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Clone Trooper

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Everything posted by Clone Trooper

  1. Geonosis. The start of the Clone Wars. We have seen this war from many points of view. We have Holocubes from the Jedi, the Old Republic, and the Sith. However, one point of view over-looked is not that of a general, or a politician. It is the point of view of the ground soldier. The Clone Troopers who died in the thousands in the Clone Wars. My name is Delta-Delta-112. My codename is Sergeant. I was the leader of one of the finest teams of Clone Troopers put together. Later, the same team were Storm Troopers, but I won't get into that now. The thing is, we were the Elites. I am the last remaining member of my team. The others died during the reign of the Emperor at the hands of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. I am on my deathbed. I have no regrets. If you think we were evil, then that's your choice. In my opinion, I was just following orders. No more, no less. I killed so many droids, seperatists, and even Rebels, that all of them are one big blur. They're all a blow on my conscience. I guess you want to hear the story of my team. I'll take you back to the battle of Geonosis, the start of the Clone Wars. That's where my team first got together, where we were ordered to take a stand to protect the Jedi from the Seperatists by one known as Master Yoda. Funny, but years later we were ordered to kill the same Jedi. I did as ordered. Well it all started with...
  2. [font=System]Well, I didn't fill my quota, but thanks to those who did sign up. The following people are in:[/font] Zabuza[color=blue][size=1][b]Serial Number:[/b] BR-007 [b]Code Name:[/b] Tank[/size][/color] silverwolf_fangSerial Number: XI-666 Code Name: Demon Retribution[size=1][b]Serial Number:[/b] RT-629 [b]Code Name:[/b] Flank[/size] Sean[size=1][b]Serial Number:[/b] MI-149 [b]Code Name:[/b] Addict[/size] Clone TrooperSerial #: DD-112 Code Name: Sergeant [size=2]My expectations:[/size] [size=2]1) Please don't post non-sense. Every post should contribute to the story in some way.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]2) Nothing too gruesome. It shouldn't get that way because we are, after all, mainly fighting droids.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]3) If you want to quit, then find some cool way for your character to go out. Please don't just stop posting.[/size]
  3. Here is my current banner: [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23695"][color=blue]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23695[/color][/url] But I would like to add something to it. What I would like is to have is to have an image of the following picture: [url="http://www.starwars.jp/organization/image/clone_trooper.jpg"][color=blue]http://www.starwars.jp/organization/image/clone_trooper.jpg[/color][/url] Before it with the words: "There may be many of them, but" fading into the original banner adding my username above the "every soldier has his day". I don't know how complicated what I am asking is, but if it isn't too much trouble, please give it a try.
  4. Clone Trooper

    Red Vs Blue

    RVB rocks! They even have Halo 2 maps you can download! YAAAAY for RVB!
  5. Serial #: DD-112 Code Name: Sergeant What part of Group: Commander Weapon of Choice: Blast-Tech E-11, x2 Blast-Tech P-4, Personality: DD-112 was created like all the other clones. He ate the same food, learned the same information, even used the same combat simulation. However, there was something in him above the average clone: Independent Thinking. It was a rare occurence, only about one in a thousand, but this minority was chosen to be the Team-Commanders of the Special Ops units. Nick-Named Sergeant, this clone is recoursful, doesn't put up with bull-crap, and he is very blunt. He asks questions [b]while[/b] he's shooting. Overall, is equally cautious and aggressive. I will wait untill Sunday to fill the remaining slots. If they are not filled, then the RP will start anyways. I am not expecting perfect posts, just that you try to continue the story in each post. Please no one-word posts: try for at least a paragraph or two. I am a pretty lenient guy, so don't think you have to post an entire page worth of stuff.
  6. I think that it would be cool to be a Z fighter in DBZ. Sure, it would hurt a lot, but at least no one could bully you...
  7. [b]Sorry I am so late, but I have gotten it cleared with Fallen, and I am officialy part of the team.[/b] [size=2]Real Name: Zach Deuter Codename: Colossus[/size] [size=2] Place of Birth: New York City Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Colossus is seven feet tall, very muscular, and wears a black muscle shirt with torn up blue jeans. He has spikey white hair that barely brushes his ears. He wears a black pair of shades with reflective lenses that he hates getting broken. (although puches in the face from super-powered megalomaniacs usually does) Personality: He is a good guy to get along with. He likes almost everybody. One way to call him when he is around his friends is a "gentle giant". He likes pizza, soda, and other junk food. However, his enemies meet a very different person. He is violent, reckless, and hate-filled. BIO: AGE 12- Medical Research Facility, NYC It was a normal field trip. For the past ten years the seventh graders of Cass Middle School took a trip to this facility. Why was this one different? Zach looked around. Everyone was screaming. Mr. Norton lay dead on the ground, a bullet lodged into his brain. Zach was scared. He should have listened to his mom when she told him not to come on this trip. Why did he forge his mother's signature on the permission form? BLAM! BLAM! Two more scientist fell dead, their heads blown straight off by the shotgun. Then the man, the man who had killed all these people said," Alright, little kiddies, listen up! You will not cry for your mammas, or whoever, or I will do the same to you! I want all of you to get into a single file line, that's right, and march out of here into the black bus outside. If you don't, I will be forced to shoot you, too. And I don't want to do it. So please don't make me." "LEAVE US ALONE!" A large seventh grader had gotten up, and was running at the man, his face contorted in fear and anger. [i]BLAM[/i]! The kid fell, a large hole in his chest, his face now contorted in pain. "Alright, I lied about not wanting to shoot you little pansies. Start marching, NOW!" The seventh graders marched, afraid for their lives, but not wanting to upset this mysterious, violent man. FIVE YEARS LATER The constant bleeping of the machine annoyed Zach. It was repetitive, constant, and he had been listening to it for years. However, now, after all those nuclear tests, he had the power to make those ***holes pay. The solid steel bars that "held" him started straining under his phenomonal strength. They broke like pencils. He grabbed the nearest man in the white labcoat around the kneck. "Where are the others?" He asked, afraid for the answer. "You are the last," the man gargled out, unable to say any more, for the hand around his kneck squeezed until his head literally "popped" off. The last he saw was the face of utter hatred. Zach ran throughout the facility, in nought but a loincloth. Alarms were blaring all over the place. He nearly made it out by himself. Nearly. Then, at the exit door, stood five lizard-like people, the gaurds of the facility. Unable yet to use his powers on command, besides of course his physical abilities, Zach was getting his butt whooped by these giant creatures. He was nearly dead when a loud sound, like thunder, echoed, and then all five creatures exploded. Behind the wreckage stood three men. All Zach could see before he passed out was the one in the middle, who was wearing what looked like all black, with blue lightning bolts on his clothes. All he could hear was: "We are here to help you..." Superhuman powers: Super-super-strength (Like Hulk strong), super-consititution (means he can take a lot of damage, and he doesn't get fatigued very easily, and can he jump really far/ high[/size] [size=2] Mode of transport: He climbs buildings and jumps a long ways from building to building. He can do this at about forty MPH. For road trips he tries to catch a ride with someone.[/size]
  8. I've never watched either, but going off looks alone, I would have to say Belldandy.
  9. Thanx to everyone who gave me avis and banners!
  10. Duhh! Everyone knows that DBZ (NOT GT) is the best! It has action, action, action! I mean, sometimes it gets a little old, like when they fought Majin Bu for a YEAR, but besides that, it was really good. Why does everyone say Inuyasha? I can think of another one better than Inuyasha, but not as good as DBZ: Ruroni Kenshin!
  11. Geonosis. The start of the Clone Wars. We have seen this war from many points of view. We have Holocubes from the Jedi, the Old Republic, and the Sith. However, one point of view over-looked is not that of a general, or a politician. It is the point of view of the ground soldier. The Clone Troopers who died in the thousands in the Clone Wars. My name is Delta-Delta-112. My codename is Sergeant. I was the leader of one of the finest teams of Clone Troopers put together. Later, the same team were Storm Troopers, but I won't get into that now. The thing is, we were the Elites. I am the last remaining member of my team. The others died during the reign of the Emperor at the hands of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. I am on my deathbed. I have no regrets. If you think we were evil, then that's your choice. In my opinion, I was just following orders. No more, no less. I killed so many droids, seperatists, and even Rebels, that all of them are one big blur. They're all a blow on my conscience. I guess you want to hear the story of my team. I'll take you back to the battle of Geonosis, the start of the Clone Wars. That's where my team first got together, where we were ordered to take a stand to protect the Jedi from the Seperatists by one known as Master Yoda. Funny, but years later we were ordered to kill the same Jedi. I did as ordered. Well it all started with... ________________________ All right, people. This is the format I want you to use. Serial Number: (two letters, three numbers) Code Name: What part of Group: (I will need the following: 4 reg. troopers. 1 engineer/explosives 1 assassin trooper) Weapon of Choice: see available below Personality: (all the troopers have personalities. make one) __________________________ Engineer/Explosives: This guy is the brain. He knows everything about everything. He can improv like no other, and can blow just about anything up. Assassin Trooper: If you haven't played Revenge of the Sith, then I'll have to explain these guys to you. They are nearly impossible to hit, because they dodge like the matrix, and they have blades on their arms. They are trouble for even a Jedi Master. ____________________________ Weapons Trooper: Blast-Tech E-11 -basic weapon Rocket Launcher -you get the idea Blast-Tech P-4 - hand pistol Engineer: Same as trooper, + grenades. Assassin: Blades on arms and Blast-Tech P-4 [b]I'll be taking the best ones, so put some thought into it.[/b] [b]By the way, I'll be playing the part of Delta-Delta-112, the leader of the team.[/b]
  12. Whoa. That's kind of freaky. How do you guys make these pictures?
  13. Has anyone besides me read a manga called "Rebirth"?
  14. Would anyone be interested in an RP where the characters are Star Wars Clone Troopers in the Clone Wars? It might be a little out there, but it sounds fun...
  15. Thanks a lot everyone! Hack Helba, I decided to use yours. If anyone else wants to try, though, I am open for more.
  16. Hey, I just joined, and I need something cool for my avi and the banner in my siggy. I have long loved the Clone Troopers, and I have a cool pic of one [COLOR=Blue][URL=http://www.lichtgeschwindigkeit.de/modules/My_eGallery/gallery/wallpapers/clonetrooper.jpg][COLOR=Blue]here[/COLOR].[/URL][/COLOR] However, it is much too big and I would really like some words on there. Is there any way any of you guys could use that pic as a base and make a cool avi and banner out of it? If you can, the words I would like on the banner are: "Every soldier has his day." Perhaps my name on the avi? If you could, I would be very grateful.
  17. [B]Name: Sir Landon Brightstar[/B] [COLOR=Red]Age: Unknown[/COLOR] Gender: Male [COLOR=Purple]Race: Elf[/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]Origin: Landon is an Elven Bladesinger who came from the past. While Clandestine was destroying one of the very dangerous Mind Flayers, a temporal rift appeared in both the medieval era and present day. Landon and his entire brigade of men were sucked through the portal, but only Landon survived. He was the only one besides his mount, a uni-pegasi (a winged horse with a horn on its forehead with intelligents to match a human's) to survive the rift. However, he is suffering memory loss of who exactly he was back then, so in hopes of regaining his memory, he applied for Clandestine.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]Function: Field Agent[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Equipment: WEAPONS: Landon uses two long swords, both magical. The first is The Heart of the Forest, in Elven tongue called [I]Arianalesto[/I], which properties include: * It is an unbreakable oaken blade, as sharp as steel, with green glowing Elf Runes all alongthe blade. * With it, Landon can call the forces of Mother Nature (ie: animals, trees, etc.) to aid him. * Unbreakable * Never looses its edge * Can pierce all but the most strong substances. * Can make it so he does not leave a trace in the forest. The second sword is called the Scales of Justice, called in the Elven Language [I]Arithmaltos[/I]. It's properties include: * A solid gold blade with black Elven Runes along the blade. * Unbreakable * Cannot be drawn against an innocent * Never loses its edge * Can pierce all armours, scales, anything. * Can allow Landon to cast a Sphere of Protection over one or more innocents. * Doubles the damage done to an enemy Last, but not least, Landon uses an Elven Longbow. It is hard to break, and can shoot nearly as far and as fast as a gun, though it is less acurate in the hands of an untrained user. Thankfully, Landon is trained. ARMOUR Landon wears full plate mail armour, that protects him from all but the strongest of blows. It is gold and black, with the resemblance of a uni-pegasi on the breastplate and on each gauntlet. There is no helmet, rather he wears his short, snowwhite hair around his ears.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Plum]Appearance: He wears his snow white hair short, around his ears. His armour is always in great repair, gold and black with an emerald resemblance of a uni-pegasi on the breastplate. He wears an Oaken Medallion with the elven word [I]Sratir[/I] on it, but Landon cannot remember what that means. He has a scar upon his left eye, but his vision is miraculously unaffected. He wears a black cape with the likeness of a uni-pegasi embroidered in gold on it. The inside of the cape has reverse colors. He stands about six feet tall, including his three inch long, pointy ears. He is ripped, but not brawny.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Gray]Legacy: Unknown to all characters, but will PM them to you personally.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]Deity/Lord: He worships the Elven God Elgoain,[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Quote: "If I die, at least it shall be in battle." "You can count on me to watch your back."[/COLOR] FAMILIAR: Lightflash, a uni-pegasi, can fly at about the speed of a peregrine falcon, the fastest of birds. It is golden, with black mane and emerald horn.
  18. [COLOR=Sienna][B][CENTER]The X-Files.[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] Fox Mulder and Dana Sculley made these paranormal cases famous throughout the beurough. However, after Sculley and Mulder retired, these X-Files were closed. All of the old files were burned. For ten long years they were closed until recently, when they were re-opened for causes unknown. The Recruitment has started. Are you ready? ---------------------------------------------------------- The man stood, facing the window. An odd thing to do, since the shades were closed. A Cuban cigar burned softly iin the darkness. "Are you sure this is the right idea, Agent Mathews? Recruiting five members for the X-Files, not long after it is re-opened? Don't you think it's a little suspisious?" "No sir. Our sources tell us that this the right time to recruit so many members. He says that the only way we will find out what they are doing is if we keep a lot of them. "Alright, but it's on your head if it goes awry." "Understood." "Leave now, I have to call the investors." Agent Mathews left the room, the door closing with a slight snick . The man, his face hidden in shadow took a long pull from his cigar, picked up the phone, and began to dial...
  19. [CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]The X-Files.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] Fox Mulder and Dana Sculley made these paranormal cases famous throughout the beurough. However, after Sculley and Mulder retired, these X-Files were closed. All of the old files were burned. For ten long years they were closed until recently, when they were re-opened for causes unknown. The Recruitment has started. Are you ready? ---------------------------------------------------------- The man stood, facing the window. An odd thing to do, since the shades were closed. A Cuban cigar burned softly iin the darkness. "Are you sure this is the right idea, Agent Mathews? Recruiting five members for the X-Files, not long after it is re-opened? Don't you think it's a little suspisious?" "No sir. Our sources tell us that this the right time to recruit so many members. He says that the only way we will find out what they are doing is if we keep a lot of them. "Alright, but it's on [B]your[/B] head if it goes awry." "Understood." "Leave now, I have to call the investors." Agent Mathews left the room, the door closing with a slight [I]snick[/I] . The man, his face hidden in shadow took a long pull from his cigar, picked up the phone, and began to dial... ---------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for registering! All right, I am looking for four other members besides myself. There will be an NPC team leader to keep things fair. This team leader can be controlled by everybody equally. This is a very good opportunity, so don't pass it up. Make your character in the following manner. [B]NOTE: I have made it easy to copy/paste, 'cause I am such a cool guy! :cool: [/B] Name: Special Agent Age: Description (Mental): Description (Physical): Believe Factor: ---------------------------------------------------- Now I will explain what to put in the fields above. Name: Special Agent [B]Your Full Name Here[/B] Age: [B]How old you are. Between twenty-five and forty.[/B] Description (Mental): [B]How you persieve things. Your mental condition and your personality. NO CRAZY PEOPLE![/B] Description (Physical): [B]Your physical description goes here. You all wear black suits. Get over it. If you want, you can have a black trench coat.[/B] Believe Factor: [B]1-100 Pretty much how much you believe in all of the paranormal stuff. Please stick to this, and if you want to change it, do it gradually.[/B] That's pretty much it! Have fun!
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