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Sere Tuscumbia

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Everything posted by Sere Tuscumbia

  1. OOC: Gah! I NNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDD MORE PEOPLE!!! Come on, work with me here! Oh yeah . . . this is all going to be in the future . . . I'm leaving the present up to you guys (with the instruction of Sarsy of course!) Oh yeah, I?m making time run differently in the future than in the past so . . . if things sound a little strange from my POV, don't worry! *~*~~`` [I]Summer awoke, her head throbbing from the cold concrete underneath her scrawny pillow. It had been a week since she had been locked in this prison of a room, and still hadn't seen a mirror anywhere . . . not that she [/I]wanted[I] to see just how much of a wreck she was, but seeing that Summer was still . . . well,[/I] Summer [I]would be an assurance . . . The steel door opened again, and the vampire that she came to know as Beakface came skirting around the edges of that door. She edged around the room, skirting the shafts of light that Summer used as her watch, since she had none in this prison. She assumed that they were too afraid that she would try to kill herself to bring forth another Slayer . . . She looked around, as Beakface tried to get past the window where Summer had scratched most the paint off of, trying to get just close enough to hand Summer the food, then ready to head back into a secluded corner of the room . . . at least there [/I]were[I] corners . . . The room was small, but just large enough for Summer to live in. No glass, no sharp objects; yep, they didn?t want Summer killing herself. Everything was bolted down to the floor, and either plastic or steel . . . Everything was exactly the same; but today things were going to be a little bit different . . . as Beakface was getting ready to knock on the door, it opened, and someone came tumbling through, roughly pushed from between the shoulder blades. Beakface scrambled through the door before it was able to close in her face, and Summer was left with the new, young arrival. She was young, about 15, and the 22 year old Slayer in Summer was reminded of herself once upon a time, but the 16 year old Slayer was[/I] seeing [I]herself, when [I]she[/I] was younger, reflected in this girl: lost, scared, not ready for the tremendous job of Slaying . . . The girl turned her eyes on Summer, and stepped back a little.[/I] "So they[I] haven?t[/I] killed you off yet . . . you?re still alive!" [I]Summer stepped back, a little surprised. This girl?s eyes were so cold, hardened over by grief. Were her own just a reflection of this girl?s? Is that why her Watcher was killed, with her not being able to do anything about it? Were those eyes why her friends all left? No . . . she would not have those eyes . . . And now those eyes were squinted in hate.[/I] "Even if [I]they[/I] didn?t kill you . . . someone will have to!" "Woah! Hold up there!" [I]Summer held up her hands. This girl must have been wacked in the head a little too many times . . . there was [/I]no[I] way that Summer was going to fight her . . .[/I] "Ok, you?re human, I?m human, can?t we just settle this by talking?" "Look around you!" [I]The girl shrieked.[/I] "This whole place is under vampire control!" [I]Summer cut her off quickly, before she could go into another rant.[/I] "Just how much is under vampire control?" [I]The girl wiped her eyes, fighting away desperation.[/I] "This town, and several others within a 20 mile radius . . ." "Ok," [I]Summer sighed,[/I] "ok, this is a good start. Now, who are you?"[I] Summer already knew the answer . . . The girl wiped away some of the blood under her nose. ?Poor girl,? Summer thought, ?beaten, and then shoved into this fifteen foot square of a room with the Slayer, I?m surprised that?s she?s not already batty . . .?[/I] "I?m Juniper." "You?re a tree?" "No," [I]the girl wiped at her nose again, annoyed,[/I] "I?m the Slayer now." [I]Summer was startled. Juniper the Slayer? But- -[/I] "There?s no way out of here?" [I]The girl asked suddenly.[/I] "You?ve tried?" "What do you think I am, stupid?" "Then there?s no other way . . ." [I]Juniper wiped at her eyes, but when she looked up again, the tears were replaced with a grim expression.[/I] "Ok, not on the same level as you are here--" [I]Summer started, but Juniper cut her off.[/I] "For god sakes St.Claire! Look around you! The vampires got smart, and after your friends brought you back from the dead, the vampires captured you. Don?t kill the Slayer, and you don?t have to worry about another one!" [I]The girl was fighting desperation again, and losing the battle.[/I] "Keep [I]us[/I] in here . . ." [I]Summer stared at the girl in pity.[/I] "But there?s nothing we can do until they get stupid, and let their guard do- -" "There is something I can do," [I]Juniper whispered. Summer was taken aback. Juniper had gone insane, and Summer didn?t think she was coming back into the real world. She raised an eyebrow.[/I] "Ok, and what?s the plan Sherlock?" [I]Juniper raised her gaze to Summer?s own. Her eyes had lost the hardness, and now were replaced with a newer desperation . . . they were crazy, defiant eyes. Dangerous . . .[/I] "I can kill you."
  2. Uh . . . don't know much about SW (I'm partially a Trekkie here) but this looks good . . . Name: Brale (or Braan) Hitul Good Age: 17 Height: 5'1" Discription: Oh boy . . . hate these things . . . Bio: Originally born Braan Skywalker (Yes, she's Anikin's sister! DEAL WITH IT!!), Brale Hitul was sold away from her family at an early age. La de da, she became a Jedi apprentice some day in her life and is now . . . where else? Fighting in the Clone Wars. Weapons: None but her mind and a handy-dandy lightsaber (or a libersaber if you can't speak right and have had WAY too much pop)
  3. I like the three original guys, then only some of the guests . . . Wayne's the best out of all the originals . . . ^_~ ~!*Sere & Co.*!~
  4. 1) Do you feel more comfortable... a) in the crowd b) in the outer edges of a crowd c) away from the crowd on the back wall [COLOR=blue]C of course . . .[/COLOR] 2) If you could be one of any of these three jobs, which and why? a) fireman b) policeman c) airplane pilot [COLOR=blue]D, because I don't like fire, faint at the sight of blood, and hate heights . . .[/COLOR] 3) What size shoe do you wear? [COLOR=blue]Um . . . [SIZE=1] 3 [/SIZE] . . . [/COLOR] 4) (Ah I can't think of anymore) What happens at the end of Monty Python & The Holy Grail? (God Bless them all.) [COLOR=blue]THE POLICE ARREST THEM!! (them as in everyone there) ^_^[/COLOR]
  5. Well, I have to congratulate you . . . I was here during only one of the wars . . . ^^;; *shrugs* There will be more . . . ~!*Sere*!~
  6. OOC: Whoo hoo . . . sorry for missing so much (about 3 pages) but I've had depression and one hell of a writer's block . . . Soooooo . . . I'm going to go along w/ my original idea . . . instead of conforming to you guys . . . *~*~~`` [I]Summer walked along the street, gym bag in hand. It was a muggy night, and Summer could feel the mosquitoes hovering near her head.[/I] "Bloody little leeches . . . I bet you're in league w/ them . . ." [I]She swatted at several. A figure in the street ahead, heading toward her at a leisurely pace. Summer slowed down. The figure turned out to be one of the little bit more than preppish gals.[/I] "Well lookie, if it isn't Liza!" [I]Liza smiled, and Summer shuddered a little. There was something just a little bit creepy about that smile . . .[/I] "Well, Summer St.Claire . . . and just why are [I]you[/I] out on the streets tonight?" [I]Summer held up a strap of the bag on her shoulder.[/I] "Gym. Gotta keep in shape you know." [I]It [/I]was[I] true, she had been at the gym . . .[/I] "So what are you doing out on the streets? Little too early for the prostitutes to be out . . ." [I]Liza flipped what was considered 'this month's' hair over her shoulder.[/I] "I was out with my boyfriend, but things weren't working out, so he ended our relationship." [I]Summer startled at this little tidbit of information. Liza and her boyfriend had been going out for several years.[/I] "Oh really. What did you say?" [I]There came that weird smile again . . .[/I] "I didn't [I]say[/I] anything . . . I just ate him . . ." [I]Oops . . . Summer pulled out her handy-dandy stake as she dropped the bag and backflipped away from Liza. But Liza was ready for her, her "game" face out and ready for blood.[/I] "So you're the Slayer, tinny little Summer the Slayer . . ." [I]Summer blocked a kick, and then dived to the side.[/I] "Damn right I am, and you're going to be dust in about two minutes . . ." [I]Liza took the bait, and dove for Summer . . . . . . and right into the stake.[/I] "Hah. Sucker . . ." [I]Summer chuckled, and started to walk towards the gym bag. She never got there.[/I] "Well, dammit, the boyfriend bit her back . . ." [I]She fell to the ground, a crossbow bolt buried deep into her chest. ~A tearing sensation. Summer was being pushed, pulled away from where she was supposed to be. It wasn't cool, and she had to say it hurt like heck. She saw herself lying there on the ground, and the sword emerging out of the darkness. As she was pulled into the darkness, she never saw the stake in the vampire's back, and the sword clattering harmlessly to the ground . . .~ Summer awoke, her vision spinning, and cold, hard concrete everywhere around her . . .[/I] "Now where am I?" [I]she muttered, looking up at the only barred window to the outside . . .[/I] *~*~~`` If anyone wants to be in this 'meanwhile' separate plot line, then just say, and I'll tie you into this (let's just say, it's the future and I have an idea of how I want people to be . . .) And to make things clearer, Summer's body is still in the present, while her soul has been shoved into the future (about 6 years). What I'm trying to say is Summer is kinda . . . frozen in time in the present, and living in the future . . . There's this whole weird thing. It'll become clearer in the next posts . . . ~!*SSC*!~
  7. Just one correction on everyone's part: it's faery, NOT farie or such.
  8. This thing's kinda fallin' apart w/out MM and everyone to keep it alive . . . *shrugs* Oh well, the only thing anyone can do is beg people to come back . . . but what's done is done, and you've just gotta accept that this thing is good and DEAD. Seriously, this thing is DEAD . . . give it up. ~!*Sere*!~
  9. Since I'm a mild expert in Irish folklore . . . I think I'll join this shindig . . . Name: Mairead Tualha Age: 16 Race: Ban-draoia (Don't know what this is? Read the glossary in 'A Wizard Abroad' by Diane Duane) Magic Type: Living things, such as plants and the like. Description & Bio: Well you can just bite me, I hate these things! *~*~~`` On the folklore train of thought, Sidhes are deathless except by violence, and are expert in some forms of wizardry, especially music, shapechange, illusion, and the manipulation of time. To name a name directly is to control, or attempt to control, the thing named, so the Sidhe are always referred to as "the Good Folk," "the Good People of the Parish," "the Gentry," or by other such nicknames. Want any more info? ^-^
  10. One word for you: Wow . . . Keep writing! ~!*Sere*!~
  11. Sorry, depression and one hell of a writer's block . . . I'll post the more-than-interesting poem I wrote that signal the death of my writer's block . . . [I]Vampire[/I] Gentle words Gentle hands Sweet caresses Deep into the night Gentle kisses Breathing life Out of the heart Oblivion of the soul In one Simple gesture Reliving innocence Watching life Ripple away Like waves on a beach Then birth Of a demon One more terror Born from a child An angel of death Leading others down A path of anguish And never-ending torment When will it end? When will the souls Of the dead finally speak And rise up Against their master? Pain rules Heedless of the touch Of life Black wings against The white of the dawn Death comes too easily For those who wish To live . . . *~*~~`` I know . . . I know . . . it's really long but bear w/ me! ~!*Sere*!~
  12. Ooooo . . . a cappella . . . it's nice when you're in a choir and get to hear it first hand, and even nicer when you get a I in contest for it too . . . ^_~ ~!*Sere*!~
  13. Brale Hitul? O-o;; Why do I sound like a guy? Um . . . not a Star Wars fan here but the previews showed Jar Jar as annoying so . . . yeah . . . (Wait . . . I could be Braan Hitul . . .) (*sob, sob* I'm a lonely little Trekkie in the corner . . .)
  14. Well, I wanna guess just how many people are going to read this after seeing that it really is me . . . um . . . 2. [I]Fire[/I] Fire Running through your veins Breathing into your soul Fulfilling the purpose Of thousands gone before It compares the blood of thousands To the blood of one Its love hast no mercy Its smile holds no love A cruel embrace Tearing at your heart You feel trapped Drowing in its presence Death *~*~~`` Please R&R . . . please? ~!*Sere & Co.*!~
  15. May 23rd! MAY 23RD!!! And then I'M FREE!!!!! But what sucks is finals on the last 2 days of school . . . and my school's COLD so I can't wear shorts! (Don't want to anyway (guys might get ideas . . . ^^)) I wanna swim already . . . T-T;;
  16. *dies* I love these poems! You're such a good writer that I seem like a kindergardner to you! How do you do it?! I envy you . . . >>;;
  17. OOC: I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooo *gasp* ooooooooooooo sorry! I woulda post, but I've been busy! (YOU try having a birthday (not mine!), grandparents, and a piano recital all in ONE weekend! (Try it, I DARE you!!!)) NOW, I am posting! (Don't bother me anymore about it!) *~*~~`` [I]Summer stood, defiant. She was in no mood to let some blood sucking leech[/I] (I read/watch too much Buffy, don't I?) [I]stand in her way tonight. One of the little buggers had already gotten away from her, and she wasn't going to let it happen again. Her hand slid back to the crossbow, just one of the many weapons she had stored back in the weapons cache at home. The tips of her fingers touched the post-it note, and Summer pulled it off, and stuck it in her back pocket . . . it might come in handy later . . . The chick across from her was getting pissed, and Summer could tell . . .[/I] "Ok chick," [I]Summer started, and the other girl made quite a rude gesture to her,[/I] "let's get something straight: I am the slayer, so EVERYTHING in this damned town has to do with the likes of me, got it?" [I]There came the rude gesture again, and that left Summer extremely pissed.[/I] "Ok you bloody leech--" [I]she bursted out, but the girl stopped her mid-sentence.[/I] "I am not a leech, I am a fire demon, so watch your mouth, slayer." [I]Somewhere, the stresses of the night snapped in Summer's mind.[/I] "Ok, ok . . . go suck someone dry, or make one of your co-workers burn in hell, or [I]something[/I], but just keep yourself out of trouble so I don't have to come after you and beat the hades out of you, got it? Ok? Ok . . ." [I]And before the fire demon had any time to react to that little speech, Summer was off, walking towards home. Her feet guided her to the small complex where Magus and Alpha stayed. Well, actually, it wasn't exactally [/I]little[I], it was more or less a hotel . . . Alpha grinned when the door slammed open, and a pissed Summer walked through the door.[/I] "Soooooo . . . how did patrol go tonight?" [I]Summer just stalked past, and flung the gym bag full of weapons over in a corner . . . except for one weapon. She fingered the crossbow, and kept it slung about her back.[/I] "Bite me Alpha . . ." [I]Then, noticing the expression on Alpha's face . . . [/I] "Then again, I take that back!" [I]Alpha just laughed good-naturedly, and turned back to whatever she was doing. Frankly, Summer didn't care. She stalked upstairs, and to her room . . .[/I] *~*~~`` Whoo hoo . . . Mum's making me get off, so if this has mistakes . . . ain't my fault . . .
  18. OOC: Nothing like a post to save the RPG from the 2nd page, eh? BTW--Welcome back to the RPG Liam . . . *~*~~`` [I]A towering figure walked, well, kinda floated, over to the group. The white robes it wore covered all parts of its body, except for the tips of the fingers. Roux fidgeted as the figure came closer, and closer. There wasn't anything terribly creepy about it or anything, just the little feeling of discomfort when someone you haven't seen in forever shows up. He shuddered, and his wings folded, and then disappeared. He looked back.[/I] "Woah, cool . . ." [I]The only thing the figure did, was beckon them to come in closer. As the group moved, they noticed more and more about the large building there were in. Stragglers were everywhere, alongside the walls, curled up in shock in the pews; just about everywhere they looked, there was some shell-shocked person staring out of haunted eyes looking at them. Then, the figure started to speak . . .[/I] "These are only a few of the hundred or so we've recovered from the masses of dead here . . . if there is need, you can recover here; we have accommodations ready for public use. Or, as a favor, I can let you stay in the more private areas . . ." [I]The voice under the hood let out a little chuckle, as the group looked puzzled. Gently, and slowly, the hood was lifted back, and the face of a certain familiar hybrid was revealed. Selen was alive . . . Liam sank down into the nearest pew.[/I] "I thought you were . . . I had . . . " [I]Selen shushed him right then and there.[/I] "You weren't yourself then, and even if you were, I would have survived the encounter . . ." [I]Each member of the group let out a puzzled noise, and Selen cut them off with a wave of her hand.[/I] "I'll tell you when we're all together privately . . . now, are you going to take me up on my offer or not . . ?" *~*~~`` I have one thing to say and one thing only: Told you Selen wasn't dead . . . :D
  19. If you want a poem to do, recite "The Jabberwock" by . . . oh jesus, I forgot his name . . . I'll edit this later when I get home (In other words, post the poem)
  20. Smaller text I do believe . . . But otherwise, I DO like it . . .
  21. So, LBJ has most of his family's names LBJ He also had his dogs LBJ too . . . And the point of this whole thread was . . ?
  22. Oooo . . . pretty and moving! I like! ^-^ Keep writing! ~!*Sere & Co.*!~
  23. Chatrooms are ok as long as you don't say anything about yourself . . . I myself go into chatrooms, but everyone knows everyone else do does it really matter?
  24. BUFFY RPG!! I've been waiting for one of these!!! And what's even better? No one's taken the spot of Slayer! YAY! Class: Good Name: Summer St.Claire Age: 16 character: Slayer Personality: Mildly bubbly, but don't piss her off, she'll stake you, wether you're a vampie or not . . . Bio & Appearance: Bite me. (Translation: I'm out of ideas right now, don't ask me) And if anyone asks, that means I'm the slayer! ME! I'M THE SLAYER!!! :skips off to start on . . . stuff . . .:
  25. I'm shy unless I know the person, and I HATE talking to people who are older than me (such as adults and grandparents, etc.) I guess it's because if I get something wrong, I'll forever be stuck as 'The Little Duffer' Also, meeting new people in school scares me . . . I could be called shy. ~!*Sere & Co.*!~
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