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Hylian Blood

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Everything posted by Hylian Blood

  1. My favorite AS show currently is Robot Chicken
  2. I am sorry to be such a bother, but would it be Ok if the Text for the Sig could be just in "Solid Green" Color and in the center of the Signature?
  3. Avenue Q- Everyone's A Little Bit Racist
  4. If I was to go to Japan the first thing I would do is, Check In a Hotel, then after go sightseeing. (Iam worried though that one day I'll go to Japan, But I wont like it...)
  5. Heres My Small List of Good Comedy Movies/Stand Up: -Pablo Fransisco: Bits and Pieces -Team America -The Life Aquatic -Airplane! -Stripes
  6. Hello there! Its Hylian Blood asking for a small request,a Link Avatar/Signature Set. If its not a problem for anybody that Is. [B][u]Avatar[/u][/B] [url]http://www.freeonlinegames.com/images/1489.jpg[/url] (For the link its the Picture of Ninja Link) Also if its possible can the avatar say "HB" in it? [b][u]Signature[/u][/b] Heres Some Pictures: [url]http://funnyblog.net/graphics/return_of_ganondorf.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.freeonlinegames.com/images/1489.jpg[/url] (Use the Picture of Ganon For the Siggy) [url]http://www.muchosucko.com/modules/Web_Links/images/links/1922.jpg[/url] Also make the sig say "Hylian Blood" "Ninja Link" ============================================= If there is anything wrong with the pictures, just Tell me and i'll fix it Thanks In Advance ~Hylian Blood~
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