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Everything posted by Sere Tuscumbia
*pounces on Liam, and hugs him* And I thought MY life was utter crap. (Ask Rae, she'll tell ya.) And yes, I'm going to act like a little six year old and say that it's not fair, and it's not right, and I'm going to cry and whine, and throw a right nice little fit about it.
Writing Life was cruel to you and I know
Sere Tuscumbia replied to Charles's topic in Creative Works
Ooooo . . . me likes. Me likes a LOT. It's well written, and the Latin's a plus. A big plus. ^_^ Kudos to the C-Man. --Mistress Sere Tuscumbia, signing off. -
To tattoo, or not to tattoo, that is the question. I might. Maybe. There's a slim possiblity. Well, I'm not going to bother, until the moment comes. If inspiration strikes me, then inspiration strikes me and I go get a tattoo. But, uh, I'd have to leave the state. Getting a tattoo is illegal in Oklahoma. *shrugs* I have a high pain tolerance. I can take it . . . Ok, that's a 'no' coming from me . . . for now. --Mistress Sere Tuscumbia signing off.
Oo;; O . . . k. I got a lot of black, and something along the lines of "for allen stewart" . . . or maybe its martha . . .? How . . . interesting. Oh, now it's a blank canvas. Just what in the heck is going on? Mistress Sere Tuscumbia, signing off.
[B]Would you die for the one you love?[/B] Erm. Well . . . if I loved anyone, then yes. True, it'd be a "heat of the moment" thing, but if I loved that person enough, I'd die. . . . . . . Well, depends on what kind of death I'd die . . . if it was a slow, painful death, then I'd say no. ^^;; If someone I loved died for me, then, it'd be hard, but I'd live. There's other fish in the sea, you know. Dying for someone I [I]didn't[/I] love? Psssh, let 'em die. They can burn for eternity for all I care. --Sere
Insecure? Me? Nah. ^_~ But hey SM, you now get to join the dateless wonders group! ^_^ *shrugs* I don't worry about the whole "going out" deal. Meeting someone really isn't in my plans, and, with the profession I'm planning on going into (Psychology), the person I did meet would probably end up killing me in my sleep because they got so annoyed with me. Yeah, I'm insecure, but I don't care about it much. I'm a real pain to live with anyway. ^_~ --Sere
Sign Up [G] The Chosen; (Also a RPG; Not only sparring)
Sere Tuscumbia replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
Bah. I'd love to be in this, but I need time. Lots and lots of time. Gotta digest all you're throwing at me, ya know? However, I can tell you one thing right off the bat: I'm aiming for Sapphire-Overseer of Reality. And (if I get in), I suddenly go MIA, it's because I have no time to get on the internet. I have school, I have parents, and I can't devote all of my time to OB (not as much as I'd like). If only I had unlimited internet access. Save a spot for me, and I'll edit this later (I think). --Sere -
O_o;; That is the most excited I've ever seen you, James. Bah. Darn you Australians. It's 9 AM New Year's Eve for (some of) us (Drat that stupid Central Time), and as far as I know, this New Year's isn't going to be a big deal. Or maybe it will, and I just don't know about it yet. o_O;; Ah well. Tulsa's boring when it comes to le celebrations. They might have something down in OKC or something, but I don't know if Tulsa's doing something . . . I think they might be, but heck, I dun know and dun care! ^_^ Last year, Da and Sissy stayed up until New Year's day playing Risk. . . . now that I think of it, what AM I doing this New Year's? --Sere P.S. Happy New Year's to all of those who it's already arrived for, and to those of you who still have yet to enjoy it! ^_~
I went to go see the movie, loved it, got slightly confused (it all worked out in the end), then went home and read the book (got the trilogy for Christmas). I was disappointed once I read the books. In my opinion, just seeing the movie as a movie makes it great, but seeing the movie as a book isn't. The way they cut conversations, and didn't even finish the whole book (it was because they included the departure of Boromir in the first movie), among several other things really lessened my joy in watching the movie. However, the one scene in Helm's Deep where Legolas slides down the stairs on the shield is awesome! ^_^ It was kinda sad that they cut down the whole part with Merry, Pip, and the Ents. Entmoot (that's what they call it in the book) really lasts three days, and in the movie it looked like it lasted five minutes. Bah. And also, it was really obvious in some parts of the movie that there was bluescreening. Ah well, it was still a good movie. The contest between Gimli and Legolas was a cute bit of comic humour, and I enjoyed that bit. *stops and reads post* I should stop now before I start ranting. --Sere
OOC: After much time (and several mindless hours staring blankly at the computer screen), I've finally finished. But I wonder, just why in the hell am I posting this? *~*~~`` [SIZE=1]Summer sighed, and stretched, loosening stiff joints, and giving herself something to do. She watched the red pinpoint of light meander around, looking for a target once again in the slowly lightening sky. Saethi watched Summer slip of her sandals curiously. "Again, what are you doing?" Summer also slipped off the overshirt, to reveal a white t-shirt underneath. Hopefully it didn't rain. Gently laying it, along with the sandals, aside, she said, "I don?t need a bunch of dead weight if I?m going up against this so-called ?Order of Taraka?. It?ll just slow me down. Can?t have that, can we?" Saethi stared, blinked, then, paling visibly, held out his hands to stop Summer from walking out of the alley. "No. There?s no way you?re going up against the Order of Taraka. Not alone like this." Summer sighed and looked at Saethi like he was insane. "Saethi, I've already been told about the Order and their purpose, and Maz's contract with them. There's no need to get worried. I can take care of myself." Saethi smiled. "The last time you said [I]that[/I], you almost got yourself killed." Summer shrugged, a faint smile playing across her lips, echoing Saethi's. "I have a gift of that. Now then," Summer pulled the belt off, and tested the sword, swinging it a couple of times, then continued, "I'm off to kick some demon butt. You coming with?" Now it was Saethi's turn to look at Summer like she was insane. "You have [I]got[/I] to be kidding me, Summer. You're serious about this, aren't you?" "Dead serious." Summer made a face, then laughed. "[I]Quite[/I] serious. Come on, you get a whack at Mr. Mutation, but I'm not allowed to have a little fun?" Saethi sighed and shrugged. "If you weren't the Slayer, I'd have half a mind to lock you up for a while." "If I weren't the Slayer, this wouldn't be happening." "And God knows I'd have a simpler life," Saethi chuckled. Summer shot Saethi a 'bite me' look, while handing him a small dagger. Saethi eyed the dagger, then eyed Summer. "And just where do you hide these things?" Summer started to walk out of the alley, but stopped and looked at Saethi over her shoulder. "Slayer trade secret. Once this is all over, I'll show you." She stopped for a moment, thinking. "Maybe." Obviously the sniper had given up, because everything was peaceful when Summer walked fully out of the alley and surveyed the scene. The suburbs were just waking, small bits of activity that kept Summer knowing that at least the whole world wasn't dead. There were still people to protect, night after night. How unlike the future she had come from. Summer walked along the sidewalk, uneasy. Things were just too quiet, for the fact that both she and Saethi had been attacked less than fifteen minutes ago. The first blow came out of nowhere, sending Summer sprawling to the ground, and sliding a couple feet. "Ooo, that [I]had[/I] to hurt," a feminine voice said laughingly, only a couple feet from Summer's side. Summer groaned softly, but held still, listening. The displacement of air, and Summer reached out, and twisted. She stood, bloody but otherwise alright, and glared down at the woman getting up from the pavement. "There's a fine line between femme fatale and tacky tramp, and you just vaulted right over that line. Didn't your mum ever tell you that it's wrong to hit someone when they're down?" "Slayer," the leather-clad woman hissed between her teeth. "What? No fearsome words about how I'm going to die in agony, or I shall rue the day I crossed your path? Some demon [I]you[/I] are." The woman stood with one hand on her hips. "Mock all you like, Slayer, but [I]I'll[/I] be the one laughing while [I]you're[/I] bleeding out on the ground." Then, without warning, the woman lashed out at Summer. "Hey! Now we're getting somewhere," Summer said cheerily, as she blocked the attack, then ensued with one of her own. A flash of light off to her left, and Summer swung the sword around. "Now that just wasn't nice, attacking a girl from behind. But you big brutes are always the stupidest, in my opinion." She parried another attack from the mist-wraith's spiral sword thingie, then calling out to the newly emerged Saethi, "Oi, Saethi! Incoming!", parried once more, then landed a solid kick to the thing's chest . . . or what looked like a chest, sending it tumbling down and rolling in Saethi's direction. He knew how do deal with it. Summer flipped backward at the sound of someone rushing her, and when she landed, thrust the sword out in what would have been a killing move. But the sword hit only air. Summer's eyes widened, and before she could make a move, she was once again finding the pavement rushing to meet her. She hit the ground and rolled sideways, the sword falling from her hands, and hitting a streetlight pole in the process. She'd have some nasty bruises tomorrow. Heeled black boots walked into her frame of viewing, and then that damned woman bent down and picked up the sword. "Mmmmm," she chuckled, then looked down at Summer, a malicious smile on her face. "In my opinion, the best Slayer is a dead Slayer. And Mazine won't be the only one pleased with this ending." Summer rolled, but didn't move fast enough to duck the sword. She gasped, then, sword still deeply buried in her shoulder, swept the demon's feet out from under her. Summer pulled the sword from her left shoulder, and stood quite painfully. "You know what? I [I]was[/I] going to let you off with a warning, but now you've got me pissed." She heaved the woman up, then, slamming her against the side of a building, shoved the sword through her chest until the hilt was touching her skin. "Consider yourself lucky. If you had pissed me off further, you would have found yourself with no head." She turned, disgusted, away, and started to walk away. A low chuckle, staggered with wheezes and coughs, came from behind Summer, and she froze, muttered curses under her breath. "You should have known that bleeding can't kill me, Slayer." A wet sucking sound, and another wheezing laugh. "Oh--" Summer started to turn, but was once again too slow. "Hell!" The sword hit, and raked across Summer's back, from shoulder blade to shoulder blade. Summer's vision went blurry from blood loss, but she shook it off, and dodged another vicious attack. Looking around, she noticed the lightpole, and ran toward it at full tilt. Reaching out with one hand, she hit the pole and swung around, now facing the tramp that had decided to mess with her. The demon never saw it coming, and Summer slammed into her, knocking the sword from her hands, and driving her back several feet-- --right into the wooden pole held by another member of the Order. Summer turned away at the gargling sounds the demon woman made, and was glad she hadn't had anything to eat for several hours. After a moment, all went silent, and the demon (now known as a vampire) dusted. Summer looked over to where the other member of the Order was, and was surprised to find the mutated Smurf standing there, looking quite pleased with herself. Summer gaped for a moment, then managed to pull her jaw from the floor and assume a fighting stance. The Smurf woman looked up from the pile of dust now starting to swirl in an unfelt breeze, and fixed her eyes on Summer. "At ease, Slayer. I have no intention of killing you, yet." "You--you just killed a member of your Order!" "And your friend killed another," the woman said, nodding to Saethi, who was quickly coming toward Summer, looking slightly pissed off, but concerned for Summer's health. The Smurf woman looked down at the pole one last time, then dropped it. "Scylla was--what you humans would call it--a tramp. She will not be missed among the higher ranks of the Order." "Why keep me alive?" Summer swayed a little, and shook her head, only to close her eyes against the new wave of dizziness that hit her. The woman smiled, and nonchalantly waved a hand. "It wouldn't have been fair. True, it is my mission to eliminate you at all costs, but I'm sure that the First would want to have much more fun with you. But before it gets a chance at you, I'd like to kill you myself. And how fair would it be to kill you without you standing a fighting chance? Once you're healed, Slayer, you'll know where to find me. Look for an old friend of yours." With a wink, the woman stepped backwards, and disappeared. A hand on Summer's shoulder, and she turned around. Saethi looked her over, a frown on his face. "You alright Summer?" Summer smiled in response. "Peachy. Well, that was fun, wasn't it?" Summer said, then she fainted.[/SIZE] *~*~~`` O_O;; Looking over this, I've realized that, even cutting this down, it's still long. *shrugs* Ah well. At least it's done. --Sere
Which member would u like 2 meet in real life?
Sere Tuscumbia replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kinetic [/i] [B][color=darkblue] I live in Fort Worth, but right on the edge of Arlington, where I've lived all of my life. I've been to a lot of states that I didn't like, and I just hated Oklahoma. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Now that's just rude. I happen to live in Oklahoma (the only Oklahoman on the boards. I feel so lonely), and once you get used to it, it's just fine. The next time I go down to Ft. Worth (which will be a couple months), I'm gonna find you and kick your butt. Well, ok, it isn't really Ft. Worth, more of a Grapevine . . . V.V;; Ah well, it's close. Bah. I'm on like, two people's lists. However, I'd like to meet most of the members for various reasons, and since there's a lot of them, I'm not going to take up your space in listing all of them. ^_^;; Even so, most people already know that I want to meet them, and if they don't, well, get a clue. ^_~ --Sere -
Am I the ONLY ONE who doesn't want something? O_o;; I have nothing on my list, so I just tell people clothes, or money. However, I enjoy buying stuff for other people . . . dollar stores are so much fun! ^_~ However, my sister and I went a little evil, and bought ourselves a X-Box for an early Christmas present, and bought the Buffy game. Hey, it was either that or a PS2. Too bad that no one does Secret Santa where I live. O_o;; That sucks, ya know? And neither Mum or Da have told me even vaguely what they want, so hey, they must not be getting anything! (Ok, dad told me he wanted a gift card, or a saw, but I'm not going to buy him either of those.) And alas, I have nothing I want. 'Cause if I want something, I can just go across the street and buy it myself. It sucks living on the main street of Tulsa. All the stores are within walking distance. V.V;; And, in the spirit of Christmas (ONLY SIX DAYS), I shall recite the poem that I was forced to write for English. May Merry Christmas's abound, From every heart, every sound. Resounding everywhere, Sung without care. A laconic wish I bring, Assuring everything. Merry Christmas to you, To all and good night! --Sere
I don't drink. I don't drive. And, although I've done some things that I regret, I have been sober for all of them. I don't drink, and I will never drink. I'll take my regrets standing up with a pop in hand, thank you very much. --Sere
Which member would u like 2 meet in real life?
Sere Tuscumbia replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
YES! I'm on TWO lists!!! I'M LOVED!!! ^____^ But, seriously, if you met me, you'd be scared of me. Well, ok, I can be perfectly normal (which I am most of the time) but if I met any of you, just make sure I haven't eaten any Skittles. I am very scary on Skittles. *sigh* The only person that I'd actually be able to meet on my list is Bryan. 'Cause we live neighboring states. And hell, if my sister was allowed to go to Arkansas, I'd be able to go to Kansas, right? But, however, I'm not going to read off any names, because I'd love to meet all of ya'll (well, not [I]all[/I] . . . ) and heck, there's a possiblity that I might be able to sometime in the very distant future. And I don't wanna hurt anybody's feelings either. Anyways, the people I'd like to meet, I think they know. ^_~ --Sere -
I like people for who they are. That's it. Plain and simple. If I liked people for what they did, then I'd be in much different company. I don't like my friend Danielle because she can draw. I admire her talent, and it makes me appreciate her more, but that's not why I like her. I find I [I]can't[/I] like people for what they do. Because eventually, I'll find out who they are, and either not like them or like them. I can [I]admire[/I] what they do, but not like them soley on what they do. And I'm going to be getting deep and thoughtfully in a moment, and I'm too darn cold to do that, so I'll just cut this off, saying what I needed to say, and leave this where it is. --Sere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vegeta rocker [/i] [B]I may go to Oklahoma during the vacation[/B][/QUOTE] *pounce* WHERE?!?! ^_^ I live in Oklahoma! My vacation is coming up on the 20th. Only a few more weeks of that hell called school then I won't have to go back until January 6th. Ahh, life is good. BUT--semester finals lurk in the distance. Bah. And of the fact that I have a semester book report due TOMORROW, I think there's a fact that I really need to get off and due work. Bah. More studying. --Sere
First off, this really ought to be in the suggestions forum. Second off, is there anything that you [I]weren't[/I] doing? Like filling out the title box, or pressing the submit reply button? And were you using a new thread? That always makes a difference. It would help if you described exactly the steps you went through, so maybe someone would be able to find what you did wrong. I've never posted a poll before (and never will) so I can't tell you the steps in doing a poll. Gomen nasai. --Sere
Don't double post, please. There's an edit button down at the bottom of the post if you need it (which you do). And you know, ok, someone managed to do it. Does that mean you can? Mind you--I'm a BIG Buffy fan. I don't approve meddling with Buffy and anything else, because I've read too many cross-over fics and found that they twisted the characters so outta proportion that it was scary. And I assume you're talking about this "Atrocities" story, then? Read the first chapter and frankly, not keeping my attention here. Again, I say that I'm a big Buffy fan. This story doesn't even come close. Pfff--I laugh! PLUS--You'd have to get the story line to be Buffy second season, so that would mean that you'd have to revert DBZ back to about the same time. Because one: Dru's [I]dead[/I]. Dust blowing in the wind. Spike staked 'er, and two: time portals are SO cliched. Plus, despite the hilarity of it all, Buffy is a very dark show. DBZ however, is not. DBZ's more about fighting than anything else, whilst Buffy is more of a teen drama. Sure, Buffy kicks vampire booty, but it's not all about the fighting. It's about a normal gal who's pushed into something supernatural, and the way she deals with it. As I said, opposite sides of the fanstasy universe. So unless you think you can churn out something that will awe the masses, without taking from this . . . Atrocities . . . theme, then yeah, do what you want to. But otherwise, I'd avoid it. --Sere
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and DragonBall Z? I'd suggest to back away slowly. Then turn around and run. Run far, far away and never come back. DBZ and anything else EXCEPT Buffy is ok, but just don't drag poor Buff into all this. No offense or anything, but Buffy and DBZ are on opposite side of the fantasy universe. Try to churn anything Buffy/DBZ related out and it's going to die faster than . . . than . . . than something that dies fast. Just don't try it. Please. --Sere
According to the name site, my name (Leigh-Anne Bliss Bradley) is: Meadow-Full of grace Joy From the broad meadow. Erm. Well then. I have meadow at the beginning and the end of my name. How lovely. I [I]knew[/I] my name was too long! --Sere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJeh [/i] [B][b][size=1]Two questions (which'll make me sound like a total idiot): What exactly are the cooties? (I've wanted to know that one for a long time) And what does that [i]'Circle Circle Dot Dot'[/i] bit mean?[/b][/size] :whoops: [/B][/QUOTE] Yep, you sound like an idiot. Cooties: Do you want the elementary term, or the real thing? And the "Circle, Circle, Dot, Dot" is one of the "cootie protection" things. The little rhyme (or at least the one I learned . . . although cooties were something of an idiotic concept for me) was: "Circle, circle, dot, dot. Now I've got my cootie shot!" I'm sure there was more, but mainly, it was just a, if you got your "cootie shot" then you couldn't get cooties. Even though little second graders don't even know what cooties are . . . O_o;; --Sere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinobi [/i] [B]And Sere what is this spoof you are talking about? I don't recall it being put on British TV! Unless i missed it o_O;;[/B][/QUOTE] French and Saunders-Lord of the Rings. It was on . . . er. Thursday. Sometime. Seven (central time), I think. I just remember that it was before CSI . . . And it was BBCAmerica (British Broadcasting Company-America), so wasn't really [I]British[/I] TV. ^_^ The Brits have got much better shows then boring America. I think I'm addicted to British TV . . . *groans* Another Legolas lover. Does that mean I have to give you a plushie too, Juu? (O__o;; That rhymed.) In my opinion, Elijah Wood looks much better than Orlando Bloom. But hey! Since when has my opinion counted? --Sere
^_^ Lord of the Rings. Or, as my dad calls it "Bored of the Rings", is quite a good trilogy. However, through the wonderful use of BBCAmerica, I was able to watch the spoof of LotR: TFotR, and, as British humour goes, it was quite amusing. Got a kick out of it, I did. I might go see TT, but I'm not sure. At least I'm not going with dad . . . he's got this weird thought that I'm in love with Legolas . . . O_o;; Far enough from the truth to be scary. And plus, there's too many Leggy lovers already. It depends. --Sere
OOC: Ok. As of the fact that I haven't posted for a while ( gee, it it obvious? ) I feel I need to explain myself. Two words: No time. Another two words: Semester finals. Yeah. That's why I haven't posted in this for a while, among other RPGs . . . but I will get to it dammit, I [I]will[/I]! Ah well, give me time. Christmas Break starts the 20th, and then, maybe I'll have some time . . . ^^;; --Sere
Well if he's going because he feels bad about it, then screw him! Beat him with a large rubber hammer and then move onto someone who'd actually appreciate you! Hey, I may have my differences with you every once in a while, but you're a better person than he his! DON'T SINK DARNIT! Don't lower yourself to his level. Now--if he [I]wants[/I] to go . . . that's a different matter. And he DID apologise/give a valid reason for not going so . . . you never know. @_@;; Confuzzling. --Sere *edit* And BabyGirl, sorry, but ForeDaddy's comment "lose 20 pounds, consult magic mirror, repeat"? Hahaha--not. I find that insulting. If it was humour, well then Fore shouldn't give up his day job.