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Everything posted by Sere Tuscumbia
Heh. I used to sleepwalk, but don't know if I still do. However, never did anything funny. Except wonder how I fell asleep on the futon and woke up in my bed . . . and mum caught me once. Asked me what I was doing, and I mumbled [I]something[/I] (god knows) and just kept walking . . . Oo;; --Sere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash [/i] [B]Say what? It didn't die! I finished it! It was great! And trust me, there'll be an HV4... Soon enough. ;) [/B][/QUOTE] Sssuuurrrreee it was great . . . like Raiha said you killed us all off. Really great Flashy. HV4!! *squeals excitedly, pounces on Flash and huggles him to death* --Sere
Hybrid Vigor . . . didn't that spawn Metro City, in a way? Ahhh, we need to find a way to start MC again . . . it died very sadly . . . --;; MC was one of the best RPG's out there for a time . . . however, it'd be the 4th HV around . . . I tend to go for the fantasy/futuristic myself, due to the fact I write stories based on that. However, I'll go with about any RPG that has experienced players that I've most normally RPGed with before (simple RPGs really drive me batty . . .) and a good background. Which is why I'm only in three RPGs, instead of the 50 million I used to be in . . . sad to say, it really is hard to find a good RPG today . . . V.V
It's a nice poem, but you've got some grammatical errors, and some of it doesn't seem to flow smoothly. If it's possible, you should try to expand on the poem, and turn it into a song instead. It's got a wonderful rhyme scheme, and a sense of balance that could easily be turned into something greater than it already is. But, otherwise, I really do like it! ^_^ --Sere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]Even though they're not here anymore, Seress for all those nice morning chats during my winter depression.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Seress wanted me to get to you, but I kept on forgetting. The reason she never talked again was that her modem broke, and (as far as I know) still hasn't gotten it fixed. Also, her parents shipped her off to Maine until Christmas (she left just before Halloween, I think), and hasn't been able to communicate. She also wants you to know that she misses talking to you. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus Ex Machina [/i] [B]Sere Tuscumbia: Another one of the crazy ones... and a great person too.. so yeah.. *adds to sig* [/B][/QUOTE] *squeals excitedly and then pounces on Deus and huggles him to death* 'Nuff said. ^_~ [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kaiba's Angel [/i] [B](e.g. Sere's "There's something living in those plants and it's NOT the plants... Jesus, I'm scared...)[/B][/QUOTE] O_o;; I made someone laugh. That is possibly one of the greatest compliments anyone could ever say. Honestly, you don't know how much that means to me . . . *crawls into a corner and sobs happily* *xxx- I'm not going to bother ya'll with my respects, because the people who have my respect should know who they are (and there's a great many of you!) and they should know that all my love goes out to them. You guys are one of the main things that keeps me going day after day. Possibly 'cause I know a few people who would bring me back from the dead just to kill me for killing myself . . . ^^;; but I don't know what I'd do without your humour mixed with compassion to keep my day bright. I love you guys! ^_^ --Sere
Whee! ^_^ *xxx- [I]Katlina ducked the frying pan coming from the darkened doorway.[/I] "I'm sorry!" [I]She ducked a rolling pin.[/I] "Honestly!" [I]Then came a cooking stone, and only pure instinct saved Katlina from getting conked in the forehead.[/I] "I'm innocent, really!" "Really. Are you now?" [I]Her foster mother emerged from the doorway, holding a soapy pan in her left hand.[/I] "I know that was you who stole it. ?Fess up." [I]Katlina cringed inwardly, while keeping her face a mask of perfect innocence. Even though her mum was getting on in her years, her mind was still like a knife, sharp as always, and getting sharper over the years.[/I] "Stole what?" [I]She feigned innocence, then turned tail and ran, as the soapy pan went sailing over her shoulder. Her mother would never hurt her intentionally, but she had come close before . . . another rolling pin went sailing over her head. Where did her mother hide these things?! She careened around an abrupt corner, escaping the barrage of cooking utensils. Whew, peace at last . . . at least for now.[/I] "Katlina Elizabeth Selwyn! Get back here RIGHT NOW!!! I?m not finished with you!!!" [I]This time Katlina cringed outwardly. Her mother rarely ever used her full name . . . her rightful birth name . . . Katlina cringed again. Memories of her birth parents were still painful . . . and disturbing. The wind kicked up, swirling her short, whitish hair around her face. Sheesh, she really needed to control her temper. She walked out of the opposite side of the alley way, her temper calmed, and quickly disappeared into the throng, heading off to the outer edge of the city to meet her father. Her father, a jolly man, with eyes the same colour as his name, Sky, was returning from a year long trip across the desert, and Katlina, even at her age, had the excitement of a five year old when she sees her parents coming through the door. Little did she know she was heading for big trouble instead . . .[/I] -xxx* Couldn't help myself.
>>;; You lived closer to me when you lived in Arkansas. I live in Oklahoma, but am planning on moving somewhere else (can't pick from three options) once I get the time, money, and a job (which will be several years from now. SEVERAL.). Because, after 15 years of Tulsa, Oklahoma, I wanna go somewhere else for a change . . . and, once again, [I]be yourself[/I]. I made some of the best friends I've ever had just by turning around to the girl in the seat behind me 1st hour, and asking her if I knew her (turns out she had the same ARC teacher as me in 6th Grade, one hour apart). It never hurts to be friendly. --Sere
Something told me that I was going to make this . . . ^_~ ah well, you start it, I'll try to carry it, however, my brain isn't in perfect condition, so I'm stuck w/ Writer's Block. God I hate not being able to write . . . >
OMG!! It's been so long since Voltron, that I forgot all about it! I used to watch that! ^^;; Really, one day when I was sick, I was flipping channels, and came across one of the old animes (I think it was Macross . . . ) and was like "Woah . . . cool." I eventually found my way on the anime path, but have recently deviated from my path and gone searching on the manga path. Anime doesn't hold as much flair once you discover the mangas . . . ^^;; However, Voltron, ThunderCats, and several very old animes that I can't remember the names of anymore shall always hold a place in my heart . . . ^_~ --Sere
MIST'S ALIVE!!! *pounce huggle* . . . . . . *cough* Just had to do that, gomen. Well--the best advice I can offer is [I]BE YOURSELF[/I]. That way people know the real you, and like the real you. And, possibly, just go up to a random person who looks like they could use a friend and say hi. Hanging back and waiting for someone to notice you is NOT the way to go, trust me. OTS--where did you move to? Just curious, since I never heard any details . . . ^^;; --Sere
Er. Geez. I've lived in Oklahoma with Oklahomans so long that I can't tell what's a regional saying and what isn't! @_@;; This is so embarrassing . . . however, I can tell you that I've watched so much British programming, and have several British/Australian friends, that people look at me strangely when I start talking, because I use a lot of British slang. A LOT of British slang. Ah, strange looks are really funny . . . ^_^ So, if I discover anything within the next few days, I'll be sure to update . . . Oo;; This is really embarrassing . . . T-T;; --Sere
Sign Up Blade of the Slayer: The New Slayers
Sere Tuscumbia replied to Sere Tuscumbia's topic in Theater
Orien, just one problem. If you're human, you are unable to be an android. If your character is an android, he would be unable to go to school, due to the fact that androids don't age, and therefore would have been just awakened within one or two years, knowing his purpose. And Raiha, is your character fighting with the Dragonoid army, against the Dragonoid army, or neutral? I'm sure I have other questions, but can't think of them right now . . . > -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Asphyxia [/i] [B][color=darkred] And Sere, happy is coming. Soon. I want to see if I can do that without making it trite and cliched. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Happy better come soon. Any more of this depressing crap, and I'll have to torture you all with MY depressing crap. And my depressing crap's just strange . . . Oo;; And, (bad me, bad me! Argh, can't help myself.) I do believe that trite and cliched mean the same thing. Argh. Damn my Creative Writing teacher for teaching me these things . . . And no critism from me. Not my style. I just tell you that your thing is crap. And, well, it's crap. However, maybe the happy will be better, eh? But, be warned, too happy and you'll be hurting. No one wants a fairy tale here. --Sere *edit* looked up the words 'trite' and 'cliched' as best as I could, as of the fact that the dictionary has gone missing, and they both mean 'stereotyped'. So, they pretty much mean the same thing.
Funnily enough, as you wipe the dust off the old signup, I wipe off the dust of the old reply . . . Name: Katlina Selwyn Age: 20 (Geez.) Birthmark: At first look, there appears to be no birthmark, but upon closer inspection, there resembles something to the extent of a small, silvery streak running from the center of her forehead to her right ear, symbolizing the element of air. Bio: Katlina, born and raised under the watchful eye of her scientific parents, never knew she was special in any way. She had occasional "accidents" but there was nothing serious, until the day when her parents were killed at the hands of mysterious strangers. Kat then found she could harvest the powers of what her devout parents called "Father Sky" and wreak havoc on the guilty . . . and the innocent. After accidentally destroying an entire city filled with civilians in a fit of rage, Kat fled, then sought asylum in the large city that would be her home, and retreated into the spiritual world to find who she really was. Even though Kat could be entirely clueless at times, it was only wit and a sense of charm that brought Katlina into the living world once again. She lives because she can, and therefore is widely known throughout the city for being mischievous. Her parents (foster) are both skilled healers, although her father travels more than he stays home. Katlina has been found, but is not fully aware of what she must do. Appearance- see attachment
^_^ One of the random few that wasn't pressured into reading this (or so my PM box tells me . . .) It's good Rae, but not the best you could do. It's a bit hard to understand, and in someplaces it doesn't flow the smoothest it can. However, it has potential to be better, if you edited it a bit. But, otherwise, keep up the good work. And pick something [I]happy[/I] to write about. I'm tired of the depressing crap. --Sere
[I]Dragons have existed since the beginning of time. The Chinese made them famous, with their parades and stories, and they have long been the topic of fantasy stories and games, but no one ever thought they were real . . . The world got a rude awakening in 2000, when dragon-looking creatures called Dragonoids made themselves publicly known, eating towns, cities, countries, in days or weeks. One might ask "What?s a Dragonoid?" and the answer might earn a strange look. Dragonoids are dragon-like creatures who look like people by day, but transform into hideous beings at night, well, at least when the stars are out. When the stars are out, a Dragonoid will emerge and wreck murderous havoc. Apparently, their mission in life was to devour all of mankind. The Dragonoids have existed for over two thousand years. However, they only existed in their human forms, so there was no actual trouble. For those two thousand years, they gathered life energy from the planet though their magic. The Earth's life energy would sustain their natural forms, the monsters people know them as. Without that life energy, they would remain humans, and be no real problem. And as long as there have been Dragonoids, there have been the Slayers. Over fifty years ago, a man designed a weapon that would kill the Dragonoids. It would be perfect, a weapon that would wipe out the attackers before they could wipe us out. He never lived to even begin the actual project. He was murdered by the Dragonoids. The weapon was designed to look like a human in every respect. An android, with human memories and feelings, as not to confuse them when they finished their mission. In the beginning, there were three Slayers, infamous for their teamwork and slaying abilities. Paris Kid, Tokyo Kid, and London Kid. But, one day outside of San Francisco, the Slayers and their human company were surrounded and outnumbered by an army of Dragonoids. Only one member of that company, a human woman by the name of Ayla Stark, escaped from the battle that ensued, and vowed to continue the fight . . . The year is 2085, almost a century after the Three Slayers became mere myth. The Dragonoids, after seemingly melting out of existence, have once again emerged, except this time they?ve added a new member to their family: Dragoons, something of a genetic mutation. Dragoons are small, shifty creatures, almost Raptor-like but . . . lizardy. Their mission? You guessed it, same as the Dragonoids. They also share the same qualities as Dragonoids, human by day, monster by night, and are also able to use magic. Some shoot fire, some shoot ice, some shoot lightening bolts . . . You are one of the Slayers created to destroy the Dragonoids and Dragoons. One of several assassinating androids. Designed to be twice as strong and twice as smart as the average human. You was programmed with the grace of a butterfly and the sting of a bee, and declared the best machine ever created with state of the art technology and computer science. You must find your fellow Slayers, both human and android, and eliminate the rising threat of the Dragonoids and company once and for all.[/I] Unfortunately, going along with the original story, there will have to be a limited amount of android Slayers. Whee, human Slayers galore, but a maximum of four androids. Also, if you so desire, you can play either a Dragonoid, Dragoon, or both. It will also be requested that if you are one of the androids, only one is allowed to know about the androidness from the start. The rest will have fake memories, and find that they are android in their own, special way (depends on you). Mind you, Dragonoids and Dragoon?s are bullet-proof, so guns will not count as weapons. AND, no use signing up as Paris Kid, Tokyo Kid, or London Kid. You?ll get a butt kickin? from me if you do. Onto the sign-ups then. *edit* on a side note--the "other" option does not mean you can pick anything that?s too weird. Remember that this is a real life based RPG. *another edit* If you?re signing up as a Dragonoid/Dragoon, or even if you aren?t, more info: there are two types of Dragonoids: Western Hemisphere (eight feet, all fours. Scales, claws, snake neck, long tail, fiery breath, green) and Eastern Hemisphere (stand upright, four arms, a six-foot long tail, and are usually black colored). Since the Dragoons are something of my own creation, I?m still working on that. Both species can talk. Yes, talk. *yet another edit* Due to the fact that I?m picky, I would like experienced players, but I will accept anyone and everyone (within limits). -xxx- Name: Age: Android/Human/Dragonoid/Dragoon/Other: Android Name (town your blueprints were drawn up in/ town you were created in): Number (Dragonoids/Dragoons also have numbers, notes how strong they are): Weapons (don?t go too wild with these, remember that Dragonoid/ Dragoons are bulletproof. Also a limit on weapons, we don?t want too many.): Appearance: False Memories/Bio: -xxx- Name: Katanga Elizabeth Selwyn Age: 19 A/H/D/D/O: Android Android Name: Emerald Kid Series 1 Number: KJ-216494 Weapons: Kitchen knife, sword (2) Appearance: Brown, mid-back hair normally pulled back in a braid. Blue eyes. Wears a white T-Shirt and black pants, with a black trenchcoat. False Memories: Had a mother, father, and younger sister, along with several tropical fish. Went to Oregon State University until a Dragonoid attacked the college. Barely escaped with her life, and then two women (Mia and her daughter Ayla (Ayla Stark?s daughter and granddaughter, respectively)) killed the Dragonoid with swords, took her to the mansion, and trained her to become a Slayer. Still does not know about being a android yet.
Not posting to sign up, but I couldn't help myself. I've noticed some things that are a little off with Sailor Pluto's signup. Dark Dome Close, although her most powerful attack, does NOT cause her to lose consciousness for seven hours. It causes her to DIE. She has broken one of the most important taboos set on her by Queen Serenity (the original, who, if I were signing up, would be my character). Thus, she dies. Also, Setsuna doesn't appear to be just 20. Most likely late 20's to early 30's. And, due to the fact that she is the Guardian of Time, and has Cronus's blood in her veins, she is actually, most likely, several thousand years old. Also, Setsuna Meioh (Sailor Pluto really) has one more "attack". I haven't been able to find a name for it, but it involves her using her Garnet Orb (the heart shaped thing on the top of her Garnet Staff, you know) to create a shield of protection. Ok, I looked. She simply says (I'm going off the manga for all this, you know. Because the manga came first. It's the stuff you should go off of) "Garnet Ball!" and a ball of protection surrounds anyone who needs to be protected. And Sailor Saturn has one more attack. "Silence Reborn Revolution". This is the attack that destroys worlds. And, in destroying the worlds, Sailor Saturn herself dies along with the attack, but is reborn as a baby until her next awakening. It may seem like I'm ribbing on you guys, I as a serious Moonie, I can't help myself in correcting people. Gomen --Sere
Now my half-mindless, emotional rant that will leave everyone thinking I am some insane little bunny. (*sniff, sniff* I do feel left out though. Seems I haven't made any difference in anyone's life . . . damn.) How I came to Otakuboards? I had a friend (haven't talked to her for forever, so don't know if she still even likes me . . . T-T;;) who talked endlessly about OB, and encouraged me every single day to join, to see it for myself. So I, at 12/13 (good God I was young), try this place out. Of course (bad me! Bad me!), didn't know the rules existed on this place, but quickly learned (with help). And now, two years later (2 years and . . . 2 to 3 months. Go me!) I don't think that I'll ever leave this place. How my life has changed while on Otakuboards? Well, I'll have to say, I've matured. A LOT. I've also opened up a lot more. When I was younger, I'd never talk unless I felt comfortable with someone, and it was hard to become friends with anyone. With the help of the people on OB, and my RL friends, I've really opened up, and am (normally) willing to be friends with (mostly) anyone. What wouldn't have changed? Well, I most likely would not have been able to have gotten through some of the hard times in my life without the caring people on these boards. I owe my life to you guys. Seriously. Yeah, I can say that I've become close with some of the people on these boards. You guys are as close as my IRL friends, and possibly even closer. You guys have a mix of humour, seriousness, and caring that makes even the crappiest days seem better. Thanks. And since I'm going off the deep end of semi-mindless ranting, I'll close it off at this. --Sere
I want a freaking BOYFRIEND! Er, not really, but hey, had to put that in. To quote the bible (oooo, I'm promoting religion! Bad me! BAD! :rolleyes: Sheesh.): With my very last breath, I want to sing praises. That's what I want to do when I die. Yes, I'll say it right now, most will call me a fake Christian. I don't go to church, I don't really reflect God in all that I do. But really, once you get past all of the glamour, being a Christian is believing in God and praising him. I don't need church to get close to God. True, it'd help if I started reflecting God in all that I do, but hey, I'm not perfect. And God knows that. He still loves me anyway. But really, I'm a Christian. I praise God in my own ways, whether it be singing with my favorite Christian singer (one song of Michelle Branch's is a two meaning song. One is for the everyday people, but then there's a spiritual meaning. Wanna know the song? It's called "Everywhere". But other than that, my favorite christian singer is Stephen Curtis Chapman.), or ranting to God about my problems, and my hopes, dreams, fears, prayers. I want to be praising God until I go up and meet him. A story from my subsitute teacher made this decision for me today. Her grandfather (92) was in a coma for two weeks, and every day, her aunt would go up to the hospital, and read to him, and sing old hymns. And one day, after her aunt had read some poetry, she started singing "Amazing Grace". And then, after two weeks of silence, this little 92 year old man starts singing "Amazing Grace" along with my sub's aunt. Twenty minutes later, this 92 year old man who had praised God all his life died. That story touches me very deeply. And that's what I want to do before I die, and when I die, be it tonight, tomorrow, or years in the future, I want to be praising God. I do have other goals for my life, but right now, let's take one day at a time, eh? --Sere
Heh. Had this problem myself . . . er, two years ago I believe. Really, what a paragraph [I]is[/I], is when you separate out the whole story into little parts. When you change paragraphs is when different people are speaking, or different people change actions, or when a different thought comes around in a story. I.E.-- (I just took a completely random part out of this. Closed my eyes and highlighted until I got the right post.) (the "---"'s indicate paragraphs) "---That was the end of my thinking. ---I shoved my hands in my pocket and continued on my walk. It was still dark out. Nothing moved, there was complete silence. ---Looking at my hands I realized I was shaking. I sighed. What I needed to do was relax. I flipped my backpack off my back and allowed it to hit the ground. A dull thud echoed through the street. ---After scattering my books I found what I was looking for. I smirked. My dad's lighter and a pack of Camels. ---I slowly lit one of the small cigarettes. Taking in a long drag I smiled. Mom said I shouldn't smoke, it was bad for me. ---That made no sense, I can't smoke yet Dad was still around. He was far worse than any cigarette." Not sure if anyone will agree with me, but the way I paragraphed that small section is the way I paragraph my stories. I'm going to be posting the first chapter to one of my stories ( I [B]will[/B] publish it one day dammit! ) soon, and just look at the places where I changed paragraphs. Different people, different actions, different places, anything and everything makes a difference. And MK, really, I don't enjoy correcting people on their grammar, but once you've lived with my sister for fifteen years (she's always correcting my grammar), I've gotten in the habit of correcting spelling/grammar. Seems to help in the long run. And although it drives people insane, they [I]do[/I] do it right. And originally, Rae, your spelling drove me insane. However, through my sister (almighty almost-everything guru), I learned that you Aussies still use the British way of spelling everything. The only reason that Americans use different spelling was because some crazy weirdo in America decided that he wanted the spelling different because America and Britain were two different countries, so they shouldn't have the same spelling. (this was way back when everything was written out. Go figure.) So this insane dude went in and changed every word that he could to make the spelling look different. (ah, the things you learn through your Biology teacher.) And thus, the good ole U S of A's "realize" is Britain's "realise", and "pried" is "prised", and also "theater" is "theatre". There are oh-so-many others but I really can't think of them at this time. Thus ends my ranting post. --Sere
Damn. Meant to click the first one, but ended up with the second instead. Stupid freaking mouse! Optical mouse and STILL it doesn't work! *beats her mouse against the mousepad a couple times in frustration* When you're doing quotations, a comma inside the quotations is best. "Wait," he says, laying a hand on the door, "I still need to talk." --> If you're not quite finished with a sentence, but need to punctuate your sentence to make it important (I.E. add an action that's needed to emphasize something) comma inside the quotations would be best. Plus does "'wait'," look very good? Really, the only time you would use a comma [I]outside[/I] of the quotations is if you're cataloging (er, not sure if that sounds right but at least it sounds good to [I]me[/I]) something. (I.E. "It could be something with the words: 'bathtub', 'phone battery', and . . . possibly, 'racquetball'? I can't be sure." He squinted at the scorched scrap once more. "It'll take a while to decipher all of the way." (always remember folks, if you're quoting something inside quotations, use [I]single[/I] quotations (') instead of [I]double[/I] quotations (").) Er. Sudden idea. *starts typing madly in a new document of Microsoft Word*) Er. I've most likely left out something, but hey, someone else will get it (or have already gotten it) for sure. --Sere
One thing Bri(yes, it's still Br[I]i[/I]. It just looks better.). It's not baron, it's barren. A baron is a lord of some sort. Still as good as ever, but a bit hard to read. Try separating your story into paragraphs. It keeps (as least for me) you focused on what you're writing, and as the reader, it makes it easier on us poor ADHD children who can't read back and forth in long paragraphs. You've got good description, and you really get into the personal feelings of the main character. I await the next part, so get your butt in gear and write! ^_~
[I]Summer walked up to Saethi and looked him straight in the eye, then turned away for a moment. Then turned around again, eyes flaming, and punched Saethi in the jaw.[/I] "You?you [I]bastard[/I]! You bloody [I]codswanker[/I]! You have [I]no[/I] idea what I?ve been through! If you think that I?m just going to waltz out of here like this was a walk through the daisies, think again! You?re not the only one in a dangerous situation! You think I [I]chose[/I] for it to end up like this?! Do you think I [I]wanted[/I] to be stuck in some stranger?s apartment, hiding from three very brassed off bounty hunters?! Just because you have your evil self wandering around some suburb is [I]no[/I] reason to push me away like this, Saethi!" [I]Saethi rolled his jaw around for a bit before speaking.[/I] "It was for your safety, Summer. You know that." [I]Summer picked up the sword, and then went rummaging around for a makeshift sheath.[/I] "Safety wasn?t in the job description, Saethi." [I]She peeked her head around a doorframe.[/I] "If it were, I?d be living a very different life." [I]Saethi watched Summer wrap the sash around her waist, the sword already hooked into the belt. Raising an eyebrow, he asked,[/I] "Just where do you think you?re going?" [I]Summer didn?t look at Saethi as she spoke, instead focused her attention on the makeshift belt.[/I] "The bounty hunters are about to become the bounty [I]hunted[/I]." [I]Saethi frowned.[/I] "Summer--" [I]he started, but Summer cut him off. Summer opened the now useless door, and stared out into the hallway.[/I] "I?m sorry Saethi, but I?ve got to go make the world safe for every woman, child, and dog out there." "If Mazine has bounty hunters after you, you could die." [I]Summer stiffened. And when she looked at Saethi, her eyes were cold.[/I] "I?m already going to die, Saethi, so what?s it matter?" [I]She closed the door behind her.[/I] *** Using the shortened version, because otherwise you?d be faced with a long, halfway mindless but still proving a point post. And we wouldn?t want that. --Sere P.S. Might I mention that being sick and the internet don?t mix. I may (or may not) be off for a while again.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rain [/i] [B][color=blue]When my cousin was about 8, she put on one of her mum's bras and stuffed it with socks. As funny as that sounds (and it was pretty funny when I heard about it), it scared me, because it makes me wonder what she'll be like when she's 15[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Now THAT is . . . disturbing. REALLY disturbing. And yes, a toddler wearing a lingerie bra is enough to put any sane person in the insane asylum, but-- I'd have to blame it on natural human curiosity. Most little children (speaking from experience here) need a role model. Mommy and/or Daddy's the closest person available, so they latch on. Whatever Mommy and/or Daddy does, they do. (Went after Daddy. And people wonder why I had to have the tips of my thumb and index finger sewn back on . . . (Daddy sharpened knives and cut paper with them. Think wad of newspaper and forgotten onion knife in a three year old's hands.)) What Mommy does, the child does (even though the thought of a padded lingerie bra is extremely disturbing). Simple human curiosity. This is an iffy situation, mind you. I'm just talking from what I thought of as a toddler (don't know 'bout you, but three counts as a toddler for me) and based my opinion on what I did. For all I know, this child knew what the bra was, and knew some other disturbing things that I'm not going to bring up. [B]God[/B], that's disturbing. And now I'll leave my mindless ranting to close off here. --Sere
Well, I've been on this forum for about 2 and something years, and I'll say right now that I'm addicted. Yes, addicted. To the forums, to the people, not sure what, but I'm addicted. Really, I've learned a lot from these forums, and when I first joined, I was just a clueless little kid. Through some nurturing (even though none of you realized it), I've become the person I am on these boards today. And its the best thing that has happened to me. Unlike other boards, I don't have to keep up an image of someone I'm not. I can live like I do in regular life. And I can express my opinions without fear of . . . everyone else, really. Yeah, this place has had a few bumps in the road, but it's still chugg-a-lugging along, whether helped or hindered. And I guess that's why I keep coming back. There's a pull on this place, that captures some and leaves them helpless against the tug, and pushes away others. I'm just one of the helpless ones. --Sere