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Everything posted by Midboss

  1. The Mars Volta - Cicatriz Esp
  2. [quote name='Sapphire Flare']Yes. I often wake up from dreams remembering one scene, then days, weeks, sometimes even months later the event happens and I am like: I saw that in a dream...[/quote] That's happened to me too, it's kinda creepy, huh?
  3. I prefer Japanese with subs most of the time unless the dubs are actually good, i.e. Gungrave, then I will watch it in English.
  4. My favourites (GTO, Gungrave, Aumanga Daioh) weren't even on that list...that's unfair.
  5. I like to write: "I am signing your yearbook." "What are you buying?!" (thanks Resident Evil 4) But usually, it depends on the person, I always have at least one really stupid inside joke with every one of my friends that I just use. :p
  6. Username: I love Disgaea: Hour of Darkness and the character Vyers (aka Midboss), if you have not played that game, do so, and you will love it. Avatar: Sprial is awesome and the main character is very clever, just like me. :animeswea Signature: Azumanga Daioh is one of my favourite series and Sakaki is the coolest character, one of my fave anime characters ever, and the cat rocks.
  7. I'm enjoying the new Gorillaz album, Kids With Guns kicks *****.
  8. Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, a new take on the usual RPG with a touch a Dante and it's probably the best game I have ever played.
  9. Wait, wait, wait, I forgot Attack Of The Show...I love that show.
  10. I love The Ramones, fear my big Ramones sweater!! :D
  11. Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha, pure badass (Inuyasha whines too much, I'm gonna get a huge backlash from the fangirls for saying that). Chloe from Noir, dunno if she can be called an antagonist, but she tries to kill them so it's done in my books.
  12. [quote name='ThatOneOddDude']I didn't really like Gungrave the show as it doesn't live up to the game its based on, which is all about shooting everything and fighting huge bionic freaks.[/quote] Yeah, but if it did that, it would be Trigun...sans the dead guys. Then he'd be further ripping himself off
  13. [QUOTE=ThatOneOddDude]I cannot BELIEVE that no one has said Fullmetal Alchemist! Ach! If this show doesn't make you cry or at least feel sad, you are friggin cold. The horribly realistic things that happen to these charachters are crazy. Its like playing a survival horror game, but with good voice actors and some funny moments. The charachters majorly develop from carefree hopefull junior alchemists, to hopless terrified masters of Alchemy, to all powerfull.. I think you get it. Think Berserk without the insane amouts of gore.[/QUOTE] Full Metal Alchemist did have a great story, but I think the best belongs to Gungrave. It's got revenge, plot twists, and even a little romance, what's not to love?
  14. [QUOTE=Tyler Koregaten]Same here. I [I]despise[/I] all rap music. They're just so stupid, vulgar, offensive, and disturbing. My top 5 most hated songs are: 1:"Over and Over" by Tim McGraw and "Nelly" 2: "Mr. Lonely" by (don't know and don't care) 3:"Drop Like It's Hot"(or something) by Snoop(the idiot) Dogg 4: "Toxic" by Britney Spears 5: "Bananas" by (don't know, don't care) Who agrees with me? Those people aren't even artists, they're just low-lifes. Couldn't have said it better myself.
  15. Refused - Refused Are $^#&in' Dead NUMA NUMA! WAHA, that song is catchy.
  16. Mississauga, Toronto's little sister...Canada (in case you've never looked at a globe/map). :p
  17. I don't like labels either, but if I were to be subjectified to them, I would be the unclassifiable. I'm a complicated man, and no one understands me but my...(I don't have a woman) :P
  18. Hitori no Yoru from GTO, Space Boy from Initial D, and Kibouhou from Spiral are my faves.
  19. [QUOTE=Generic NPC #3]I don't see why. It's kind of an elitist viewpoint, really. Obviously The Mars Volta has two of the same members, but it also has two different ones. To listen to a new band putting out new material doesn't require you to know everything about their past... especially when The Mars Volta really goes for something totally different in overall scope, in my opinion. Still, more people should be listening to At the Drive-In in the first place anyway. I can't disagree with that. There's always Sparta too, but I don't care for them much.[/QUOTE] Neither do I, oddly. Also, the guitarist from Sparta crossed over to TMV to take over the sound technician for Jeremy Ward (RIP). Score one for the good band!!
  20. [quote name='kaisha']I also really love Invader Zim, thats show rocks!! Gir is awesome![/quote] HOW COULD I FORGET ZIM?! GAH!
  21. SoaD owns. Things that annoy me are are: Any tean-ditzy-blonde-pop star, and gangster rap (good god i hate gangster rap).
  22. Frances the Mute is probably my favourite of their albums, however, it's still not as good as what was offered from At The Drive-In delivered, IMO...and if you do not know who At The Drive-In are you should not even be listening to TMV.
  23. Rock, punk, Ska, J-pop. If you don't know what ska is, it's basically a mix of rock, reggae, with trumpets/saxaphones/trombones (depends on the band) and it's great. Band wise my faves are: !) The White Stripes 2) The Hives 3) Rancid 4) The Specials 5) Catch 22
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