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Sere Tuscumbia

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Everything posted by Sere Tuscumbia

  1. I'm addicted to . . . let's see . . . Chocolate, anime, writing, drawing, >>;; my computer, otakuboards, british programming, celtic music, uh . . . yeah. The list will go on, but since I'm running out of time (Er, that's a book. Books. I'm addicted to books. And Buffy the Vampire Slayer when you think of it.) I'll just shut up now. (And talking. Don't ask me how you can be addicted to talking, but I am. Leave me alone about it.) Yeah. There's a long list . . . Sere
  2. ah. Theme songs. Don't really *have* a theme song, but if my life depended on it (god forbid, I'd most likely die) I'd pick "Something to Sleep to" by Michelle Branch. Aaahhhh. Good song. Sere
  3. OOC: Ok, ok, it?s long. Bear with me, will ya? It can?t really be cut any more than it is! And I really hate double posting, but it has to be done. Gomen! *~*~~`` [I]The front door of the head car opened, and Mazine slipped out. An unlit cigarette dangled from one side of her mouth, a black trenchcoat billowing behind her like some twisted cloak of darkness as she strode purposely toward Summer.[/I] "You killed him," [I]she said, not even bothering to look at Summer. A hate Summer never knew was there rose up, and she could taste bile in her throat. She glared, remaining silent, until Mazine looked up at her.[/I] "I?m sure it didn?t hurt," [I]Summer managed through clenched teeth. She wasn?t going to let Mazine get the upper hand. Mazine?s face grew cold.[/I] "Kill her." [I]Several vampires looked nervous, and one spoke up.[/I] "We?re not . . . supposed to . . . you know . . . " "Oh bloody hell! Right, then, bring her to me." [I]This was it. 4 years of shadowboxing and private meditation, of anger and exercise, all balled up into this battle.[/I] "Come and get me," [I]Summer mumbled, and then unloaded the crossbow into several vampires, before they got too close for her to use it. The crossbow clattered to the ground, as Summer drew a stake from the band of the gray sweatpants she had found in the duffel. They surrounded her, and all at once, Summer and they started to move. Kicking, spinning, thrusting, ducking, Summer used the vampire?s numbers against them, drawing some closer to shove some back. A bullet embedded itself in her shoulder, but still she didn?t stop. Where Saethi was, Summer couldn?t tell. All was lost in the confusion. A sword pierced her thigh, but she was in motion, the owner dead before he could do Summer any more harm. Then she had the sword, and vampires were dust left and right, the nuclear fallout of the slain undead. It stung Summer?s eyes and forced her to hold her breath. A voice shouted out her name, and she stopped for a moment. That was her fatal mistake. A bullet wound through her back, a club at the back of her head. Summer staggered. Fell to her knees, the sword wavering in her hands. Mazine stood over her, an ax in her hands.[/I] "So much for not killing you eh?" [I]she asked sweetly. Then she snarled, and raised the ax higher.[/I] "You killed him, you b*tch. You killed my brother! Let?s see if [I]this[/I] hurts." [I]All the others stepped back, but none challenged Mazine?s actions. Even though she was dazed from the loss of blood, Summer looked around the circle. Saethi was there, struggling in the grip of several vampires. Summer had killed a dozen or so. That was good. That was something. But it was not going to let her break the first rule of Slaying. Mazine raised the battle-ax to the highest, and Summer knew she was going to die. Faintly, most likely somewhere in the club?s parking lot, people, normal humans, cried out in alarm at the grotesque, macabre tableau being played out in the street. But they were on the other side of the border; they couldn?t help anyone now. The blade fell toward Summer, and the vampires seemed to move back one step farther. There seemed to be more now, maybe reinforcements. Summer tried to lift the sword, and Saethi called out her name once more. Mazine grinned. Then her eyes went wide, and the unused cigarette fell end over end onto the pavement. Her body jittered a little, and she dropped the ax and stumbled toward Summer. Summer aimed the blade of the sword at Mazine, and it sliced right through her abdomen, impaling her.[/I] "Kill them!" [I]the vampires screamed. That woke Summer up. ?Kill who?? She shoved a moaning Mazine off of her, and stood. The vampires closest to her attacked. Even though she was dazed, wounded, and slowed, she still spun and decapitated the nearest one, who exploded into dust. She elbowed another, but a third reached out and started choking her. This time, she felt the electricity pass through the vampire and to her. She felt her muscles contract, her eyes go wide, and her mouth feel like she had just bitten through aluminum foil. The vampire went down at Summer?s feet, and she found herself looking into the eyes of a grim-faced man. A crescent shaped scar traced down his cheek, cutting into the stubble on his chin. He tasered the vampire again, then looked up at Summer.[/I] "We need to go." [I]Summer pulled in a short gasp of air, which burned in her lungs. Joy and pain clashed inside her as she recognized the man before her.[/I] "Mangus? Oh god, Mangus." [I]He grabbed her arm, and started pulling her. Vampires were surrounding them, but were being driven back by taser guns and crossbows. Headlights gleamed, and several black vans screeched into the battle. They slewed sideways, and vampires, armed and ready, piled out of the van.[/I] "Go! Get the Slayer to safety!" [I]snapped a commanding voice behind her. Summer turned, and saw the extraction team fighting, but now withdrawing. The command had come from a woman with long red hair tied back in a ponytail. The lithe woman raised her hands, gestured madly, and cried out something in Latin that Summer didn?t understand. Three vampires within several feet of her turned to glass, and another member of the team shattered them all. The newly arrived vampires rushed into the fray, and the woman?s attention was directed elsewhere. Summer pulled away, to go back and help, but Mangus grabbed her, surprising her with his strength.[/I] "We?re not here to battle. We?re here to get you out." "But -- what about Saethi?!" "We have him." [I]For a long moment, Summer just watched. The woman set a pair of vampires on fire just by touching them. Then she creamed out a name that Summer didn?t recognize.[/I] "Michela!" [I]In the midst of the melee came a sudden howl that made the hairs on the back of Summer?s neck stand on end. Amidst the vampires, one of the members of the team changed in an instant. The panther raged, its black snout glistening, ears twitching, teeth gnashing at the air as it charged at the vampiric group. Clowndog was in the lead, white greasepaint glowing in the dark, and the panther rose up on its hind legs, grabbed the vampire, and tore his head off. It began to attack others, using powerful jaws and claws to tear into them, but then the woman in charge shouted for them all to fall back. The extraction team complied instantly. Mangus hauled on Summer?s arm, and then she was running toward the club?s parking lot, mind spinning, almost blacking out. This was just too much for her. Several sedans and one large van, all black, sat in the parking lot. Summer had never noticed them before. She found herself being pushed roughly into the backseat of a sedan, and then Saethi and another guy following her in. Mangus jumped into the driver?s seat, and started the car. Through the tinted windows, Summer could see that the vampires were giving chase, but only for a few seconds. The team loaded into the military transport, as the red headed woman dived into the front seat. She turned and faced Summer, grinning widely. Summer smiled weakly, then shifted, her blood sticky on the leather seat. [/I] "Mazine? You get her?" [I]The woman shook her head.[/I] ?Nope. She?s always one to save her own *ss first." [I]She then glanced at Mangus.[/I] "Let?s get moving." [I]He complied instantly, tearing out of the club?s parking lot with the other sedan and troop van close behind. As they went, Summer craned her neck to look out the rear window. The vampires who had survived were also retreating. They had climbed into their cars, both those that had been on sentry, and the late arrivals, and begun to return the way they had come, as though the carnage had never happened, as though the people in the parking lot had not witnessed something horrible. One car had not moved. It seemed aimed at them, headlights on high beam. There were several hundred yards away now, but Summer could make out the form of a woman standing in front of the car, her body, full and feminine, silhouetted by the harsh lights, backlit so it seemed more like a dark hole in the air than a woman, like a thing of darkness painted over the face of the world. Whoever she was, she stood calmly and watched them drive away. Summer shivered, there in the car, in the presence of people she barely knew, and as the figure stepped out of sight behind them, she thought of the feeling she had in the projection room of the drive-in. She thought of the crossbow that had been left there, just for her. The two spirits that coexisted within Summer exulted. She was free. Yet somehow she felt her fear even more keenly than before, and a terrible dread was born within her.[/I]
  4. WAY too many sequels! Disney totally screwed themselves by trying to make sequels like: Little Mermaid, Peter Pan, Aladdin, *rummages for Disney movies* Beauty and the Beast, Lion King, etc. Disney movies normally have a happy ending that doesn't ask any questions. Bring in a sequel, and most people are asking: Why bother? Ok, so some Disney sequels are good (Rescuers Down Under! Yay!), but most suck. Big time. And for the live action part of it, yeah, too many there too. However, like The Mummy Returns, there are some good ones. (hee. Matrix 2!) I'm rambling. I'll stop. Sere
  5. Well, my turn. Name: Erm. Long story. It's based off of Queen Serenity. I got bored and made up a whole history for her. Used to be Serenity, then Serene, and one day I messed up and called her Sere. It stuck. My avatar? Erm, I was just looking, saw it, and went "Oh my God! That looks like me!" (Well, except for the blue eyes . . . T-T;;) Siggie: Erm. It has absolutely no point. I'm gonna change it when I feel like it . . . I put fairly random things in my siggie just to amuse myself. ^^;; I amuse myself very easily . . . 'Nuff said, Sere
  6. [I]Summer sat, hidden in the shadows of a gas station. The Boston was only across the road and down about 10 feet. It felt like a thousand miles to Summer. Saethi sat behind Summer, fiddling with his sunglasses. After the fight, he had been as still as death. When Summer had looked back, Saethi had the expression on his face like he had been hit in the back of the head with a Whiffle Bat a couple hundred times. Summer bounced on her heels. To her younger soul, seeing such freedom like this was only reminding her of what horrible future this was, but to the older, freedom was a thing that she wanted so badly, yet couldn?t reach. Not yet. A small group of teenagers walked down the street in the opposite direction, oblivious that they were on the outskirts of a town of terror. Summer could have been one of those people. On a happier day, when this future didn?t exist . . . she could have ?[/I] "I see at least a dozen or so, you?" [I]Saethi?s voice broke through Summer?s thoughts like a knife. She looked over at the half dozen black cars lining the street. No extraction team, but plenty of vampires were lounging around the cars, waiting for either Summer and Saethi, the extraction team, or both. Most of the vampires she had never seen before; minions that the vampires thought were worthy to belong to the collective. But there was brunette, but still bubbly Harmony, and Clowndog, who had helped in capturing Summer, and sticking her in that itty bitty bloody cell. Summer scanned the faces, one by one, weeping silently when she saw her friends, and growling when she recognized several others that had hunted her ruthlessly. Death was not forgiving. But Summer was worse than death. She sprinted the twenty yards to the gas pumps and crouched down, surveying the crowd. None seemed afraid, no indication that they knew what was coming. They were laughing merrily, enjoying themselves. That infuriated Summer. They terrorize her town, supposedly kill off her friends, and then pretend nothing happened. Way low. The tugging on her soul to be free, and seek some form of justice was strong, and when she couldn?t stand it any longer, she sprinted towards the street. A strangled cry from Saethi, as the shouting started. Summer grimaced. She had been too conservative. There were enough that she couldn?t count them at one glance, and she was going to have to fight them. All of them. Shoulda waited for the extraction team. She cursed herself for her arrogance and impatience. This wasn?t the first time they had gotten her in trouble . . . Not the first, but maybe the last.[/I] *~*~~`` I'll finish this ickle postie when I find the inspiration.
  7. [I]Kat waited for the caravan to arrive. Where was her father? She hopped from one foot to the other, waiting just as the crowd was. When the caravan finally arrived, there was ony a fraction of the twenty or thirty that had left. Katanga scanned the weary, worn men. Her father wasn't one of them. The caravan stopped, and Katanga was one of the first to run up.[/I] "Where's my father? Sky Haku? Where?" [I]she asked, her face tight with worry. A part of her already knew what had happened, but she pushed it out of her mind. That wasn't possible. It couldn't be. The leader looked down at Katanga. No twinkle in his eye, no smile playing on his lips . . .[/I] "I'm sorry hon. Sky was killed. There wasn't anything we could do." [I]And there went the switch in Kat's mind. Everything flipped, and Katanga couldn't control her rage. That was the last time one of her parent's died. It was all ending now . . . Winds kicked up, sending Kat?s hair flying in all directions, and dust scattered around the plaza. Katanga raised her hands. One in one direction, one in the other. This place was ending, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it . . . Strong hands circled her wrists, and pulled them back. Craters five feet deep appeared in the ground only 3 feet away. Before Kat could manage another attack, her fingers were curled into her palm. They stayed there.[/I] "Now unless you fancy eating without your hands, I?d cease and desist," [I]the stranger hissed into Kat?s ear, not-so gently steering her away, and towards the temple where the Oracle sat.[/I] "You shouldn?t have meddled in my business!" [I]Kat grumbled, resisting. She wasn?t going to go with some smart-mouth idiot to some place she didn?t want to.[/I] "I?m supposed to meddle. It?s my job." [I]Kat?s stranger replied, the slightest humor reaching into his voice. Kat was tempted to reach back and bite the person, but refrained. No need to get into any more trouble than she already was. And it might be interesting to see what would happen when she got there . . .[/I] *~*~~ *sigh* Boredom.
  8. OOC: Well then, for the first time in god-knows-when, I'm actually able to post. I'll make this short. *~*~~`` [I]Alpha and Mangus returned to the house, weary, shell-shocked, but alive ? at least by their definition . . .[/I] "Well then, it seems like we?re in a ickle bit more trouble than we asked for, aren?t we?" [I]Mangus?s cheeriness was grating on Alpha?s nerves.[/I] "Oh can?t you shut the bloody hell up?!" [I]Alpha snapped in Mangus?s direction. Ouch. Obviously Mazine?s appearance was really affecting Alpha. And with the Slayer in La-La Land . . .[/I] "How do you think Summer ? or whatever she ? it ? is ? is faring?" [I]Alpha shrugged in response.[/I] "Things are getting serious Mangus. We need our Slayer back, and we need her back NOW!" [I]With that said, Alpha stormed up the stairs in search of Summer, whether to talk, or reduce her into a mound of quivering gelatinous goo, Mangus didn?t know. The phone rang. Mangus didn?t know why he even had a phone in this place; no one even called . . . . . . he picked the phone up, and before he even had a chance to say hello, a young, slightly bossy voice broke through.[/I] "Oh for God?s sake, pick up the damn fu ? oh hello. I think it would be best to open that front door of yours now, quite chipper outside! And be careful, it?s almost dawn now luv." [I]The line cut off. Mangus stared at the phone for a second, then put it back on the hook. The same bossy voice from the phone call came wafting through the wooden door.[/I] "Open the bloody door you wanker! I?m not staying out here all bloody day!" [I]There was something commanding in that voice, and when Mangus opened the door, he found out why. On the stoop, a young woman with brilliant red hair, and emerald green eyes stood, her hands on her hips.[/I] "It?s about time! You stood there dilly-dallying while your Slayer and your other friend are in trouble! Now, if you?ll excuse me . . . " [I]She brushed past Mangus, and into the house. Mangus just stared after her.[/I]
  9. Erm. I've known about the whole new CSI. Don't think it'll be as good though . . . *shrugs* Oh well. We'll just have to see . . . Sere
  10. Erm . . . Liam, you scare certain random people sometimes . . . I'm not a blowing people to itty-bitty pieces kinda gal. My sister is, and she blew me up about 4 times in one game. Of course, it was all on the level SHE likes . . . [SIZE=1]if we'd played the pipes level, I would have kicked her butt.[/SIZE] She always falls off the edges, and died repeatedly. And then I find her and kill her again . . . and again. And then she gets mad and blows me to smithereens. In that stupid Skedar level. Grrr. And then I yell. At her, at my character (Aba Dark), or at the T.V. It doesn't matter. However, I've only been caught once cussing at the television when it burnt out right in the middle of the game, and I found that I died 15 times. Throwing grenades at the wall and seeing how many times I can die in a 10 minute game is fun too. Dying in Slow Motion is long, but kinda funny . . . do ya think it's wrong of me to enjoy such stuff? Sere
  11. Erm. I've finally found another Perfect Dark player in that sea of mindless players . . . weird. Heh. Got the Invisible Cheat yet? Ehehehehe. When I seriously pissed (and/or on the verge of tears) I tend to activate the Invisible Cheat, and then grab any explosive things I can, and proceed to blast sims (who all look like Elvis mind you) into smithereens. Remote mines . . . my best friends. Another mission for Invisible Cheat. I tend to hole up in a room, with mines at all doors, then lure sims in, then blow 'em up. I have several ways of dealing with stress . . . mainly beating the crap outta Joanna's co-workers . . . or Jonathan, if I can fail the mission right. No, I don't really yell at video games . . . +)Sere(+
  12. My 4th? Boring. I slept until 11:30, then did nothing all day, ate hot dogs for dinner, then went out to Union Intermediate High School (OhmyGawd. I'm actually going there in a month. O-o;; Creepy.) and set up chairs to watch the fireworks that the church across the street sets up. That was fun. Only because when the really big fireworks would explode, everyone's car alarms went off. I loved it. Oh, and there was the firework that went off 2 feet above the ground . . . the rents, my sister, and I all cracked jokes about that (This guy with his skin all charred: "Must . . . finish . . . job . . .") then I went home, stole several of my sister's books, and read until I was too freaking tired to hear the fireworks. Yeah. The 4th was the same as always.
  13. I'm sorry, but the Scottish and Irish accents (I'm Scottish-Irish descent myself so . . .) just make me melt . . . and the occasional British accent . . . I turn into a gooey, drooling mess that my dear friends the janitors (not) have to mop up occasionally. And the Quidditch pitch was a bit too open for me . . . and I would never even think of getting up in one of those towers . . . I'm terrified of heights when they're a chance I'll fall and crack my pumpkin open . . . and they got the part where Hermione set Snape's robes on fire wrong . . . that peeved me off. *sigh* My sister (or my friend) is most likely going to drag me to the movie when it comes out. I'm more interested in the book however. I wrote down a list of what questions in Harry Potter I wanted answered, and there were like 20 or something! (20 Questions? Ok, bad pun and I didn't even know about it) Gawd. Publishing companies are so stupid. +)Sere(+
  14. Ok, avid Harry Potter fans . . . justa little info from an equally avid fan (and the info from her sister) The only reason they haven't released the 5th book is first it was the publishing company, and then it was the movie. They're postponing the book until next year folks . . . more waiting on the rise. And no, SG, the next book WON'T be bigger. The 4th book was the thickest (because it was the climax of the whole series) so the rest of the books will be smaller . . . much smaller. And was it just me, or was Daniel's (Harry Potter) voice all wiggly throughout the movie? You notice now how his voice is all deep, and frankly to die for in a guy, in the 2nd movie, but in the 1st movie, it was high in one part, then low in another . . . shows when they filmed what. I didn't like the descriptions in the book . . . Harry's clothes fit too nicely to belong to Dudley, and Dudley was supposed to have blonde hair . . . the movie leaves something to be desired in the Harry Potter world. And the Quidditch pitch? Not what I expected. I had though that it was going to be like a football stadium . . . or a soccer field, (even though Wood had a Scottish accent that left me a drooling pile of goo) you know, not the towers. I'd go on, and rant about the second movie, but you don't want to listen to me any longer . . . really. And if the fifth book is longer, ya'll can rub it in my face. =0Sere0=
  15. No one wanted to be me? Sweet little 'ole [I]me[/I]? I'm mildly hurt, but then again, I really doubt that anyone on this part of the boards knows me . . . heh . . . ^^;; If I could be anyone . . . any random guy on the boards. I've always wanted to know what makes a guy tick . . . they're just so strange. And any girl? Uh . . . that would have to be me. True, my life is one big screwball {What kind of word is screwball?} but I wouldn't want anyone figuring out any of my secrets . . . heh . . . yeah. It'd have to be me. Yep. =)Sere(=
  16. OOC: Ha. I still write more than you . . . except for the fact that I had asked for Writer's Block when I needed it, and didn't get it until I didn't need it . . . phooey. And Sarsy, yes, Alpha IS in the future. I'm trying my best to get to where she is (which should be one or two posts from now) so you can start working on getting her character posted. My so-called "gift" for writing's getting in the way. And speaking of the future Liam, where in the bloody heck are we going to have the 23 year old Saethi? Dead, on the good side (with Alpha and Co.), on the bad side (Maz and her last remaining brother), holed up in a secret government institution getting a chip in his head so he can't bite anyone, skipped town, what are we going to do with him? I NEED TO KNOW! [SIZE=1]It's driving me insane . . .[/SIZE] And it's St.Claire querido, get it straight. *~*~~`` [I]Summer knew she shouldn't, but she walked over to where Saethi was huddled, and viciously backhanded him.[/I] "What in the bloody Jesus were you thinking?" [I]Saethi said nothing, his eyes staring into the distance. Summer growled under her breath.[/I] "Ok, you insensitive self-centered bloody bugger of an b*stard. I don?t care if you?re vamp?" "Half," [I]Saethi interrupted bitterly.[/I] "I?m half vampire. Get it right." "I don?t care about what?s right and wrong in this bloody sodded world right now! I just want home back!" [I]The defenses around Summer were crumbling, and the defenseless, shaken girl who had lost her home was showing through.[/I] "There [I]is[/I] no right or wrong here now! And it?s only because you and your bloody kind killed me off, and then stuck me into a itty-bitty bloody cell, and made me kill another Slayer, who was only a year younger than me --" [I]she caught herself, in a moment, and changed, softly,[/I] "year younger than I was . . ." "Hey, wait a minute here." [I]Saethi looked up at Summer, his eyes slightly unclouded, but still cold enough to ice over the Gulf of Mexico.[/I] "You said that "my kind" killed you?" [I]Summer slumped down against the nearest tree, rubbing her eyes. She would not cry.[/I] "Yep. That?s me: the Undead of the Year. Juniper told me that just before I had to . . . kill her." [I]It hadn?t even been a day since Juniper?s body lay at Summer?s feet, and talking was becoming hard for Summer.[/I] "Yep. Don?t know when, don?t know how. Even though I have an inkling . . ." "I died." [I]Saethi murmured.[/I] "The day I was turned, I died." [I]Summer laughed, bringing a surprised look from Saethi.[/I] "No. You aren?t dead. Despite what you believe, there?s still a little human in you . . . enough to matter anyway. You won?t be truly dead until you let it go." [I]Saethi just stared at Summer. Summer laughed again, then stood, and walked over to Saethi.[/I] "You could die right now you know." [I]Bending down, she whispered in his ear,[/I] "I?ve heard the blood of a Slayer is addictive. Once you get one taste, you can?t stop . . . you want more. They?re plenty of Slayers in the world . . . you could kill us off, one by one, then go back and do it again . . . over and over. Totally give in to your vampire side . . . that?s what dying?s like Saethi. It?s painful, and inhumane. So why not die, hmm? I?d let you kill me . . . it?d be easy . . . and then maybe I?d go to where I belong . . ." [I]Saethi leaned back, eyes wide, as he was startled out of the twisted reality he was in. He turned away, as he saw the gash on her lip, the blood trickling down one arm. It was hard to resist the pull of the demon inside him, and Summer saw that. She smiled, and leaned in once more.[/I] "You want do die, don?t you? I?ll break a few ribs going down fighting, sure, but as a vampire, you?ll heal nicely. Maybe you?ll find some nice little vampy chick to run around with . . . it?ll be fun, won?t it?" [I]Saethi just stared at her again. Summer chuckled, stood, and turned away. Then turned slightly back.[/I] "We have about thirty minutes until the extraction team arrives. Coming or not?" [I]She turned, retrieved the duffel bag, and then started walking, not bothering to look back. Let him decide.[/I] *~*~~`` Liam, let me take care of the extraction team part. I know where I?m going in this, and who?s going to be there. K? However, if you feel the desperate need to post and get this over with, then PM me and I?ll give you the main points. The rest would be up to you. And wasn?t this thing supposed to be about the Master . . ? *sweatdrop* Creative juices really twisted this one up . . . =)Sere(=
  17. I get mad. Then I get frustrated. THEN I get pissed off. Then I yell. It's comforting, and annoys my sister all at the same time. The main game I get mad at is Tomb Raider; when Lara does something stupid even when you've told her not to. Then, when she comes back to life, I kill her off. Swan-diving off of a tall building or something like that is nice, and the crunch is very satisfying some days . . . The other game I get mad at a lot is Perfect Dark, when Joanna (or one of her stupid little friends) does something stupid, or when you do something stupid (like erasing the Combat Simulator info when you're three levels from the best/perfect score there is) yourself, then I just go and grab 8 really stupid simulants, and kill them over and over and over (you get the idea) for an hour. Or punch them to death. That's fun too. I also get mad at Super Mario 64 when I can't beat a stupid level, then I just make Mario drown, or fry. Or I chase the bunny around, and drop-kick it. I'm violent . . . *sweatdrop* Yeah. Life sucks. ~!*Sere & Co.*!~
  18. Whoo, Delian, get a CLUE! It WOULD matter who kissed who, because if you're friend is innocent, you can't go getting all hot and bothered at him when he didn't do anything! If he DID kiss HER then . . . a sledgehammer and his head should be very good pals. And if the second one was just a "caught-up-in-the-moment" kinda thing, then I think there would be grounds for restoring the relationship between the three of you. But if it wasn't . . . as I said, a sledgehammer and some peoples head's will be very good pals. But the main thing is: DON'T GET ALL HOT AND BOTHERED WHEN YOU'RE TALKING TO YOUR FRIEND!!! Trust me, it DOESN'T help anything! You end up getting in an irrational shouting match that will mangle your relationship beyond repair! I've done it . . . it's not fun. So just keep a calm head, and talk it out. Discuss your feelings with the both of them, and if it's too personal of an attack, dump them both and get on with life. That's all I have to say on this matta. Good night. ~!*Sere & Co.*!~
  19. Um . . . I don't yell at games . . . really! *sweatdrop* Ok . . . I yell at a lot of things . . . you'd start thinking I'm insane if ya live with me. The only games I really yell at are Tomb Raider (when Lara runs off a cliff to her death when you're holding down the Shift button) or at Perfect Dark for the N64 (the same thing, but Joanna tends to do stupider things than that) I also yell at the other characters in racing games . . . I'm bad about that. I also have that annoying habit of yelling at nothing too . . . *sweatdrop* I'll shut up now. ~!*Sere & Co.*!~
  20. OOC: Are you saying Summer drives like Giles?! I'm hurt. *shrugs* Oh well. Her boffo driving won't matter much anymore . . . *~*~~`` [I]Summer stayed silent. The boy sitting in the seat next to her was someone she hadn?t seen in years, and didn?t care to see right now. 4 years in solitude [/I](A/N: This is 6 years in the future, so there?s a bit of history that Summer hasn?t told us)[I]had built up a wall between herself and any other human being . . . . . . considering you could call Saethi a human being. When Summer glanced over, Saethi was staring out the window, his chin resting on his hands, obviously lost in his own thoughts of what this future was. Summer herself knew what it was: a living hell that only she herself was to blame for. ?Stop it,? she chided herself. ?You?re not to blame. One Watcher dead and the other missing, how could you have taught you?? She chuckled, earning herself a sideways glance from Saethi. Her first Watcher, Ethan, killed by the vampires before her very eyes. She was only 14, and hadn?t even been a Slayer for a full month . . . Ethan was bookish, and tended to lecture Summer about the [/I]finer[I] rules of Slaying. Then, only a few haphazard weeks later, Rhea arrived. Her first female Watcher, and a bit more loose than Ethan. Summer liked her better, but all good things had to end. After two years, Rhea was captured by the vampires, just a few months before Summer moved to London with her aunt. Her fate, according to the Watcher?s Counsel, was unknown. Pah. They knew about Rhea and the vampires; they knew about every bloody thing that passed their way! The bloody Watcher?s Counsel couldn?t keep anyone in the dark for long though, word was going to get out about Rhea . . . Summer still wondered about Rhea, whether she had died, escaped, or was just being held for ransom. Summer would soon find out. When they reached a main highway, Summer faltered in her plan. It would be too obvious to go down the main way . . . she took a right and went down an access road. Saethi gave her another sideways glance, but didn?t say anything. Summer didn?t care. All she wanted was her bloody town back . . . she wanted her youth back. The smattering of gas stations and cozy little homes with their lights shining out of front windows gave way to trees on both sides of the road. A gentle rise curved around and through the dense woods, and Summer became alarmed. She couldn't remember a forest on this road, and she couldn't afford to be lost. The Volvo crested a hill, and then began its slow descent. There, in the distance, were several cars parked in odd angles, completely blocking the road. Summer muttered several choice words, there in the greenish glow of the dashboard. She reached to turn off the headlights, but that was stupid; the vampires would have known she was coming long before she knew they were there.[/I] "It would be a good idea to fasten that bloody seatbelt of yours," [I]Summer warned Saethi, when her foot came off the brake. He looked over at her, alarmed, his eyes expressing the same message that her brain was screaming at her: 'Don't die!' 'Working on it,' she replied silently. Vampires popped up from behind the cars, their faces lit up brilliantly by the glare of headlights, their eyes bright with hidden fire. More came down from the sides of the road, converging in the middle, their bodies silhouetted by the headlights. Summer grinned. The Volvo was doing better than sixty when it rammed into the roadblock. There was a screeching of metal like nothing Summer had ever heard, and she was thrown forward, the seatbelt catching, bruising her, breaking a few more ribs; then the airbag erupted and thrust her back against her seat. The grill off one of the cars she rammed into twisted, and punctured a tire. The Volvo slewed to one side, then flipped, heading for one side of the road. Summer cracked her head against the driver?s side window hard enough to break it, and she sank into blessed unconsciousness for a moment. Her eyes fluttered open. Shouts of pain and fury reached her ears, and her ribs felt like they were on fire, her head like someone had taken a hammer to the inside, but she built up a wall between herself and the pain. There was no time for that. She looked around for the bag in the surprisingly upright car. Her gaze roved around, and then settled on Saethi. Maybe she should have left him with the guys in the street; he was worse off now then before. He was slumped over, and his right arm rested at a funny angle. Ouch. The airbag was pressing Summer against the seat, so she reached out for a piece of the shattered windshield, and punctured it. As she looked out the shattered windows, she noticed the vampires beginning to cluster around the ruined vehicles. Then a figure rising up from the mangled mass threw her for a loop. She remembered a conversation with Alpha, where they had discussed Maz and her brothers. From the looks of things, this one was the one called Falineic. The vampires were about thirty feet away. If she didn?t move now, they would regain their masses, and pull her, and her unfortunate passenger, out of the car. She grabbed the bag, which she found resting by her feet, and grabbed the latch for the door. It popped, but did not open. Summer was locked in. But there was Plan B; she threw the bag out of the ruined window, and climbed out after it, the shards of glass pricking her arms and legs.[/I] "If it isn?t the ickle Slayer," [I]Falineic crooned.[/I] "I thought she was a pet; a tame, ickle kitten." [I]From the look on his face, and the vampires surrounding him, they thought she was going to run away. Well this was it. [/I]No more running.[I] She strode purposely towards the vampires, and climbed on top of the only remaining vehicle, which had slid several feet away when Summer had rammed the other two cars.[/I] "You know what? I?m really sick and tired of you and your stupid little friends. First you capture me, stick me in a bloody little cell, and then you make me bloody murder one of my bloody kind!" [I]She held up her hand when Falineic tried to intervene.[/I] "Then, you terrorize the people of MY town, which I am bloody pissed about, and try to kill me! I am NOT a happy girl! AND, you have the worst fashion sense that I?ve ever seen!" "Right, right. That?s just brill. Now get off that car you stupid b*tch and come here!" [I]Summer jammed her hand into the bag at her side, and pulled out a flare.[/I] "Let?s get two things straight. I am NOT stupid," "Right, sure. Now get down here!" [I]She lit the flare, and Falineic figured out what she was doing right before she did it.[/I] "Nor am I a b*tch." [I]Too late. Summer threw the flare into the pool of gasoline that spread around the road from the cars, and around the feet of the vampires, then sprinted toward the tree line. With a sound like a flag flapping in the breeze, everything was ripped apart, and several vampires were incinerated on the spot. When the flames hit the second tank, it just got worse. Imagine fireworks times about one thousand or two. That was the resulting explosion, which threw Summer into the underbrush, and left her back feeling like she had just stepped out of a oven. Her arms and legs stung, and she ached like she had been worked all over. But she, and likewise for Saethi, were alive. She looked down, surprised to find the duffel still clutched in her hand, and then looked up, surveying the sodding mess she had created. Several more of the vampires were dust, and on the other side of the blaze, she saw only a few running up the road in the opposite direction. Falineic was nowhere to be seen, so she assumed that he was done for. She was right. It was easy enough to wrench the door off of Saethi?s side of the car. He was still in pain, but conscience.[/I] "Geez. You do this much?" [I]She smiled, and laughed.[/I] "I?ve done worse. Try burning down half of your school." [I]She pulled his left arm over her shoulder, and supporting him around the waist, headed into the trees, still headed south.[/I]
  21. OOC: Eh, D_A? I know you?re posting an? all, but is your character one of the selected, or a - erm, how do you say it - non playable character? Cause - not to sound rude or anything - I didn?t see your name as one of the selected . . . and if you are playing as one of the selected, did ya get the permission from Liam? Jus? checkin?. ^^;; (Ok . . . Liam beat me to this . . . I?ll shut up now.) *~*~~`` [I]Katanga ducked the frying pan coming from the darkened doorway.[/I] "I'm sorry!" [I]She ducked a rolling pin.[/I] "Honestly!" [I]Then came a cooking stone, and only pure instinct saved Katanga from getting conked in the forehead.[/I] "I'm innocent, really!" "Really. Are you now?" [I]Her mother emerged from the doorway, holding a soapy pan in her left hand.[/I] "I know that was you who stole it. ?Fess up." [I]Katanga cringed inwardly, while keeping her face a mask of perfect innocence. Even though her mum was getting on in her years, her mind was still like a knife, sharp as always, and getting sharper over the years.[/I] "Stole what?" [I]She feigned innocence, then turned tail and ran, as the soapy pan went sailing over her shoulder. Her mother would never hurt her intentionally, but she had come close before . . . another rolling pin went sailing over her head. Where did her mother hide these things?! She careened around an abrupt corner, escaping the barrage of cooking utensils. Whew, peace at last . . . at least for now.[/I] "Katanga Elizabeth Selwyn! Get back here RIGHT NOW!!! I?m not finished with you!!!" [I]This time Katanga cringed outwardly. Her mother rarely ever used her full name . . . her rightful birth name . . . Katanga cringed again. Memories of her birth parents were still painful . . . and disturbing. The wind kicked up, swirling her short, whitish hair around her face. Sheesh, she really needed to control her temper. She walked out of the opposite side of the alley way, her temper calmed, and quickly disappeared into the throng, heading off to the outer edge of the city to meet her father. Her father, a jolly man, with eyes the same colour as his name, Sky, was returning from a year long trip across the desert, and Katanga, even at her age, had the excitement of a five year old when she sees her parents coming through the door. Little did she know she was heading for big trouble instead . . .[/I]
  22. Haha. Another one to torment ya'll. What They Don't Want You to Know: In order to understand conspiracy theories you need to realize that everything is controlled by a Insane Alien made up of blondes with help from Undead Bovines. The conspiracy first started during Doorknob Stealing in Scotland. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including the sinking of the Titanic. Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by saying "totally" and "like" constantly. They want to eat my mother and imprison resisters in phone booths using unicycles. In order to prepare for this, we all must cry like a baby. Since the media is controlled by phone companies we should get our information from CD burners. I'm insane . . . totally insane . . . O.o;;
  23. I already went on vacation. Colorado. Mesa Verde. Durango (the city of insane bicycle people) That sort of stuff. For a week. Not cool. That's all. ~!*Sere & Co.*!~
  24. There's enough experienced people here to make it worth it. I'll give this a try now. Name: Katanga Selwyn (once again, Kat comes back to terrorize you all!) Age: 20 (Geez.) Birthmark: At first look, there appears to be no birthmark, but upon closer inspection, there resembles something to the extent of a small, silvery streak running from the center of her forehead to her right ear, symbolizing the element of air. Bio: Katanga, born and raised under the watchful eye of her scientific parents, never knew she was special in any way. She had occasional "accidents" but there was nothing serious, until the day when her parents were killed at the hands of mysterious strangers. Kat then found she could harvest the powers of what her devout parents called "Father Sky" and wreak havoc on the guilty . . . and the innocent. After accidentally destroying an entire city filled with civilians in a fit of rage, Kat fled, and sought asylum in the large city that would be her home, then retreated into the spiritual world to find who she really was. Even though Kat could be entirely clueless at times, it was only wit and a sense of charm that brought Katanga into the living world once again. She lives because she can, and therefore is widely known throughout the city for being mischievous. Her parents (foster) are both skilled healers, although her father travels. Katanga has been found, but is not fully aware of what she must do. Appearance- see attachment
  25. Oh dear . . . this is a dose of insanity I really needed! *can't stop laughing IRL* Ow . . . What They Don't Want You to Know: In order to understand insanity you need to realize that everything is controlled by a MOM made up of 3-Headed Broadway Stars with help from Jonesians. The conspiracy first started during Cheeze Wars in Iceland. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including Doomsday. Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by talking loudly and screaming. They want to spork Lara Croft and imprison resisters in my closet using pogo sticks. In order to prepare for this, we all must yodel. Since the media is controlled by ME we should get our information from Sharpies. Ow . . . can't breathe . . . ow . . .
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