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Sere Tuscumbia

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Everything posted by Sere Tuscumbia

  1. Now you guys have to live through MY two cents on this! Even though it's all against the constitution, I still believe that it's moronic to even THINK of taking the words "under God" out of the Pledge. In the Declaration of Independence, it mentions [I]at least[/I] 4 times that God is the creator. Are we to change the DoI? And what about our money? Are we to change that too? Most people at "pep rallies" have sang the Star Spangled Banner. No one would be able to sing the 3rd stanza, only the 1st and 2nd. God Bless America and several other patriotic songs would be taken off the list too. Are we willing to massacre our history, just because someone disagrees? Ok, enough rambling. ~!*Sere & Co.*!~
  2. Name: Katanga Selwyn Age: 18 Clan: Technomage (Sealander) Weapon/s: Whoo . . . let me think for a while. Magic allowed? Description: Geez . . . brown hair, pulled back into a ponytail by a blue ribbon, white T-Shirt and jeans, and that nifty little staff that she has. Rank: N/A, no ship. Ship: She doesn't have one . . . yet.
  3. Me? At night? Normally I'm sleeping, but I've been stricken w/ Buffy fever and can't go to sleep because I'm too busy reading the Watcher's Guide. Then I go insane. I'm currently planning "The Chicken Crusades". I can't do much else, I get too twisted (It's 3:14 in the morning . . . I'm going to crash all day . . .) to do anything else. And I need to use the bathroom, but am afraid brushing my teeth will wake someone up . . . :sweatdrop:
  4. I'm sorry, but for anyone that sticks up for that lame excuse of a movie is a bit delusional. The movie wasn't even BASED off of Scooby Doo, it was a pick-and-splice deal. They took the character's attitudes from A Pup Named Scooby Doo, and that just made the movie more hateable. They took Scrappy Doo from the later series of Scooby Doo and even then, twisted the character until he wasn't even Scrappy Doo! And there wasn't even a good chase scene. The only reason that they even THOUGHT of Sarah Michelle Gellar is because she plays Buffy, and therefore has a little bit of sex appeal. (And the references (ie: The "Scooby Gang") in Buffy the Vampire Slayer) And since Freddy Prince Jr. was a couple w/ Sarah Michelle, they decided to use him for Fred (and vice-versa). And the whole, "Velma not getting enough credit" was NEVER a thing in Scooby Doo. I should know. I've seen every episode. Please. That charade was a pathetic excuse for a movie. It went on the "this is going to suck" list even before they started making it. ~!*Sere & Co.*!~
  5. OOC: Well, neither of you were the people I asked for but . . . moot point. You posted. *~*~~`` [I]Summer bounced into the area where Alpha and Magnus were. They stared at her, astonished. [/I]"Summer?" [I]Alpha asked. Summer seemed unusually chipper . . .[/I] "Hi! Five in one night! They were all heading toward the Boston, all vampire looking. I slayed them!"[I] Then she bounced off, but not before dumping the duffel bag on the bed next to Alpha.[/I] "You might want these . . . I saw some of the vampires carrying them!" [I]Alpha and Magnus looked at each other. What in the world was wrong with Summer? Her actions, her speech, her voice, everything about her was . . . twisted. They looked from each other to the bag, then back to each other. Then they looked through the open doorway. Summer was wandering around the house like she had never seen any of this before. They needed to open the bag. Axes, swords, crossbows . . . they were all in the bag. Alpha and Magnus knew that vampires tended to go for the older weapons, but things were getting weird when they pulled out several handguns. Then came the strangest of all: a bloody crossbow bolt . . .[/I] "Vampires don?t bleed . . ." [I]Alpha whispered.[/I] "But people do . . . especially the Slayer . . ." [I]Magnus whispered back, and both of them looked out the doorway again. What had happened to Summer? *~* [/I]"Ok. Demonic possession, uh . . . she?s gone mentally insane, she went to the hospital and got wacked up on Scooby Snacks . . . or that?s just not Summer." [I]Alpha was pacing around the small room. They had made sure that Summer, or whatever she was, was in bed and asleep before they had this conversation.[/I] "Alpha!" [I]Magnus interrupted, throwing out a hand to stop Alpha?s desperate pacing.[/I] "You?re going to wear a hole in the floor if you don?t bloody stop!" "Stop?" [I]Alpha laughed nervously. "Stop?![/I] Our Slayer is [I]GONE[/I] Magnus, so now there?s no one to stop Mazine!" "But that?s no reason to go into a bloody panic!" "Then what is?!" [I]Alpha shrieked.[/I] "When will it [I]be[/I] time to panic Magnus? When things have become too bloody muddled to fix?!" "I don?t know!" [I]Magnus sighed.[/I] "All we need to worry about though is whatever in the bloody heck Summer is!" [I]Alpha sat down next to Magnus, dejected. She was losing this battle big-time and she knew it.[/I] "Ok, ok. So what happened to our s . . . mall problem with those weapons?" [I]When Magnus looked puzzled, Alpha nodded, small, but still a nod, in the direction of the doorway. Summer was standing there, looking her best at being clueless. Alpha waved at Summer, and then dragged Magnus out of the room. They couldn?t take any chances. Even though the Slayer had only the strength of an ordinary vampire, Magnus and Alpha were no match for . . . whatever that thing was. Summer stared after them. They knew [/I]something[I] and that wasn?t a good thing. And with Alpha being one of Mazine?s targets . . . Summer picked up the bloody bolt. They knew . . . . . . and it was time for Summer to say goodbye.[/I] *~*~~`` I'm speeding things along because I have to introduce a new character and I can't because I'm still working on the future posts! (Which are going slow because I have a Writer's Knack for detail . . . and a happy little desire for making alternate plot lines . . . )
  6. Sere: We COULD spare th-- Rex/Liam: *look thankful* Kool/Iris: :devil: :flaming: Sere: *sweatdrop* or we could run them through with a skewer and give them to the producers like shiskabobs . . . Rex/Liam: *run off screaming* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Sere: *sweatdrop* It was only a suggestion . . .
  7. I just now took it . . . 91.2% I'm a good girl . . . but almost kinda bad . . . *shrugs* Then again, I'm ONLY 14 sssooooooooo . . . It's all good. ~!*=Sere & Co.&=*!~
  8. [I]Selen plodded in, and thunked herself down into a chair, looking less than "dressed up". Thorgrim just smiled.[/I] "Hard day, eh? Regular fer you too, eh?" [I]Selen just nodded, and let her head rest against the countertop. The rest of the group just stared at her. Finally Lynntilla cleared her throat.[/I] "And what excuse do you have [I]this[/I] time, Selen?" [I]Selen looked up, as a mug came sliding towards her. She took a long gulp, and coughed.[/I] "Nani got away . . . again." [I]Selen looked around, uncomfortable.[/I] "She's getting too fidgety . . . there's something going on, isn't there?" [I]The rest of the group looked at each other, then at Sirven. Lynntilla cleared her throat again.[/I] "We were waiting for you to arrive then for Sirven to tell us . . . eventually." [I]Selen nodded, and looked over at Sirven.[/I] "Well?" *~*~~`` Sarsy-chan, post in StVS!!! I CAN'T LET THIS THING DIE!!! If you DON'T POST, you will get a very ANNOYING PM from me!! AAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!! Ok. I'm finished w/ my ramblings. ~!*Sere & Co.*!~
  9. Hah. Beaches? In Oklahoma? Dream on. The only beaches I've been to were in Corpus Christi. Two years in a row. One time it was filled with jellyfish, and the other time, I ended up up-chucking all over Dad because I swallowed salt water when I was thrown backward by a wave. I don't really remember any beaches. And even though Oklahoma has the most recorded shoreline in all of the good 'ole USA, you don't see much of them. Well then, enough rambling. ~!*Sere & Co.*!~
  10. Oh dear. No time. Save me a seat, please Siren? ~!*Sere & Co.*!~
  11. [I]Summer slunk along darkened alleys, horrified. Her town that she had worked so hard to protect had become an abomination. It was un-nerving how quiet the neighborhoods were. No radios blaring, no loud voices, shades drawn over every window. Even 6 miles from the center of town and no one dared breathe loud enough to attract the vampires attention. A hint of a TV playing through a window attracted Summer's attention. She moved closer. There was a Volvo in the driveway, 3 to 4 years old. Perfect. Summer hopped the fence with ease; no dog in the backyard. She stared at the door. Heavy and wooden, no glass sliders. Good. Less noise. Summer kicked the door open, the three locks tearing from the frame with a sound that echoed throughout the house. [/I]"Oh God!" [I]someone cried as Summer walked through the door.[/I] "We didn't invite you in!" [I]They thought she was a vampire. Summer held up her hands.[/I] "I don't want to hurt you. If you just cooperate with me maybe I'll even be able to get you out of . . . here." [I]There was no pity in her words. The haggard couple looked at Summer as if she was mad.[/I] "Where's your phone?" "Are you trying to leave?" "Where's your phone?!" [I]Summer persisted.[/I] [I]The woman pointed toward the kitchen.[/I] "On the wall near the kitchen. But don't call, they'll listen! They'll think we're involved!" [I]Summer raised an eyebrow.[/I] "Involved?" "They listen to the phone lines! They'll think we're starting a . . . a mutiny!" [I]Summer just laughed.[/I] "That won't matter. We'll be gone before they suspect anything. I'm Summer. What are your names?" [I]The woman just shook her head. Summer shrugged, and headed toward the phone. There were several clicks when she picked it up. Summer just stared at the phone for a moment. All the numbers she knew by heart wouldn't work now. Her friends . . . whatever family she had left . . . But there was one number that she knew would work. She quickly dialed, and let out a shuddering sigh as the tinny sound of a phone ringing across the Atlantic reached her ears.[/I] "Hello?" [I]The voice was clearly American. There hadn't been such a comforting sound in years.[/I] "This is Summer St.Claire." [I]A harsh intake of breath.[/I] "This isn't a very funny joke ma'am." "Who in the bloody hell is this?" [I]Summer snapped at the phone, angry and frustrated.[/I] "Put Rupert Giles on the phone this instant!" "Oh my God. Is it really you? Rupert Giles has been in Asia for a while Miss St.Claire. Where are you?" "Behind enemy lines and headed south." [I]A muffled pause. Summer assumed the stranger had put his hand over the phone.[/I] "The Boston. A recovery team will be there in an hour Miss St.Claire." [I]There was a long sigh. One of relief? Summer didn?t know. [/I] "Good luck." [I]Then the phone line went dead, and Summer heard several clicks before she hung up herself. So the vampires [/I]had[I] been listening.[/I] "Keys to the Volvo, now." [I]The man just shook his head.[/I] "No. They'll think we helped you!" [I]Summer stepped up to the man, and socked him in the cheek. She pulled the punch, but it would leave one bloody bruise. He landed on his back on the floor, moaning. The woman handed over the keys from her purse, frightened, but angry.[/I] "Now they won't think I helped." "This is helping?" [I]The man moaned from the floor.[/I] "You can go to hell." [I]Summer looked back as she stood at the threshold of the door.[/I] "This [I]is[/I] hell." [I]She hopped the fence again. The car started nicely, its delicate purr humming in Summer?s ears. She had been planning on getting a car . . . before this. But this wasn?t supposed to happen; Summer wouldn?t allow it. She drove slow, pretending to be some witless, frightened resident of this god-forsaken town. But she wasn?t; she was the Slayer, and there was no mistaking otherwise in her thoughts. She sped up, as one of those creepy grey vans slid past her car. Too slow and they would get a good look. Too fast and they would suspect something. There was someone running down the middle of the street . . . in daylight . . . with people chasing him . . . WAY too strange for THIS town . . . Summer drew in a harsh breath as the 16 year old in her recognized the guy running down the street: Saethi. Summer honked once, just to get the masked figures attention . . . . . . then she ran over them. Screeching to a stop next to a stunned Saethi, she threw the door open.[/I] "Get in!" [I]she hissed.[/I] "NOW!" [I]Saethi obeyed her orders, wigging out, but obeying. Then he noticed the bag of stakes . . . [/I] "Summer?" [I]The 22 year old in Summer didn't answer; Saethi was a forgotten memory, but the 16 year old took control, and the real Summer shone through the callousness Summer had built up.[/I] "Yeah, it's me. Just in a bad place at a bad time. Let's get out of here." [I]She floored the gas, leaving Saethi barely any time to shut the Volvo's door, and headed south.[/I] *~*~~`` Ok, I post the present next time. I'm still developing the plot line there so . . . yeah. Well, 10:23 P.M. here so got to go! ~!*Sere & Co.*!~
  12. Type: Dragon Warrior Name: Selen BlueHawk Age: 20 Description: Oh dear . . . I'll get back to you on that. Name of Dragon: Nani Age: 4 Kept in: A jewel in the center of a small cross (hung around her neck) Colour of jewelle: Clear (like a diamond) Descrition: No time. I'll get back to you on this too! ~!*Sere & Co.*!~
  13. Ah, you know what? Screw it. I've edited my post so many times that I think it's permanently brain-damaged, so I'm just re-posting my post (Which was the second one! So there! >=P). *~*~~`` Ok, since I forgot the attachment in the last post, I'm re-posting for the THIRD and LAST time! *~*~~`` Name: Willow Josslyn Gender: Female Age: 19 Dragon Guardian: I'll take Sarsy ( if she wants . . . ^^;; ) Weapons: Pair of Desert Eagles and a crossbow . . . of sorts . . . Description: See attachment (if it shows up) Past: Raised by a foster family, Willow always tried to find out what became of her real parents. Her foster parents told her that her parents died in a plane crash, but Willow never believed it. Life went on, and Willow started to stay after school (with the help of some of her teachers), and research on her original family?s tree. When she finally reached her parents, she found they had died of ?un-natural causes?. Hmmm . . . then Willow found (after doing some illegal hacking) what her parents were killed by, and she swore vengeance. She learned weaponry and a little bit of self defense from a friend who was willing to teach Willow (and willing to get beat up by Willow too!) So now Willow?s here today, and fighting against the one thing she hates: the dragons. (Ok . . . I don?t know about the dragon guardians so I?m not including that! Gomen nasai!) *~*~~`` Geez. It took me 3 times to get that copied and pasted . . . I'm losing my touch . . .
  14. Since I'm bored, and no one's going to read this anyway, I'm posting it just for my own amusement. This is - in a way - a spinoff of a book series "The Mediator", but . . . not really. *cough, cough* You'll see. And this goes in chapters by the way. *~*~~`` Author's Note: Ok, this is one of the first fanfics that I've written, so please excuse me if it is completely horrible! This isn't written from Suze's view (the main character of the Mediator series for those of you who don't know) so things will be a bit . . . different. (A bit?! Let's face it, things will be a LOT different!) As usual, I don't own any of the rights to the Mediator series (sob, sob!) but I do own some of the characters mentioned in this fanfic! If you chose to use them, please ask my permission first! (As if anyone would want to use my characters!) So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! (Book, whatever . . .) *~*~~`` The Mediator Chapter 1 I live in the middle of nowhere. Most wouldn't consider Washington, D.C. to be the middle of nowhere, so let me rephrase myself: I live in the middle of nowhere in Washington, D.C. But although I live in the middle of nowhere, I keep surprisingly busy. Why? Because this little 'gift' I'd rather not have. Which is why I was sneaking into someone's apartment at twelve thirty in the morning. It became obvious to me that this couple wasn't doing the job that I had told them to do, and I had to go do the job myself. Cause that's my job. Let's just say I went home in the back of a good 'ole black and white; and got the bawling out of a lifetime when I got home. One of the side effects of my job. "You [I]said[/I] that the therapist had let you go with the notion that you would stop doing things like this!" My mother's auburn bun had come loose, and wisps of hair were floating around her head, like some bizarre halo. You can see why I'd rather be a normal sixteen year old. I feel sorry for my mother, really I do, but my 'gift' is one that can't be ignored. Especially when it wakes you up screaming in your ear. "I guess it came back to haunt me Mom--" "Oh don't joke about that!" You see, ever since Grandpa died, Mom's been a little bit [I]touchy[/I] when it comes to the subject of ghosts. Even though she doesn't believe in them. My poor, deluded mother . . . I think it's because my more than unusual experiences when I was a child. Another side effect of my job. Well, Mother finally finished chewing me out, so she went to go soak for a while. Some days it must be hard for Mum, considering Dad isn't here to help her out with me. Trust me, Dad didn't - without a nicer way to put it - kick the bucket or anything. My parents just had some problems with each other - and with me I assume - and decided that living together was just not working out. So Dad left, and Mom took custody of me. I see Dad sometimes, but not often. Why? Well, he lives out in Arizona, which is hardly just a hop, skip, and a jump away. Unlike some people I know. Which is why I decided to make an early morning "visit" to my good friend Micheal. You see, Micheal shares this 'gift' I have. Which, in essence, makes my job easier, but you don't know Micheal. He could still be considered a newbie when it comes to our little 'gift' . . . Especially when he decides to visit at 1:00 in the morning. So I decided to pay him back for the evil little prank he had dealt me, something I was entirely not happy about. He was going to pay, and I had just the job for him to do . . . But, as usual, my 'job' got interrupted right in the middle of everything. I had been sitting innocently, in my gray hoodie and matching sweatpants, when the local drunkard of the subway ambled up to me from his desolate little corner in the back of the subway car. I eyed him suspiciously. His walking up to me wasn't the thing that agitated me - I was used to random people confronting me on a daily basis - it was the fact that he wasn't even supposed to [I]be[/I] on the subway car. He sat down next to me. "Don't even think about it mister, I have a black belt--" "That's not what I'm after miss, I just have a question to ask of you . . ." "And that is . . ?" I inquired, raising one eyebrow. "You're the one right?" "The [I]what?![/I]" Whatever this guy had on his agenda, it didn't sound good. "The [I]one[/I], you know, the one everyone else told me about . . ." He started to sound desperate, and I was considering putting a blow to his head . . . . . . until I figured out who he was. I nodded, but groaned inwardly, adding a little 'Here we go again . . .' to the growing mound of stress piled in the back of my mind. He sighed, obviously relieved to have found the right person. "I need for you to do something for me." [I]Oh god, another one.[/I] *** "Mother!" I groaned. "She creeps me out!" My mother sighed, and waved the letter in front of my face. "I?m sorry honey, but I have business work, and your father?s gone off to Europe for a month! Your auntie wants to see you!" "But [I]I[/I] don?t want to see [I]her[/I]! She wears those . . . things!" "I know, I know," my mother sympathized. "She won?t let go of those god awful furs, but maybe you can talk some fashion sense into her while you?re there." "And since when did you have business work?" A notion came into my head at my mother?s shifty look. "Izzhe cute?" "W--what?!" My mother stammered, blushing furiously. "I mean it! Izzhe cute?!" This was too much fun to pass off. My mother hasn?t had a date since Dad left, and I wasn?t leaving until I squeezed all the details out of her. "Uh nuh. No details. Not unless you agree to go to Carmel with Auntie." [I]Carmel, huh?[/I] I thought. "Ok. I guess." I shrugged. "But [I]only[/I] if you give me [I]all[/I] of the details with your ?business partner?. [I]Only[/I] if you give me the details." "Fine then." My mother looked pleased when she held out her hand. "Shake on it then." I did, gladly. Little did I know that I was shaking on the deal of my life . . . *~*~~`` This is only the first chapter so R&R please! ~!*Sere & Co.*!~
  15. Sere: Erm . . . eh . . . well bugger. Rex: :demon: Liam: :devil: Kool: They've been like this for the past ten minutes. Sere: Uh . . . does this have anything to do with Chole and Iris? :looks around: Where are they anyway? Rex: :demon: Liam: :devil: Kool: They're . . . :cough: busy :cough: . . . Sere: Ok . . . let's not go there . . . so what's with them anyway? Kool: Too many hits on the head with a coconut I presume. Rex: Heheheheh . . . :demon: Liam: Heheheheh . . . :devil: Sere/Kool: Oh dear. :rolleyes:
  16. OOC: Liam, it's 6 years in the future querido, SIX years . . . And Sarsy, I meant Alpha in the present . . . so I can get a new 'friend' in the story . . . I'm getting bored w/ the future so I'm going to play around in the present a little bit. (*hint, hint* I'm going along w/ the Lost Slayer books, with a little twist.) *~*~~`` [I]Soon, everyone and their dog were going to know that something was up, so Summer slammed on the brakes, and squealed around a corner into an abandoned parking lot. It was the old concession stand at the drive-in theatre; a popular nesting place for vampires. Summer pulled out the keys, and got out of the car; but not before she popped the boot. Just pulling it open didn't work; Summer pulled too hard, and ended up wrenching it off. [/I]"Heh . . . oops . . ." [I]Summer shrugged, and started looking through the contents: a duffel bag containing grey sweatpants and a matching hoodie; your everyday bobbie equipment, and a . . . clip?! Looks like someone liked their job . . . Summer shrugged again, and used the clip to pull her shoulder-length brunette hair up into a bun. A sudden chill ran up her spine, and the "spidey sense" of the Slayer caused Summer to spin around, her hand reaching for a stake. [/I]"Dammit." [I]she whispered. Two hours in freedom and already Summer had forgotten about her lack of weapons. She was being watched though; there wasn't a doubt in the world bout that. Quickly and quietly, Summer reached the building, Slayer instincts on high. She entered, blinking her eyes in the dimness. Empty. Summer laughed, it hinting towards insanity. Totally empty. Still, she had to make sure. The upper story was empty too. However . . . she walked into the small room where the projectionist had done his work. There was a table and several wooden chairs; all legs attached. Summer stopped dead. And stared at what laid on the table. A crossbow. Actually, [/I]her[I] crossbow; the one she thought she had lost . . . when her Watcher had been alive . . . Her heart clenched at the thought of Ethan [/I](A/N: Who was a whole lot alike Giles, before he got et (hick for eaten . . .) and sired . . . yeah . . . you guys didn't need to know that . . . did ya?)[I] her first Watcher. That was eight years ago though . . . when Summer was only 14 . . . But the nightmares made it fresh in her mind, each and every night . . . thank god that Slayers don't get much sleep . . . Summer's attention was drawn away from her own memories by the bone-white card sitting next to the crossbow . . . [/I] Summer's beginning [I]Summer looked around. Whoever left this knew her, and most likely were watching her this minute. But as all Slayer senses go, Summer knew that no one was around . . . Best to get out and into somewhere . . . safer . . . Hah. Safe wasn't a word in this world. Summer grabbed the crossbow, which tingled a little in her hand, snapped several chairs for stakes, and exited the building as quickly as possible. The hoodie and sweatpants were still in the bag, but Summer didn't care; she could use a change of clothes by now. Summer just through the weapons into the bag, keeping the crossbow out, one thought running through her head: [/I]Stay off the streets.[I] *~*~~`` [/I]My gigantic need for detail is getting me nowhere . . . someone save me from myself! Aaaahhhh! My writer is coming out and I don't want it too! AAAAHHHHHH!!!! And we now have yet another plot twist in this series: 17 year old Sethi and uh . . . 23 year old Sethi! *shrugs* oh well, double the trouble, double the fun . . . :demon: Oh dear . . . best go before the worst in me starts showing . . .
  17. *sigh* If you're really that desperate, then I could come back to this . . . everyone needs a little insanity sometimes . . . ^_^;; *~*~~`` But then again . . . it's all up to you guys . . . (and girls I might add) So, until next time, ja ne! ~!*Sere & Co.*!~
  18. Geez. Mention sharks and all the women run away. *shrugs* Oh well . . . [I]someone[/I] needs to revolutionize the world . . . *~*~~`` Name: Mairead Josslyn (Mai for short) Codename: Lexar Age: 21 Height: 5'5" Weapons: Pair of pistols, Desert Eagles, a knife (ah, more of a dagger of sorts), and that happy little harpoon gun. (Ammunition? That?s a whole other story . . . ) Personality: Mairead's attitude tends to get her in trouble, faster than she'd like. Slightly bossy, but quiet. She?ll talk, but not unless she knows you can be trusted. Also, she?s very argumentative. Don't piss her off, she's a little bit trigger-happy . . . Appearance: (Being a TR fan, I can't help myself) Think of Lara Croft in a wet suit, with blue eyes and lacking the gun belt (Ok, I submit. She has the gun belt only on the more . . . desperate . . . missions), and you've got Mai. Squad History: Born in London (I trust you all know where London is), Mairead lived a sheltered life, until about 16. Her parents, both marine biologists, encouraged a trip to join in hopes that Mai would want to join in the profession. Little did they know that their decision would have fatal consequences. While working on a project, a close partner of hers was attacked. Mai watched as her friend was eaten alive by sharks, barely escaping with her own life herself. She returned to her London residence the very next day. Leading her parents on, she agreed to go into marine biology, with one catch: she went in Special Missions (on request of another worker from her trip; just after seeing Mai?s friend killed). Her parents reluctantly agreed, and Mai graduated from school, then went on the pursuit of SM. Years later, Mai?s still there (however, her accent?s pretty much faded into the rubbish pile of American speech), and now facing one of her greatest enemies: the sharks. And I think that wraps this all up.
  19. Ok, can't post right now (no time!) but I have my character ready. Just the little facts that you need right now -- human and wiccan. Save this spot until I can post, please? ~!*Sere & Co.*!~
  20. OOC: And now I'm back. Durango, Colorado was the strangest town I ever stayed in, and Mesa Verde was not nice to my poor asthma. *shrugs* Oh well, at least I got a tan! And now things get a little bit "complicated" . . . ^_~ *~*~~`` [I]Summer ran along the streets. They were deserted; that really creeped her out. There. A man was walking out of a local pastry shop, his arms loaded with plastic bags. Summer walked up to him, hoping that her appearance, whatever it may be, wouldn?t alarm him. The man looked at her, his eyes wide and frightened.[/I] "Why aren?t you working? What are you doing out?" [I]?Oh boy. The first person I meet is a total nutball . . .? Summer shrugged.[/I] "Uh, day off? Do happen to know of the nearest underground to London?" [I]The man looked ready to bolt. And then he laughed; but it was small, sounding more like a cough than anything else.[/I] "London? Why would anyone want to go there?" [I]He looked around, nervous.[/I] "I think it would be best if you stayed off the streets sweetie," [I]he added in an undertone. And before Summer could stop him, he climbed into a black SUV and drove off, not even looking into the rearview mirror when Summer called out behind him. She looked over, as the shop owner locked his door, and pulled the blinds on the windows down.[/I] "What the hell is wrong with you people?!" [I]Summer asked, even though she already knew the answer. These people were being terrorized, and Summer knew just by who. A sudden squealing jolted Summer out of her thoughts. It was a bobby car, and two bobbies climbed out of it. One was tall, dark, and extremely well built. The other one didn?t fare as well: tall, yes, but lanky, with a pale complexion and glasses so thick if you gave him windshield wipers and a steering wheel he would have been all set to drive to China. Pastyface looked nervously at Summer.[/I] "Miss St.Claire." [I]Oh joy.[/I] "You might find it in your best interest to come with us Miss St.Claire." [I]Pastyface smiled. Jesus that smile was creepy . . . Summer just shook her head.[/I] "I don?t think they?d want me dead." [I]Pastyface just smiled again.[/I] "Well then Miss St.Claire. I?ll just have to shoot your kneecaps, possibly your shoulders. It?ll hurt like heck, but you?re coming with us, one way or the other. Can?t we all just pick the easy way?" [I]The sickening sweet cloy of his voice was grating on Summer?s nerves.[/I] "Oh sod off boys." [I]Summer put her hands on her hips.[/I] "I?m afraid that?s not an option for me. Thanks for the ride though." [I]Pastyface looked confused for a moment, but by the time he figured things out, it was too late. Summer, in one fluid motion, kicked out and sent his pistol flying into the slightly smoggy sky. Pastyface just looked at where his pistol used to be, counting fingers. Then he screamed, as Summer made sure he wouldn?t be able to hold a gun again until about a year. He was still screaming when his partner, Blockhead, shot at Summer. She was still in motion, but the bullet passed close enough to her cheek that she felt the air pressure change in the surrounding atmosphere. She landed on the ground, crouched on all fours, then swept both of the bobbies. They landed on top of one another, knocking each other out in the process.[/I] "Pathetic," [I]Summer clucked, and crossed over to the car, making sure to step on both of the bobbies in the process. Grim-faced, she pulled open the door, and slid into the front seat. As she put it into reverse, she caught a glimpse of herself in the rearview mirror. A shock ran up her spine, making her head tingle a little. For one moment, reality faded. Replacing the strong, hard jaw; the short, jagged cut of her long, brunette hair; the furious glare that reflected in the mirror; was the girl she had once known: Summer at 16. But all good things have to end, and the 22 year old in Summer stared back into the mirror once more; refusing to let fantasy take place of the cold, hard reality she knew. White knuckles gripping the steering wheel, Summer headed towards London. Towards home.[/I] *~*~~`` Well then. Seems like I'm back in the fold, and hopefully here to stay. And yes Liam, all of us fans want to bow down and kiss your feet . . . geez . . . :rolleyes: And Sarsy, POST after this so I can get another part of the story in; cause this is too long! (*hint, hint* I'm making things a little bit complicated in the present . . . with an enemy of a friend *hint,hint*)
  21. OOC: Yes, this is gonna be short and to the point. I'm leaving on Monday to go to Mesa Verde in Colorado, and you're not going to be hearing from me until 'bout the 10th (my time) or later. I'll try to post now, but this is also going to be short . . . sorry for dumping this on you guys right now but that's what sucks 'bout summer (no puns, please!) And Sarsy, thanks for sticking up for me when I'm not here, I appreciate it! I'm still trying to get to where the other characters are, but it's hard, since I like to post detail . . . And Liam, I don't give a flying flip if you're in another time frame, GIVE ME THE FREAKING PERMISSION TO USE YOUR CHARACTER!!! (Or else I will find you and shove a spork up your nose, and I'm not kidding about that!) *~*~~``=) [I]Summer was beyond grief, beyond fury. This, Juniper's corpse, her captivity, was all the vampire's fault . . . and they were going to pay . . . She looked around the room, a painful but brilliant plan in mind. There. Her eyes narrowed upon the broken shelving. Perfect . . .[/I] "Eh, boss?" "What?" [I]Marcusi replied crankily.[/I] "There was a lot of noise in there. Shouldn't we check it out?" [I]It was obvious this was a newly sired vampire; he was too twitchy. Marcusi walked over to the vampire, and put his hand on the vampire's shoulder. Leaning in, he whispered in the vampire's ear,[/I] "No worries, no worries," [I]and shoved a wooden stake in his heart. He stepped back, and looked around the small group of vampires, all who were playing poker.[/I] "Who sired this clown?" "Harmony." [I]One lazily replied, his eyes on someone else's cards.[/I] "Remind me to kill Harmony later. Oy, come on boys. Play time's over for the Slayers . . ." [I]The door slowly opened. At first look, the younger Slayer was nowhere to be found, but no one was really paying attention to that. Summer was lying in the middle of the floor, a pool of blood surrounding her head, her throat cut. However, you never could tell with these Slayers . . . Marcusi jabbed Summer's side with a nightstick; but Summer's only movement was to shudder as the energy coursed through her body. Marcusi moved to prod her again, and this time, she did move. The stick was out of his hands, and being used on one of the nearer vampires. The vampire burst into flame, and ran screaming out of the room, accidentally setting several other vampires on fire as a result, before bursting into a cloud of dust. ?Four down, four to go . . .? Summer thought, as she shoved the stake she stole from Marcusi through Beakface?s heart. Two more bit the dust, and then only Marcusi was left.[/I] "Heh," [I]he laughed nervously,[/I] "it was a mistake, really!" "Mistake, eh?" [I]Summer growled, as Marcusi made a mad dash for it. It was quite pleasing shutting his head in the steel door. However, Summer couldn?t enjoy her victory for long; there was still the matter of escaping. It wasn?t very hard; there was no one on the floor she was on . . . But they surely were on the stairs. Summer looked around. Vampires sneaking around on the floors above her, and vampires on the floors below; this didn?t look promising . . . She shrugged, and grabbed hold of the stair railing . . . . . . and threw herself over. She knew that it was a reckless thing to do, but unless she wanted to take the elevator, or the actual stairs, this was the best alternative. She landed, her muscles rippling in protest. She hadn?t been too far up; Summer was thankful for that. But she had bigger problems to deal with: namely the large group of vampires surrounding her only way out of the building. The big group of vampires holding [/I]guns . . . [I] Summer dashed headlong into the group, and they scattered like sheep. It was too easy getting rid of these buggers . . . Summer grabbed a gun out of midair, and did the only thing she could: she shot the windows out. Sunlight streamed in, frying several vampires on the spot, and some burst into flames as a result from running around like a chicken with its head cut off. ?Oh well,? Summer shrugged, and walked out of the building into the crisp, clean air . . .[/I] "Where in the heck am I?" *~*~~``=) Ok . . . I am leaving it off there because I have to leave in a few (7:07 here) so I really can?t go on with this . . . And just kinda let me lead here in the future . . . but let it die for as long as I?m gone . . . if you want to go on with it, fine, but you know I?m going to make a fuss so . . . Oh well, see you guys when I get back! ^_~ ~!*Sere*!~
  22. OOC: Ok . . . I think that everyone's a little confused with the future idea . . . ok, sorry to correct you Sarsy, but Summer isn't in London. (I made that the town) I'd have to say that she's on the outskirts of London . . . and no one really knows about this place! (Well, except for the vampires . . .) And sorry Himaru . . . but please try to wait for a while before posting, because if you read my post, Beakface was a woman and no threat to anyone . . . she was a starting vampire . . . And Sarsy, I'll explain to you just who your character is in the future . . . hope you won't mind the idea I've come up with! AND WILL PEOPLE FREAKING GIVE ME THE PERMISSION TO USE THEIR CHARACTERS IN THIS?! I NEED THE HELP!!!!!! *~*~~`` "Juniper . . ." [I]Summer started, but Juniper cut her off.[/I] "Quiet." [I]she snapped. And without warning, she aimed a spinning kick to Summer's head. Summer saw it coming, and grabbed the girl's ankle, sending her spinning to the hard, concrete floor. But Juniper was ready, and swept Summer's legs out from under her. Summer twisted and threw her body down, tucking into a roll that carried her too close to her bed for comfort. But Juniper was already there, and aimed a kick to Summer's chest. There was no way to stop it, and Summer could feel something crack. She crashed into the plastic shelving that held her clothes, and it splintered beneath her. Juniper mis-calculated the blow to Summer's ribs, and just aimed a simple kick. Summer was stronger than that. She caught the kick mid-swing, and twisted, sending Juniper spinning to the floor once again. She didn't like where this battle was going, and she didn't want it to go the way Juniper wanted it . . .[/I] "We don't have to do this!" [I]Juniper crouched on the floor like a cat, injured but still dangerous.[/I] "You've been given up for dead St.Claire. You may not have to do this, but I do!" [I]And then she rammed Summer. It was a brute force move, but it worked. Summer went crashing into the wall, and she felt yet another couple ribs crack underneath the blow. Her whole chest felt like it was on fire from the pain . . . but pain was an old friend by now . . . It woke her up. It pissed her off. The next blow would never hit Summer. Juniper's fist hit the wall, hard, and Summer could hear things cracking. Juniper gasped, but turned toward Summer, who was now crouching on one of the bed posts.[/I] "No more freebies you b*tch. Look, I'll break both of your arms if I have to but I don't want to have to feed you for the next few months . . ." "Shut up! I won't stop until ONE OF US IS DEAD!!" [I]Juniper tried to sweep Summer off of the bed post, but Summer was too quick.[/I] "Don't you get it?! It doesn't have to be like this!" [I]Summer stood behind the 15 year old girl.[/I] "No," [I]Juniper panted, cradling her shattered hand as she turned,[/I] "they need us alive." "But not like this . . ." "Damn you." [I]Juniper aimed a blow to Summer's head with her good hand. Summer ducked, but Juniper stepped into the blow, and brought an elbow to the back of Summer's head. Seriously pissed, Summer stumbled foward, and in one fluid motion, kicked up at Juniper's head. Summer couldn't abort the attack, and Juniper was a heartbeat too slow. Summer's foot connected just where the jaw connected with the younger Slayer's neck. Something snapped, and Juniper's tumbled corpse down, and foward. She didn't move. Summer knew she was dead. Summer stopped.[/I] "Oh God, no . . . dammit! No!" [I]Summer's grief was lost in her anger, and she looked around the room . . .[/I] *~*~~`` Well, I'm leaving it off right there and I'll try to get back to you Sarsy, but I've got to leave in a few minutes to a social event (I hate social events) and won't be back until tomorrow, so . . . maybe I'll be able to get online at my friend's house and I'll try to PM you there! And everyone, if I get a bit (pardon my French) pissy, please excuse me because that is just my perfectionist side coming through . . . AND WILL YOU PLEASE GIVE ME THE PERMISSION I NEED?!
  23. Your Type is INFP Introverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving Strength of the preferences % 67 22 22 33 You are: distinctively expressed introvert slightly expressed intuitive personality slightly expressed feeling personality moderately expressed perceiving personality Huh, weird . . .
  24. OOC: Ok, this post is a little later in the story, but I need to put it in here now to explain some things, or I'm going to be too far behind! ^^;; Sorry if I confuse anyone!!!! *~*~~`` [I]A distant shrieking, far away, but still very close . . .[/I] "I didn?t mean to! I didn?t mean it! No! I didn?t mean it . . . I didn?t mean it!" [I]The scream that followed was long, and pain-filled, loud enough to wake even the dead . . . One of the group stirred in their sleep, and then groggily made their way to the source of the sound. It was Selen, trapped in a feverish dream by chains of darkness that could not be broken. Hands shook her awake, and she reached out; blind, and still trapped within the chains that tormented her without ceasing. Her hands found a comforting hand: it was Chole: calm, collected Chole; Chole who managed to stand tall even with a great burden on his shoulders . . .[/I] "They torment me Chole . . . the dead. They?ve taken me prisoner, and now they won?t let me go . . . each and every night Chole, they come to me, one by one, and torment me . . ." [I]Chole said nothing, and only cradled the sobbing Selen in his arms.[/I] "They own me . . . I came here, and now they own me. I swore to protect this place, and now I have to pay the sacrifice. Death, Chole. The sacrifice is death. [I]Their[/I] deaths Chole . . . every night, one by one, I live their lives, sweet, beautiful, innocent lives, and then get to die their deaths, deaths brought on by the Knights of Dark Lightening . . . It won?t stop, not until each and every death is played out before me Chole . . . and I?m dying from it; to be a High Priestess is to die . . . Your parents . . . my parents . . . I saw them live, and die . . ." [I]Selen broke into agonized sobbing.[/I] "I had to watch my parents die . . . watch my sweet, innocent Roux die . . ." [I]Chole was startled at that little tidbit of information. Selen could feel him tense.[/I] "No, the Roux you know is not some zombie of sorts . . . I?ll tell you the story: You know my parents died in the desert. They, and my older brother Roux - - shush, I?ll explain later - - were swallowed by a hole much like the opening to the underground city. I was left alive, left to wander endlessly through the desert, and I did, blind, starving, oblivious to all but fantasy . . . until I fell a year later . . . I awoke in a white room. My parents were there, but they were not my parents; their hands too cold, their eyes too remote . . . They thought me ignorant . . . blind to what I thought these people were. I believed I was dead, and had been sent to hell as punishment for letting my family die before me . . . But then I saw Roux. Little, tiny, innocent Roux, and I knew that this wasn't a dream of hell . . . I was [I]living[/I] it. And then I learned the truth . . . secretly of course, but the truth nonetheless. The organization behind my "parents" had found them dead, and cloned them . . . they had found my brother also . . . he 15 when I 10 . . . and cloned him also . . . but they couldn't help him the way they did my parents, so they made him a child, the Roux you know now as my brother. I knew, even though he was cloned, I still had to love him with all of my heart, for I was all he had . . . But it was hard, and harder when I saw him transform. You see, my brother Roux, even though my parents and I all hybrids, was born human. When I saw him transform . . ." [I]Selen broke off again, and stayed silent for a while.[/I] "And then . . . then, they killed me . . ." [I]Selen felt Chole tense again, and continued,[/I] "No, I?m not cloned either . . . my "parents" gave me a shot that unleashed the one thing that I had control over: my hybrid side. They knew all about my hybrid side, how it thirsted for blood. It was the wild, untamed side of me, and they let it loose, bending it, molding it into something they could use for their own gains . . . And then they taught it how to appear human, knowing that I was going to meet up with you and I wouldn't have enough strength to resist her . . . And so they set me free in Metro City . . . and now it haunts me . . . all the dead Selven, as my parents called her, killed . . . all of the dead . . . You can?t get rid of it either. There?s no waving your hands and banishing it to a secluded corner of your mind; it consumes you, and you either die, or go insane from the visions . . . It's hard Chole . . . so, so hard . . . sweet, innocent people . . . so, so hard . . . the blood of the dead is on my hands, and I can?t rid myself of it . . ." [I]Selen drifted off into a dreamless sleep, the prayers from the priestess?s above echoing throughout the separate chamber where Selen resided. Chole watched her for a while, then after he was sure she was sleeping peacefully, slowly walked back to the chamber where the others slept, Selen?s words running through his head.[/I]
  25. Hmph, I might as well post . . . get some ideas for a story of mine . . .
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