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Everything posted by gwynva

  1. [B]Real name :[/B] Everyone was expecting me to be a boy so when i came out as a girl they did not know how to name me. My uncle does not like children and he was teasing my parents "where is our little gazelle?" So thanks to him my name is Hazal meaning gazelle. Also my middle name is Saadet (Bliss) which was given after a dear friend of my parents who had died only a couple of days before i was born while giving birth to her own child. [B]Nicknames :[/B] Most of my good friends call me halfling, as i am 1.55m and i like to feel the ground under my feet (may be that is why my feet are far too big for my height :) ) and i like to dance, drink, sing with my horrid voice and i laugh a lot. And also they call me CADI (witch), as i turn into a scary granny weatherwax whenever i get mad, people just go and hide or stay and .... :animeswea [B]Online user names :[/B] Well, i only use gwynva. I started using it while i was reading tolkien for the first time like 10-11 years ago (of course first not on the internet but on frp, and comp. games) and never changed since.
  2. [quote name='RiflesAtRecess][font=trebuchet ms']With anime, I usually download the first episode before I buy it. This is just to get a feel for the series and to see how good it is before I buy it. If I don't like it, I don't download any more of it, if I like it, I'll buy some or all of the series. [/font][/quote] Exactly! what i do is also this, buying dvd s require a good deal of money, so i want to make sure that i spend it the best way possible. But for example, some also download manga scans, for that i prefer buying the first volume of the book, nothing can replace the touch and smell of paper. Besides it feels good everytime i check my library :) And for the anime music: there is a site in which i can listen to most of the anime musics without actually downloading and the site also provides critiques of the cds and again if i like it, i go and buy it. ([url]http://www.animeillusion.com/ecouter/[/url])
  3. I didn't read the manga but only watched the anime. I often think of it myself as well, what would happen if i were to live in a different age,country, universe etc. If I were to meet A guy, B girl under different conditions...That's why the story is really capturing and very good in terms of "meeting old friends under new settings". I like clamp in general so most of the characters i watched/read and liked show their faces under different and most of the time very interesting plots. And the musics used during the episodes are so lovely, i easily listen to them over and over again (by the way same goes for .hack as well :) ) Yet, the stories evolve too slowly somehow, sometimes i find myself getting bored and in need of some action. In this sense the addition of kurogane and fye characters in the plot was a very good choice and yet even with them sometimes it feels as if it is not enough. But it did not prevent me watching all the episodes :)
  4. I am not a great fan of sailormoon in fact. Especially in the begining a girl hero not being able to do anything without the help of a man pissed me off a little. But then with the help of friends the series got better, and among those friends i should say that i like jupiter better than the rest. For the vote: My vote goes to Sailor Venus, as she is kind, cute and brave. On the other hand Asuka is always arrogant, too ambitous and violent.
  5. It seems like spike but gives the feeling that spike is in his early teenage period :) It is nice and i like to see it finished but i think there is a problem with the finger sizes esp the little finger seems to be too long and suddenly cut. The proportions of the body also gave me the impression that Spike is still growing and even in his youth he was really handsome and cute (not seen much so a happy fellow living with his family :) )
  6. I think to ask whether animes will die is basically the same as asking whether cinema will die in general. Making animes is simply another way to express one's views/dreams without the physics rules :) It gives you a world that you can basically do anything and everything and who on earth would want to give up such a freedom no matter how many years pass??!! Of course the series that are created will change/evolve, some will die, some will become classics...However, it is only natural to expect it to survive no matter what, seeing the way it affects children. Mom definitely loves the stories of Miyazaki, but miyazaki is not the only guy who makes really good stuff, there are others out there waiting to be realized by the rest of the world. People can only become interested of something only if they are aware; for which i think we fans are responsible up to a point. Most of my friends like inuyasha now (thanks to me :animesmil ) and what is more i do not have to ask them to watch now as they come to me asking what is new, what to watch etc.
  7. [quote name='Umbra II'] I'll watch any type so long as the charactors are deep and the plot is interesting.[/quote] Definitely agree (fruits basket is very heart warming for example :) ), however i must admit that i watch animes with much more interest when it is action like kenshin, cowboy bebop, samurai champloo etc.
  8. [quote name='Xy GGu']"Annoying" characters in the story are used to make the "better" characters look more amazing.[/quote] well, i do not see how that chibi-thing makes usagi look better, the brat behaving as if she is the boss/adult whatever, i want her to drop dead everytime i see her on tv. [quote name='Xy GGu']Have you watched ALL of "Inuyasha"? You might be satisfied with how Shippo changes toward the end.[/quote] Yes, to tell the truth towards the end i never find myself wishing that i was the one hitting his head :) Even in escaflowne there is this cat/girl really annoying always on the tail of Van and not adding much to the plot, but i think anime writers do really enjoy themselves whenever they create a character as such. Even directors do it sometimes, create small scenes to amuse themselves only...
  9. We used to watch animes together with my mom, it was one of the few things that kept me quiet and prevented me from being naughty according to my mom. I never liked the usual stuff like tom&jerry etc. Mom really liked animes as well, so she used to shcedule the times (when to watch what part :animesmil ) Thanks to her i am such an anime fan right now,and i know that i cannot stop watching even at the age of 60 :)
  10. I first saw the otaku boards while i was searching for more of the anime videos. The first anime videos i watched were downloaded from otaku vengenance and i really like the musics and the style of them. So i was searching for more and instead found out about otaku boards :)
  11. I like clamp series that is for sure, but when it comes to tsubasa chronicle the best thing about the series are the musics used during the episodes (actually i don't like the opening and the ending themes as well). So for the movies i don't expect too much but for the musics i really do expect something :) The stories evolve so slowly that i do not feel the need to watch till they finally find a feather sometimes :P So the movie should be better in terms of plot i hope. the trailers are so short and does not say much on the plot as well, but still the animation seem to be better than the tv series.
  12. I like fruits basket as it makes me feel better every time i watch it. When it comes to my fav character, it is mojimi :) He is indeed an usagi. Always positive, childish, trying to have fun and cute. Would like to have a brother like that :D
  13. [quote name='Dagger']Jin would make a much more suitable opponent for Kenshin, in my opinion. Their fighting styles would mesh more smoothly... [/quote] Totally agree about Jin and Kenshin, and about the spoiler you are right, he kind of said that. Apart from these two i would love to watch naruto with airmaster in today's world among skyscrapers, it would be fun to watch these two fight i think :)
  14. I loved Kamui from X in the beginning killing coolly and never listening to any other :) only after he made his decision he became like any other hero. I do love Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha, he is handsome, powerful, and seems not to care about anything apart from what he desires/wants.
  15. I don't sit and watch all the series again, but instead i watch some episodes. Sometimes some things happen and they remind me of some scenes in certain animes and then i rewatch only those parts(so not even the whole episode most of the time :) ). Those animes are generally Ghost in the Shell, NGEvangelion, Inuyasha and prenses mononoke. Or basically to show the animes i liked to my friends i invite them over and we watch together,samurai champloo, escaflowne etc.
  16. I love both of the series and i respect sango character for what she is trying to do as a human with no extraordinary powers always trying to help to the ones she loves. Yet, when i look at how the characters fit in the plot sango seems to be one of those cute sidecharacters (far too ordinary in a sense) but Rei is different in terms of her character and her line of thinking that keeps her alive. She did change by the end of the series; she turned out to be a different identity, an "actual" individual, got rid of someone else's shadow(like Ikari's mother). She is freaky with the way she questions her existence and i simply love her for that. She asks really bold questions to which she has bold answers. Every human needs to feel special and yet even with the lack of this feeling she could develop some sort of self-undestanding and accepted her feelings by simply trying to understand them. That is why my vote goes for REI.
  17. Gorillaz-Feel Good inc. Ian Brown-Time is my everything
  18. To call a specific type as fav is a little bit hard as i like opera, jazz, classical, newage, metal and rock all the same :) But looking at what i really enjoy, i don't have "a" fav type of music: Opera- Bizet Jazz-Miles Davis, Herbie Hancock Classical-Bach, Vivaldi Newage-Enja,Enigma,Secret Garden i don't know what type Within Temptation is and the list goes on and on and on i can not end this without mentioning Radiohead and Bjork as well :)
  19. Anger was my strongest emotion. When one of my friends broke up with her boyfriend, he and his friends got drunk and bothered us, in fact it was not the ex-boyfriend, it was one of his friends that drove me crazy. Who is he to interfere anyways! He said so nasty things and behaved so idiotically that i just lost it. I don't even remember what exactly i said to him. All i know is that i was shouting and when i finished, i found myself standing in the middle of the road. I saw people looking at me, terrified. The boy was shocked and could not open his mouth which drove him crazy and the alcohol added to it he somehow managed to break his leg thanks to his anger. To tell the truth seeing the other people's eyes, i became afraid as well, as my mind was completely blank and I still do not remember what i said or did. But even on such a matter to be able to lose my control made me understand why people kill each other so easily. And honestly this is very annoying knowing what each human(including me part is quite frightening indeed) is capable of doing. All those crimes, tortures etc when we watch them on tv we think that we can never do such things. But when it comes to humans we should spell a "may be" in every situation as you never know what life would bring.
  20. There may be sad songs that can touch the strings of emotions and one does not actually have to live it. The simplest example can be my immortal by evanescense.Thank god that i have not lost any person that is really dear to me, but i think it is the possibilities that make us listen and wonder and like that kind of songs/poems. In the same way it may be the possibilities, the what-if cases that help the authors to write what they write or to sing how they sing. It is something related to one's imagination and EQ i guess. But noone can deny the beauty of Eric Clapton song "tears in heaven". So which one being the better depends on the one singing/playing/writing... and yet, about death and joy, it can be easier to come up with better examples for lyrics/poems/music among the ones who lived them.
  21. If it was not for our desire to express ourselves, there would not be such a thing called writing at all. Perishability of our bodies and the conflicting emotions, morality etc issues in general make us search for ways that will keep us immortal. Even though we say that we write for ourselves(such as diaries) i believe that we actually write to be heard/read/understood.Fairies, human-shaped greek gods with their weaknesses as well as Tolkien's elves are also the products of our desires, needs, weaknesses, ego. May be we just want to believe that even the most beautiful creatures supposedly better than humans can do wrong, can be evil. These instincts are not something new, in the same way the life conditions may change but our emotions,reactions,conflict points (nature,self& other people) stay the same. Therefore,so long as the writings,pictures,movies touch our souls somehow, they live. [QUOTE=rokas] The problem with all modern stories is that you can say that they come from the old ones. [/color][/font][/b][/i][/QUOTE] For this reason, it is not the stories that imitate the other stories, it is the life itself. "History repeats itself" has a point afterall. No matter how often we say that we are more developed, civilized etc etc, in the end we are humans. By the way classics are classics because they are the ones that could still shine after such a long time. So for today's works to be classics they need to wait and see. It is even harder for them to shine now, as today's trend is consume,consume and consume without actually creating. And yet, there are always rays of sun present on every kind of today's art .
  22. 1) best place to eat- if you are a student away from home & desperate to have home-made food, find a friend whose mother is preparing for gün :) (days in which neighbors gather in one of the women's houses where there are million types of nicely cooked stuff are waiting to be eaten and praised for their deliciousness :animesmil ) Near the airport there is Kasibeyaz for meat, and ofcourse the fish restaurants along the Bosphorous(the ones in Rumeli Feneri are my favorites.) 2.) Shop- Go to Kapaliçarsi where you can find such fakes that even the rolex maker can not say the difference easily hehe 3.) Visit- If you like museums and such go to Topkapi Palace and everyplace around Sultanahmet, if you live at nights go to Taksim/Beyoglu and enjoy yourself till dawn. 4.)Unique to the area- Bosphorus connecting two continents (Asia and Europe) 5.) Place to stay away from- Not the places but stay away from the children asking for money (day or night), most are addicts and they have a high tendency to kill even for a regular cell-phone. One more thing, don't ride the suburb train alone as it is how these childrenlikecreatures mostly wait for their hunt. By the way this is for Istanbul...
  23. [quote name='Bloodseeker'] (Gotta love the Tachikomas!)[/quote] I was suprised and a little bit dissapointed to see the Tachikomas "die", their remarks on learning and humans in general were so humorous and lovely :) Besides that the musics of the Stand Alone Complex are very good, esp. the intro is my favorite.I think i'll go and watch a second time the Stand Alone Complex, where Bateau cries in agony seeing the major kusanagi shot from the head :D
  24. I have this habit of daydreaming whenever i get bored, or i don't want to listen to the person talking to me (fill the gaps that make you feel that you're wasting time with something important to you :) ) , it feels as if i am transported to different anime worlds and each time i try to come up with different characters and different endings.. Lately i do that for InuYasha, ending Kagome a Hanyou, hehe..
  25. [quote name='SadBlue']I don't get how anyone could live in England. It's not because it's a bad place or anything (It's damn right beautiful, ask me) but England is litterally 100 times smaller then Canada with a population 10 times as large. How can people stand to be that crowded?[/quote] I think it is about how you get accustomed to your surrounding. Once you get used to it, you don't realize it is crowded at all, when you can not find it, you get this feeling that something is lacking in your life.
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