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Everything posted by Sere Tuscumbia
*laughs* It had a wind chill of -1 degrees yesterday PK-chan, and the weather people are predicting that the weather is just going to get worse. Yep, Mum's thinking that there's going to be no school for the rest of the week. And frankly, I'm enjoying the break off from school. I've managed to scrounge Starfire up from the depths of my brain, and so I get to work on my baby again. However, the downside of this all is that it's so cold that I'm having trouble typing. And it's not really the snow. We had freezing rain, and so ice is covering everything. And when I say everything, I mean [I]everything[/I]. Mum spent about an hour home just trying to defrost the car, and the Kia is a [I]tiny[/I] car. However, give me more snow days! I like the freedom! ^_^ I also get to sleep a lot, which is a plus! ^_~ --Sere
I like the newer one better! ^_^ I've always been one for simple banners, and this one is simple. I feel it gets its point across without using fancy text, or special effects. The colours contrast well, and I like it all! Quite good. Quite good! ^_^ --Sere
Name: Chastity (goes by Chase) Lewellen Age: 22 Description: Around five feet, 110 pounds, with hip-length brown hair normally pulled up into a french braid. Brown eyes, with small, wire-rim glasses. Normally wears jeans, with a white camisole and some random overshirt she pulled out of the closet. Wears black knee-high boots. Also wears a cross around her neck, and a ring that she never takes off. Personality: Introverted, but with the right people, outgoing and bubbly. (Can't think at this moment, leave me alone!) History: Always being small in height and weight, Chastity quickly learned the art of self-defense, and carries that knowledge with her every day. Has always dreamed of being a writer, thus carries a journal with her everywhere, it being almost a security blanket for her. Has lived a normal life so far, aside from being a klutz, and yearns for something more exciting for herself. Should have been careful what she wished for . . . Vehicle: A nice little gold Kia. ^_^ Anything else of note: Tends to be seen with a large journal of some sort. Also carries a small pocket knife hidden in her boot.
*stares at it a while, then falls over* Pretty . . . Oo;; I'll now have to find a pretty quote to go with the pretty picture. However, I like the banner just like it is . . . oooo . . . so pretty. Where'd you find that picture?! So pretty . . . @_@ --Sere
I feel sorry for the girl, but if she's pregnant (we don't know the results of the test, so it may just be a fake thing (it happens! It DOES!)) the best thing it'll do is teach her a lesson. She wanted to put herself out as a scarlet woman, and this happened to her. Hopefully this will put a little sense into her head about relationships. However, I say support her throughout this whole thing, no matter how immoral she's acted. However, if she wants an abortion, her parents have every right to tell her no. She should pay the consequences of her actions. I'm sorry, but you just don't get to do something stupid then take the easy way out. It's Cause and Effect. She just doesn't want the Effect part of the deal. And yes, I may sound rude and uncaring, but I feel very deeply about subjects like these. It's in my opinion that anyone, whether they be kids, teenagers, or adults, should be married if they're thinking about being sexual with each other. Premarital intercourse is wrong, and although I know people who would disagree, its my opinion and I'm going to stick to it throughout my whole life. I do feel badly for Kim, but she did something stupid, and should pay for it. If you don't take a friend's advice, then you learn lessons the hard way. *shrugs* That's all life is. --Sere
Name: Serenity Bliss Tuscumbia Allegiance: DUH! The Queen! Weapons: Her wit, intelligence, and big-arse staff! Magic: Just various things, her being the Royal Sorceress and all Appearance: attachment . . . methinks . . . Bio: Ugh. Later. *xxx- Name: Mini-Sere Allegiance: MISS QUEEN DANGIT!! Weapons: Her cute behavior, and the various weapons of Justice. (A la Frying Pan of Justice, Rolling Pin of Justice, Voodoo Dollie of Justice, and Giant Rubber Hammer of Justice, along with her various armies.) Magic: Same as Sere. Appearance: Same as Sere, except cuter! Bio: She is identical to Serenity, just smaller. Is phobic of several things, but makes up for it in the fact that she's very compassionate, whether they be with her own ranks or others. Has currently been captured by Flash's army, and is working on finding a way out, while rescuing her plushie sister (who is Kat.) *xxx- Name: Katrina Bliss Tuscumbia (it can't really have a mini in front of it, so I'll explain in Bio) Allegiance: Mini-Flash Weapons: Big-arse sword! Muhahahahahaha. Magic: Really has none, except for a few minor things which I'm too mad at someone right now to think of. Appearance: I'll have to post it later. Bio: Serenity's alter-ego. Eventually Sere got tired of her one day, and banished her to a life as a plushie (so she could get rid of her easier! ^_~), and Kat wandered, and wandered, and what else? Wandered until Mini-Flash found her and offered her power within his ranks. Kat jumped at the chance to get revenge on Sere and her do-gooding plushie self, and she works in Flash's ranks to this day. Sadistic and mean and cruel and all these bad things. (My brain is not working right I'm so mad, I'm sorry.)
Poor, poor you. It's everywhere in Tulsa. Walk into a computer store and see BloodRayne on a shelf somewhere. It's made by Terminal Reality and something else that I really can't remember. Hmph. This is just further justifying my belief in the fact that I'm the only person who's played this game . . . --Sere
*shifty* Trade me places, Rae. Right now in Oklahoma, the temperature is 13 degrees, but there's a windchill of -1. I'M FREEZING MY ARSE OFF. If I EVER get out of Oklahoma, I'm moving as close to the Equator as I can get. Yep, I'm like a birdie. Fly [I]south[/I] for the winter! Death to cold weather! Being right in the center of the US SUCKS. Give me spring, give me summer! I want my braces off, dangit! *grumbles* Stupid Oklahoma, with it's stupid extreme weather, and it's stupid winter . . . --Sere
OOC: Having gotten my OCD-ish-ness beat back down under control, I finally finshed my postie. Hurrah for Prozac! *xxx- Nina, almost bored to tears, quickly and quietly moved the cloak to a more comfortable position, and then unnoticeably tuned the druid out, every-once-in-a-while politely smiling and nodding to show she was paying attention, even though she wasn't. Several more minutes of blandly following directions and the such went by, before the druid finally finished speaking-which led to a silent prayer from Nina-and then shooed the newlywed couple away. Nina slumped against the door as the townspeople wandered away for more festivities after the wedding, and looked at Jonathan, who was lounging on a bed. "I am [I]never[/I] going to a wedding even if my life depends on it ever again. That was the most insipid thing I?ve ever had the misfortune to attend." She plucked the mistletoe crown off and laid it on the wooden table, and Jonathan did the same. "How long do you think we?ll be ab--" Nina started, but was cut off by a polite knock at the door. Nina, surprised, stepped forward, and opened the door, placing a smile on her face. Outside, the draoia stood, then bowed politely. "Milord," he said, nodding to Jonathan, then smiled at Nina. "Milady, permission to enter?" Nina blinked in surprise, then nodded, and stepped back, bowing and then shutting the door behind the druid. The druid stood there restlessly for a moment, wringing his hands, before turning to Jonathan, and blurting out, "Permission to speak freely, your Highness?" Jonathan, settling comfortably (or so it seemed to Nina) into his part, nodded, and settled back against the wall to listen to the draoia. "Go on." "No offense to the Amadaun (may he live forever), but your highnesses seemed uninterested in this joining. If it suits you, may I inquire why?" Nina blanched for a moment, before chuckling, and waving her hand dismissively, thus buying herself some time. "The wedding was wonderful, I assure you, but the marriages of the Sidhe are much more extravagant, such as the wedlocking of Emer and Cuchullain. But," Nina sighed, "as your Queen, I will enjoy further festivities as to the best of my abilities. Now, if you are done, you may go. Lord Tiernan and I will join the feasting in a little while," she said, shrugging the cloak off, and nodding to the druid, before secretly winking to Jonathan. The draoia nodded, and left, leaving Nina to giggle and bounce over to the bed and sit down next to Jonathan. "I?m thinking I can get used to this whole ?Queen? thing. It?s very becoming," she said, then looked at Jonathan, who was staring at the door, a frown upon his face. Nina blinked, then poked Jonathan in the side. "What?s wrong?" "Is it just me, or does it seem that the druid may know more than he?s letting on?" Nina looked in the direction of the closed door, and then echoed Jonathan?s frown. "You may be right, but there?s nothing to be done about it at this moment. If he lets something slip, then we?ll interrogate him privately. But for now, let?s just work on playing our parts, however frustrating they may be." Nina sighed, then bounced off the bed and turned to Jonathan, bowing slightly and holding out a hand to help him up. "So, Milord Tiernan, joining the frivolities?" *xxx- Muhahaha. Never mess with a writer on Prozac.
Ew, ew, ew, ew! *dies* Just think of the Donner party! Have you read the freaking [I]descriptions[/I] of the Donner party?! If you haven't, I suggest you do. I'm sure it'll change your mind about this. Ew . . . ew . . . ew . . . bringing back bad, evil memories of that stupid nasty Donner party thing. [I][B]Ew.[/I][/B] In my opinion, cannibalism is - and always will be - wrong, no matter which way you try to sugar it up. I'm sorry, but the fact that one dude preferred eating human brains and hearts to the legs of a horse because the horse legs were too chewy and the human brain and hearts were soft is just [I]sick[/I]. I'd never do that. [I][B]Never.[/I][/B] --Sere
Heh. Games I've finished. Three . . . out of . . . well, [I]three[/I] 1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (sissy bought it w/ the X-Box). Easy, but beating people up with a pool cue is really fun. Gigantic spiders is a downside though. Arena mode cheat is fun to play in. Finished in . . . a week or so*. 2. Dark Angel. Easy enough, although I got killed several times for fairly stupid reasons. Too much sneaking around involved for my tastes, but still, the whole sneaking up behind people and breaking their neck? Fun. Finished in a week and a half (or so)*. 3. BloodRayne. Ooo. Fun. Short-ish and easy enough. Being given the option to cheat is also fun. Disappointed at the shortness of it all, but all in all I liked the game. Still needs work with facial expressions, mainly eyes and eyebrows. Looked too fake. However, [spoiler]the cutscenes after (and during, one after the other) Rayne kills Beliar and Wulf are pretty funny. A bit finger-happy, but cute. And in my opinion, Beliar looks like a teddy bear compared to some other demons I've seen.[/spoiler] Also, the [spoiler]Daemites[/spoiler] were just nasty. And way too many sexual references for me. This is such a guy's game. However, have a sadistic streak, and you'll get a kick out of this game. [spoiler]Also, possiblity of a sequel. Whee! ^_^[/spoiler] Finished in a week or so*. (*of playing. As usual, we people have other things to do, and cannot spend all of our time playing games. I'm just estimating the hours spent playing) --Sere
Oo;; I have the feeling that I'm the only person who's played BloodRayne, or something. Yeah, BloodRayne is short (either its short, or I just finished it too quickly. A lot of the levels are small . . .), but amusing if you get the cheats activated (after you've finished the game, if you choose) and look around at all the funny little things that the programmers have added. *shrugs* Plus, if you've got a sadistic streak like me, cutting off someone's hand to watch them run away screaming then die in slow motion is quite satisfying. But that's just me. ^_^ --Sere
Writing If Your Happy And You Know It, Bomb Iraq
Sere Tuscumbia replied to Corey's topic in Creative Works
Quite clever. Really. I love it. Yeah, it's offensive in a way, but cute. Considering that I like neither Bush nor the US (although I live in the US. I love that it's easy to memorize, and it's got a tune that everyone knows (or if they don't, they can learn easily) It's adorable, sadistic humour and I love it. Rock on. --Sere -
Heh. 50 degrees = COLD in Oklahoma, where the normal temperature during summer is about 110 degrees. ^_^ There's a common quote in Oklahoma, "If you don't like the weather, wait a minute." thus saying that Oklahoma weather changes in a snap. Which it does. Isn't living in the middle of the US just so fun? I had a warm day like that a couple days back. I had walked out bundled up in my coat, ready for another day of my hair freezing because I haven't gotten it dried fully (what fun), and find that it's actually pleasant outside. Yay me. By the time school ended (2:50), it was about 70-80 degrees outside. Ah, nice and warm. Then, the next day, it [I]snowed[/I]. Yes, we had a nice spring day the day before that, and then it was [I]snowing[/I]. And have I mentioned that I [I]detest[/I] cold weather? The closer I live to the equator, the happier I am. ^_^ I am [I]so[/I] looking forward to summer. --Sere
Once again you've brought up another wonderful point, love. But just one question: Where do you come up with this?! And, ok, so we people would be unable to survive without technology. Frankly, if we were banished (by some weird loophole in fate) to be without technology, about half the population wouldn't be here today. Sad, yes, but most likely true. But several countries go without technology, day by day. Take Africa for example (yes, I know that Africa isn't a country, but it has several countries that I'm not going to list off, so deal w/ it.). Ok, so Africa is not going with the good, but that would be the rest of the world if not for technology. Because, through technology, we are able to diagnose and treat diseases, and also find new medicines everyday to combat diseases around the world. And, to pull myself into this conversation (bad me), if it hadn't been for technology, I, most likely, would not have my father here, my mother, or my sister. I owe the life I live right now to technology. How many of [I]you[/I] owe their life to technology? And think. I owe my life to a [I]thing[/I]. Wires, chips, and various other pieces of junk all bundled up into one little package. And I owe the life I live right now to [I]that[/I]? What's next, I ask? What's next? --Sere *xxx- And Liam, love, if you do read this again, I know the question you've been wanting to ask me (unless you've changed your mind in, what? Two to three days?), and the answer is yes. ^_^
Writing I got a question for you all....
Sere Tuscumbia replied to Cora Jane 2's topic in Creative Works
Ugh. Shakespeare. He drives me insane. We're reading him in English (and what am I reading you ask? Well, duh. Romeo and Juliet. What else would I be forced to read?) and, to my dismay, the play would be slightly better if anyone knew how to act. It's all blah, blah, blah in some bored, monotone voice, and barely anyone knows how to pronounce half of the words. What a wonderful way to pass the 55 minutes of English class, eh? And plus, I just don't like Romeo and Juliet. (In my opinion) it stinks, and that's all there is to it. However, once I may get my hands on some of Shakespeare's other writings, my opinion might change. I wanna read Hamlet sometime in the future . . . However, of all the Shakespeare I've either heard of, read, or seen, AMSND is my favorite. Ah, Shakespeare at his best. ^_^ --Sere -
Nina, changing positions, swung her legs over the edge of the loft, absentmindedly swinging her legs to and fro. "It's silent, really." Jonathan, from his sprawled position, looked over at Nina curiously. "What's that supposed to mean?" "Not having someone blathering mindlessly in your ear all the time. It just gets kinda creepy." Nina looked back at Jonathan, flopping down on her stomach, her chin resting on her hands. "So, milord Tiernan, how long do you think we're going to be stuck in with the Irish?" Jonathan opened his mouth, but Nina quickly sat up, and waved her hand dismissively in his direction. "No, wait. Never mind, I don't wanna know. I've already got enough to worry about." She nestled herself back down into the hay, wood creaking underneath her weight, and the musty smell of animals and morning mists mingling with the oxygen she was breathing in. "I could be living safely at home, with no danger, no rifts, and maybe a pet or two, but [I]no[/I], I'm [I]here[/I]. Why did I choose this job anyway?" Nina muttered, staring through the planks at stars and constellations that still had yet to be discovered. [I]Oh, that's right. I [/I]didn't[I] pick this. My perfectionist parents picked it for me. They were so afraid of screwing up themselves, that they thrust all their dreams onto me. But it works well enough. Save people, save the world, save history, it all melds into one in the end . . . [/I] "Talk about family love," Nina muttered without thinking, and Jonathan looked over in her direction. "Pardon?" Nina blinked, coming out of her stupor, and turned a pinkish tinge. "No?nothing, really. Just thinking out loud." Jonathan shot her a look, but said nothing, watching her warily. Nina sighed, and rolled over onto her side, looking over to the festivities, where faerie lights danced, and a jig wafted over the whole scene. Somewhere deep inside her wished that this was all a bad dream, and she?d wake up, safe in bed, and she?d go on living her life, but Nina shrugged the thought off, shivering slightly. She had a job to do, and un-needed thoughts weren?t going to get in the way . . . She hoped.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Asphyxia [/i] [B][color=darkred]anyway, there's no one in Oklahoma, I don't think, except for Sere... *cough* How do I know? [size=1]Because I'm stalking her of course (I plan to kidnap her and take her back to my country ^.^)...:shifty:[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] *nods* It's all true. I am the sole Oklahomian. Yeah, I have a few friends registered, but they never come. I'm all alone in this . . . T_T;; --Sere
I've got a story also, but this is the poem that I wrote for school. [center][COLOR=skyblue]A[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]n[/COLOR][COLOR=blue]a[/COLOR][COLOR=blue]r[/COLOR][COLOR=darkblue]c[/COLOR][COLOR=orange]h[/COLOR][COLOR=orangered]y[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]By the way, I saw you[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Comin' 'round the corner.[/COLOR] [COLOR=firebrick]Day or night, you're[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Everywhere to me.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Fight or flee[/COLOR] [COLOR=limegreen]Gee, what an idea.[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]Hark the herald angels sing?[/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]I just don't get this![/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]Just a hint: make someone's day; a little[/COLOR] [COLOR=coral]Kiss wouldn't hurt.[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Love yourself[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Make a choir sing.[/COLOR] [COLOR=burlywood]No? Well, that's alright, I'm[/COLOR] [COLOR=sandybrown]Open to ideas.[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna]Please don't forget to mind your Ps and[/COLOR] [COLOR=chocolate]Qs.[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal]Restrictions are what you make 'em[/COLOR] [COLOR=skyblue]So what? Get a clue.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Talk all you want, I'm not listening[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Understand what I'm saying?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Visionaries are crazy people[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]What? I can't hear you![/COLOR] [COLOR=orangered]X-mas time's a comin', Christmas time's a comin'[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Yo! Enough with the caroling![/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Zoom, zoom . . .[/COLOR][/center] *~*~~`` Complete chaos. R&R, please? --Mistress Sere Tuscumbia
Nina looked over in the direction of Jonathan through the crowd surrounding her. Somedays being a descendent of Danu was a real pain . . . Nina stood, put her fingers in her mouth, and whistled to get Jonathan's attention. It did, and Nina waved in his direction. "Milord Tiernan! Joining the festivities any time soon?" Short of hitting someone, Nina made her way out of the group as politely as she could and ran over to Jonathan's side. Grabbing his wrist, she pulled him out of the reach of evesdropping ears. "What's the news? You look like someone told you your puppy was going to die within the next two hours." Jonathan shook his head and mumbled something halfway angrily. Nina sighed, and flicked his arm. "I may speak several different languages, but mumble isn't one of them. English?" "Well, in order to get back to base, I'm going to be crowned king, betrothed, and then live a long and prosperous life, then we all die of old age." Nina blinked. "Betrothed?" "That was my understanding of all this." Nina blinked again. "Any details? Do you pick or do the villagers pick for you? Dying of old age?" Nina blinked again. "Does that mean I'm getting [I]married[/I] to you?!" she hissed. Jonathan shrugged. "Comes with being a Tuatha Dé Danann, I guess." As he walked off, Nina just looked at his retreating form. "I'm getting [I]married[/I] to you?!"
Nina hovered in mid-air for a moment, surveying the frenzied scene below, before shifting Jonathan to a more comfortable position. "You know, you really ought to think about letting [I]me[/I] do the fighting next time. You got beaten down, admit it." Jonathan just grunted. Nina rolled her eyes. "So much for being a Tuatha Dé Danann." "I haven't seen [I]you[/I] down there in the fray." "Yeah, because [I]you've[/I] been hogging the spotlight." "So?" "So what?" "Why aren't we down there fighting?" "Because you're hurt, and I would like to keep my current partner." "Nina," came the voice crackling in her ear. "What?" she replied crankily, dipping a little in the air as the Fomhóire started shooting at the hovering couple. "Whatcha gonna do about Johnny there?" "Keep him from dying." "And how do ya propose to do that?" "Still working on that one." The voice sighed, then crackled out of existance, and Nina scanned the crowd below. The Irish had gained a little ground on the Fomhóire army, and Nina took that moment of peace to pluck off some Fomhóire from the air. "You know," Nina grunted, as she backpedaled a bit, "it wouldn't hurt for you to lose a couple pounds." "It wouldn't hurt," Jonathan responded, "for you to put me down and let me fight." "Putting you down I'll do. Letting you fight I won't." *~*~~`` Suddenly hit by the attack of the writer's block, so I'm just going to put this thing out of its misery right here. And yes, I do have permission. Ask Liam. ^_^
I say it again, like I've said many times before: Still single here! Not much reason to celebrate V-Day . . . V-Day pretty much gets ignored at Union I-High. Yeah, we got our gooey couples, but no one really likes V-Day anymore. Gets kinda boring, ya know? So pretty much my attitude to Valentine's Day is it doesn't exist. Which isn't such a bad thing . . . --Mistress Sere Tuscumbia
Serenity pulled on a small, tight-fitting crimson dress, and picked up her sandals before she stood, hoping that the man in the bed wouldn't wake. He was spry, and good looking, but dumber than a post, and terribly spoiled. Serenity slipped over to the dresser, and started sifting through the several expensive items arranged there. After a minute or two, she frowned and turned away, heading for the door. Another potential stone bearer crossed off her list. The man grunted once, and Serenity froze. But the man just turned over and flopped his arm across the bed. Serenity smiled in relief, then, reaching the door, pulled her sandals on, and reached for the doorknob, mockingly saluting to the man asleep in bed. Another groan, and Serenity froze again. Then, "Where do you think you're going?" Serenity stiffened, and dropped her arm from the handle. Turning, she put on the sweetest smile she could. "I'm leaving. A girl's got business to deal with, you know." She turned away, but by then the man had sprung up, and grabbed her wrist, pulling her roughly toward him. He shook her once, then threw her towards the bed. She hit the end, and crumpled to the floor, looking at the man with murder in her eyes. "You don't go until I tell you to go, and," the man took a step toward Serenity, "you're not going for a good long while." If anyone had been standing in the hall at that moment, then they would have gotten a surprise as one door suddenly bowed outward, then retracted as someone groaned and fell to the floor. Serenity smiled, and dusted off her hands, before returning to the dresser and sweeping everything into a pouch and pocketing it in the belt she had slung around her waist. That smile grew wicked as she strode toward the door, making sure to step on the man on the way over. She turned around, a fine powder in her hand, and blew it in the room. "Remember nothing," she said, then walked out the door. Once outside, she sighed happily and stretched her arms toward the ceiling, content. There was trouble brewing in the air, and Serenity shivered at the mere thought of it. A broad smile on her face, she walked downstairs and into the main room, nodding in Nepenthe's direction, who returned the nod with half-closed eyes and a lazy smile. Serenity laughed, and turned to Lacroix. "There's a battle foreseen on the horizon, isn't there?" The old man nodded, chuckling, and Serenity turned away, wandering absentmindedly towards the stables. A sudden explosion of pain, and Serenity faltered, but forced herself to walk out the door and slip around a corner before she sagged against the wall, wincing and rubbing her right temple. A summoning that powerful could only be accomplished by one of her clan members, and Serenity stiffened as she traced the summon back to its source. Elysan's ears twitched as a sudden sharp whistle reverberated through the air, and she turned to see an urgent Serenity, now in a more modest riding outfit, swing herself up on a steed very similar to Fieleth. Serenity looked around, her dilated crimson eyes taking everything in around her in a panicked sort of way. She caught sight of Elysan, and trotted over, looking agitated. She stopped and turned away from the elf for a moment, before turning back and addressing both Elysan and Athenos. "Tell Lacroix that I'll be back." And then Serenity looked at them for a moment, and tenderly smiled. "Nall theyn, good strangers. I hope you find what you're looking for." She clicked her tongue twice, and then she and her horse were gone. *~*~~`` [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Serenity Chastity Evernight (prefers Ruby Chase) [B]Race:[/B] Fire demon [B]Age:[/B] 216 [B]Bio/History:[/B] (whee, summarizing) Ok, to make a long story short, Serenity's father was a wacko that wanted to "consume" a girl that was completely pure. So he picks Serenity, and raises her to the ripe 'ole age of 16. Serenity's mother finds out, and the father kills her, then turns on Serenity. A group of rogue demons rampages through the town, killing everyone, plundering stores, blah, blah, blah, but leave Serenity alive and take her with them. They rape and murder Serenity, and she rises again as a jeweled demon (a demon with a jewel as their core). As most demons go, Serenity turns into a real skank. Sleeps with the wrong guy one day, and so he gets all pissy (Serenity's clan killed his family), and starts hunting Serenity and her clan. Serenity was separated from everyone but her brother, a sapphire demon, and he was killed, thus turning him into a stone. Serenity is now on the lookout for her brother and the rest of her clan. [B]Description:[/B] [URL=http://www.cc.rim.or.jp/~urara/cg/fss/fss08.html]Ruby at 16[/URL] [B]Equipment:[/B] Twin katana-like blades dubbed "Darkbringers", barbed whip. [B]Reason for being at The Post:[/B] After Serenity's clan brother was changed into a stone, Serenity has been looking for his sapphire heart. She has traced a potential stone-bearer to The Post, and will stop at nothing to see if they indeed have her brother's stone.[/SIZE]
Heh. My friend Mandy has a sword. (Some of ya'll know her as Seress) That thing is freaking heavy. Real sword too. Would get a sword, but there's no good places to find one. *shrugs* Oh well. I've always like crossbows better anyway. --Mistress Sere Tuscumbia, signing off.