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Everything posted by Sere Tuscumbia
If Forte gets Armadillomon, then that means I get Renamon!! Cool!! :love:
Sere: : puts her hands on her hips: You're gonna have to make me tell, Mr. I'm-A-Hybrid-So-I'm-Better-Than-Everyone-Else. And don't even bother w/ trying to read my thoughts anymore . . . one reader can block another . . . : pulls up her mental defenses: :p Take that Mr. Hot Shot!
Sere: :turns around: For your information, smart mouth, Nani happens to be that dragon that you saw! :everyone stops and stares at her: Uh . . . :turns around and keeps walking: And that sword and you are up to something . . . :stops and turns around again, at a thought that crossed her mind: What makes you think that I bought you to take out someone? I'm after something a bit more in depth than 'taking out someone'. Also, I wouldn't have to have help taking out someone . . . I could do it myself!!! :sighs: Why do you people make life so insane?
Sere: :turns back and smirks: You have some pretty strange thoughts in [I]your[/I] head too . . . :turns her head suddenly at the flash of energy in her head: There . . . :points: Nani's there . . . :runs in the direction of the power surge: . . . and she's not alone . . .
Sere: :runs out the room and down the hall: :stops right outside the door and looks around outside: Shoot!! Where'd that little bugger go?! She's white. Can't be [I]that[/I] hard to find! Nani: :thoughtspeak: [I]Wanna bet?[/I] Sere: :growls: I'm gonna find you . . . and I am most certainly gonna stop putting off what I should have done a long time ago!
Nani: :jumps out of Sere's arms and leaps out the window: Sere: Nani!! :runs to the window and sees the dragon running in the direction of the forest: :slams her fist on the windowsill: I [I]knew[/I] we should have done . . . she had just been born!! :walks sideways and bangs her head against the wall: I was so stupid!! I always :bang: have :bang: to make :bang: things :bang: harder!!! They warned me she was going to get too smart and do this, but I had to go and refuse!! I said I wanted a challenge!! Now Nani's going to go get herself killed because of me and my stupid big mouth!! :turns to Liam: We have to go find her!!
:runs off w/ Renamon: MINE . . ! ALL mine!!!! I don't know if I wanna use Buttermon(well, actually Ravienmon) because my scanner WON'T WORK!!! Maybe . . . if it ever WORKED I would let you have Renamon . . . but for now, SHE'S MINE!!!!
OOC: Bah . . . evil writer's block . . . everyone gets it I guess . . . *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~* Sere: :gently sits on the bed in her room and pulls the young dragon from under her cloak: Dragon: :looks up at her, and squeak-purrs: Sere:Not now Nani . . . not now . . . Liam: :from doorway:You keep so many secrets . . . Sere: Shush you. Secrets are many, and truths are few when you are playing the game of life.
:the door pulls open and a girl of 14 enters, grumbling about evil work plans: Teach: Late [I]again[/I] Miss Tuscumbia? I'm afraid that we'll need to have a little 'talk' after school. Sere: :sits down in an empty desk, now grumbling about evil teachers and work plans: :mumbles: I'm gonna squash him sometime . . .:cussing:
Sere: :looks up and shrugs: At a later time . . . will that 'later time' even come . . ? :sadly: Come, we have a dragon to take care of . . . :turns and Liam catches a glance of white wings under Sere's cloak:
Name: Sere Tuscumbia Age: 14(pilot of the 3rd Eva) Appearance: Looks a lot like Rei but w/ silver/white hair and a kinder looks about her. Bio:Was picked out by NERV to pilot an Eva. (that's all I can think of right now . . .) OOC: Does this include Shinji and the crew?
OOC: Let's hope the enter key works . . . *~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~~ Sere: I can't reveal that to you just now . . . let's just say I have been binded before . . . but nevermind that . . . come along now sir . . ?
I'd take either Renamon, Buttermon(who digis to Ravienmon, then to Lilacmon) I'll get a pic of Ravienmon sometime when my scanner works!!!
Why wouldn't I want you . . ? You're perfect for . . . :looks overhead at the wings of a dragon: Nevermind . . .
:mad: You FORGOT about me?! I post all the time and you [SIZE=3]FORGOT[/SIZE] about me?! : pulls out the FPJ: [COLOR=blue]Stacy: Advice Liam: RUN!!!!!!![/COLOR] :cussing: I'm gonna GET YOU!!!!!
:walks up to Liam's cage and taps it gently: Hey . . . you're 'mine' now . . . and don't even think of running . . . :flashes the large sword she wears: Sere: :leans down and whispers: Let's just say I have a use for you . . .
I love it when ya'll ignore me . . .-_- :shifty: :shifty:
Can I join? I gotta find a chara. though!! (If I can join!!)
Too late to join? Sounds interesting and I'm one of those people that just LOVES dragons!!!! Name: Serenity(sere) Tuscumbia Age:16 Bio: No one really knows anything about Sere. She always seems to show up at the strangest times and them disappears again, only to be seen again at yet another time. Was trained from a very early age to use a variety of weapons, but is most skillful at sword and hand to hand combat. weapons:An exquisite silver sword that was crafted by her father to be used just for her. People say that no one else can hold the sword, lest they be burned greatly. Description: Mid thigh silvery-white hair that she pulls up into a tightly braided ponytail. Silver tank top and long pants. Some sort of cloak and a sheath that holds her sword. Icy blue eyes and she seems to frown all the time.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] The one thing I don't get..... Why are there so many different religions that worship only one God.... kinda makes it all sound pretty stupid to me... Did God tell you all to worship him differently? I mean what? Is he playing some funny joke to make you all look like pathetic fools? God told you to call him 3,000 different names, have 300 books, and has said beyond imaginable things to many different people... [/B][/QUOTE] Not trying to be rude or anything but ever heard of the Tower of Babyl? God split up the people and made them speak different languages!!! Of course they would worship the same god!!! (I say again . . . I'm not trying to be rude . . . )
Hmmmm . . . this would be interesting . . . Name: Sere Tuscumbia Journey: What do you think? Of course! Bio: Is a sorceress :walks into the bar and sits next to the group.: Sere: :looks at SX and turns to bartender: I have whatever he's having . . .
RPG Quidditch Sign-Ups*Again!* For Hogwarts Students ONLY!
Sere Tuscumbia replied to a topic in Theater
*shrugs* Fine w/ me . . . being a Chaser will be an interesting experience . . . -
RPG Quidditch Sign-Ups*Again!* For Hogwarts Students ONLY!
Sere Tuscumbia replied to a topic in Theater
I'll go w/ what I am most of the time . . . If that isn't allowed, I'll be a chaser . . . Name: Sere Tuscumbia House:Gryffindor Broom:Either Firebolt(if alternate seeker)or Nimbus 2000(if Chaser #1) You pick which(I'd prefer Alternate Seeker though) Ja ne! ~!*Sere*!~ -
::watches silently from a tree and reaches behind to finger the spirit stones running down her spine:: :whispers:It's been a long time hasn't it . . .