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Everything posted by Sere Tuscumbia
OOC: Oo . . . I don't think we're on the same page Liam-kun . . . I'm talking about the PS and PC Harry Potter game! You don't even involve the Hogwarts Express in those . . . (Oh my gosh! Maybe the PS does! :sweatdrop: I forgot that the PS has a more complicated plot line than the PC!!) *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~ [I]Sere groans, looks up in despair, and grabs Liam's shirt sleeve to keep him from missing the train. They board, and Sere drags Liam to a mildly empty compartment.[/I] You're the only person I know right now so we're sticking together . . . wether you like it or not! [I]She sits down, and immediatly pulls out a small journal. She taps her wand, (12 in., holly, w/ a very special phoenix feather) on one of the pages. It reveals a small, cracked, and very yellow picture of her parents. She smiles, and looks out the window, putting the small journal on the seat next to her.[/I] Liam: :shrugs and sits, staring around the train in amazement: [I]Sere's face grows solemn, and she looks over at Liam, who is looking out the window of the Hogwarts Express.[/I]((Did anyone notice in the movie that you could see the camera crew in the windows of the Hogwarts Express?)) Do you have parents to wave goodbye to Liam . . ?
And you expect ME to come up with something?! Being the writer that I am (I mean it . . . I have more than two novels started that I hope to get published someday!) I'm all drained in the creative juices! EUREKA!!! I remembered what my animal was!! A PANTHER!!! I just love panthers! :D :D
[I]Sere Tuscumbia, a small 11 yr. old nervous wreck, pushes her way through the crowd to Platforms 9 & 10. Staring at them confused, she tries to remember what Hagrid had told her about Platform 9&3/4 . . .[/I] You just . . . you just . . . [I]Sere groans, her normally excellent memory failing her in her time of need. She paces in front of the platform wall, muttering absentmindedly, and smacks right into another child with a cart just like her.[/I] ???: Hey, watch it! Sere: Oh sorry . . . [I]she smacks her hand into her fist, causing a small group of passerbys to stop walking and stare.[/I] You walk right in between the wall! [I]Pumping her fist into the air, she grabs her cart and promptly smacks into the boy again.[/I] ???: I said, watch where you're going! ((I've been playing the Harry Potter game too much! That's what one of the Slytherins says!! (to me at least))) Sere: Oh god! I'm sorry! [I]She stares from his cart, to him, then to his cart again, and back to him.[/I] Excuse me . . . are you going to Hogwarts . . ?
OOC: :whistles innocently, and looks around as if she hasn't been doing anything: Everyone: :stares at her: Sere: What? I didn't have any sinister part in Ginny-chan's kidnapping!:devil: Everyone: :rolleyes: *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~
I'm joining (Sowy Rico-chan . . . I don't do PMs . . . ) Name: Selen Blacknight Age: 15 Human/Hybrid: Hybrid Animal: (:bashes her head against a wall: What was its name?!) Abilities: 1. Stealth--The ability to creep unseen-day or night. 2. Telepathy--The ability to sense other's thoughts and feelings-only slightly though. 3. Shift--The ability to change age and appearance-can only hold for a medium amount of time. Description: Selen Blacknight was always one who favored the shadows. She never went out much, and if she did . . . it was in the dark of night. You give her a job, she'll normally carry it out, no matter how bloody hard the job is. Is one for sneaking in at the last moment, and helping one in trouble, but that's a rare occasion. Has barely any evidence of her animal, and fits in w/ the crowd(I have to go now so I'll finish this post later! Sorry for not finding this thread earlier! I'm sure I've caused a couple headaches!!)
Wow! This is good! Keep writing! I think this is going to be a post I check up upon frequently . . . :D :D :love:
Sere: :sits down next to a small fire, grabbing a small block of wood, and pulling out her army knife. She goes to work and starts to whittle. What? She doesn't know: :hums absentmindedly: [I]A few hours later . . .[/I] Sere: :puts down the finished piece, and walks into one of the huts. She sits down, back against the wall, and falls asleep:
OOC: I do believe my name is Sere . . . NOT Sera . . . *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~ [I]Sere smiles, standing apart from the group, as they talk among themselves.[/I] They have so much to learn, don't they Buttermon? [I]Buttermon rests on her shoulder, checking over her wings time and time again, then finally stops and sighs.[/I] I guess . . . they've learned so much already . . . [I]Sere's face grows grim, and she walks off toward the direction of the lake, ready for a relaxing swim, not knowing that there's danger lurking near. It didn't help that there was a large hole in the ground in front of her.[/I] What in the . . ? This wasn't here before . . . at least . . . I don't . . . [I]She stops in mid sentence, the feeling in the back of her mind growing stronger, as her feet direct her closer and closer to the evil down below.[/I] [I]Buttermon tries to pull Sere away, failing, and steps back.[/I] Buttermon digivolve to . . . RAVIENMON!!! [I]Ravienmon grabs Sere in her paws, and flies up, Sere straining to break free. [/I] Sere: Lettme go, you big lump of fur! I need . . . I need down there! I WANT down there! [I]Ravienmon, a sorrowful look on her face, flies over the hole, hoping that it isn't too late to rescue Sere from the grip of evil . . .[/I]
Oooo . . . that's nice . . . I like!! :D :D :D
Um . . . yeah . . . I'm glad I dun do drugs or [SIZE=3]junk[/SIZE] like that . . .
Ooooo . . . I don't think it would be good for Sere to bump into Kontan . . . that would be VERY, [SIZE=3]VERY[/SIZE] bad!! Trust me on this one!!! :has some sinister plan brewing in her head: :devil:
Does it have to be from anime? If it does . . . Good God! How do you expect me to remember a quote?! Otherwise . . . 'It is foolish, it is destructive, it is . . . human.' Babylon 5-Hour of the Wolf (No . . . I don't watch that show, I just found it on this site!) 'This is the final resting place of dead stars. These butterflies are the last fire of the stars. The line of butterflies flying to their end will never stop.' ~Soul Hunter Sailor Heavymetal Papillon-Sailor Moon StarS Book 3 Act 7 'It might be far in the future . . . but, until then . . . let's live on. Even on a black and empty street . . . if we go together . . . we might one day find something . . . like the moon that floats in the darkness.'~Shinji Ikari-Neon Genesis Evanglion Book 3 Act 5 *~*~~*~*~~ That's all!!
OOC: Where am I? Where are YOU GUYS?! Someone bring me in PLEASE!!!!! *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~
Either Melfina or Aisha . . . they are tied . . ! [SIZE=1]Anyone else think that Fred is gay?[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Come on . . . think about it for a while . . .[/SIZE] Oh and Q_A, did you ever see the last eppie of Outlaw Star? Melfina and Gene got together . . .
OOC: Poor Liam's a mudblood! :devil: You can bet I'm gonna rub that in . . ! :devil: BTW-- When we gonna start this Liam-kun? *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*``
OOC: :shrugs: Dun ask me . . . I don't even know where Sere is!! *~*~~~*~*~~*~*~~
Sere: :watches as Rex runs past the group, his pants on fire: That boy needs [I]serious[/I] help . . . Rex: :heading in the direction of the ocean: OW!!!! OW!! OWWWWWWWW!!!!! Sere: : picks up the coconut, throws, and smacks Rex squarely in the noggin, making him crumple, out cold: Roast Rex anyone? :devil:
Sere: :walks back to camp, the fish cleaned and stored, to arrive upon Liam and Rex advancing upon a confused Kool: What in the world are you two doing?! Rex/Liam: :turns around to Sere::devil: Ehehehehehehe . . . Sere: : promptly bashes Liam on the head and he falls over, out like a light: :shrugs, when Kool looks at her strangely: Hey, it worked!
OOC: You guys know any good ways to bring me into the story? *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~ [I]Sere walks along, the Crest of Serenity bouncing gently on her necklace string, and Buttermon flying beside her. She felt as if she were home again, she quite literally was. She stopped, and fingered the crest, as she felt the same small power tugging at the back of her mind.[/I] It's back Buttermon, and it's not happy . . . [I]Buttermon, her face creased into a frown of worry, flies down to the side of the riverbank, scooping up the clear, crisp water into her hands.[/I] Again Sere? It's been doing this for a month now . . . aren't you worried? [I]Sere shakes her head, and smiles down at Buttermon, bending down and running her own hands through the water.[/I] Why should I be worried Buttermon? It's always been this way . . . always . . .
The only reason the other HP failed was EVERYONE LEFT!!! *~*~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~ Name:Sere Tuscumbia Year: 1st (House: Gryffindor) Bio&Desc.:Same as the last RPG. *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~ Wether you like it or not, I'm the alternate seeker! That's how my chara. has been, and will STAY!!!
Sere: :turns away from Rex/Neo and finishes her walk to the beach: :sighs: It's really peaceful . . . :sits down and starts to finish her clay pot: [I]:several minutes later:[/I] Sere: :is finally finished w/ her pot, and sets it to rest w/ all of the other pots in the little shed she built for herself: Now . . . time for some fishing . . . :pulls out the spear she built and wades out into the ocean:
I have a couple . . . they're a bit . . . happier . . . Dark, drab world Empty grayness Surrounding everything Open a door And enter into a world Of color Look back The drab world Holds you prisoner No longer Shut the door Be free *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~ He stands Defending his land The luxurious sword He holds in his hand He swings And it meets Metal against metal Sword against sword Each crash creating a Quiet riot of its own SilverFox against SilverEagle The master finally met His match *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~ That's all for now . . . until I can find more . . . I have tons I've written and now I CAN'T FIND THEM!!! :wigout: :wigout:
RPG Lord of the Rings: Worriors year of the Ring
Sere Tuscumbia replied to Lord Sephiroth's topic in Theater
Name: Selen Bluehawk Age: About 16 Race: A mixture, you could call her a mutt. Job: She has none, for she works alone, traveling from town to town, in search of whatever work is needed. Weapons: A medium sword, for she is smaller than most, and a bow and arrows. Bio: Abandoned by parents she never knew, Selen was raised by a peddler traveling to various towns. She spent most of her time in Rivendell, training herself for challenges she never thought would come. Description: Long silver-white hair pulled up into a tightly braided ponytail, all black clothing, with a black cape w/ hood to top it all off. Her sword rests at her side, and her B&As are slung across her back. Metal armor covers most of her outfit. -
OOC: ACK! I haven't been here for FOUR WHOLE DAYS!!!!!:wigout: Oh well . . . I guess it's punishment for being sick . . . *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~ Sere: :walks out of a random hut, holding a half-finished clay pot: Wonderful! Fruit! :grabs a random fruit, then walks off to the beach to catch some fish and finish her pot: Thanks Chole!
Oooo . . . I have a chara. but I still need to draw her properly, her looks keep on changing! Her name is Sere Tuscumbia. She is a loner of sorts, never really joining one group, but mingling when needed. She works alone, seemingly calm and collected, but inside, her mind is in turmoil. Although she may look human to most, the blood of a cursed race runs through her veins, mixing w/ the little human blood she has. She carries a large sword by her side, and it is rumored that she is the only one to wield it, for all other are burned upon touching it. (I'm starting to run out of things to say . . .) Her age ranges, for she is considered by most immortal, but immortal she is not. An excellent swordsman, most that have met her have not lived to tell the tale. In desperate situations, she pulls out her trusted gun, an Eagle. (This is getting long, no? I think I'll stop and leave the rest for later!)