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Sere Tuscumbia

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Everything posted by Sere Tuscumbia

  1. [size=1]bleh. I had gotten the banner dimensions wrong on the first banner, so I scrapped it and got a new one. It's the same picture (just placed differently) and I placed the text differently. . . . I'm happier with this one. --Sere[/size]
  2. [size=1]*sobsob* I have yet to get a job. I mean, I [b]could[/b] get a job (me being a month and some handfuls of days away from being 16) but the fact that I don't have a Driver's License (or even a Learner's Permit! I'm so horrible!) complicates things a little bit. However, since I live on the main street of town (71st street and right by the mall) there's a lot of stores and fast food places (and gas places) that I can get to either by walking or biking. I needa job though. ¬¬;;; Mmmooonnnnneeeeyyyyy . . . --Sere[/size]
  3. [size=1]This banner was just a completely on-the-spot sort of thing. Saw the picture, fell in love with it, and came up with the banner. Picture is [URL=http://fray.ksturgeon.com]Kyla Sturgeon's[/URL], and I thank her muchly. And thus, my poor little banner. *sobsob* May be pitiful, but I'm proud of it. --Sere[/size]
  4. [size=1] . . . I'm kinda [b]iffy[/b] about the ideas of Mary Sue's. Because I do write fanfiction occasionally (although it is rare nowadays), and when I do, I normally have one of my characters inserted into the plot line. But, however, once upon a time, I was working on one of my original works of fiction, and my sister walked by and claimed me to be a Mary Sue. And also, I have to disagree with the first part of what Devidramon said. Sometimes, yes, a feminine character may have this out-of-this-world name, and she may come from some well-to-do family, but that does not automatically make her a Mary Sue. Because one of my characters has an unusual name (I think that Serenity Bliss Tuscumbia is a bit weirder than most people accept), and she comes from a wealthy background, but Serenity isn't a Mary Sue. Most people are going to have some element of a Mary Sue in their story (whether they be male or female. Male Mary Sue's do exist) but that doesn't mean that they are indeed MS's. It depends on the elements of the story/plotline/whatever, and how well thought out the character is. Your character may be stronger than most, but as long as you have a plausible back-story (think Wolverine) and your character is still a very human character (they have their faults, weaknesses, etc.) then I don't believe that makes them MS's. And that's my two cents (although I think that most of it made no sense) --Sere[/size]
  5. [size=1]Well, weird things that I would do when I was little? Well, once I ate a snapping beetle . . . ^^;; Also, when I was little, both my sister and I went through the "I don't want to wear clothes" phase. Except after we stripped all of our clothes off, we would run outside. And then Dad would have to catch us and put our clothes back on, but we would just strip them off again and go running outside. ^^;;; I mean, all kids do weird things, so I think actually what I did when I was little was pretty normal. Although when I was little, I ate so many orange-coloured foods that my skin colour was orange. When my parents took my sister to the doctor (and since I was still a ickle baby, I went too) the nurse thought that I was sick or something. ^^;;; --Sere[/size]
  6. [size=1]Bwhahahahaha. Fear me and my manga obsession! Lettsee. My favourite mangas would have to be Chobits, Love Hina, Wish, X/1999, Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind, Sailor Moon (yes, I am a SM fan!), and CardCaptor Sakura (which is pretty much what I own right now). Either than that, pretty much any manga that I can get my hands on. Luckily, I have this kick-arse manga store just down the street from my house (literally!) that I can walk to anytime I have a manga craving, but right now I'm broke. T_T;; Really, I'll read any manga that you can throw at me, as long as it doesn't involve shounen-ai/yaoi (yuri also) or something that is too sexually explict (yes, Chobits and Love Hina are like that, but they're both too cute to turn down!). Wah. I hate TokyoPop, only because they're making me wait for the 7th issue of Chobits. I want my Chobits! *cries* But, however, if you can get your hands on it, I recommend trying to find a manga called "MegaTokyo". It is one of the few webmangas ([url]http://www.megatokyo.com[/url]) that has been printed, and MegaTokyo is like liquid crack. I'm not kidding. Then again, webmangas are like liquid crack too . . . (I have 73 so far, and MegaTokyo is one of 'em.) --;;;; --Sere[/size]
  7. [size=1]Mmmm, I actually kinda like this show. Only because I have a Spiderman obsession. O_o;; Which is weird, because I'm phobic of spiders . . . And, yeah, I mean, this looks really, really fake and all, but I think the animation ends up being kinda cute. Like it's trying to be real, but knows that it's fake. So some of the issues on the show make me nuts (like the fact that it's always Peter's friends that are being kidnapped, but they still can't figure out 1) Why Peter isn't there with them, 2) Why they're being called "Spiderman's friends", 3) Why Peter keeps on running off suddenly, then when he returns says that he had to check on some "chemistry thing". It's like Clark Kent and his glasses!) but I like how it shows just what Peter has to go through, you know. He's just trying to get through college and be a normal kid, but everyone still wants to kill him, and his own best friend thinks that Spiderman (him) is the worst person in the world. However, I though that Harry was originally called Harvey, and that Harry was Hobgoblin? I also thought that Harry knew that Peter was Spiderman? O_o;; And if there's one thing that REALLY bugs me about this series, is the fact THAT NONE OF THEM CHANGE CLOTHES. MJ's outfit looks horrible, AND SHE NEVER CHANGES OUT OF IT!!! *dies* But oh well. I think that this series may turn out to be pretty darn good. ^_^ Considering that this is MTV that's showing it, and MTV is known for showing the crap shows . . . >>;;;;; And I really, REALLY like the theme song. That is a really kick-arse theme song. --Sere[/size]
  8. [size=1]Yes, *sobsob* my fishie died. And then it infected my sister's betta fish and he died too. But oh well. My pets? Weeelllll. Okay. Sadie: Welp, her real name is Mercedes, but none of us call her that, so she's our little monster-dog. She's five, but she can still act like a puppy when she wants to. ^_^ Boston-Jack Russel mix, and she has a thing for people's ears. Don't ever let her lick your face, because you'll get your ears attacked. . . . she also sleeps with me, and steals my bed . . . >>;;;; Buddy: Nope, we didn't name him. He's 1, and a Dachshund-Rat Terrier mix, but as kyoot as a button! ^_^ So yeah, he's hyper, and he hasn't been fixed, but he's still sooooo cute! And soft . . . but -- just as Sadie has a thing for ears -- he has a thing for noses. Luckily, he sleeps with Mommy and Daddy. Teddy: Um, I don't really know how old Teddy is, but I'm sure he's getting on in his years. We picked him up as a stray (actually, Mommy used to feed him on the front porch, and then one day he just walked into our house like he belonged there and we kept him) and named him Theodore Roosevelt. I luff my kitty. ^_^ He used to be real bad about clawing people, but now that we've had him for a couple of years, he's just a big lap cat. And he is a BIG lap cat. He currently weighs 17 pounds, I think. But, however big he is, he still has this little, itty-bitty meow. It's so cute. Callie: Yep, if you couldn't have guessed, Callie is a calico. (We're not sure what Teddy is though.) We've had her around for a while, and she is the most annoying creature in this household. I'm not entirely sure everything is there in her head, because she has a problem with not knowing which side of the door she wants on. But she loves us and we love her (or maybe we just feed her and so she sticks around O_o) so everything's all good. And then we have-- Ed: Yes, Ed. The suicidal betta fish. He used to be my sister's (and he'd be the 3rd betta fish she's had)(she didn't take care of Ed, so I got him) but now he just sits on the counter in our kitchen because I got tired of my room smelling like fish. But, yeah, as I said before, Ed has problems. A couple of days ago, when Mum, Sadie, and I got back from the vet, I looked from the empty fish-tank, to the empty glass (where Ed used to be) and went "Oh my God, where's my fish?!" Well, it found out that he must have jumped out of the glass and onto the floor (thank God I didn't step on him!) because none of the other animals were in the house. So, thusly, I have a suicidal betta fish. And that's all my current pets. . . . I wannanother kitty though!!!!!!!!! --Sere[/size]
  9. [size=1]Oh yay, 'nother thing of my name. My OB name (fully) is Serenity Bliss Tuscumbia, but I have it shortened to Sere Tuscumbia. Since I'm really frankly tired of explaining my name, pretty much Sere is me. She started out as a Sailor Moon character, and although she still is, she's evolved into other personalities as well. But pretty much, she's my own original name (although, strangely enough, one of my friends came up with a character with the exact same name . . . O_o) and my own original character. *shrugs* That was so much easier. For my real name, it's a little weirder. (Annie)-pet form of Anne Leigh-Anne: (Leigh) "meadow" (Anne)-Short for Hannah, which means "favour" or "grace" Bliss: Exactly that. "Bliss". Or maybe "happiness", or "child of bliss", but you get the main meaning. Bradley: "Broad clearing". O_o;; Weird name. --Sere Subnote: Stalk me and you die.[/size]
  10. [size=1] . . . what is it with people and hating homophobes? Homphobia is an irrational fear of homosexuality. It's not like they chose to fear it, and they can do nothing about it. It's like a sky-diver hating someone who's phobic of heights. I recommend finding a dictionary if you're unsure what something means. On the art, it's really good. The legs look kinda weird, and there's those scan nasties, but otherwise, I like the picture. --Sere[/size]
  11. [size=1]That is soooo good! How long did it take you to do this? (I wanna do stuff like that!) All I have is praise, I love your work! ^__________^ (( Have you thought about/started a webcomic? You should, you're good enough! )) --Sere[/size]
  12. [size=1] . . . I would proceed to enjoy life as usual. *shrug* Otakuboards really isn't that big of a place in my life. I've spent time away, and I'd have to say, I'd most likely draw more. Yep, I'd def. draw more. . . . I now have the urge to draw . . . O_o;; --Sere[/size]
  13. [size=1] . . . Wow, I consider myself lucky. As far as I can remember, nothing like that has happened in Tulsa . . . O_o;; Although Lousiana was a nightmare. I'm highly allergic to mosquito bites, and I also attract mosquitos like nobody's business. And where did Mum and Dad decide to take a trip to the [b]very first day[/b] in Lousiana? The swamps. God, talk about evil killer mosquitos. The crickets are big in Lousiana . . . o_o;; --Sere[/size]
  14. [size=1]Somewhere along this whole trip, Trance died. Or ran away. Or got abducted by rosin eating zombies from outer space. Or maybe just disappeared off of the face of the Earth, but either way it happened, Trance went away. But no one really cared. Anyway, onto ze posting. */-/* Nina was trying her best to keep out of the way while Leona was finishing up her speech, but it wasn't easy. The Captain and his men, however military and disciplined they were trained to be, were still men, and Nina wasn't liking the looks she was getting from some of the soldiers. "--And I'd like for a messenger to be sent for my brother and the rest of his men, if you would kindly oblige," Leona said, tilting her head slightly to look up at the Captain as innocently as possible. "Anything for the Princess," the Captain replied -- sickly sweet, Nina thought -- bowing deeply, but keeping his eyes locked onto Leona at all times. "You! There!" he yelled to someone in the crowd. "Find Her Majesty's guards and guide them here at once!" The man picked pushed his way out of the crowd, bowed, then turned tail and disappeared out the front flap of the tent. After a few minutes of listening to small chatter throughout the crowd, Nina got uneasy. "Come on Jonathon," she muttered to herself, "we haven't got all day here. Well okay, we do, but that's not the point--" "You underestimate me," Jonathon interrupted, chuckling into Nina's earpiece, and she jumped in surprise. "We're already here." Nina turned her head to the entrance, and, as she expected, Jonathon stepped through the doorway, a smug look on his face as he faced the Captain. "I believe I'm needed here?" The look on the Captain's face was priceless, but he quickly straightened it and look Jonathon in the eye. "So the messenger found you then? Where is he?" "I need no messenger, Captain. My sister had already requested I arrive, and I came." Nina had to cover her smile, unless she wanted to attract attention to herself. A simple handmaiden like her wouldn't want attention like that, she told herself. "Did you see the messenger on your journey to the tent?" Nina heard the Captain ask as she tuned into the conversation again. "No messenger, I'm afraid, sir. We saw no one but the townspeople in their homes, sir." Jonathon looked completely sincere, but Nina knew he was having quite a lot of fun. "No matter, no matter," the Captain quickly said, waving his hand to hide his surprise and embarrassment. "I'm sure he just took a different route to find you, and you passed each other without noticing. He'll return later." Jonathon bowed slightly. "Very well sir." Nina's vision blurred for a moment, and she blinked to clear it, one hand going up to her forehead to steady herself. That small movement attracted the Captain's attention, and he pointed at her. "Miss, are you related to the Her Majesty also?" It took a second for Nina to realize that she had drifted to Jonathon's side, and was resting a hand on his upper arm to steady herself. Jonathon looked down at her, blinked in surprise for a moment, then quickly wrapped an arm around Nina's waist. "No sir, she isn't. Although every handmaiden needs a personal escort," he said, looking pointedly at the Captain. "She's really quite flighty, I'm sorry to say, and she must not have realized what she was doing. You really must excuse her." Nina blinked once, twice, and then what Jonathon said finally sunk in. "You are [B]so[/B] completely dead when we get out of here," she spoke over the comm. "I know," Jonathon replied, but he grinned anyway. */-/* Yeah, I didn't use le flowery talk and such, but hey, don't like it anyway. >>;; And, yes, I'm going somewhere with this, but I pulled most of this out of the air when Liam told me to post. ^^;;; --Sere[/size]
  15. [size=1]Ahhh, you should have used a more original picture of Eva 01. Maybe one of her out of her armour/braces and all wild and such. ^_~ I also like the Tsukasa one. It's very simple, but pleasing to the eye. ^_^ Enjoyable. --Sere[/size]
  16. [size=1]It's wonderful art (kudos to the artist!), but you are a sick, sick person. And that's all I have to say. --Sere P.S. Yes, if you haven't noticed, I am very much an anti-yaoi fangirl. If you don't like that fact, then go shove your head through a wall. I don't care and I'm entitled to my own opinion. So nyah.[/size]
  17. [size=1]I have to say, that I really like the 3rd on the best. The first one is . . . off in some way (I think it's the text), the second one . . . well, it's blurry. It looks funky. But the third looks nice. ^_^ I think that the text matches, and it's all-in-all a cute picture. ^_^ --Sere P.S. Maladjusted, I think your banner is just [B]sick.[/B] Do you have some sort of mental problem?[/size]
  18. [size=1]I . . . I -- [B]wow[/B]. I would die to draw Chi like you. The only complaint that I have is that her side-hair doesn't look so much like Chi's. It's all too thick, with the first part (before the hair . . . thing . . . ) supposed to be bunchy, and then thinning out near the bottom. And the actual hair tie/clip/thingamabob is much smaller. Gomen, just had to say that. ^^;; But it's beautiful, really. My jaw just kinda dropped when I saw it. ^_^ *huggles the Chi fanart* --Sere[/size]
  19. [SIZE=1]Haha, I post. */-/* "Hey!" Nina shouted to an arriving Jonathon, cupping her hands around her mouth to amplify the sound. "Why don't [B]we[/B] get to go too?! I want off this stupid cart already!" The expression on Jonathon's face as he pulled himself back up into the cart to plunk down next to Nina spoke volumes. Volumes, as in, 'I know you're just joking, but I'd still like to maim you for that.'. "You're icky," she teased, scooting away, but scooted right back when the random techie next to her made a face and poked her shoulder. "But, okay, no, seriously: who's the new chick?" Nina moved to nudge Jonathon, then looked at him and pulled her arm back. Jonathon looked over his shoulder at the trembling girl, Trance sitting next to her (her arm stiff around the girl's shoulders) with back rod-straight, clearly livid. "Just some girl that we rescued from Formorians," he muttered quietly. Nina whistled, and leaned in closer to Jonathon. "Formorians? Already? You've got to be [B]kidding[/B] me. It's . . . it's just . . . " "Not a thing you would have thought of?" "Yeah, exactly." */-/* Yeah, postie cut short because of time, and I only posted because Liam woulda killed me, and then Kath would have raised me from the dead and killed me again. Heheh. ^^;; --Sere (It's nice to be back.)[/SIZE]
  20. Nwyar. I have to say I like #3 the best. It's just cool. ^_^ And although I'm not a Leggy fan (mainly because [B]everyone else does[/B]) I have to say that the 3rd makes him look all nice and sexy and stuff. ^_~ So #3 is it for me! --Sere
  21. Augh. Posty in the morning. got to sleep. --sere
  22. [SIZE=1]Bwhahahahahaha. ^_^ I always knew you'd bring this back. And, of course, you know who I am. ^_~ Someone's gotta be Nina (and considering I was her [B]last[/B] time . . . *shifty*)! ^_^ --Sere *EDIT* And saying how little I know about Nina, *shrug* Liam'll have to tell ya. ^_^[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]EEE!! The chibi is just so kyoot!!! Such a bishie! You're really good with chibis!!! You should try some more, and possibly either mess with the brightness of the picture, or ink the picture so the chibi's will show up better. ^_^ Otherwise, I really, really like! --Sere[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Ah, I see what you're talkin' 'bout now. Hmm. I never thought about that. O_o;; It always looked fine to me. *goes off to find the book* Lettme see if Renga does that . . . Oo;; --Sere[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Hee. Your siggie makes me laugh. Ok, so I'm mentioned like, once, and it's just my little meek part (right after I duct taped Ger-ger's mouth shut), but god, that was funny. ^_^ And man, you really enjoy being married, don't you Syk? However, I'm going to tell you right now, if you hurt Mei in any way, I will beat you to death with a shovel. Jus' 'cause I have to look out for my little sissy. ^_^ However, I agree with Piro. You and Mei can have the grandchildren first. I mean, I may be the oldest of the daughters, and yeah, I'm married and all, but geez! It's not like I'm gonna be having kids anytime soon!!!! And yeppie, Mei-mei, I am going to be looking out after you. Just because I get to. Because you're my little sissy, and I now have that right. ^_~ Get used to it! --Sere[/SIZE]
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