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Everything posted by Sere Tuscumbia
Anime Who is your favorite gundam pilot?
Sere Tuscumbia replied to Trowa066's topic in Otaku Central
Duo & Quatre . . . they're both hot, pilot Gundams, and spaz out when the time is right!(More reasons coming . . . my brain has shut off right now . . .) Plus, one of them is rich!! :D (:gasp: Oh my god!! I just demoralized myself! :shrugs: Who cares? I'm in it for the money!! (j/k!!!! I'm not THAT evil . . .)) -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Super Gohan [/i] [B]I changed and earlier post so now you can be a vampire,demon, or slayer [/B][/QUOTE] Oh joy . . . you changed it AFTER I wrote my post!! :shrugs: Oh well . . . at least w/ those changes, things will go a lot smoother now for Sere . . . ~!*Sere*!~
[I]Sere ran and ran, fear overpowering her common sense. Never had she been caught, and she wasn't about to be either. She was scared, she admitted it, and fear swam before her eyes . . . or not . . . Selen plowed headfirst into a young man her age. She stuttered her apologies, and looked behind her. The thugs from that weird Black Lightening group were closing in on her, so she turned, ready to run. Something flashed in her mind. An event of lightening, and that boy was there. She turned, grabbed his wrist, and ran, offering no answers to his baffled questions. It was now her mission to keep this kid and herself alive . . . she worked for noone else but herself now . . .[/I]
Um . . . where did I get Sere Tuscumbia? Well, I admit, it came from Sailor Moon! Serenity Tuscumbia . . . I was trying to find a different name for Serena Tuskino . . . and Serene popped into my head . . . then Tuscumbia did and the name stuck. :shrugs: That's all I can really say 'bout my name . . . ~!*Selen*!~
well then . . . finally a chance to use my MAIN history . . . :D Name: Sere Tuscumbia Age: 16 Bio: Sere never really had thought about why she was a slayer, she just carried out what she felt. However, with every vampire she killed, she felt as if a small part of her was dying too. She has yet to figure out why . . . Desc: Sere Tuscumbia: This girl of 16 keeps to herself. She always dresses in black, and hunts in dangerous territories. The only obvious features on this huntress in black is her white hair, pulled up into a tightly braided ponytail, and her fangs.(Yes folks . . . for some strange reason Sere doesn't know yet, she has fangs!) Weapons: A custom-made Eagle, equipped w/ carbon-based bullets(Carbon-burnt wood--hey, it works doesn't it?), a large sword, and several small daggers, both wood and metal.
Sere: :sits by the stream, gently splashing her feet in the cool waters: : pulls out her feet, and paces by the shore: T.V. Producer: :talking to another producer: Hey, make sure you grab some of the weapons yourselves! I'm planning on taking out that Liam kid! God, he's annoying! Other T.V.P: I'm taking out whoever gets in my way . . . I hope it's that Sere chick. She's meddled in one too many of our plans! Sere: Hmmm . . . :finds moderately large rocks, large enough to knock someone out, but small enough not to kill the producers: :sneaks up behind the producers, and smacks both of them w/ the rocks: :devil: :ties them both up on the cliff, hoping they'll wake up soon: They'll REALLY wanna kill me now . . . :shrugs: It was worth it though!! :devil: [I] [B] 5 minutes later [/I] [/B] T.V.P's:[SIZE=1]I'll get you for this you wretched shrew!!![/SIZE] Sere: :laughs evily and splashes her feet in the stream again:
Anime For those who have watch Evagelion...
Sere Tuscumbia replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Otaku Central
I would pilot an Eva w/out a second thought . . . even thougth there would be tremendous pressures and troubles, just knowing that you could make a difference would help me keep goin'. ~!*Sere*!~ -
OOC: I think I've been staring at purple writing too long . . . black looks like green now . . . *~*~~`` Sere: :walks around the island, boredom finally taking its toll: :arrives back at camp, then walks back off, after seeing Chole hacking on coconuts: T-T I'm so bored . . . :walks off to one of the many waterfalls to cool off: ???: Hey, hey you! Sere: :in a crabby mood: What? ???: Have you heard about the 'kill-off'? Sere: Um . . . no . . . TV Prod: yeah . . . survival of the fittest . . . the ones w/ the best weapons survives! Sere: :eek: No way! Not a good idea mister . . ! :runs off:
Um . . . I think we might need another cabin . . . or let one more person in all of the cabins . . . :runs and hides behind the nearest person: Just a suggestion!
OOC: Oh joy . . . I get to be next!! *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~ Pro. Mc: Tuscumbia, Serenity!(Yes . . . they most likely say the full name . . .) [I]At Sere's name, a small whisper runs through a group of older students. Sere groans inwardly. This was going to be some attention she didn't want . . . she makes her way to the stool, and the hat comes flopping down on her head.[/I] [I]The hat spoke, it's gravely voice ringing in her ears.[/I] Ah . . . another Tuscumbia . . . this could prove a worthwhile experience . . . Hmm . . . not Hufflepuff . . . Ravenclaw perhaps? No . . . you're not the type . . . I have it! How about Slytherin? You've got what it takes . . . all you need is a little instructing . . . No? You could have been great . . . you were perfect you know . . . [I]The hat did its equivalent of a shrug in her head.[/I] You've ruled out all the others . . . but you've got what it takes to be in . . . [I]The hat opened its mouth . . .[/I] GRYFFINDOR!!! [I]Sere sighs happily, rowdy cheers of other students ringing from the Gryffindor table. Sere felt proud, but unnerved by what the hat had told her. 'You could have been great . . . you were perfect you know . . .' She shudders, Slytherin was NOT on her favorite list of teams . . .[/I]
OOC: Alin-chan . . . I do believe that there were [U]5[/U] people missing . . . Who was the 5th? ME!! You all forget about me all too easily . . . :bawl: *~*~~*~*~~ [I]Sere walked along, a devilish smile on her face, stroking the pendant that was hung around her neck. It was no longer the Crest of Serenity(I'm thinking 'bout changing it to Eternity), but a deeper, darker crest . . . the Crest of Destruction. However calm this girl had once been, had been replaced by an unseen fury that even she couldn't control. However, she enjoyed the power she had been given. It was glorious, just like the old days . . . She walked along, stroking a digiegg. It was her own wonderful Jinzimon, reconfigured and ready to be hatched. She approached the main room, it was becoming easier and easier to manuver in this place. Suddenly, there was footsteps, and a dark figure ran past her. She paid no mind, perhaps Kontan had managed to persuade one more person to join the plan. She walked into the room, and eyed Matt.[/I] Hmm . . . someone else wandered into this little hidey-hole?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]Agh! Rena, the girl I take care of.and her two sisters are also panthers! Black panthers.........wow........you could be like........their long lost sister........or something........[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Ooooo . . . it could be an interesting idea . . . but don't even THINK bout dumping me w/ one of the kids just yet! I'll see if I can fit that in . . . one of ya guys is gonna have to bring me in again . . . :sweatdrop:
Hmm . . . this ought to be interesting . . . Name: Selen Age: 16 Height: 5'2 Weight: 102 Cabin: Dragon Sex: Female Desc: Selen wears blue jeans, along w/ a light blue T-shirt and a white overshirt. She currently has an Ace-Bandage on her left wrist.
Sere: :stares around at the dissolving group: Is it just me . . . or is our little group falling apart? :she gets no answer: I'm going to the waterfall. If anyone cares, you know where to find me . . . just tell me when Rex is back to normal . . . until then . . . I'm outta here . . . :she walks off, the 'village' nearly empty, and Rex still tied to a tree, cursing madly:
OOC: Good god! I didn't know it would be THIS hard to type!! :bawl: I sprained my left wrist and now I'm being Ace-Bandaged and it's SO DARN HARD TO TYPE!!! Do you know how many TYPOS I've made?! Oh and Liam--thanks for the desc! I'll try to get your pic done as soon as I can! It might be hard, considering my wrist and all, but you'll see it before 2002 is over!! (I hope . . . :sweatdrop: ) :devil: Thanks for giving me your 'approval' for that plan of mine!!! :devil: *~*~~*~*~~`` [I]Sere walks along, finally excited that she is going to Hogwarts. How funny it was that she had a queasy feeling on the train, everything seemed normal now . . . or did it? The small group from the train made their way to the shore of the lake. Sere, lost in her thoughts of the enormous castle, smacks into Liam once again.[/I] God! What is it with you and stopping all of a sudden?! Liam: What is it with you and running into me?! [I]Sere scowls, and walks around Liam. This was NOT a good way to start off her year, OR his . . . Sere shrugged. It couldn't be helped . . .[/I]
[I]Selen walked into the building. It was late night, and the only humans there were the janitors, and the nurse that was there earlier. The nurse had been no problem, she had been easy to control. She had been so stupid, she didn't notice that the good doctor was really Selen in disguise . . . Selen laughed slightly. It was a good thing that her boss didn't want any living creatures killed, or that poor nurse would be living in LaLaLand right now . . . for now, she was stuffed away in a secluded closet. What a suprise for the janitor's to find, when 'nursie-dear' had just walked past them. Selen reached the lab door, and flicked out a claw, succeeding to pick the lock. It wasn't hard to get into that lab, but it would have been easier to just break the lock in, they were cheap enough . . . Selen, in her nurse guise, slipped into the room, and shut the door behind her. She looked around the room. It was clear, the only other living creature in the room a hybrid, strapped to a table, and sound asleep. Or so Selen thought . . .[/I] This should be easy . . . [I]A stack of papers caught her eye. One of the files was messier than the others, as if it had been hastily put down. Selen was suprised the doctor didn't notice . . . she picked up the file and flipped through the pages. Something stuck out on the page like a sore thumb. "Studies have demonstrated that hybrid genes lead to an increase in criminal activity and immoral behavior. Therefore, the Health & Human Services Department of Meteo City has undertaken a ten year plan to purify the gene pool of the city, thus reducing crime rates and improving the health and welfare of normal citizens." [/I] Holy mother of God! This is not what I expected . . ! [I]In her suprise, her disguise slid off, revealing Selen underneath to any eyes that were watching. She dropped the file on the desk hastily, and threw her disguise back up. This mission was turning out more complicated than she thought . . . she looked around the room. The hybrid was asleep, so she let go of her look, and walked over to the hybrid, bending down so she could take a better look at him. She smirked.[/I] How does it feel to be strapped down like a caged animal?[I]She could see the hybrid's claws flicking out, one by one, so she knew that he was awake, and listening to her every word.[/I] You know you're going to die . . . so why try and fight it? Why try and stop what's already going into effect? You know that this plan's going to work in the end . . . all us hybrids are going to die . . .[I]In an instant, Selen found claws at her throat, and an angry face staring at her own. She jumped up, the claws ripping her shirt, and landed on the desk, her own claws extended by her side . . .[/I]
OOC: well Liam . . . you're gonna have to hand over your chara's desc. if you wanna have your chara drawn . . . but I think it would be a worthwhile effort to draw someone else's chara . . . I TIRED of drawing my own! [SIZE=1]Every artist needs variety . . . [/SIZE] btw-- what's your chara's last name Liam? I have a little plan I'm cooking up for you . . . :devil: *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~ [I]Sere sits, shifting nervously in the plush seat. It was slightly unnerving to think that she was finally going to Hogwarts. She had to say she didn't approve of the thought much . . . she was getting used to the magical world once again, after spending most of her years in a muggle orphanage. It was too strange to be thinking about Hogwarts, the Sorting Hat, her mother and father. What had they felt when they had put it on . . ?[/I] The Sorting Hat . . . [I]A memory pops into her head, a small memory of her mother sitting by her bedside, singing a lullaby she had never bothered to think into . . . ?Oh you may not think I?m pretty, but don?t judge what you see, try me on and see what you will be.? There was more . . . but somehow Sere wasn?t able to remember it . . . maybe it was too long ago . . . or she just didn?t want to remember . . . Sere picks up her wand again, and flicks it through the spell hanging in the air. It wasn't going to help her now. She muttered the song.[/I] Oh you may not think I'm pretty, but don't judge just what you see, try me on and see what you will be . . . [I]It felt strange to sing that song, her voice was a little rusty from being out of practice. She felt sure that she was going to be singing a lot more at Hogwarts . . .[/I]
Sere: :looks around at the rest of the group: :Liam is running around and grunting at things, Rex is busy plucking feathers of of a giant bird, Kool . . . well Kool is being Kool, and Chole and Iris are nowhere to be found: :shrugs helplessly: Well, at least I'm SLIGHTLY normal . . . :turns and walks off, hoping to find something other than giant bird and fish to eat:
Hmmm . . . this might be interesting . . . Name: Selen Tuscumbia Age:18 Major:Music Desc:Mildly shy, Selen seems to stay back in the background. She makes good grades, but is neither a nerd or a teacher's pet.
OOC: Liam-kun . . . I AM a full wizard BUT, I've been living in the muggle world since the age of 3. I do believe I would know about muggle candy . . . BTW--I'm bored . . . and I need something to do! :bawl: If anyone wants, I could do a picture of their chara. . . ! I REALLY need something to draw and I'M OUT OF IDEAS!!! *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~`` [I]Sere sits, her arms resting on the windowsill, her head cupped in her hands, staring out the window. Her normally quiet nature had finally kicked in, and she didn't think she was going to be talking any time soon. Maybe it was because she was pondering questions unanswered . . . questions she desperately needed to answer . . . she sighs.[/I] Life's got too many questions for me . . . and not enough answers . . . [I]She picks up her wand from her lap, and starts writing out a small spell.[/I] Liam: What house do you want to be in? [I]Sere sighs again, and puts down her wand, the spell hanging in the air.[/I] I'm hoping to follow in my mother's footsteps and be in Gryffindor . . . it would be a bloody bugger if I was stuck in Slytherin . . .
OOC: Uh . . . isn't Liam a human? *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~
OOC: What I don't Liam . . . is why you're going to Hogwarts when you live in Aus. Wouldn't they have a school in Aus.? *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~ [I]Sere sits, staring at Liam and Amber chatting happily away, pondering Liam's words.[/I] 'I've never known you since before now . . .' Since before now . . . [I]As she watches the two, a small memory comes popping up into her head. ~An 'outing' they called it, but she knew her parents were working more in depth than a simple 'outing'. Her parents occasionally let her come along, and she had been learning the basics of spells . . . this was an 'outing' her parents just had to let her come along on. At two she had met a boy, in a chance meeting between two groups of parents, and she learned the world was far different than she had expected . . . there were . . . humans in the world . . . but this one boy was different than all the others . . . FAR different . . .~[/I] 'I've never known you since before now . . .'
OOC: Well . . . there might be other schools you duffer!! *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~ [I]Sere sits, staring out the window at the scenery, her body there, but her mind and soul trapped in the same familiar dream that had been haunting her since her 9th birthday. She stays in that position for a while, but jerks awake, her wand pointed straight at Liam's neck, and a powerful curse she had never known before rising in her throat.[/I] Liam: :stares at the wand: Er . . . um . . . at least we know you're alive . . . and kicking . . . :turns back, and continues talking to Amber: [I]Sere sighs, humiliated for being caught so off guard, and reaches for her journal. She finds it missing, and alarmed, doesn't say anything . . . for now . . .[/I]
If ya feel like doin' mine, go ahead, but one thing . . . don't write too much . . . I don't really want my chara to be . . . important . . . right now . . .
:bawl: You're so lucky . . . you can actually write children's stories . . . I've found I can't . . . (This would be considered spam . . .) I need to post, but the plot line hasn't really worked out yet . . . I COULD bring in my chara. . . . I hope . . .