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Everything posted by PrimalChaos

  1. I guess I'll start where keyblade left off [I]Within you within me it surrounds us and it binds us and yet there are some who would use it for pain and suffering[/I] I know, I know part SW rip :P Anyways here's mine it's a bit messy but whatever :P [URL=http://artpad.art.com/gallery/?j1nb4gwjtc8]Clicky![/URL] Suggest going on fast
  2. [I]Here the long lived ones speak of an era eons in the past what was there and what it was it like The young dance and twirl in their own separate world buzzing brightly without a single care[/I] [URL=http://artpad.art.com/gallery/?j1o2uw136i5w]Beaches[/URL]
  3. [I]If this is the way things are.... then this is the way it will be.... I will live my life.... as the way it was ment to be lived Forever chained the Liquid Geisha.[/I] Here's [URL=http://artpad.art.com/gallery/?j1n3k83sp7w]mine[/URL] Take it as you see it
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