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Sere Tuscumbia

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Everything posted by Sere Tuscumbia

  1. Oooo . . . can I have my own chara. PLEASE?! Pretty pleaz, w/ sugar on top? I have the whole story thought up . . . can I PLEASE?!
  2. OOC: Hey, it's 11:00 P.M. here and I gotta get off . . . Ja ne! BTW-- What time is it there Liam? *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~ Sere: :sweatdrop: Isn't there any way to turn this thing off? I'm starting to get tired of having you hang around all the time . . . :turns and walks off, Liam floating behind her: :turns around: :flaming: God! Won't this thing JUST TURN OFF?! :Liam suddenly falls to the ground: :wow: Why didn't I think of that?
  3. OOC: I'll get you someday Liam . . . trust me . . . I WILL! [SIZE=1]All of a sudden I feel like Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget . . .[/SIZE] *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~ Sere: :walks back and warms herself by the fire, resisting the pull of sleep:
  4. Sere: :blulaugh: I :giggle: never :snort: thought :snicker: she would :snicker giggle: do that! :falls over laughing at the expression on Liam's face: Liam: . . .
  5. OOC: Bah humbug! I've done that too! I've gotten to plenty of auditions and gotten a damn good scoring too! AND I'M IN HONOR CHOIR!!! (I've also sang at theme parks too . . . no biggie . . . ) Woody . . . in your post . . . Liam just sang the answer to the riddle!!! :haha: :rotflmao: :blulaugh: :laugh: *~*~~*~*~~
  6. OOC: Speaking of Christmas Carols I have a little riddle: What's this carol? 'Rotund personification favricated of compressed mounds of minute crystals of frozen water' Ha! GUESS!!! *~*~~*~*~~ Sere: :walks and sits under the waterfall: [SIZE=1]We three kings of Orient are, tried to smoke a rubber cigar . . .[/SIZE] Sere: :rolleyes: Liam CAN'T sing . . .
  7. Sere: :looks from the berry war to Liam: We AREN'T going anywhere soon . . . :rolleyes: Not with Nani running around in that . . . mess . . . Nani: :comes out of the bushes an extremely colorful dragon: Sere: :rotflmao:
  8. OOC: Now Liam's gone REALLY insane this time! :runs off screaming: *~*~~*~*~~ Sere: :sneaks a wreath and shoves it on Liam's head: Go put christmas up somewhere else, insane boy . . . :walks off to meditate under the waterfall:
  9. Yay! More Digi stuff!! Name: Sere Tuscumbia Gender: Female Crest: Serenity(the eye of Horus) Personality: She is one of the calm, cool members of the group. Can be goofy at times, but mostly keeps her emotions inside. Little does everyone else know, she has a deep, dark secret that could endanger the DD's very existance . . . Description: American, with silvery-white hair pulled up into a tightly braided ponytail. She's one for simple clothes, jeans and a T-Shirt. Digimon: Fresh: Jinzimon In-Training: Laviamon Rookie: Buttermon Champion: Ravienmon Ultimate: Lilacmon Mega: (Uh . . . she's never digivolved that far yet . . . )
  10. OOC: yea! Now I have someone to order around! :devil: BAH!! I have Writer's Block! I :bang: hate :bang: Writer's :bang: BLOCK!! :bang: Heeeeellllppp me!! I really don't know where to come in!:bawl: *~*~~*~*~~ Sere: :sits aside and giggles as the berry war rages on: Nani: :jumps into the fight, hoping to catch some berries to eat:
  11. Sere: :walks in: Uh . . . steal a time machine from somewhere? Invade the egg people and steal a time machine? I don't know!:huh:
  12. Heh . . . Name: Kat Tuscumbia (sere is a little strange for this . . .) Age: 19 Job: Cashier(takes the orders)
  13. Bah . . . writer's block . . . save a spot for me k?
  14. OOC: Hey sorry! I haven't been able to post for a while . . . my 'rents seem to think that getting on the internet during the day is EVIL . . .
  15. [I]Sere walks in and sticks her sword tip into the ground.[/I] Don't forget me!
  16. OOC: My god! Did ya'll forget the rest of us?! I have no idea where to bring myself in!! I guess I'll leave THAT to ya'll . . . *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~
  17. OOC: :wigout: Everyone just STOP for a minute and let me catch up! You guys are SERIOUSLY stressing me out!!! I'm gone for ONE day and you post TWO or MORE pages!! If this keeps up . . . *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~ [I]Sere sits, curled up, with her arms around her knees, pondering just when the leader will find her, and if he's even noticed yet. [/I] He shouldn't notice, not if that spell works correctly. [I]She stares out at the sunrise, her mind filled with troubling thoughts of old wars.[/I] War . . . it's back to it's old tricks. Eluding the eyes and mind until it's too late to notice the damage . . .
  18. OOC: Hey guys, please don't vote me off 'cause I never seem to do anything! Yesterday I was banished from the Internet so I wasn't able to post all day! PLUS . . . X-Mas is coming up and FINALS are in a few days! I'm not gonna be on much and this sounds like fun! :runs and hides behind the cameraman: Don't hurt me!! It isn't my fault!!! *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~ Sere: :eyes cameraman enviously: I wish I had your job . . . :turns to group: Maybe we should build littler huts for the food rations and fish a little more inland . . . like nearer to the jungle. Then it would be less likely to be blown away if there's another storm like or worse than that last one! Group: :looks at jungle, then looks back at Sere: You're building them! Sere: :walks off, searching for wood to build the small huts:
  19. [I]Sere smiles and laughs lightly.[/I] In very big trouble . . . it seems that I've been found out for what I am, and been kept under lock and key. I had to take care of a few guards to get here . . . and you don't even need to tell me something is wrong . . . I'm sure everyone can feel it, human or not.
  20. Sere: :smiles softly up at the fading moons, then looks back down at Zack: I don't know . . . I really don't know . . . you said one voice . . . :curls up and puts her arms around her knees: Why only one voice . . ? And why you . . ? Why were [I]we[/I] called? What is our purpose . . ? :looks up again at the brightening sky:
  21. [I]Sere lands somewhere near the meeting point and walks the rest of the way, Anai at her side. She arrives, and bows deeply to Zack.[/I] You called, and I came . . . how may I help? [I]She looks up, and waits for his reply.[/I]
  22. Sere: :dream state:[I]Mommy? Where are you mommy? It's dark and cold here mommy. Someone's chasing me mommy, and I'm scared! Why did you bring me here mommy?! Why did you leave?! Why did you and daddy leave me here?! I don't know how to do anything with my power without you mommy! Mommy, the bad person is chasing me! He chased you too, make him go away! I don't want to be alone! Come back mommy! Come back![/I] :screams and sits up, her hand clamped over her mouth: :uncovers her mouth and starts crying: This wasn't supposed to happen . . . I thought the dreams had stopped, the haunting voices gone . . . but then . . . this comes along and I'm right back at square one . . . again . . .
  23. Sere: :puts a hand on her chest, hoping to stop the pain: Voice? You only heard one voice? I heard several . . . they were . . . :gasps and cries out: No! They were . . ! :blacks out as the pain overwhelmes her:
  24. Sere: :looks around and sighs: It's different . . . but familiar . . . so familiar . . . Zack: To Earth? Sere: No . . . I feel I've been here before . . . long ago . . . :gasps in pain and almost falls off the limb: Something . . . is very, very wrong . . .
  25. Sere: :stares back at Zack and shrugs: It wouldn't hurt . . . and there's more safety in numbers . . . might as well introduce myself while I'm still alive . . . I'm Sere Tuscumbia: semi-normal girl pulled into really strange world. :curtsies: Nice to meet you Zack.
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