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Everything posted by gwynva

  1. [QUOTE=Solo Tremaine][color=#503f86] I can't say I agree with that- just because there's so much doesn't really justify creating a pirate library to save you money. Regardless of the quality of the anime itself, buying pirate DVDs still supports illegal companies, and adding to an archive of favourites means nothing with regards to actually supporting the companies that you like. All are capable of both good and bad animes. At least by buying only Volume 1 of a series you don't have to sit through so many episodes before you decide you don't like it. And then you can sell it off on eBay...[/color][/QUOTE] Sorry, my writing must be misleading i didn't mean that, what i meant was i definitely buy original stuff when i really like them, so in a sense i spend those huge amounts to make an archive of originals only when i believe they are worth it and that is after watching them from bootlegs, web downloads or whatever. This is of course subjective, but for example i know that i will never buy original yugioh animes, and yet i'll definitely buy age of innocence. And for those bootlegs, i don't buy them alone, as a group of friends we share each anime we have after watching it, and sometimes we make anime nights watching as many episodes as we can till down. This way even bad animes can be fun to watch :) and even the low-price bootlegs become even cheaper.
  2. [quote name='Muna']Name all fav MALE character form any anime and talk about them ALL you want!![/quote] Hmm let's see, i believe Reinhardt von Lohengramm is very cool, not my fav though, i love yang wenli much more (LOGH) Besides, Sesshoumaru is the guy in Inuyasha as he is very determined and proud and good-looking :) Van Slanzar de Fanel is also really cute, especially when he kills for the first time :animesmil
  3. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]I live in Australia, land of the truly free, truly great, and truly great swimmers. And most other sports, too. And a place of extremes. And a place of beauty. And a place of understanding. [/size][/QUOTE] I cannot know the understanding or the freedom part, but if the scenes from the Lord of the Rings are at least true by half, it must be a beautiful place...
  4. [QUOTE=Lord Rannos]I live in Iowa. Des Moines, Iowa. The land of corn. We have crops growing within city borders. A horse lives near my school. It's pretty boring here, honestly. We have about two theme parks, and almost no tourist attractions. It's a quiet place, but the people are all nice to each other. Also, there is very little cultural diversity. Everywhere I go outside of Iowa, I am amazed by all the differences in people, accents, languages, skin color, everything! While in Iowa, there are a lot of white people with no accents.[/QUOTE] and i guess your adventure with animes started with out of boredom, and to look for something different then :)
  5. [QUOTE=Zhara][COLOR=Gray][FONT=Garamond]I'm gonna go with gwynva. You seem to be a fun person, what with the "geechee" for your custom title. I think ou were bored when you posted, but maybe I'm wrong. You enjoy life when you're not in a deep, but temporary depression. You probably like Inuyasha, and feel the need for adventure. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I was definitely bored, as i was trying to finish a project so that i would be able to start another one on global supply chains. And even if i am depressed, i love laughing so much that it just doesn't last with me :) and yes i like inuyasha, i watched all the 167 episodes in a week and that is during my midterms :animeswea . By the way i liked your picture, don't know why but it reminded of me the Pastoral Symphony
  6. [QUOTE=Otaku America][COLOR=Navy] To the guy above, $650 per month isn't bad at all, that's better than my $1000 a year college check I receive. Let's face it, if certain individuals stop buying bootlegs we all would have reasonable anime retail prices. 8-set dvd sets wouldn't cost $180 but instead would retail at a mere $120. Anime isn't cheap, but it's sure worth it. [/COLOR] :D[/QUOTE] Well, if you have to pay your rent, buy some food, and want to have a descent living, it is just enough. And yet, i know nothing else entertains me as much as the animes, so that is why personally i try to buy the movies original. (some sort of a compromise by my side at least until i graduate and find a nice job that is) By the way there are also so many animes that, some are just not worth all the effort and money if you actually don't know what they are about or whether you'll like them. This way it becomes easier to make your selected archive of favourites.
  7. I live in Istanbul, Turkey, where the two bridges connect the two continents, Asia and Europe. I love the Bosphorus and the crowdedness, chaos and the diversity of the city. It somehow makes you feel as if you are not lonely, and yet special.
  8. [quote name='Morpheus']I've been wondering where everyone that comes here lives. I live in the middle of Kentucky, USA, About 30 miles from Fort Knox. It's kinda funny. If anyone not used to being near a base came here they would think we are being bombed.[/quote] This should be definitely inspiring in many ways, being bombed :) Giving locations only won't mean much i guess so what is it that you want to learn exactly?
  9. [QUOTE=sakurasuka][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][FONT=Tahoma]True. But everyone who joins the army makes a concious decision to be willing to give thier lives. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/QUOTE] What about the countries where being a soldier is obligatory?? You have to go, it is not a matter of choice, if you escape it is a crime against your country. When you go there is a chance of fighting "guerilla"s, many die this way. And it is always mentioned to be an honorable to way to pass away. When it comes to me, the question does not have a straigtforward answer, as the answer depends on the conditions. Of course i would question the event etc, and would do anything to survive, but depending on the conditions i cannot exactly say anything. Such as i may not believe in the ideals of my friend, but seeing s/he is in danger i could die to save him/her. Or i could be morally against cloning stuff, but when it becomes my child's life at stake i could do anything to keep him/her alive. So it is not just for death, principles etc. Basically we value life over anything, and our life is at the top of the list. But then there are things that will make our lives meaningless when lost, such as family, country, nature... To live and to preserve i believe mankind can do anything and everything.
  10. [QUOTE=Solo Tremaine][COLOR=#503F86]This isn't a discussion just about bootlegs- it's primarily about whether it's wrth importing anime into the UK. And unfortunately, since bootlegs cover such a huge portion of the market, it's silly just to deny that they exist. I only buy genuine releases now. In fact, I intend to buy all eight Trigun DVDs to replace the FX set I bought on eBay some time ago. But a lot of people simply don't have the money to spend. And when you're faced with a choice between a whole series for $120 and the whole series for $25, which is the one you're going to go for, realistically? [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Well as a person who has to live on 650$ per month only i could not agree more. You should not expect me to wait for the time i get a high-salary job or to save to be able to buy original stuff. The thing is if i were to buy everything originally, this would be such an expensive hobby that i would not be able to watch anything from then onwards. Yet, whenever i see fit, i try to gather movies, at least original, such as samurai x (trust and betrayal) or miyazaki works. However, i repeat if i were to buy 167episode inuyashas i would be starving by now... There is a tradeoff in everthing, i agree that people should be granted their hardwork's expenses and more, but only when i am in a position to satisfy that.
  11. [quote name='Kotoko_Hikari][COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Garamond]I love classical music when I write or when I study, It helps me mellow out and focus. On top of it all its just gorgeous stuff. Too bad I play the guitar...[/FONT'] :animeswea [/COLOR][/quote] When i was in elementary school my parents used to tell me that listening to mozart make one understand the lessons better :D Don't know about that but i became more interested in his works after watching Amadeus basically (our teacher in primary school made us watch it) I can really confirm that listening to Beethoven when ironing your clothes makes you forget about the torturous heat :)
  12. [quote name='Jake of Bodom']Yeah, Jethro Tull rocks! And yes, true metalheads know the greatness of classical. I know there's nothing wierd about it! I'm a music lover. I try to dabble in as much of the music world as I can. Flute helped me appreciate music, and now electric guitar lets me explore it.[/quote] I like guitar when i listen to flamenco especially. But electric guitar, i believe i first truly listened to it with manowar.. With flute and that i guess you can easily form another apocalyptica with a little support :) By the way all the AMVs i watch have either popular musics or blind guardian, someone can also try it with classics as well and it would definitely be nice (say Grand March from Aida played with flute and electric guitar for NGEvangelion movie when SEELE's army attack NERV for example, i wish i knew how to make those videos...I think it would give a sense of enigma and enya mixed with Vangelis )
  13. [quote name='Jake of Bodom']YAY! I play flute too! Everyone thinks it's very strange based on the way I look (crazy clothes, long hair) and the music they think I listen too (in which case they're usually wrong), but I love it! The flute is one of the most beautiful sounding instruments out there. Awesome. Never stop playing music.[/quote] How nice, then i directly assume that you are also a fan ofJethro Tull :)) as well. I love them. Besides, most of the people i know listen both metal and classical music especially if they are good movie watchers. So don't worry nothing weird about it :)
  14. If you were to be in Istanbul, i would suggest a few places where you could get the complete tv series of escaflowne, x (both 24-25 episodes i guess) for 17 dollars each or so. But from istanbul to england, the shipping costs etc i don't know if it's worth it.
  15. It seems like fun so let's give it a try with Ozymandius Jones You are a different kind of an Indiana Jones, always looking for a change, adventurous but also funny. You like short but joyful or rather simple but meaningful, melodical songs, as you definitely like Beatles so much. So in a way as you find them close to you, this shows that you are direct both in your emotions and actions. You can't hide thoughts or emotions in you at all. You are impatient, and yet you expect the most out of whatever you do in that short amount of time. Am i close at all?:))
  16. Animes are very easy to find but when it comes to mangas, you have to show real effort in where i live so the first manga i got was (during a trip i made to germany) Neon Genesis Evangelion and i instantly loved it, in some ways it was better than the anime itself. The second one was the Yu-gi-oh which i bought for my brother, but i think the manga is much much better than the tv series, as i could not help myself but got bored while watching it.
  17. Music definitely affects the way we watch movies etc. Lord of the Rings and Star Wars series have definitely wonderful musics. Apart from that, i love classical music as it is already. Vivaldi, Bach, Tchaikovsky, Dvorak, Corelli are my favorites. However, Bizet (Carmen) and Verdi (Aida) should be mentioned definitely. Monteclair is something i listen whenever i feel a little depressed and it definitely works on me. (La mort de Didon par example :) ) Does any one of you know Sefika Kutluer, when she plays flute i basically pass to another realm... After listening to "The Romantic Flute" by her for a couple of months i started to learn flute. And it has become "my precious". :))
  18. I basically adore Miyazaki's work, about Kiki's delivery being his weakest anime, well, i have to agree and yet it has a warmth in it that fixes you in front of the screen. Besides, Sprited Away surpassed Mononoke but when i saw Howl's Moving Castle i was basically fascinated. It was lovely, the characters, the story, the war scenes, the door :) everthing was lovely. Still, i have this feeling that Nausicaa remains to be my favorite. Among the series, I admit that i cannot choose one, one that affects me most even hunts my dreams is one i didnot notice anyone mentioning (may be i am a little bit old or something :P) The Legend of Galactic Heros: The tactical side of wars, two different universes, one similar to today's EU and the other one is somehow like the Germany during second world war. The characters: Yang Wen-li (I adore him, it is kind of embrassing to admit but he was for real, i would marry him for sure), so kind, considerate, intelligent... well whatever, the other one Reinhardt(again a powerful man, with tooooo much passion for power, so determined and so bright) Neon Genesis Evangelion, no other anime made me think about human mind, emotions, existense and so on...as this one did and as it still does Ghost in the Shell: What is soul afterall? Is it something that you can create? Or implement? What kind of a proportioning would enable us to preserve our souls if we were to change our bodies/parts with machines etc... for a good laugh i always prefer Inuyasha, yet after watching the 167th episode i was like "you gotta be joking, please don't finish it like this" well that's life i guess.. Always with a "to be continued.."part in it :)
  19. Rei (NGEvangelion): She questions life all the time, and she seems not to value her body, as she knows there are plenty of herself. Empty shells,( with no ghosts :) ) which makes her question emotions, other people's reactions (she was indeed surprised when she saw Shinji Ikari crying for her) and yet there is something so naive about her, as she sees others experience these and she cannot tell what her emotions are or rather she has them at all...Besides, well she is also a sort of an "angel" created by humans with Shinji's mother's soul in it. I love this character because she forces me to think about existence, soul, body, emotions and relationships. Seshoumaru (Inuyasha): First of all one gotta admit that he is really cool, focused, powerful. Even though he seems not to be interested in humans, or any other living things at all, he took rin with him. And the change in him is coming continously, but slowly, which makes it realistic in a sense.Tenseiga senses this change and starts to react to it, leading him in some cases such that he killed the resurrected cat-god or opened the door to his father's grave. He is the traditional type of father who cannot show his affection but you always know that you can count on him to be there when you need him. Apart from that i must admit that i adore Oscar (from Lady Oscar, in which the French Revolution was told), Have you ever watched it?? and of course Yang Wenli from Legend of Galactic Heros :) By the way if you watched the movie, tell me if you liked it,please???
  20. 1) favorite character? Rei 2)favorite season? Sailor Moon R 3) least favorite character? Chibi-usagi 4) Least favorite season? Sailor Moon SuperS 5) Do you hate DIC and Cartoon Network for dubbing the show? The dubbing in my country was very good. 6) Have you seen the fifth season yet? Nope and to tell the truth i have no desire to watch it either...
  21. You can never make everyone happy at the same time, so just make yourself happy. Whenever i feel content with my work, then it is definitely the case that other people like it as well. I would not want to be world-famous, yet i would like to be remembered as the story-teller of the town, touching children's hearts with the tales i tell, and even affecting their decisions on their future for good...
  22. Isn't is interesting that most of the nice bands are all coming somehow from the blue-blooded or rather cold countries???( England (Pink Floyd),Finland(HIM) and Ireland(Cranberries))
  23. The books were actually breathtaking, for this reason i was anxious about the movies and well, the first two movies proved that i was right to be anxious, as they were really like WaltDisney movies. But then with the change of director the third movie simply did it somehow. When compared to what Peter Jackson did with the Lord of the Rings, it is obvious that HP movies can get better than that. For this reason i am really curious about the goblet of fire as this book really shifts directions from children books towards something more complicated, involved and mature. And for the part where they claim that Daniel and so on must be changed, i only believe it will harm the series.
  24. gwynva


    The first season was really breathtaking as it was something new and challenging and also the second season was fine, but after that i started to get bored and basically stopped watching 24 regularly. Well, even so if the tv is on and 24 starts and i have nothing better to do i watch the episode. But it has become indeed predictable after all.
  25. When it comes to bad animes, i don't think we should list all the animes we don't actually like. Well, the "goodness" and the "badness" of things is of course open to arguments, yet for the plots, drawings and the characters, one of the animes that i can really state as bad was the one in which a school girl (who seals evil spirits) being a reencarnation of Joan of Arc or something. Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne was the title i guess. It was the second time i've seen Joan of Arc was being used, the first being the witchblade. Even though i liked witchblade (not the TV version, not avaiable in my country), the anime was really annoying.
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