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Count Zero

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Everything posted by Count Zero

  1. my first, hope you like them. [img]http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b216/blinkenlights/Avi.jpg[/img] [img]http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b216/blinkenlights/Banner.jpg[/img]
  2. i was born on August 14, i know its the day the japanese surrendered after the hiroshima and nagasaki bombings. anybody famous? not sure... :twitch: :help: :freak:
  3. eating has alot to do with it. high amounts of sugar and cocoa products can have an adverse effect, check your healthfood store for Wellchild products, adjust your vitamin intake. too much or too little can be a bad thing,
  4. but there are several things you cannot understand without knowing the author. ask, she will answer.
  5. i dont think you get the real meaniing of the poem. its a bit deeper than one would expect.
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