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    I'm really nice and hopes to make friends
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  1. :catgirl: my first anime was Inuyasha. I started to draw and got really good at it. :animeswea
  2. Well I like both cause I think that all of it rox. I'm an anime and a manga fan so I don't know which is better. Whatever floats your boats is what my sister says. :animeswea
  3. I have noticed alot of changes but then that's the movie and the episods. They probably made it different for a reason or something. It sucks when they do that. The people who made kenshin needs to set up on how kenshin is going to look like but then what do I know.
  4. that's cool. i like rap but i also listen to all sorts of music. most people like eminem. i don't see what's up with that but whatever floats their boats.
  5. [QUOTE=Ænigma]I love the Ramones if that counts :P Tool really influences me, they have the song for the right moment with me, If im depressed I listen to a tool song, same for angry. They really are a great Metal bands there lyrics are excelent and they always get there message out. But if you want some awesome new bands, Trivium, Atreyu. There always good.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Times New Roman]I'm a person who likes all music. I love it all. my personal favorite is rock! :animeswea have yal heard of chevele? this band is pretty good. :catgirl: [/FONT]
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