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Sere Tuscumbia

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Everything posted by Sere Tuscumbia

  1. I'll join . . . just to annoy the heck outta ya'll . . . Name: (why do you even ask?) Sere Tuscumbia Age: 15 (hey, it's close enough to my real age!) Description: Too lazy . . .
  2. [I]Sere looked up from her book[/I] Something's not right . . . [I]She had been living an almost normal life. Most thought she was a regular human, but only a select few knew that Sere was a rider.[/I] This disturbance is different . . . much different . . . [I]Sere walked into the backroom of the small cottage. There was all the weapons and clothing needed to start on the mission. It wasn't going to be easy to escape the ever watchful eyes of the leader. He had become interested of her long walks in the woods, and had then on been watching her very closely. [/I] This won't take long . . . [I]Sere packed her things, then ran into the forest. Her life-long companion, Anai, was waiting.[/I] Are you ready Anai? Anai: Why wouldn't I be? Sere: Let's go! You know the way . . . *~*~~*~*~~ OOC: It isn't gryphin! It's G-R-I-F-F-I-N!!!!
  3. Sere: Took you long enough to notice me. Ok . . . you're human, you're obviously stuck in the same situation as me, now what's your name? And another thing: Who were you with? I know a person who looks like you wouldn't dare talk to themselves . . . or would you?
  4. OOC: My sister invaded the computer to show me smilies . . . I woulda posted sooner . . . *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~ Sere: People . . . maybe . . . :walks in the direction of the now dissapated voices: :arrives just in time to see someone scramble up onto a branch: Hey you! What ya doin' way up there? And are you human or not?!
  5. Sere: :sits up: Ow . . . where am I? :looks around: I musta hit my head harder than I thought . . . :sighs: Oh well, might as well look for any hint of . . . life . . . :looks above and shivers: So dark . . . any light around here? :all of a sudden, a small light appears in her hand: :wow: That wasn't supposed to happen . . . :finally notices the tree she's standing beside: I place to spend the night . . . :sits and watches the unfamiliar stars:
  6. Sere: :staggers up: I'll take care of Marcus . . . you need to take care of Akira. He won't last long . . . :mutters: I hope he is strong . . . It would be my guess that he's going to join his father . . ..
  7. Name: Sere Tuscumbia (am I always the only gal?) Age: 17 Main Skill: Soul's Blood Fav. L.R.: Sniper Rifle and other weapons Fav. S.R.: Sword and one other weapon later on... Appearance: Same as other RPG's History: her parents were part of a large team of rebels when one of the team betrayed them and lead them right into a Rancor ambush. She has vowed to get them back, no matter what. Team: None, she works better alone in her fight.
  8. Ooo fun . . . ya'll are getting me so addicted to this . . . Name: (what else?) Sere Tuscumbia Age: 16 Weapons: A sword, her magic, and an Eagle Abilities: I'll say that later Appeareance: The same as other RPGs Bio: Sere Tuscumbia was summoned from her nearly normal life back on Earth, to visit a planet she never knew . . . or did she?
  9. Sere Tuscumbia


    What do you take me for, a stupid moron? I'd [I]never[/I] do that to my own country! I'd feel bad if I did that! Wouldn't you? (That was confusing, wasn't it?)
  10. Sere: :walks in and quickly dispatches of a mercenary that refused to die: You missed one . . . *~*~~*~*~~ Name: Sere Tuscumbia (no suprise there) Age: 15 Skills: Shadow magic, swordfighting Weapons: Shadow sword, her magic, and a Eagle Team: Young warriors
  11. Sere Tuscumbia


    Oh I wouldn't call it a waste of a building . . . not if we used one of the Taliban's building's and one of their planes . . . we would just be using the Golden Rule, 'Treat others the way you want to be treated.'
  12. Sere Tuscumbia


    I say we should stick Bin Stupid in a building and fly a plane full of explosives into it . . . give him what he gave us . . . Oh and put all his little friends in the plane . . . teach them a lesson too . . .
  13. Sere: Not good . . . not good at all . . . :Angel fires off a shot and 03 dodges: :something in the Eva beeps: :looks up: What the . . ? :gets hit by the angel's second blast head on: Yuriko: Sere, what's going on? Sere?! Sere: :silence: :the Eva's eyes dull out, Sere unconscious in the cockpit:
  14. Sere: :shrieks: This can't be! It [I]can't[/I] be! :holds her head as she falls to her knees: He died! Marcus had died years before! I hadn't meant to kill him! I didn't mean to!!!! :starts sobbing:
  15. OOC: Wow . . . I've been out of touch, haven't I? *~*~~*~*~~ Nani: :squeak-purrs from down beside Sere's leg: Sere: [I]Seni . . .[/I] :smiles worriedly down at Nani: Not yet Nani . . . not yet . . . [I]We never tried Seni after that . . . are we really ready?[/I] :absentmindedly: Are we ready . . ?
  16. I'm gonna back off on signing off for now (writer's block!) but save a space for me k?
  17. Name: Sere Tuscumbia (What did you think it was going to be?) Animal: Ravienie (dun ask, made it up myself. looks almost like a gryffin) Animal type: Shadows( again . . . dun ask!) Name: Anai Descriptions for both: Sere- A 16 yr. old girl dressed all in black most of the time. Her silver-white hair is pulled up into a tightly braided ponytail and she wears a exquisite sword at her side at all times. Anai-A black gryffin-like creature who's body is shaded in tones of black and gray. Raised by Sere for most of her life and in turn, as raised Sere right back. Both have formed a strong mental bond w/ each other and have an interesting secret . . .
  18. Sere: :walks down the hall, preoccupied w/ her thoughts: :bumps into a young man carrying a skateboard: Yipes! Sorry! ???: What are [I]you[/I] doing here? Sere: Pilot of unit 03 . . . what are [I]you[/I] doing here?
  19. OOC: Uh . . . I think I'll stay out of this until ya'll can bring me back in . . . *~*~~*~*~~
  20. Sere: :stares at Zack warily, her hand on the hilt of her sword: [I]Careful now Nani . . .[/I] Nani: :purrs: [I]I know . . . I know . . .[/I] :chomps down lightly on one of Zack's fingers: Sere: :giggles as Zack pulls back his hand: That's just her way of saying she likes you! Zach: Likes me?! She bit me! Sere: :shrugs: Interpret that any way you like . . . I'm saying she likes you . . !
  21. OOC: It's ok . . . you're forgiven . . . I had forgotten that you were stupider than me. j/k! Anti: :flaming: Sere: I was kidding!!! :runs behind Liam: Save me!! *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~ Sere: : points back at Liam: Friend? :scoffs: Hardly! Zack: Oh really? Then what is he doing here? Sere: I had to drag him along . . . Zack: Yeah whatever . . . :rolleyes: Sere: :grrrr: :flaming: And for your information, Nani was given to me from birth!
  22. OOC: You guys need to get it through your heads . . . I'm NOT human!!! *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~ Sere: Nani!!! I thought . . . :hugs the dragon: Nani: [I]Thought what?[/I] Sere: [I]That I was going to lose you . . . again . . .[/I] :stands and walks to Akira: Thank you, I'm very grateful . . . :curtsies: I'm Seren Tuscumbia, but you can call me Sere, and this is my ignorant little troublemaker Nani. Liam: Forgetting about someone? Sere: :rolleyes: Oh . . . and that's Liam . . . I brought him along for the trip. Your name is . . ?
  23. Name: (what else?) Sere Tuscumbia Gender: F Age: 16 Stone: I'm thinking . . . WRITER'S BLOCK!!! Dragon's name: Nani Bio: Again . . . can't think . . . Weapons: Whip and large, detailed sword (whips are fun . . .) Special Abilities: Lettme think . . .
  24. Sere: Human or vampire dominant? Liam: What's it look like? Sere: Ooookkkk . . . human. Liam: :sarcastic: No really, I thought the vamp . . . Sere: :interuppts by claming a hand over his mouth: Shh . . . Nani . . . Nani's over there . . . :points in the direction of the hidden Sky Riders:
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