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Everything posted by Sere Tuscumbia
Alin dearie . . . ever heard of F-R-E-E-D-O-M O-F S-P-E-E-C-H?! I do believe human beings are intitled to that! So if I wanna say your ideas are god damn stupid, I CAN!!! Oh, another thing . . . I always used to TRY to post in this RPG, but NO, you guys just IGNORED me, and went on w/ your own little things! It was always YOU and someone, or someone and someone, so where was I? Pushed off to the sidelines, weakly CHEERING YOU ON!!!! So I GAVE UP, hoping one of you guys would have it in your heart to INCLUDE me AGAIN!!!! But NO, time and time again, I was thrust to the side! (Matt, if you stand up for Alin, I will find you and kick you so hard you'll be talking out of your butt, got it?) So, Miss Alin, don't give me any crap about whining when none of you have even BOTHERED to try and include me! BTW--WTF is this whole deal w/ 'Alin can kill you.' That's a bunch of BS!!! Thank you and have a nice day, ~!*Selen*!~
OOC: Am I still w/ Night, or did you just decide to ditch me for a while? And what 'bout the kid?! You forgot my kid!!!! T-T kiddie . . . poor kiddie . . . *~*~~``
[I][COLOR=darkblue]Sere picks up the card.[/COLOR][/I] The little . . . where did you find this? Rem: It was just lying around . . . Sere: Damn! That means I have work to do! [I][COLOR=darkblue]She turns, and looks over her shoulder.[/COLOR][/I] Want to come w/ me? [I][COLOR=darkblue]She twirls her wand, and it shrinks into a small key on a chain. She puts it on and tucks it inside her shirt.[/COLOR][/I]
It looks like Ryoko has white hair in things . . . series . . . whatever. I say Ryoko all the way! In Muyo! Her other self(Zero) revealed Ryoko's true feelings for Tenchi. She really does love Tenchi, and Tenchi has shown signs of liking(or loving) Ryoko back! For heavens sake, Ryoko was his 'invisible' friend when he was little! ~!*Selen*!~
Whee . . ! Another Digi RPG!! Name: Selen BlueHawk(I got bored) DD: Ken Digi: Wormmon Crest: Kindness Whee . . ! I finally got Ken!
[I]Sere looks around, her staff clutched tightly in her hand. She had been fighting the Water card, and all of a sudden she wasn't. Or was she? She hears a splash of water, and swivels. The water card is suspended, eyeing Sere like she's dinner. Sere takes advantage of the moment.[/I] Return back to the shape you were meant to be! CLOW CARD!!!!! [I]She slams down her staff, locking the card back into shape. She twirls her staff, picks the card up off the ground, and smiles.[/I] Yeah! I got another one! *~*~~`` Someone find me . . . T-T
OOC: Um . . . those last few posts were . . . interesting . . . did you guys really need to add that? Oy . . . mental pictures I did not need . . . T-T *~*~~`` Sere: :walks out of the room, her suspisions confirmed. Liam had indeed walked out. So had Rex, Chole, and Iris. She runs up to the group: :whispers: You heard it too? Rex: Heard what? Sere: Um . . . well . . . :shakes her head: Nevermind, you'll find out later . . .
:falls out of her chair, dead: X.x :comes back to life and curls up in a corner, sucking her thumb: WHAT in the WORLD was THAT THING!?!?! T-T I'm gonna have nightmares now . . . :devil: But it would be fun to have one of my friends see that . . . Good God that was scary!! To make things worse, right after I saw that, my dad comes up and taps me on the shoulder! I swear I jumped ten feet!
OOC: I have AIM-- my s/n is LaraC1147 . . . Oo . . . wasn't my name Selen? *~*~~`` [I]Selen arrives, limping badly to the empty home. Life isn't nice to a rogue hybrid, and even more cruel to a hybrid w/ a broken ankle. That sudden 'slip' had cost her, but she had a job, and she wasn't going to disobey now . . . blood trails were left along the alleyways, and Selen's fur glistened wetly down around her left ankle. She admitted it to herself, it hurt, it hurt BAD, but what was she to do?[/I] Child . . . must protect . . . child . . .[I]She limps up the stairs, her human form taking over. Her form had been going wacky ever since she had hit the ground. She flips her tail(now permanent) over one arm, she keeps on stepping on it. Climbing up the last stair, she runs into the child she had saved, and then the boy behind him. As she collapses, she vaguely remembers the boy appearing out of nowhere and saving both Selen and the child, then herself getting caught. How she came back here, she didn't know . . . it was all too fuzzy . . . Selen blacks out.[/I]
[COLOR=seagreen]Fresh ideas . . .[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]something I don't have . . .[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Can anyone else notice I'm bored out of my mind?![/COLOR] :sleep: [COLOR=indigo]This night is going WAY too slow . . .[/COLOR] :sleep:
Oo;; . . . yet another person who's amused w/ my odd sense of humor . . . I do agree that Cruise Riders sounds like fun BUT wouldn't that deserve it's own thread? :sighs: I guess we all need a change of scenery right now . . . Grrrrrrness!! WB just struck again(I am NEVER working on one of my many stories before I get on OB ever again!) *~*~~*~*~~``
OOC: I've noticed that the group isn't 'Ship Wrecked' anymore . . . this boat better go Titanic sometime soon, or this thread will be 'Cruise Riders'. *~*~~*~*~~``
Hey . . . I'm sorry, but do you see [I]me[/I] in any of the last few posts? Hey, there are times when I can't continue my chara. and nobody wants to continue it for me. PLUS--Alin(that 'Mistress Destiny' stuff is just dumb)wants to be a bad gal, w/ her robots(another stupid idea) and such. Where's any room for me? *~*~~``
OOC: O.o Rico . . . you REALLY twisted my chara. out of proportion . . . no offense . . . but Sere(being only 15) DOESN'T act like that . . . BTW--Thank you all for not forgetting my chara. *~*~~`` [I]Chole turns to walk away, and Sere suddenly stops him.[/I] I do believe you were taking care of a child before? Chole: A boy? [I]Sere nods solemly, and leans against a wall.[/I] Chole: Black lightening? [I]Sere nods again, studying the screen of Chole DNA.[/I] It doesn't bode well for your little friend either . . . him, as you, is changing . . . and only I can stop [I]his[/I] progression. Being younger . . . his has better chances of becoming human . . . Chole: Human?! Sere: What do you expect me to do? Let this child die?! The only way to save him is to pull out his hybrid DNA! Chole: You know the risks of doing that! Things can go terribly wrong! You could accidently pull out all his human DNA and . . . and . . . [I]Sere stares at Chole then finishes his sentence.[/I] . . . And he could become a lost soul, I know all that Chole, but I need to take the chance! Chole: You can't!! [I]Sere brushes past Chole and to the window, her eyes closed in anger.[/I] I can Chole, and I will. That child needs a chance, and I'm the only one who can give it to him. [I]With that said, she jumps out of the window, and lands on a nearby rooftop. Chole, looking out the window, sees her rest on the roof for a moment, massaging her now broken ankle, then stand and jump to other rooftops, dissappearing into the night.[/I]
OOC: Well it would be more interesting . . . I'll be good . . . I hope . . . say I'm a exchange student living w/ ya'll . . . *~*~~``
Uh-huh . . . yeah . . . what makes you think I'm gonna 'chill' w/ Rex? Oo . . . in my opinion, he's a bit scary . . . Gomen nasai for blowing up!! Rahia--cool avatar!! ^^ me like!!
Name: Sere Tuscumbia Show/Manga: CCS Age: 13 Desc&Bio: :shrugs: what else? Same as always.
Ok . . . I will post more in this later but I'm a little busy right now and I'm just saying for now that I'm in this . . . you'd BETTER save me a spot!!:flaming: :devil: :mad: *~*~~``
OOC: :sigh: I see a running theme of people running off and leaving us little people behind . . . PLUS--Woody is a gal, and Rico-kun . . . SERE CAN SWIM!!! Holy mother of God! Where in the world did you get the idea that Sere can't swim?! :stalks off, thinking 'bout leaving THIS RPG too: *~*~~``
OOC: And I am now offically out of this RPG(unless ya'll can come up w/ some good reasons to let me keep my chara. going . . .)I feel as if my chara. has no longer any part in this so . . . I'm leaving . . . I also don't really like the way this RPG is going . . . Ja ne minna-san, ~!*Seri*!~
Ok . . . is anyone going to listen to me? I still think we should even up the cabins and have 7 in each . . . (Alas . . . noone's going to bother to pay attention to me . . . I feel so unloved . . .)
[I]Sere runs along the streets, her fingers still clamped around the kid's wrist. He didn't bother saying anything, why should he? He was being dragged along streets by a young lady he didn't even know, and a group of large thugs were on both of their tails. What could he say? What was there to say? Sere suddenly stops, the kid bashing into her back, and looks over to a house. The door hangs wide open, and all is dark. The pair steal in, and start sneaking up to another floor . . .[/I] *~*~~`` OOC: As you can see . . . I'm leaving this WIDE open for someone . . .
OOC: Darncoolguy1, don't post 4 times in a row . . . you can just make it into one whole post w/ time measures inbetween . . . and also(just a suggestion), TRY to make your posts a little bit more organized! (Again, this is just a suggestion!) GAH!! Writer's Block AGAIN!!! I'll edit this post when I get some ideas . . . *~*~~``
If Kontan is dead, that means . . . YES!!! That means that Sere has (almost) free rein over evilness!!! Woohoo!!! :jumps around happily: I almost LIKE being evil . . . :devil: Gomen nasai minna-san!! I hope I haven't pissed anyone off!
OOC: And yet again . . . I'm left out . . . I think the immortal thing is . . . a bit . . . just . . . I dun like it . . . it gives you too much power, and the rest of us are just little minions now . . .and did ya'll just totally ignore my posts? I do believe my crest had warped to destruction . . . but if you wanna . . . go on w/ your plan and I'll pull out of this RPG . . . it seems like I'm almost out anyway . . . *~*~~``