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Everything posted by Midboss

  1. [quote name='boombox bushido']yeah...the arcade fire is a very good band. i've been hooked on them and bloc party lately. which, by the way, if you haven't heard bloc party, check them out.[/quote] I agree, Bloc Party kicks the proverbial ***. I love the Arcade Fire, not only are they talented (much unlike most of the music you see hit the charts lately), but they are Canadian (like me), so I gotta love 'em. :p
  2. [QUOTE=Dragonboym2][COLOR=Blue]We don't need anymore boy band stuff. A while ago, that's all it was. Thank God we had real musicans like Godsmack, Rob Zombie, and Linkin Park to help us throught that time of crisis. I think that one of the things that killed boy bands was that no one really took them seriously, except for girls ages 11-15. Boy bands were hileriously spoofed on SNL, and in MAD magazine, and the Simpsons. I realize how shallow the music industry can be some times. I also think that alot of them may have got fusterated, because they don't really get full creative control. Well, most musicans go throught that anyway. That was what John was singing about in Korn's "Freak On a leash." How the music industry won't let him have full creative control. All and all, please no more boy bands. Long live rock! "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Yes, the Backstreet Boys suck ubermonkeys. And the problem is, that because of little sheep who like anything on the Top 30 (or whatever), they'll prolly be successful in their return.
  3. SoaD is a great band, there's no question about it. But best? Afraid not.
  4. Anime aside, I enjoy Seinfeld, X-Play, and WWE (shut up).
  5. L'Arc-En-Ciel and Porno Graffiti are favourites of mine.
  6. I would want to be in Full Metal Alchemist. Having alchemy powers would be badass, or Evangelion, I just want to pilot an Eva.
  7. Midboss

    Dark Cloud 2

    Oh man, I loved Dark Cloud 2, I played that game for over 80 hours before deciding to beat it. The robot was awesome!
  8. Midboss


    Onizuka is classic perv, man, he's too hilarious, aside from him, Ryuji, his sanity keeps it from going overboard. :animesmil
  9. Lesse... Onizuka (GTO), Sakaki (Azumanga Daioh), Beyond the Grave (Gungrave), and Rei (NG Evangelion).
  10. I'd like to see Wolfwood from Trigun Vs. Beyond The Grave from Gungrave because Trigun and Gungrave were made by the same guy and it's a case of "The Giant Cross Weapon Vs. The Giant Coffin Weapon". Also, Spike from Cowboy Bebop vs. Onizuka from GTO in a fist fight (no guns), these two have displayed great martial arts without any uberpowers so it would be interesting.
  11. I've seen much of Inuyasha, and I like it. Most of my friends claim that it is only for fangirls, but I showed them... :mad:
  12. Dragonball and Dragonball Z are pretty bad (GT is bad, but not an abomination), and Pokemon (but the GB games are fun). Basically, I don't like the kiddy-Saturday-morning-FOX stuff.
  13. Pokemon...sigh, it's a shame, either way, I'm happy with most of the things on this list, but the lack of Gungrave saddens me, but it's understandable.
  14. For me, it depends on what series. For example, the GTO anime ends much sooner than the manga, so I would prefer the GTO manga in this example, however, these points aside, I prefer anime in general.
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