. Some days it must be hard for Mum, considering Dad isn't here to help her out with me. Trust me, Dad didn't-without a nicer way to put it-kick the bucket or anything. My parents just had some problems with each other-and with me I assume-and decided that living together was just not working out. So Dad left, and Mom took custody of me. I see Dad sometimes, but not often. Why? Well, he lives out in Arizona, which is hardly just a hop, skip, and a jump away. Unlike some people I know. Which is why I decided to make an early morning "visit" to my good friend Micheal.You see, Micheal shares this "gift" I have. Which, in essence, would make my job easier, but you don't know Micheal. He could still be considered a newbie when it comes to our little "gift" . . . Especially when he decides to visit at 1:00 in the morning. So I decided to pay him back for the evil little prank he had dealt me, something I was entirely not happy about. He was going to pay, and I had just the job for him to do . . . But, as usual, my "job" got interrupted right in the middle of everything. I had been sitting innocently, in my gray hoodie and matching sweatpants, when the local drunkard of the subway ambled up to me from his desolate little corner in the back of the subway car. I eyed him suspiciously. His walking up to me wasn't the thing that agitated me-I was used to random people confronting me on a daily basis-it was the fact that he wasn't even supposed to [I]be[/I] on the subway car. He sat down next to me. "Don't even think about it mister, I have a black belt--" "That's not what I'm after miss, I just have a question to ask of you . . ." "And that is . . ?" I inquired, raising one eyebrow. "You're the one right?" "The [I]what[/I]?!" Whatever this guy had on his agenda, it didn't sound good. "The [I]one[/I], you know, the one everyone else told me about . . ." He started to sound desperate, and I was considering putting a blow to his head . . . . . . until I figured out who he was. I nodded, but groaned inwardly, adding a little "here we go again . . ." to the growing mound of stress piled in the back of my mind. He sighed, obviously relieved to have found the right person. "I need for you to do something for me." [I]Oh god, another one.[/I] *** "Mother!" I groaned. "She creeps me out!" My mother sighed, and waved the letter in front of my face. "I?m sorry honey, but I have business work, and your father?s gone off to Europe for a month! Your auntie wants to see you!" "But I don?t want to see her! She wears those . . . things!" "I know, I know," my mother sympathized. "She won?t let go of those god awful furs, but maybe you can talk some fashion sense into her while you?re there." "And since when did you have business work?" A notion came into my head at my mother?s shifty look. "Izzhe cute?" "W?what?!" my mother stammered, blushing furiously. "I mean it! Izzhe cute?!" This was too much fun to pass off. My mother hasn?t had a date since Dad left, and I wasn?t leaving until I squeezed all the details out of her. "Uh nuh. No details. Not unless you agree to go to Carmel with Auntie." [I]Carmel, huh?[/I] I thought. "Ok. I guess." I shrugged. "But only if you give me all of the details with your so-called "business partner". Only if you give me the details." "Fine then." My mother looked pleased when she held out her hand. "Shake on it then." I did, gladly. Little did I know that I was shaking on the deal of my life . . . *~*~~`` *edit* Yay. No more editing.
Ah, I wish I could have taken back several things I have said, or done. But then again, I'm just the kind of person who can injure someone and not feel sorry for it because it's a heat-of-the-moment kind of thing. But, as like most human beings do, I regret what I've said, or done later, and wish that I could go back, and make things right. I've lost a lot of friends, and some respect from things I've done . . . but it's all in the past, and the only thing I can do is try to make things better from where I am now, right? Sere
I don't really pick my friends from interests. Right now, I have only one close friend who shares my interests, and several other close friends that I have almost nothing in common with. I honestly pick my friends from whether I can feel comfortable with them, and trust them with my life if it came down to that. Someone I can confide in, and tell my deepest secrets to, knowing that they wouldn't say a word to anyone else. That's what I look for in a friend, because even if someone can have the same interests as me, they can be someone that I wish I had never met. And also, I prefer having someone different from me, because then they won't be jumping to agree with me, and will have different views. I put in my two cents. I'm done. Sere
Nah. Well . . . actually . . . crimson really does sound good for chocolate. And sweet yet passionate? My, aren't you the romancer. And I picked black, because I love saying that. Black. It rolls off the tongue to be bitten off at the end, and seems to melt in your mouth. Also, I just really like the color black. Ah, blue would have to be . . . lemons, or something tart. Tangy. Something that you bite into and go, "Woah!" You know, something that gets your attention REALLY fast. Yeah. Or maybe that would be the color green . . . Sere
what would you change about yourself?
Sere Tuscumbia replied to amibasuki's topic in General Discussion
One word: Everything. Yeah, I'd change everything about me. For one: the fact that I'm my sister's little sister. My sister: living prodigy for most of the teachers in school. So it's like: "Hi! I'm Meagan Bradley's little sister!" and automatically the teachers react something to the lines of, "Oh really? Well A's the whole school year!" Either that, or they hate me, even though they loved my sister. God I hate being related to her. And also, I'd learn how to talk to guys I like. You'd think that I was raised with girls all of my life. :bluesweat: I get flustered, and then start stuttering a lot. And my friends say that I sound pathetic. Yay for me. Yeah, there's a lot more I'd change about myself, but then everyone would start to think I'm some psychopathic freak who's obsessed with perfection. (Ok, I AM a psychopathic freak who's obsessed with perfection, but that's a secret! Shhhh!) Sere [COLOR=red]*edit* Aries, one more word about how pathetic you are and I'm going to find you and spork you to death, got it? It's either that or I'm beating you to death with the Rolling Pin of Justice. So shut up and stop feeling sorry for yourself. (Geez I'm a hypocrite.)[/COLOR] -
Ah, I have a better question: Can you smell the color nine? Chocolate would taste like black. Don't ask me why. Most would think brown would, because chocolate is brown, but black seems so much more appealing than brown. And I don't think this is spam. It's a perfectly good question (with a lot of wacked up answers like mine.) Sere
OOC: Ok, ok, I get it. The first one really didn't make any sense. I won't go any farther, because I'll start snipping at your grammar (Bad habits at work!). Alpha, right? However, I've (god knows how. I think too much.) found a little problem. You said that Alpha was locked in a cross for god knows how many years. I've thought about it for a while, and also confirmed this with my sister (Buffy guru, all hail my sister): for one, wouldn't Alpha burn? Because yeah, a cross has the power to ward off a vampire, but touch a vampire with one, or (er, never been tried so I can't be for sure) get locked in one, they would burn. Get a large enough cross, and I guess they would burn long enough to become dust. And if THAT didn't work, how is Alpha going to feed? Most think that vampires feed because they get a kick out of it, or feed just because it's the "classic" vampire thing. They don't. They [I]need[/I] the blood (don't ask me why, my sister the Buffy guru has explained all this to me) and if Alpha is chained, how is she going to feed? Told you I think too much. And now that I have managed to point out absolutely nothing in that many words, I think I'll stop and start something else . . . right after I take some Ibuprofen. *~*~~`` [I]Summer was tempted to slam a hand into the nearest available object, but since only one of her broken knuckles had healed at that point, that option was out. She settled for a stream of loud swearing. Mangus clamped his hand over her mouth.[/I] "God, you kissed your aunt with that mouth?" [I]Summer wriggled out of his grasp as he looked over at the blank screen.[/I] "What do you suppo--just what do you think you?re doing?" [I]Summer stood outside the door to Saethi?s room, a frown etched into her features. She flexed her knuckles, testing them, finding her limitations. Knowing her weaknesses, looking for her strengths . . .[/I] "I'm gonna kill him. If I have to rip out his heart with my bare hands, I'll do it, but I'm gonna kill the bloody wanker, human, vampire, or demon he is. I'm gonna fight him, and he's gonna die. It's either him, or me, Mangus." [I]She laid an unsteady hand on the doorhandle.[/I] "Him or me," [I]she echoed herself quietly, eyes closed, and a long unused prayer running through her head. Mangus stared at her for moment.[/I] "Won't you need a weapon?" "Nope. He has no weapons, I'll have no weapons. Slayer against vampire. That's how it's gonna go." [I]She pushed the door open and stepped into the room. Saethi turned to look at her, obsidian eyes blank and uncaring, echoing the expression on his face. He moved to get up, and then stopped . . . . . . and didn't move. Not a blink, not a breath. Nothing. Summer stepped in farther, and then noticed the man standing in a corner, un-lit cig dangling from a corner of his mouth He whistled, and pulled the cigarette from his mouth, pocketing it.[/I] "Man, you Slayers make the job of being immortal worth my time. Never change, do ya? Good for me." [I]Summer slammed him up against the wall, her hand on his throat.[/I] "Ok. First off, what's your name and second off, what're you doing here?!" [I]He held out his hand, but Summer didn't notice. Or care.[/I] "Name's Whistler. Demon. Ain't good, but ain't bad either." [I]Summer let off the pressure, and he reached up a hand and massaged his neck.[/I] "Nice grip." "Ok, you're a demon? Lettme guess: Immortal demon sent to even the score between good and evil, right?" "Good guess. Woah, deja vu." "Why are you here?" [I]Summer put her hands on her hips, irritated. Whistler pointed toward Saethi.[/I] "What else? To help the kid. He's supposed to be [I]fightin'[/I] evil, not [I]bein'[/I] evil." "Ok. So what are you supposed to do?" "[I]I'm[/I] not supposed to do anything. In your opinion, the kid's just a little messed up in the head. Blame it on the genes. Your life is worse than his could ever be. But in [I]his[/I] opinion, his life is pretty well screwed. No parents, no life, got the cops after him, best friend's a Crispy Critter, and his sire doesn't want anything to do with him. Life's a living hellhole. No one to relate to." "So?" "Beatin' the tar outta him ain't gonna work. It'll just piss 'im off. So Plan A's outta the question. Time for Plan B. What the kid needs is some TLC: Tender Lovin' Care. You're the only thing he's got. So what you gonna do? Hate or love, kid? Your choice." [I]He bowed slightly, tipping his hat, then disappeared, leaving Summer alone. With a really pissed off kid.[/I] *~*~~`` Yeah, it's short, and (most likely) sucks, but right now, my brain's fried, and I frankly don't care. And they're going to get shorter, because I'm coming down with a cold (one week before school starts to top it all off), and am currently wacked up on Scooby Snacks. Let's just say I'm really not in the condition to write anything but mediocre. Leave me alone about it. Sere
It looks good! I like the fact that you have the girl to one side, as not to completely center the whole page, but maybe if you pulled the text up, and spiced it up a little bit more (use a more interesting text) it would look better! Just my opinion though! ^_~ Keep workin'! Sere
Once again, I'm going to post one chapter of a story I'm working on. If it gets posts, I might post the 2nd (completely unfinished) chapter. And so on and so forth. If I get none, well, that just means I get shot down once more. *~*~~`` Starfire Chapter 1 She stood and wiped the dust from her fingers. As she turned, the frown on her face was obvious, and she never made that face unless something was wrong. True, there was an eerie feeling in the air, but digging sites always had that feeling, it was normal for digging up bones. A bit of hair fell out of her auburn bun and she impatiently pushed it back in place as her emerald-green eyes flashed in anger. If something was wrong in the camp, everyone who didn?t know it at the time was gonna find out. Margaret Marie Bradford strode briskly toward a large tent to the left of the digging ground, and flung the flap open. "What in the [I]hell[/I] is going on around here?!" she demanded to the small figure bent over an artifact. "Hmm?" Dr. Elizabeth Crawford looked up, her sharp, grey eyes peering through a small pair of glasses. Meg threw her hands on the table, and sighed. "Liz, several of the artifacts have gone missing and I can?t even find them on the tracker!" The doctor turned and started rummaging through a box behind her. She then pulled a little machine out and stared at it a moment. "Interesting," she muttered. Fiddling with some switches, then rotating some buttons, the doctor muttered to herself. Liz growled, then whacked the side of the small machine a couple times. The machine buzzed and hissed, not willing to cooperate with the doctor. "Damn!" she hissed, as the machine sputtered sparks. She threw it down on the ground. "I knew that stupid machine was good for nothing!" Meg sighed. "It isn?t our fault they decided to stick us on this miserable planet with these primitive objects! And stick us with these . . . [I]aliens[/I] that we know absolutely nothing about!" "Well, this [I]is[/I] their planet." Mark Whit stuck his head in the tent. "And these artifacts are their ancestors . . . " "Just shut up will you?" Meg interrupted, thoroughly annoyed at the young man?s appearance. Mark raised his hands in surrender. "Yes, [I]ma?am[/I]! Jeez, you?re like a drill Sargent!" Meg scowled. "One more word and I?m gonna . . . gonna hurt you!" She reached for the nearest object, and it happened to be a very large artifact. Mark?s eyes widened. "Ok . . . I . . . I?m leavin!" He turned tail and ran. Meg sighed, and pushed her wiry glasses up into her hair, which was falling out of her bun. She collapsed into the nearest chair, making it groan in protest, and threaten to crash to the ground. Her head in her hands, she muttered, "This job is really getting to me." Liz patted her back awkwardly. "I know . . . I know." "Why me?" Meg groaned. "You had the highest test rate, and showed excellent skills in leadership." "Yeah, but [I]still[/I]! I didn?t [I]want[/I] to be picked for this job! There were [I]plenty[/I] others who would have [I]died[/I] for a chance to dig up old bones and pieces of . . . [I]stuff[/I]! I had absolutely [I]no[/I] problem staying at the academy!" Liz sighed. "There?s nothing I can do about it . . . by the way . . . you might want to catch up to that Mark character and set things straight. There?s gonna be rumors going ?round the camp ?bout that . . ." Meg set the artifact back on the table, her anger vented. "Might as well. It wouldn?t be good for my . . . [I]reputation[/I]." She stood, and opened the flap, emerging out into the cool night air. Breathing deeply, she looked around. The giant hole in the ground was hard to miss, as were the impressive monuments resting beside it. She walked up to one, and rested her hand upon it. The smooth stone was still warm under her hands, after resting in the sun. They had dug it up early this morning, along with some temple items. The statues reached up toward the double suns, the arms twisting around each other in an elegant design. Even the ancients, centuries older than the rest, didn?t know what these magnificent forms were for. Sighing, Meg turned toward Missy?s Diner. The small trailer was housed behind the pad for transport of medicines, artifacts, food, so on and so forth. She opened the door and sat down on one of the red plastic covered stools. "What can I do for you hon?" Missy, a Mississippian, decked out in her red-and-white checkered apron, approached the counter from the kitchen, which adjoined the diner. "Coffee, please." Meg mumbled, as she laid her head down on the counter and closed her eyes. After a little while, she heard the cup slide across the counter, and rest beside her. Meg sat up, slid the mug between her hands and held it there, finding a little peace in its warmth. Lifting the steaming cup, she took a long drink. She sat, enjoying some silence, when the sound of a arguing couple behind her attracted her attention. "That wasn?t sensible!" Meg heard. "I don?t want to be sensible!" Meg caught, but after that, she was caught up in her own thoughts . . . [I]She twirled around. "Oh come on, be sensible!" Meg sighed. "I don?t want to be like practical, sensible Kathleen! I want to be impractical, [/I]senseless[I] Meg!" She flung her shoulder length auburn hair over her shoulder in frustration. Kathleen peered at her sister of 16 with a look of disapproval. "If, again, you aren?t practical, you?ll never get anywhere in life!" "[/I]I don?t care![I] Do I [/I]want[I] to get anywhere in life?" "Of course you do!" The sister of 24 put her hands on her hips and stared at Meg. Meg imitated her sister. "Why? Does getting somewhere in life help? I?ll stay right where I am thank you very much!" . . .[/I] "Stay right where I am huh?" Meg muttered to herself as she took a swig of her coffee. "Ugh!" She made a face. "It?s cold!" She heard someone laughing from behind her and swiveled on the stool. "Would you care for another one?" There stood her long time friend, Rauchiel. Meg laughed. "Rauchiel! How long has it been?" She stood and they embraced in a hug. The alien laughed. "It?s been a while, that?s for sure." "Why are you here?" By the look on Rauchiel?s face, Meg could tell he didn?t enjoy what he had to say. "It?s an important job that has to be done. For this race, for all of our sakes . . . and you will need to be here to hear it Maruei . . ." [I]That was Rauchiel?s pet name for me, when . . .[/I] Meg shook the thought out of her head. That was something in the past, the long past she didn?t want to remember. She smiled up at Rauchiel, and he seemed to buy it, for the time being. "Anyway, how bout that coffee?" *~*~~`` Ta da! Please R&R! Sere
Ah. Sailor Moon. I used to be a Moonie. Frankly, I lost all interest when I found out what the Japanese had in plan, and then watched the American. Do you know how much they've edited? True, the children in America today are little wimps, but at least they could show it (the unedited Sailor Moon) on Midnight Run! (*sigh* If only . . . and then have Sci-Fi bring back the Japanese movies . . . ) Truthfully, Sailor Moon is a low rated porn show. If all CN could do was make it all cutesy, then it deserved to be taken off the air. If you want Sailor Moon, read the manga. It's the original, and doesn't bother making anything cutesy. It's SM at it's best. But what really grates my cheese is that they're putting American cartoons (which are so stupid you want to gag yourself with a gym sock) in Toonami. Toonami=Japanese cartoons. Not Japanese with a whole lot of American mixed in. And Hamtaro's credit sequence is the only reason I watch the show. Too cute! ^-^ Sere
I'm posting (finally) and since I "saved a spot" (really, I did!), I think I deserve at least to post. So there! Nyah! Name: Tallinn (Tal) Hriemyyn Gender: Female Location: Riverdale Weapon(s): A jeweled sword, with runes down the side, a dagger (pairs with the sword), and her staff, which has a prayer in a lost language. Skills: Enhanced speed, agility, hearing, and stealth. Magic: (er, call her a technomage.) Soul's Terror: Um . . . least bloody of the attacks . . . quite literally, things just blow up, leaving craters where they once were . . . Heart's Blood: The bloodiest of the attacks . . . if you haven't guessed, things (people, demons, etc.) bleed to death. From everywhere. Very ew. Soul's Frenzy: This takes the most out of Tallinn. Really, all that are included in the attack start killing other members of that included attack. Only used in EXTREME emergencies . . . Heart?s Ache: An unknown attack. Only used if the situation is dead ended. One who casts the spell will die. Appearance: see attachment (Ok. It doesn't like my attachment. I'll try later. gomen!) Biography: Originally born in royalty, Tallinn was what you could call a spoiled brat. Until her family fell out of power, and was cast out, causing Tal to see that life wasn?t all fun and games. Along with several others, Tallinn?s parents fell prey to a band of outcasts, which took Tallinn in. She has become an expert thief, but at the same time, a mage for unknown reasons. Skilled with a bow and arrow, even though she doesn?t own one. Tends to be bossy, but only when she knows what she is doing is right. (would type more, but can?t seem to think of anything for the moment) And that's all.
Strong pts: Er . . . I'll tell you when I can find any. Weak pts: Depression ADHD Let people walk all over me Trust too easily Am offended easily HORRIBLE temper (I'll blow at the smallest thing) Er. I'll stop now . . . I don't think too highly of myself . . . :bluesweat:
Er. I can't say "statistic". My t's just won't come out, so it sounds like sa-sis-tic. I've had 20 people so far try to correct me. I also can't say "purple", or "cinnamon". Gah. X_X;; Sere
save a spot. I'll post when I get it together (meaning: You've got a good enough RPG that I'm making a new character for it. Feel proud of yourself.) ~!*Sere*!~
Well, I go with the spiders catagory. Anything spiders and I have a nervous breakdown. Arachnaphobia -- yep, that's me. What do they need all those legs for? For crawling over your face in the night, that's what they need them for! *shudders* Ugh. Damn the spiders. Also: heights, heavy things falling on me, being alone for too long, really tiny spaces (someone shut me in a locker and I started screaming), finding the real me, doing anything infront of a crowd (on stage), er . . . frogs (kinda), my sister when she's just woken up, the list goes on and on. I'm pretty much scared of anything and everything. ~!*Sere*!~
OOC: Eh, Sarsy-chan? Nice to have you back, but er . . . where in the heck are you going with this? And to make you happy, I'm almost to your character in the future so you can start posting there. Happiness? ^^ Oy, Liam, "friendly" little piece of advice: Not everyone is a vampire. You state yourself that there are several vampires on the "good" side, but even though I know you couldn't have known this, there are only two vampires in the complex: Mangus and Alpha. Everyone else is human or something that would resemble one. Er . . . ok. However, with the "bad guys" you can have vampires abound. With the occasional human, whether they've sided and have power, or are there because the vampires are using them for feeding or "fun". Have at because I'm still working on that so it's pretty much free territory. Yay. That was long. Onto the story. *~*~~`` [I]Summer slammed a fist into the side of the car. She heard several cracks, but didn't bother to care.[/I] "Dammit! God bloody [I]dammit[/I]!" "We had to, Summer. He's dangerous. We didn't know what would happen to you if he changed!" [I]The woman in the front seat pushed on the door.[/I] "Now get in and we'll discuss this later." [I]Summer kicked the door shut, placing yet another dent in the car.[/I] "You have [I]no[/I] right to tell me to get in the car! I could have taken care of myself! I am the bloody Slayer for god's sake! They didn't keep me in a bloody cell for bloody nothing!" [I]At that, the red head climbed out of the car, her green eyes flashing.[/I] "I have the right because I am your Watcher! You [I]will[/I] listen to me or I'll [I]make[/I] you listen to me! Understand?!" [I]Summer stepped back, astounded.[/I] "Hold up. You just said "Watcher". Th -- that means . . . " [I]Summer shook her head.[/I] "Rhea's dead, isn't she? That's why you're here. Did you find her body? What did they do?" "There's no time for that Summer. Now please," [I]the woman opened the door,[/I] "just get in the car. We'll talk there." [I]Summer looked over her shoulder.[/I] "Don't ya think . . ." "That we should go after him? No. We should have known it would be too late. Regardless of what you might think, Summer, he was going to change whether we helped him or not. We were just hoping to get to him first." "You know where he might go, don't you. Why don't you follow him?" "Because two of the most powerful vampires that ever existed are there, Summer. They have the intelligence, the cunning, the thirst for blood that no vampire has ever had. Even [I]you[/I] wouldn't have a chance against both of them at once. Now, please, get in the car." [I]Summer complied silently, and smiled when the person next to her held out his hand.[/I] "Hey. The name's Dale. Nice to meet ya." [I]Summer took his hand, her smile wavering. His hands were cold . . .[/I] "You a part of the complex?" [I]Dale shook his head.[/I] "Nope. A vampire was going to make me a meal, when I found it dust, and me being thrown into a car with you. And that other guy," [I]he added quickly.[/I] "Well then! I hope you'll be able to stay with us for a while! Mangus, is there room for the newcomer?" [I]Summer reached for the doorhandle, but then pulled back. Blood on the handle. She turned away, sick. Mangus glanced back at Summer.[/I] "Your friend can have Saethi's room." [I]At Summer's surprised sound, he continued,[/I] "Seems he can only read surface thoughts. True, we were going to lock him up, but it was only until we figured out just what made the vampiric side of him tick. We had found the demon that had tried to change him. By a genetic twist of fate, she managed to become fully demon." "If Saethi has a mix of all three: human, vampire, and demon, that will make him much more powerful than he already is. There's no telling what he'd be able to do." [I]The Watcher slid into the front seat once again. A head popped into the frame of the open backseat door.[/I] "Hey, are you guys having some car trouble here?" [I]The other girl looked at Summer.[/I] "Hey lookie! The Slayer! Nice to meet ya! Michela Somasi: Vengence Demon at your service." [I]The Watcher chuckled.[/I] "Almost Ex-Vengence Demon you mean, Michela." [I]Michela looked sheepish.[/I] "Hey, it's not [I]my[/I] fault that D?Hoffryn decided to join the "bad guys", Tasya." [I]Tasya sighed.[/I] "It really wasn't his choice. Power within the dark, or death from the light. What would you choose?" [I]Summer spoke up.[/I] "Tasya, huh? Now I'll know what to name my voodo dolly whenever I get mad at you." [I]Michela smiled, then put a hand on the doorframe.[/I] "So, we all done here?" [I]She closed the door, but Summer could still hear her through the window.[/I] "Ok people! Let's blow this popsicle stand! Move it out!" "Let's get going, shall we? The Council will be waiting for our arrival. Ready, Summer?" [I]Tasya looked back at Summer. She gave the thumbs-up.[/I] "As I'll ever be. Hey, you guys have hot water? I have the aching need to be clean." [I]They started off.[/I]
Er. Life ends August 15th for me. Gotta go pick up my schedule sometime . . . at least I don't start at 7:45 A.M. anymore . . . but god, I'm going into the I High. (Intermediate High) I never thought I'd see the day. (Just like I thought I'd never see the day when my sister turns 20 but look, it's coming up in uh . . . 9 months. That's scary. I might actually have to go to my sister's wedding (if she marries that is.)) Ah. Say hello to 8:45 or later. Life is good. Sere