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Sere Tuscumbia

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Everything posted by Sere Tuscumbia

  1. [SIZE=1]Ahh. Angel discussions. ^_^ I sat there enraptured through the entire show, because my sister was (slightly) spoiled for the episode and promised that all of the questions I've been asking through this entire weird story line would be answered. And they were, except I think that the Angelites should just off Connor already. He's getting really annoying. All that teenage angst and such. Of course, who else was whooping when Darla showed up again? Of course, I think that Angel and Buffy tied up real nice together in having the mothers of the children (Dawn and Connor) show up, and actually BE those people. Because, you realise, that they were both telling the truth. Joyce with her proclimation that Buffy wouldn't choose Dawn when it came time to choose (which was shown in the last Buffy episode) and Darla's little speech. And I absolutely [B]loved[/B] the way they made Darla and Anne (that's what the captions showed for the captured girl) look at least a little bit alike. That was good. And, as Shy pointed out, Darla was the Angel side, and Cordelia was the Devil side. I really enjoyed how they dressed Darla in light clothing (a very light pink I do believe) and Cordy in black, and, however considentially it is, Darla's hair be light, and Cordy's be dark. That was quite lovely. ^_^ I also liked the whole thing with Skip. That really tickled me. He was almost like the Beast, except with a lot more personality. I, however, interpreted his speech differently than Shy did. I really felt that it wasn't the big evil that was really moving the pieces around, but instead fate was doing it all. Or something equally interesting as that. I've forgotten most of what I said last night in the fact that I was really excited that Angel is going to be all new for the next like, five weeks. All nice and good. ^_^ And I could have sworn I saw the Goddess lady (or that's what I think she is . . . O_o;;) somewhere else. Maybe in another show or something, but I can't be sure. I just know I've seen her somewhere before! >
  2. I don't get how ANYONE could stand Spongebob. I think that is the most DISGUSTING show in the world. I mean, it has no point, no meaning, no message, and frankly, I think you'd have to be either high or drunk to find Spongebob funny. I rank it on the same level as Rocko's Modern Life, or Ren and Stimpy, or Cow and Chicken. It's stupid, it's pointless, and it's supposed to be funny but isn't. So in short: Squarebob Spongepants [B]sucks[/B]. --Sere
  3. *twitch twitch* Will. people. STOP. asking. this. question?!?! Yes, I know you all are curious, but this has been asked app. 15 million times! *sigh* Ok, ok. Done ranting. Sorry, but this thread has come up WAY too many times for my liking in the 1, 2, or 3 years I've been here. One of the old members who doesn't go here anymore invited me to OB, saying that I just [I]had[/I] to join. Soooo . . . I come, I have a looksee, and ping! I'm addicted. Any questions? No? Good. --Sere
  4. [SIZE=1]Name: Mairead Josslyn (Mai for short) Codename: Lexar Age: 29 Height: 5'5" Appearance:[URL=http://www.atpictures.com/display.php?cat=anime&path=/x&loc=servh2&img=xclamp096.jpg]Picture. Duh.[/URL] Personality: Mairead's personality tends to get her in trouble faster than she'd like. She argumentative and bold, not afraid of showing herself off to anyone, friend or foe. She's normally a pacifist, but push her and she'll blow your brains right out of your head. She's quite disturbed, but tends to hide it behind a veil of shameless flirting. Only when one on one, whether in battle or outside the field can someone really delve into Mai's warped personality . . . Preferred gear: Kennings Rifle: Large, deadly, and a hell of a lot of fun. 20 rounds. Walthurm PP Pistol: 'Cause it wouldn't be any fun without giving 'em a sporting chance. 7 rounds per clip. Bergstein MP28 Large Sub Machinegun: Still, just a hell of a lot of fun. 50 rounds. Kaxik Mg08 Machinegun: Oh . . . 'nuff said. Rarely used. Belt weapon. the usual, Grenades: 'Cause blowing people up is really, really fun. And then switchblades: see attachment. Nice long evil blades . . . heheheheheh. Also fights with hands and any close available objects for fun.[/SIZE]
  5. Um. You DO know that this RPG has been DEAD for a while? We had Season One, then tried to pull up a Season Two, and it died too. WHY ARE YOU SIGNING UP?! Pffffsh. You people need to catch up on the times. --Sere
  6. So sue me, I've been on restriction. If I don't get in, I don't get in, but frankly I haven't been here for about 5 days so . . . yeah. And if anyone hasn't taken the 'Nyna' character, I'd like to have her. Yes, I know she's labeled "NPC", but God, my character's so much like her anyway . . . *shrugs* So hey, I gave it a go. whatta ya say? --Sere
  7. OMG. Shy, I love you. GILES IS A POD PERSON, I SWEAR. The real Giles died and has been replaced by this evil pod thingie that isn't anything like my loving, sweet, Season One Giles. *sob sob* I want my Giles back . . . Nyeh. Evil bad pod people. And Angelus, thank you for being Capt. Obvious. Shy dear isn't stupid, and I'm sure he's already known that for a while. However, I am [I]amped[/I] for next weeks 'Angel'. Ooooo . . . it looks SO good, and I JUST. CAN'T. WAIT. ^_^ However, did everyone know that Charisma had her baby? Yay Charisma! ^_^ I forgot the baby's name, but it's a boy, and I'm so happy! No more Cordy looking as big as a house! Of course, there's talk that they're going to stop Angel, I think. I can't remember if that was what my sissy was talking about or something in the episode. BOTHER. @_@;; But I can tell you, I'm looking more forward to 'Angel' than I am to 'Buffy'. I mean, Robin is cute and all, but I just wish he'd [I]die[/I] already. His whole 'I'm going to kill Spike the first chance I can' thing has been old for a while. And I don't think that Spike kicking his butt is going to help the matters any . . . --Sere
  8. How many people have heard of Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind? Oh god, that's such a WONDERFUL manga! Because when they say "graphic novel" they MEAN "graphic NOVEL". The story is long and confusing and I still haven't finished it yet (I'm going to have to go to Wizard's Asylum and buy the third of the Perfect Collection (there's like, 6) sometime either this week or next week) but I've found that it's really hard to put down. Also, the story's got a lot of interesting twists and I'm anxious to see how it ends. ^_^ But the main story is about a princess, Nausicaa, has an ability to communicate with insects, and there is a war happening. Nausicaa, who is kind and gentle, is really the peacemaker in this war, and I feel like she's been thrown from side to side in this war. Oooo, this manga is REALLY good! And, if you've ever seen My Neighbor Totoro, or Laputa: The Castle in the Sky, or Kiki's Delivery Service, then you like Nausicaa, because it's done by the same person. Quite lovely. ^_^ And then the only other one that I'm really going to bring up right now (I know of several mangas that aren't well known of, but I don't OWN any of them *sob sob*) is Wish. Ok, so Kohaku looks like a guy more often than not, and there's some suggestive themes (there's one yaoi reference . . . at least in the first book there's only one . . . O_o;; I haven't gotten the second . . . or the third . . . or the fourth . . . gah! But go to Promenade Mall and BUY WISH!!! @_@;;) but it's a really sweet story. And I feel quite cute. ^_^ But the real story is that this doctor named Shuichiro rescues an angel named Kohaku (who is a girl! >
  9. Yuchi is just SO DARN KYOOT! ^-^ *huggles a Yuchi plushie* I love it, it's ADORABLE! ^_^ Yep, it's you, Ginny. ^_~ And you are so good at this! How, I ask of you! HOW?! *shrugs* Oh well, I'll just say I knew you when you become this multi-millionare because some big company loved all of your drawings and was determined to have you for themselves. ^_^ Anyway--I'm cheering for ya the whole way. --Sere
  10. That's what I'm saying Ginny! WHERE'S THE PICTURE OF MITCH?! >>;; Uh, ignore that. Ginny has inspired me to try a little photorealistic imaging . . . . . . ok, actually, I think I might turn a real picture to an anime-ish picture . . . . . . and I know JUST who to use! *huggle* Thanks, Ginny! ^_^ --Sere
  11. [I]Actually[/I], they're just ending [I]this[/I] season, but Farscape is going to start back up again . . . or that's what I've heard. O_o;; They had something on a web site about it, and they said that Farscape was going to start back up again April or May something. Completely and totally not sure about this. I'll have to go find that site again . . . whichever one it was. 0_0;; Darn my bad memory. --Sere
  12. Sere Tuscumbia


    [SIZE=1]An uncomfortable silence passed between the two strangers, Sethan and Connor, before an eerie howl and gunshots echoed into the distance broke the muggy stillness, and Sethan nudged closer to Connor's side. "You know," she sighed, lightly resting a hand on Connor's forearm for reassurance, "if we ever get out of this mess alive, remind me never to take a trip to some undisclosed location with someone I just met ever again." "So you came here with someone?" Connor asked, starting to thread his way through the gravestones with Sethan. Sethan glanced down at the sword and duffel bag, then sighed. "Yeah, my presumably dead and ex boyfriend." Her face brightened a little as she continued, "We met a few weeks ago when I accidently spilled his drink in his lap when we were both in the Psych Ward, and it took me about an hour to convince him that I wasn't trying to kill him, and right in the middle of it all he just asked me to go out with him, and by the [I]Gods[/I] please shut me up," Sethan groaned, looking up at Connor's dubious expression. "Sorry 'bout that." Sethan smiled sheepishly, a slight pink tinge reaching her cheeks. "I normally don't babble, but I'm going to attain this little incident to the fact that I'm getting a doubly creepy factor out of this place." She looked down long enough to skirt a headstone, then looked back at Connor again. "So, what 'bout you? You come to this little shop of horrors with a mate also?" "No. I was traveling to Los Angeles on a plane when it must have crashed or something. I saw plane bits and such, but no bodies. So I started looking around, and ended up here, with you." "Lucky you," Sethan chuckled, trying to hide her uneasiness. She didn't like graveyards. Never had, ever since she was little. Once, when visiting with her elderly grandmother, she got lost and was forgotten, being forced to spend the night in the graveyard. When the groundskeeper found her the next day, she was curled up in a little ball, hysterical, feverish, and delusional. In all her life, Sethan knew that she wouldn't ever forget what she saw that night, and had decided that the only time she was ever going to set foot in a graveyard ever again was when she in a coffin, 'cause then it wouldn't even matter. But here she was, in a graveyard, with all of the memories trapped inside those headstones. She shivered unconsciously, and moved closer to Connor for protection. "So why isn't your, uh, boyfriend with you?" Sethan blinked for a moment, coming out of her daze, and looked at the iron gates in the distance behind Connor and her. "Because I woke up in a blood soaked car," she pointed to a streak of blood on her cheek to verify that fact, "the driver's side door was in shreds [I]torn off the car[/I], and Daniel was nowhere to be found. Thus, not here and presumably dead. Much with the ick factor when someone starts to think about it. [I]And[/I], the same thing that probably carried off Daniel decided that it was going to come back and see if there was any more live prey in the car." "So you scrammed?" "No, I played possum, waited until it left, and [I]then[/I] scrammed. Being sniffed at by something that smelled like it had crawled out of its grave after a nice year long [I]rot[/I] would make [I]anyone[/I] want to get out of the immediate area, I'm telling ya." Sethan then laughed weakly, and slipped a lock of hair behind her ear. "Oh God. I can't believe I'm talking about my dead, insane, sociopathic boyfriend and other various dead things with a person I've just met in the middle of a snowy, foggy graveyard when it isn't even [I]near[/I] night [I]or[/I] winter yet! This is too much." Connor raised an eyebrow at the sociopathic comment, but didn't say anything, and Sethan didn't notice the look on his face. Sethan, suddenly noticing Connor's silence, quickly put a hand over her mouth and looked up at Connor sheepishly. "I was blathering on again, wasn't I?" Connor laughed. "No more than I do sometimes." Sethan relaxed, before stiffening up again, her hand tightening on Connor's arm. "Is it just me, or did everything go suddenly silent?" The two looked around them cautiously. No growling, no screaming, only the sound of the occasional cricket and nothing else. "I don't like this," Sethan said, shivering. "I don't like this [I]at all[/I].[/SIZE]
  13. Ok, Deb, the site may be a bit snarky about all of the shows, but if you go to [url]http://www.televisionwithoutpity.com[/url], then they have recaps of all the episodes of Angel. Snarky, yes, but detailed. And do we even know that Cordy is really having Connor's baby? I mean, they didn't shag each other too long ago, so Cordelia shouldn't be showing yet. Evil demon spawn? Is evil Cordy giving birth to [I]another[/I] evil Cordy? And when was Cordy able to use magic?! However, I can't wait until Charisma has her baby, as due to the fact that all the tummy they're showing really [I]is[/I] Charisma. But I really think they should stop dressing Cordy in black, because that just accents the fact that the poor woman is as big as a house. Ah, to have nice, happy, un-evil Cordy back again. This evil Cordelia is just WAY too fake. AND I WANT PHANTOM DENNIS TO SHOW UP AGAIN!!!! >
  14. Shy, dearie, unless you're behind on Angel by about . . . lettsee . . . three weeks or so, I don't think I really did [I]anything[/I] for your viewing enjoyment. It has been obvious for a while that Cordelia has been evil. You know, black? Snarky? Hiding Angel's soul? Killing Lilah? Letting Angelus run amok? Kissing the Beast? And Wednesday's episode (Orpheus) made it [I]painfully[/I] obvious that Cordelia has moved to the Dark Side. More black, seducing Connor, trying to ruin Willow's plans, trying to [I]kill[/I] Willow, more snark, that horrible black outfit at the end . . . No offense Shy, but I think Angelus is right. You [I]are[/I] losing your touch. Because unless you're just not making with the brain cells there, you should have figured this all out. The clues have been right in front of your face the whole time. And, frankly, I don't even [I]know[/I] if the whole "good Cordy, bad Cordy" thought is [I]right[/I]. I could be wrong. It's just speculation. And it isn't like [I]you[/I] haven't been doing that either. So I don't appreciate your little snarking at me there. I don't think it was possible to ruin [I]anything[/I] on Angel at this point, whether someone is spoiled or not. It isn't like the show tries to [I]hide[/I] anything. It's all there, screaming for your attention. So try to [I]listen[/I] next time before attacking me. --Sere
  15. Sere Tuscumbia


    [SIZE=1]Sethan moaned, and stretched to rid herself of the haze of sleep, before yawning and wetting her lips. When the coppery taste of blood reached her senses, Sethan froze and then slowly opened her eyes. The ceiling was red. A deep, rich crimson splattered with the original tan. With a small whimper, Sethan rose up on her elbows and looked around. Everything was covered in blood, and the driver's side door was ripped off it's hinges, the blood-stained shreds resting several feet away, buried in gravel. Sethan sucked in a short breath when the sound of scratching and animalistic whimpering reached her ears, and she threw herself down on the floor of the car, hoping to protect herself from whatever in the heck was out there. Perhaps the age-old "play dead" technique would come in handy for once. Pulling in a few more deep breaths, Sethan forced herself to calm down as she closed her eyes and let her breathing become almost unnoticable to the untrained eye. The sniffling and snorting came closer and closer until it was at the bottom of the opposite door, and Sethan could imagine whatever creature . . . mutant . . . monster . . . [I]whatever[/I] scavenging for whatever live prey was inhabiating the area in that time. However, if that thing secided that it was hungry for some Sethan, alive or no, than Sethan was in a whole lot of trouble. [I]It's days like this that I wish I was a flea[/I], Sethan thought to herself. The snuffling continued for a minute or so more, then the creature snorted and, from what Sethan could tell, returned from where it came from. All she knew was that she had some temporary peace before the next thing came along and eventually one would find that Sethan was indeed still living and make a munchie out of her. And the more she thought about it, the more that thought didn't appeal to Sethan. So Sethan, from her fetal position on the floor, reached up for the glove compartment and popped it open. She rummaged around for a few seconds before pulling out a fairly good sized hunting knife and a pistol. In a moment of small inspiration, Sethan also looked underneath her seat, and found a small duffel. She placed the pistol and knife in the duffel, and then, finding yet another gun underneath the driver's side seat, popped open the trunk in insane curiosity. And then she wished she hadn't. "This is insane!" Sethan muttered to herself as she stared at the cache of weapons stored in the trunk. Sethan shook her head and sighed. "Somehow everyone just [I]happened[/I] to neglect telling me that my boyfriend was a psycho, weapon-collecting killer . . ." She pulled out a sword, and several other sharp and dangerous objects, along with several clips of ammo, before storing it all in the duffel and looking around nervously. Feral growling emaniated from the fog around her, and Sethan laughed weakly. "You know what they say: Haste makes Sethan monster munchies . . ." The sword strapped to her side by a belt, and the duffel hanging off her right shoulder like some oversized purse, Sethan headed away from the now useless car in the direction of the nearest building. The nearest building happened to be a public bathroom, and as Sethan walked closer, dusty footprints marked the ground around the building, leading off to one side. Sethan followed the footprints to the side of the building, where a broken wooden box stood empty. "So someone who wasn't a raving lunatic was here . . . I hope," Sethan said, looking around the foggy terrain. The footprints lead off in one direction, before seemingly trailing back to exit stage right off onto a wooded path. Sethan squinted into the distance, attempting to find the source of those footprints, but the fog obscured her vision to such an extent that she had no choice but to follow the footprints, and hope she didn't run into the same thing that dragged of her car partner. "Oh well," Sethan shrugged. "It's going to be better than staying [I]here[/I] at any rate . . . I hope." And with sword clanking at her side, Sethan set off down the path.[/SIZE] *~*~~`` Ugh. I sure there's errors galore in this post, but I don't have time to care as of this moment. --;; --Sere
  16. [SIZE=1]--;; You just HAD to ask this, didn't you?[/SIZE] [COLOR=firebrick]Heheheheheh. This is Sere's alter ego talking. Some of you know me, some of you don't, but my name's Kat. I just so happen to live in that little dark corner of Sere's mind--[/COLOR] *groans* It's even worse when I can actually [I]see[/I] her. [COLOR=firebrick]--and NO, we're nothing alike.[/COLOR] Thank God. Now . . . Kat, dearie, stop talking before I shove you in the closet. Good girl. Yep. That's Katrina, my sadistic little crude person. You could say she's me, but she's not. Just like all the other voices in my head. She occasionally takes over (like before, darned woman), but mostly she gives me a headache out of sadistic pleasure. Hope you never meet Kat. When I get pissed, I'll let her go, and you better just back off right then and there when I unleash Kat on the unspecting public. She's quite violent, so it gets annoying meeting a new person. And even more annoying when she meets a new guy. You should hear some of the comments she makes . . . --;; Anyway--we also look alike. She's almost like my twisted twin sister. Sucks, don't it? --Sere
  17. [SIZE=1]HAH! My turn! Ok, on Buffy, I think that the 7th season sucks. Come on, they killed off Jonathan, who was one of the sweetest characters I've known. And Kennedy? Good God, kill her off or something! She is SO annoying! And Willow w/ Kennedy? That's only because lesbian luuurrvvvee raises the ratings. I frankly think that the whole idea is disgusting. I feel sorry for poor Ally. Kennedy is too full of herself, and frankly, I think if she got a good whoopin' sometime she'd learn to shut up more. On to the First. One word: BLEH. It can't even DO anything, so it's just kinda . . . [I]there[/I]. It better get big and bad and [I]soon[/I] or I think I'm going to scream. Because I've learned to expect the worst for each episode 'cause this Season is so bad. Only the first three seasons are the good ones. Once Captain Cardboard arrived in Season Four everything fell to pieces. And this may [I]not[/I] be the last season. Because some characters (such as Dawn and Anya, for example) have longer contracts than this Season, and it all really depends on Sarah Michelle. If she decides that she wants to keep on doing TV, then Buffy will continue, but if she decides she wants to graduate to movies, then Buffy the Vampire Slayer will continue without . . . well, [I]Buffy[/I]. And onto some topics that ya'll have brought up. I, for one, disagreed with the Willow/Tara paring. I mean, Tara was a lovely person by herself, but she just couldn't hold a candle to Oz. I shall forever stay with my opinion that Willow was only perfect with Oz. Too bad Seth Green doesn't want to do TV stuff anymore . . . --;; Dawn. In the Fifth and Sixth Seasons, she was just a whiney brat who couldn't do diddly-squat, but I feel that her character has really expanded in Season Seven. I think she's really grown up now that she's actually considered one of the Scoobs. Spike . . . mmmm . . . vampirey goodness. ^_^ I do feel that he's better that now he's got a soul, because he's not all drooling over Buffy (ok, he is, but it's not as noticeable), and Buffy seems to be treating him more like a human being now. Now just to get back to the Buffy/Spike shippyness . . . yummy. However, if he got rid of the "I've just got a sould" angstiness, he'd be much better. Principal Wood. More yummy goodness *_* It's also a plus that he knows how to fight vampires. However, the whole trying to kill Spike thing? I know that it was your mummy, dear, but just get over it. And, oh yeah, the only reason that Kennedy is so old is that they needed to make the whole Willow/Kennedy pairing not so nasty. She started out 16 or something, while Will is 20 something. And now . . . *rubs her hands together happily* . . . onto ANGEL. WHOOHOO! Just a happy little "Faith's back"! from me. She was always my favourite character. Buffy pales in comparsion to Angel. The humour, wit, irony, and all the other bits that make up Angel are just so much more accented than in Buffy. Maybe because of the fact that Buffy is so much gloom, doom, and the world's going to end, and Angel keeps up a mystery. Ok, not for me, because my sister is fully spoiled, and I make her tell me everything. ^_^ Ok. Character check. Angel. Ok, I like Angelus SO much better than Angel. David does so much of a better job being evil. All goodness. Connor. UGH. Angsty teenager. Still all pouty over Cordelia, when he really didn't shag [I]Cordelia[/I]. And, ok, so he's slightly cute, but he just needs to shut up more. He's like Kennedy. However, thank God for Faith, showing him up. ^_^ He may be some little vampire child, but he's never gone up against a Slayer. WHOO! Gunn. Um. I like him, but he's just way too protective of Fred. Poor Fred. Fred. WHEE! Kyoot as a bug, she is. But I'm sure having two guys lusting after her is hard. Shows need more people like Fred. ^_^ Lorne. Yay for the green dude! He's our Xander. Happy little humour. Not much more to say, because he's hasn't gotten a lot of screen-time lately. Wesley. Oooooo . . . more gooey yumminess. True, his lusting after Fred is a bit old by now, but he's got a lot of gut. And at least he isn't all whiney like he was when he was on Buffy. I enjoy his presence, although some days I just wanna tell him to shut up. [spoiler]And now: Cordelia. Or, more to the point, [I]Spordelia[/I]. I warn you now, this is going to be spoiled. Read if you want, and if you don't, well, STOP READING!! Yes folks, the Cordy really isn't Cordy at all. She's some evil little hellspawn. Remember when Willow brought Buffy back from the dead, but Spike could hurt her because his chip didn't see her as human? Well, due to the happy little intervention that Cordy pulled in the casino episode, Cordy returned a little . . . well, [I]screwy[/I]. Hello, evil Cordy. She's been in conjuction with the Beast ever since she came back, and while everyone has thought that Cordy [I]just[/I] turned evil, nope, she's been evil the whole time. The [I]actual[/I] Cordy is in a coma somewhere, but we'll find that out later. Shhhhh! ^_~ And, *gasp*, guess who has Angel's soul! [I]Bingo![/I] Spordelia for 200 points! Bad horrible woman she is . . .[/spoiler] muhahahaha. [I]Faith[/I]. Kicking behind as usual, she is, but at least she isn't a psycho murder like she [I]was[/I]. She may say she can kill, but she never would . . . I have [I]really[/I] missed Faith, and I wish we could see more of her. Maybe she'll teach Connor a lesson while she's here, and it won't be a lesson in love. And maybe she'll kick Spordelia butt while she's at it. ^_^ Go Faith! However, did anyone notice that the chick that attacked Faith when she was still in prison had a Bringer knife? I thought that it was neat that they managed to bring a Buffy reference into Angel. We haven't gotten enough Angel/Buffy crossovers in all the seasons that Angel has been running. *sniffle* If only they hadn't killed Doyle off. I loved Doyle . . . T_T;; I'm not sure if I touched on all the points I wanted to in this post, but I'm sure if I missed any, I'll go over them the next time I post. ^_^ --Sere[/SIZE] [color=darkblue][b][size=1]Please include spoiler tags in your spoiler-related posts. Thank you for ruining future episodes of 'Angel' for me. -Shy[/size][/color][/b]
  18. Oo;; I really had thought I had signed up for this . . . bah. Name: Sethan Hoboken Age: 20 Desc: [URL=http://www.cc.rim.or.jp/~urara/cg/org/org04.html]Piccie. Duh.[/URL] Personality: Sethan really isn't one of the most stable people out there in the world. She may put on a sense of calm, but she can go from nice to psycho in three seconds, due to her bi-polar nature. Put on a special medicine after living several years in a psychological ward, Sethan is able to live a relatively normal life. Or at least she hopes. She was pressured into going to a prestigious college by her parents, but when the college insisted that Sethan be taken off of her meds, Sethan dropped out, without telling her parents. As far as they know, she's still happily making As and Bs. Sethan spent several more months in the psychological ward after her insurance company refused to keep her stabilizer on the formulary. The ward, having nothing else they could do about Sethan, released her into the public, except this time without meds. Having just been a month released, Sethan has been struggling with her bi-polar and brief psychotic episodes, all while putting out a sense of calm. And last she knew, she and her newly-met boyfriend had been taking a trip to the mountains. She fell asleep in the car to escape her delusions, and when she woke up, the car was stopped on a foggy road, and no boyfriend, the driver's side door having been ripped from it's hinges. She and the rest of the car was covered in blood . . . . . . hello Silent Hill.
  19. Well lookie. You finally suckered me into to posting, Rae. Aren't you happy? I'm not going to offer any pointers, because one: I don't believe that this story needs any work, and two: I'm at school so I'm desperately trying not to get caught. ^^;; All I'm going to say is I love your story, and however fabricated it is, it flows like the ocean itself, and I can picture what you're talking about in my head. I like stories like that, and I feel you've done an excellent job. Keep up the good work babe! ^_^ --Sere
  20. *laughs* Why do you think I'm moving away once I can? I remember one day where it was almost like spring (so nice . . . so warm . . . so lovely! ^_^) and then the next day it was snowing. Yep, Oklahoma weather sucks. And I've got about three layers of clothing on (a camisole, a long sleeved shirt, and then a short sleeved shirt over that), a bathrobe (or two) and a blanket, and I'm STILL cold! *grumbles* I hate Oklahoma. --Sere
  21. Well, considering that Oklahoma is normally the Dust Bowl, -1 degrees is pretty much absolute hell to me. Have I mentioned that I'm not a cold weather person? Yeah, any mention of cold weather has me flying south for the winter. How I long for the 110 degree weather again . . . @_@;; --Sere I feel sorry for you Mitchie. I'd die if I had to be stuck in cold weather all of the time.
  22. Ish soooo cute, SPX! ^_^ He looks a little grungy, but he's my style of drawing! ^_^ *huggles the little dude* I wanna hug him and keep him forever in my closet! (ok, inside joke there.) However, is the little picobyte dudes just limited to [I]dudes[/I]? Could you have a dudette? 'Cause I think that would just be so cute! ^_^ --Sere
  23. It's my wallpaper now! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA-*cough* [I][B]Anyway--[/I][/B] I love it. It reminds me of something, but I just can't figure out what it is. However, ish one of the coolest things I've seen on OB! ^_^ Yay Ger-Ger! ^_~ @_@ Ish bbblllueee . . . --Sere
  24. 'Tis my job, dearie. 'Tis my job. However, upon seeing the point that SPX pulled up, I do believe that the banner would look better if you had something in the lower right corner, perchance your signature? In my mind, that would balance the banner out, but I'm sure some would disagree. ^^;; *shrugs* Ah, 'tis only my opinion. --Sere
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