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Everything posted by ghostchick

  1. Hi people, So in my debate class we are having a debate (wow what a concept) on wether or not 17 and 16 yearolds should be aloud to vote. I was wondering if I could get all your opinoins on the subject. Should the right to vote be given to 17 and 16 year olds? Thanks [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]Changed thread title to something a little more topic related :animesmil - [B]Stuart.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. Character Generation Name: Rose Cadvra Age: 16 Gender: Female Race: Half-Breed: Elf Class: Ranger Weapon: Rose?s sword has been passed down for generations and has absorbed a lot of power. She doesn?t know half of the damage it could do. Armor: Chain mail. Personality- Cocky and somewhat full of herself, which is really hiding a bunch of insecurities. However, she can be very serious and very sane at times. Appearance-http://photobucket.com/albums/a327/Sami-Hikari/?
  3. Humans first. A human character can be a resident of Alsoto, someone who has come to Alsoto to enjoy the festival, someone who is a part of the festival (someone performing in the festival, someone who works with such a performer, etc.), or one of the soldiers hired for security purposes. If you want to play as the 'mystery performer', PM me. Now, here is the human sign-up form: Name: Gwen Zil Age: 25 Gender: Female Appearance: Class: Swordswoman/ Elemental Mage: Wind Occupation: Gwen is a sword for hire. She also will perform a few sword tricks if she is in desperate need of money. Personality: Gwen is a strong, tough, ?if a guy can do it so can I? sort of girl. She also has a sensitive side that not a lot of people see because she is putting up such a strong ?rough and tough? attitude. Bio: Your character's history: Gwen grew up as a traveler with her Father. When she was 13 her Father died on the road out of the ?celebration?, thieves killed him. Gwen then went to the nearest village and asked for help, a couple took her in. Gwen is now kind of like a mercenary (her Father taught her how to defend herself using all sorts of different weapons).
  4. well I was wondering if someone could make me my own Avatar. You know kinda like a custom made Character? I'm sorry that it wasnt understandable. :animeblus
  5. [B]Name:[/B] JinHee Lee [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] Female (OOC:If this character is not a girl please tell me) [B]Your Wish:[/B] JinHee?s wish is to go to school to become a Doctor. Therefore, she can help the sick.
  6. Name: Ruse Atlantis (sorry first thing that came to mind) Age: 15 Gender: Female Race: half angel, half human Personality: Ruse is one of those nice people who have a dark hidden life that no one knows about. Weapon: The Sai's Powers: Flying Appearance: Ruse is tall, Skinny, has green eyes and long, straight black hair. She is mentally strong and the same physically Bio: Ruse was born in France and her Mother(OOC: the human) died in labor, so she grew up with her Dad. He taught her to defend herself against anything and to be athletic. So Ruse grew up in a relativly warm and nice envioment until she was 10 at that time her Father was murdered and her life fell apart. OOC: ok I'm sorry that it took so long to fix it.
  7. ok ppl. I havent really ever done a RP before I only just started doing them. So tell me if I do something wrong and I will try to fix it. Name: Escay Parsli Gender:Female Race: Half-Vampire, Half-Human Position: Wakanda Ability: Strong, Fast, She carries 2 semi automatic pistols,a silver dagger, a bottle of holy water on a necklace and a pet raven. Appearance: Standing at 5'5" with long, wavy black (gold streaked) hair, pale olive skin and red eyes are the only hints of Vampireism. High cheek bones a ski slope/button nose with soft curving lips. Long curvy body with strong lims she weighs anout 125lb. She's gorgous (Or at least thats what I'm trying to portray) She wears Black cargo pants, a white tank top, combat boots and a thigh length black jacket. Personality: Cold, collected, silent, her attitude kinda sticks to the Vampire side of things but when it comes to her freinds she's open and very loyal. Character Snippets:OOC: ......... oh boy :animesigh lets see what I can do. Escay lifted her red eyes to see a shadow streak in front of the full moon, she got up watching the sky as a raven swept through the trees and landed next to her. She glanced at the bird, "What was it Rafe??" The raven shook his head cawed softly and hopped back into flight. Escay had been sitting at this post for two days waiting for the party sorces had said would come. [I]No one has any decency now in days.[/I] Escay thought to herself as she moved over to where her camp was. [U]Later that night[/U] The snap of a twig broke the midnight silence. Escay's eyes shot to the spot she silently rose, circled the area and closed in dagger out. "Who are you and what do you want", she growled out. In front of her was a tall, young, male Vampire, he looked at Escay and smirked, "You think you can stop me human??" He asked confidently. Escay smirked back, "You think Im human Vampire??" The Vampire looked at her again but this time he looked like he was looking deeper then before, he stepped back, yelled "Half-breed scum!!" and lunged at her. Escay went down stabbing the man with her blade and trying to draw her stake. They both came up circling each other, Escay had sucsesfully drawn her stake and was waiting for the Vampire to make a mistake. The Vampire lunged again fangs bared, " Are you ready to die?!? He yelled. Escay lunged at him, "Yes, are you?"
  8. [quote name='Darker Alucard']Sign-ups Closed[/quote] okaaaay so when r we going to start this???
  9. OK I was wondering if it was possible to get a Avatar that isnt part of any Anime or Manga??? Please someone Im desperate Skin: Pale olive Hair: Black with gold streaks oh, Its long and wavy Eyes: Red with tinges of blue Im not sure what other things anyone would need to know but all they have to do is tell me ans I will figure it out for them. :D
  10. I'll do this but give me some time. This is only my second 1 I've ever done so..... :animeswea but I will try to keep up.
  11. [QUOTE=Darker Alucard]all sign ups are accepted. ~ghostchick you forgot the what made you impure. i still need a werewolve (or more) and two extra half breed sign-ups. thanxs.[/QUOTE] ......ummm ok we'll go with the traditional story so Larel was walking home one fall evening after studying with some freinds for a test. It was dark and looked like it was going to rain so racking her brain for short-cuts she randown a alley when a man stepped out in front of her. She screamed and shouted," Josh!! Your back!!!" Josh grinned and said, "dont scream your gonna freak someone out." "But I'm soooo glad to see you!!" :catgirl: (fooled you there for a second didnt a I?? :animesmil ok back to the story) Josh looked up at the heavy rain clouds and said," Its gonna rain. Lets get out of here." Larel agreed and they both went across the street and into the ice cream shop that was there. Josh told Larel about where he had been ( Josh is Larel's boyfreind) and that there was a party at a bar that night and that he could smuggle her in if she wanted. Larel accepted right away. So anyway later that night she went to the party with her boyfreind didnt drink a whole lot and met a this guy. He asked if they could go outside because he couldnt hear over the loud music. Again she agreed. They went outside and talked a little about school,college and what they did for a living. Larel decided that she was ready to leave and go find someine else to talk to, so she turned around, the man grabbed her neck, pulled her back to him and started kissing her. Larel tried to push him away but he became more agressive moved to her neck there was a searing pain and everything went black. When Larel woke up it was still night time. She stumbled back to her house and into bed. Larel woke the following night and found out about her....... condition. She handled it quite nicely :demon: ok so what do you think???
  12. Name: Larel Race: Vampire Look: Tall with long, curly/wispy black hair with silver streaks that is always pulled back into a ponytail and black eyes with gold flecks. Her skin is med dark (like tan) cause she's a fairly new Vampire. Her clothing of choice is black cargo pants, a dark purple tank top and a black denim jacket. First ability: She became a vampire when she made a deal with the devil to help her kill her husband that she was forced to marry. She can fly and suck blood. ( is this ok?? I've never done a rpg before.)
  13. I have played bascketball and now Im riding horse's :catgirl: Im interested in fencing any type of Martail Arts and Gymnastics.
  14. I really like it. Where do I sign up?? :animesmil are the half breeds good or evil???l
  15. thak you. Is that [url]www.abode.com[/url] if not what is it??? :animeshy: thanks again.
  16. I was wondering how everybody gets these really cool pics in their computers and it seems that you get some type of software. Can anyone tell me what type of software to get. I would really like to know so that I can draw/make really cool anime too. :catgirl:
  17. [QUOTE=Bombu][color=darkred]I'm a Muslim. I don't think you're an evil doer, and I don't even know you for that matter. For all the Islamic extremists out there, there are also other Muslims who oppose what they're doing, like me for example. Simply put, I'm disgusted with today's events. Why should such a thing happen at this time? After all the effort put into Live 8 to reduce poverty in Africa, something like this should happen? No way man, this definitely does not help at all, and it's a real big shame that the people responsible, whether they be Jews, Muslims, or Christians, don't realise this. Their statements and beliefs won't be taken seriously by anybody if they continue to go on like this.[/color][/QUOTE] Shoot Im really srry :animeshy: :animecry: I did not mean to insult anybody and I did not mean to say it about all Muslims. I am sorry.I relized what I had done after I posted. :animeshy:
  18. :animestun ..........Wow you guys do know that muslums believe that we r the evil doers and that we should die??? They think they r going to meet alla real quick and that its worth it. Im not trying to justify their actions I just want everyone to understand. I honestly think that as the next generation or what ever generation we should do something to help. Instead of just being shocked and sitting there feeling srry for ourselves we should really work to create a better tomorrow.
  19. [QUOTE=DarkAngel Blaze][FONT=Arial Black][B] how do you think the world would end ?especially since a portal has been opened connecting our world to the anime world ( original huh) :D [IMG] [EMAIL=Fonsolis@aol.com]comments and questions please send to [/EMAIL][/QUOTE] All the villains r going to come and blow us up and the heros r going to arive the tiniest bit late.
  20. [QUOTE=Ryoko T.D.C.][COLOR=Blue]i don't care if you guys close this thread! personally, i don't know why i'm doing it, but hey, why not. [SIZE=3]HAPPY 4TH OF JULY EVERYONE!!!![/SIZE] close it if you must, i just thought i'd wish ya'll a happy 4th![/COLOR] :animesmil[/QUOTE] [B]YAY[/B] HAPPY 4TH!!!!!!!!!! :catgirl: *THROUGHS CONFETTY AROUND*
  21. [quote name='mary no jutsu']oh i'm sorry if i offended you in anyway. its just how the story was told to me sorry if i offended you.[/quote] Its ok. I was just voicing sum annoyince( did I spell that right??) I liked your story it was funny.
  22. [QUOTE=Ryu Uchiha]Wolf's Rain.....Who's interested in it? Hello, um.... this is my first time posting a thread so um....if I'm doing something wrong then um...feel free to tell me!! Anything! If you have heard of it or your interested in it or like it or etc. then whose your fave. charac? My favorite character is Kiba!!!!~cheers~ Why? Well, he's coooooolllll!!!!! He's the leader of the pack, lovable, gentle(well, only to Cheza) ~scoffs and mumbles~ Oh, and he never gives up on his number one goal..... PARADISE!!! Though in the end.....~sighs~[/QUOTE] Im interested whats it about????
  23. [QUOTE=mary no jutsu]once i was going over to my friends house for some lunch. it was my frist time going to her house so she gave me directions and i went well i was shocked to find that her house was extremely close to a cemetary. but i didnt let it show that i was bothered by it. well it got really dark and rainy really fast i started getting this weird feeling that something bad was going to happen. well i tried to ignore it and it really worked. that is until lunchtime came. so my friends mom cooked everyone hot dogs. that weird feeling returned and i got really spooked but i never knew that what i was about to do next would shock me so. i took a bite of my hot dog and i realized something wasn't right. i couldn't put my finger onit. so i looked down and when i looked i was shocked to find that the hotdog had cheese in it...... lol my cousin told me that story and i was got hecka scared. i was so mad when i found out the end of that story. now this story is true... well i was in the philipines visiting my cousins and whatnot there was this party downstairs i really didn't want to be apart of it so i went upstairs to my room to read. well while i was reading i had this really weird feeling to look up so when i looked there was this image of a girl in the mirror i was so scared i ran downstairs. i told them my story and they didn't believe me. well a few hours later me and my cousins went up to our room to sleep but then my cousin scream we asked what was wrong and then she told us that she saw a girl in the mirror..... that story is true not many people believe that story....[/QUOTE] I live next too a cemetary. Everyone thinks its weird and scary but its peacful and .....well its not scary.
  24. Hi I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of a Manga ( I think thats what it is) called the "Forbidden Dance"?? If so, YAY!!! :catgirl: If not, ppl should find it its funny!
  25. :animeswea Im not exactly new but I just figured out how to post. how is everybody?? :animeblus
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